H alsey V OL. S, NO. 40 HA USEY, LINN PORTLAND W e H ave is the Commercial Center of North America on the Pacific Coast, where the greatest river of the West pours its turbid flood into the sea. An Ideal Home City. A Center of Education. Hl Y A 11OM RSI Hi NOW while prices are low. You will live here »o ne «1 ty, ERPRISE J IN E COUNTY, OKKOON. 3. 1020 * HALSEY NEWS NOTES* everything O ptical EYE S T R A IN Is the Cause of Maliy I ILMAN ILLS Il vour eyes p i t you trouble, or your glasses are annoying See l ’s WK CAN RE LlKVE YOU ALSO ITEMS OF INTEREST FROM EVERYWHERE News from Miss Showalter. Official County Ticket. $1.50 PER YEAR Have your eyes examined and fitted with glasses by a graduate Optometrist. Causes of head­ ache removed, eyes straightened, and eve strain relieved. Pri­ vate office for examinations. Pri­ ces reasonable. F M French & Sons. Jewelers and Optometrists, Albany, Oregon. A letter from Miss Showalter j Republican: to Mrs Bond, dated May 9, States Dist Atty, L G Lewelling. Consult BEN RIESLAND, Linn County Bonds for Own that she had bad fainting spells Bancroft Optical Co. Representatives of the Second Subdivision SpcciUi-t. Local People. Safest and 313 1st Si. \\ Albany. Phone -b»l | occasionally ever since she leL district, W C Templeton ano 404 PLAT f »VILl»lN ’ l-’< Park street. Best Investment in the [ here. She had to give up her Chas Childs of Brownsville, and PORTLAND OKEGON. World. Tax Free. teaching. The doctor in attend R S Acheson of Shedd. ance didn’t seem to know what D R . H. G A R N J O B S T , A limited number of Linn Sheriff, C M Kendall. ! was the m atter with her. Amor A. Tussing bounty Bonds are offered to the Treasurer, Lcnore Powell. < P H Y S IC IA N AND SURGEOt The osteopath found a bunch citzens of Linn county. These County Clerk, R M Ruisell. LAWYER AND NOTARY on a rib ju st over the stomach Recorder, C C ( urry. bonds hear 5 per cent interest; Telephone 145. Halsey, Oregoi and thought she had gall stones. Assessor, J S Van Winkle. payable semi-annually, and run B rownsville . O regon Another doctor said she had ap­ Superintendent of Schools. for 5 years. They will be sold pendicitis. Another doctor said Mrs Ida M Cummings. at par and accrued interest; and ------ T H E -------- it was ju st nerves. may be paid for any time be­ Coroner, E C Fisher. She was then taken some place tween now and July 1, and can Surveyor, Chas If Leonard. where they co ild try the Xray he had in denominations of $1(H) Commissioner, T J Butler. Ion her, and th at doctor said it >r $500. D em ocrat c: HALSEY, OREGON I .vas the glands of the throat and Make applications for as many Dist Atty, L G d welling. body. So her throat was pacKecl —Representatives of the Second bonds as you want thru your in ice for over a week. The District, W P Elmore of Browns­ own local bank, or write to the doctor then decided that a rib ville, Geo I^aubner of Halsey, First National Bank of Albany, In terest paid on time certificates of deposit was broken loose. Ore. and W W Poland of Shedd. A letter dated May 20, stated Sheriff, C M Kendall. \Ve invite your banking business W anted . that it was finally decided that Treasurer, Lenore Powell. she had appendicitis, and at 10 We w ant some first class small C. IL KOONTZ, Pres. I). TAYLOR, Yice-Pres. o’clock Tuesday, May 18, she County Clerk, Henry Nolan. farms to sell from 40 to 100acre«. Recorder, C C Curry. was operated on. Herappendix. B. M. BOND. Cashier Assessor, J S Van Winkle. We have buyers coming every which was all bound down by 1 Superintendent of Schools, L day for such places. If w ant adhesions, was removed, and it L Gooding. to sell list with us we get results. was found there were other seri­ Coroner, E C Fisher. Drop us a card and we will call ous complications which were Surveyor, Chas H Leonard. at our earliest convenience to in­ worse than appendicitis. She Commissioner, J D Isom. spect. suffered much and up to the date) Taxi and truck lor hire long or Miller and Walter,. of the last letter she had to be i short distance, CD C artel, own- Land Dealers, kept under hypos, (Corvallis Oreg. le r Telephone 15X, Halsey, Or. ■— -- — Brownsville and Drifted Snow I flour at D H S turtevant’s. ■ - . 4 U 1 We are here to serve you. The 1 best of pork, beef, and fish th e ' i country affords. We keep a line | OP SEATTLE. of lard and compound always on I hand. See us before you buy. 1 The Halsey Meat Market, Carter GET OUR PRICES BEFORE YOU SELL Spring Undermuslins will be provided at minimum cost if you & Son. Jam es Porter was an Albany ) participate in this special offering of fine quality Lcngcloths and OREGON HALSEY, caller last Thursday. Nainsooks. P J Forster went to Seattle 40c Daisy muslin 36 inch per yard last week and his daughter, Mrs 60c Flower of the Field 36 inch per yard Joy Roberts returned with him. 50c English Long Cloth 36 inch per yard She will stay here until her late 45c Rangoon Nainsook 36 indh |>er yard trouble is definitely settled. The First Savings Bank of Albany,Oregon For Dental Work Dr. E. W. Barnum, Harrisburg, Oregon. Phone or'W rite for apiwintment. —■ — ---— Insure your property in Ore­ Is a good place to deposit your aaviiigf. 4 pcrceut iiiterertott Mving» $1.00 gon’s g reatest Insurance Com­ Grocery Specials accounts tin t run three month* i* • lontlis or a year latcrcjft paid pany. Assets of nearly half a 1.00 semi .inriu dlx S w ift’s White Soap 16 bars million. We save you from 20to 1.00 White Wonder Soap 16 bars - 4b per cent on your insurance. 1.00 Cascade White Soap 11 bars - THE OREGON FIRE RE­ 1.00 All Washing Powders 3 packages HALSEY STATE BANK Capital and Surplus $32,000 ELLENSBURG PRODUCE CO Spring Undermuslins Cash Buyers of Cream Grocery Department ‘WHERE SAVINGS ARE SAFE’ LIEF ASSOCIATION of McMinnville. Miller & Wal­ "/I ter, Agents, Corvallis, Oregon. to Phone or write us. to E E Gourley is the possessor t o of a Saxon. to ¿ M r and Mrs H Umstead and two daughters, Mary and Julia i from Milwaukie, drove up in their car last Friday to visit with his mother. Mrs A V Umstead, to and with the Cross family. Mrs to H Umstead is a sister or Eldon Cross’father: they returned Mon­ day. Mrs Straight and her hus­ band from Milwaukie, a sister of Mrs H Umstead came at the same time. At the election May 21, latest leturns show that the dem ocrats nominated for the legislature, W C Templeton of Brownsville; C, W Lauhner of Halsey, and W W Poland of Shedd. J D Isom, was an unopposed democratic $ $ M. V. KOONTZ CO. M « Try an Ad in the Enterprise How about that NEW SUIT? Now is the time to investigate. J Call and inspect the New ¡¡J Line of SAMPLES at reasonable prices. I). H. STURTEVANT •r, received 961 vote». z 5