i ivuj k i i i s vuii- -* * v ol « test. payable semi-annually, and!*nin SUNDAY SCHOOL Monday evening the Seniors for 5 years. They will be sold on our" 'deliciously flavored ice The value of aggressive lead­ will be given a banquet by the at par and accrued interest; and creams. We have all varieties ership. High School. may be paid for any time be­ of iiozen delicacies. Rich lus-, Be strong and of good courage. Everyone is glad to see school tween now and July 1, and can cioua, cooling, perfectly frozen L ®' nearing the close of the term. be had in denominations of $100 Courage and confidence win creams the joy of the height­ or $500. High School Reporter.*; great victories. ened summer, the delight of the Make applications for as many This lesson shows how Jona Linn County Bonds for Own bonds as you want thru your festival w inter—the all the year than and his armor-bearer threw Local People. Safest and own local bank, or write to the delicacy de luxe! the Philistine army into a great Best Investment in the First National Bank of Albany, panic and gave Israel a great World. Tax Free. Ore. victory. A limited number of Linn Give us courage that prevails, Mrs W H Beene has a new au- The steady faith that never fails. County Bonds are offered to the tomobile. citzens of Linn county. These - Henry Van Dyke. At the Sunday morning ser­ Saturday, M iv 29. vice the pastor presented the claims of the Deaconess Home building fund at Seattle and the My stock of repairs for tnc Deering and Me Ja9on Lee Memorial painting for Connick binders and mowers, section rivets, the State-house at Salem. The guards, plates and Cotter keys. claims, amounting to nine dol­ lars were provided for. Mr and Mrs C D Huff, Mr and 1 second hand Stover 5 horse power engine Mrs J A Falk of Harrisburg, and T uesday, J u n e 1. in good running order. Plenty of wire cable. Mr and Mrs Perry Bond of Glide, Or, were welcome visitors at the Come In Early A nd G et W hat You Need. service. The Sunday school picnic for next Saturday is on our minds and our folks will be turning the corners with the differential gears favoring the outside P ro g ram af 8 o ’clock Sharp. wheel. The little folks will be A dm ission 15 cen ts 25 cen ts taken out for a big play in the woods. There will be sports for the young people and grown-ups. Dinner! A big spread. Come \B BILL and bring your lunch basket and enjoy a day in the woods. A W IL L sta rt a sni mg« .iivotint nt tin s bank, W IL L put you on the ria l roail to real s a tin g . good chance to get acquainted. IL L earn in te re st w hile you save more. Church Reporter. _ ALL AGES JUST DOTE' Methodist Church Notes awwc ivx juu. CLARK’S CONFECTIONERY. HALSEY OPERA HOUSE HAVE JUST RECEIVED PARAMOUNT PICTURE. BRYANT WASHBURN in “Putting It Over.” Comedy, Paramount Magazine ALSO Big UNIVERSAL JEWEL Special ORA CBREW in “ Loot.” Lyon and Moran Comedy. W 11.1. W IL L W IL L \ \ IL L G. W. MORNHINWEG We have a Varied Assortment help build a wall betw een you and hardship. m ake you th in k m ore of yourself. m ake o th e rs th in k m ore of you. tu rn y o u r a m b itio n info real success Plainview Items. of Aluminum Ware at very rea­ sonable prices. Also a stock of Granite Ware. Do not fail to try our Rockers, Diners, etc. We are also prepared to serve you with a stock of General Hard­ ware. The Ladies' Grange club met at the home of Mrs Ralph Ban- 4 ON SA V IN G S. ton Wednesday afternoon in reg­ ular session. A very| enjoyable ALBANY STA TE BANK. afternoon was spent in preparing Albany, O regon. articles to be sent as a shower to one of their former members, Helen Parker Starr, .vho is the PKEUAYMEXT FARM LOANS proud mother of a son born Mav We added the I R E ' to paym ent and will loan yon m oney for ten or tw enty 12th. Mrs Frank Shoemate was an y e ar,. No com m ission m ortgage, no I .ie I ns,irance. You can, hut do n o t have Albany visitor Thursday. to pay on the p rincipal an n u ally Mrs La Forrest of San Fran-1 See •!. M. jtiid II. \|. Iliiwkius, Albany, Oregon. cisco, is a visitor at the home of Mrs George Manning at Plain- view. Mr and Mrs Anderson are vis- ting at the home of the pater,s Lawn parents, Mr and Mrs Wm Ander­ son, north of Plainview. The Plainview W C T U met at the home of Mrs Jas Nichols Ur Thursday afternoon. Among those present was Mrs John W ( topping (J,, ih » od, The farm ers in this section are a n d a little chew la s 1 s so a ‘iout done their spring work m u c h lo n g er th a n th e with the exception of corn plant­ old k in d . ing. C O M E A N D A S K US W H Y A N D H O W Yours for a prosperous year. Cross & W hite i I have a new shipment of Mill w jF e e d , Holstein, Sunny Brook,$ zi\ Alfalfa Meal and so forth. $ I W $ w Base Ball Supplies Tennis Goods Guns and Ammunition. Fishing Tackle. HAUSER BROS. Outfitters of Sportsmen. Eugene Salem Corvallis SUMMER EXCURSION FARES O . \V. I'R U M S TO BEACH and MOUNTAIN RESORTS eee? e teeeK'Keeeeet e« Commencing Saturday, Mav 29th. Season and week-end tickets. GO WHERE THE OCEAN ROARS T h e good, ric h to b a cc o ta s te sta y s rig h t < ¡th t h i s c la s s o f t o b a c o . 1 T h a t ’s w hy it c o sts you i less to chew it. A ny m a n w ho u ses th e R eal T obacco Che-./ will tell you th a t. Put up in tw o stylos R IG H T Cl T is a s h o rt- c u t tobacco W -B G I T is a long tin e-cu t tobacco Broadway, New York C ■ School Notes Baccalaureate sermon will be preached by Mr Phillips at the Christian Church Sunday May- 30. Commencement will be held at the M E Church, Wednes nesday evening, June 2. Songs will be sung by both Glee Club and the Quartet at both times. All are invited. The date of the Ice Cream So­ cial has been changed from F ri­ day to Ihursday evening. P a rt of the funds are to go to the P T A. There is a surprise in OR Or up in the Mountains where the air is pure and the scenery inspires. FARES ON APPLICATION For particulars inquire of Local Agent of Southern Pacific Lines. John M. SCOTT, General Passenger Agent.