Halsey enterprise. (Halsey, Linn County, Or.) 19??-1924, May 27, 1920, Image 4

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    I t contained two bed», a pine chest of
draw er», a »trip of faded carpet, and a
F H P feiffer o f
I wash stand.
All th ese thing» might have been
president, A C Schmitt of Alba
n i s e c re T a rv a n d P A Y ah n a I
•» fro,1‘ ,be o ,h e r !" de of the
n>. secretary, an i t a io u n g , cloned rtonr
u t there
door. n But
there was
was th
th at
at on
treasurer <f the Linn cour.tv the I ,.or which set t s room a p rrl
Fair As-->cia'ion, were in Halsey from a thousand rooms of the same
Wednesday for the purpose of kind.
F lat on his back, one leg tw isted
disposing of some of the stock.
oddly over the other, his hands
The Association has purchased clenched and his teeth gleaming
33 and one half acres of ground through his black beard in a horrible
grin, I'apt. John O unner stared at the
adjoining the city of Albany, on ceiling with eyes that saw nothing.
which to hold the annual fair, at
Until a moment before he had had
a cost of $16,000.00. which tract the little room to Wt’.lself. But now
two people were standing Just inside
a Ijoins a ten acre tra d owned the door, looking down at him.
by the Southern Pacific, which
One w as a large policeman, who
the Fair Association can use a n - 1 tw isted his cap nervously In his hands.
w as a tall, gaunt old wom­
nually for Fair ground purposes. T an he In other
a rusty him k dress, who gazed
It is the purj.oie of the Linn with pale eyes at .he dead man.
Ile r face was quite expressionless.
County Fair Association to erect
woman was Mrs. Pickett, ow ner
the following buildings in which of The
the Excelsior boarding house. The
to hold the fair:
policem an's nam e was Qrogun. Ho
A main pavillion 140 X 180 ft; wus a genial giant, a te rro r to the rio t­
A grand stand 40 X 200 f t : 1 ous elem ent of the bong Island w ater
front, but obviously 111 a t ease In the
open bleachers 30 X 171 ft:
presence of death.
l.e drew In h ls’h reath with a curl-
An automobile pavillion 50 X
ous’hlsslng sound, wiped his forehead,
1 0 ft;
anil v h'.speretl: “ Would y o u ’look at
A horse barn 40 X 150 ft,
his eyes, n ia am !"
Two cattle barns 28 X 150 ft;
Mrs. P ick ett did not answ er. She
had not spoken since she had brought
A hog house 80 X 40 ft; •
(lie policeman Into the room.
A poultry house 50 X 80 ft;
Oftircr Grogan looked at her quickly
A machinery shed 50 X 200 ft: from 1 he corner of his eyes. He w as
Also race horse barns to ac­ afraid of Mother l ’lckett. as was every­
body else along th e w ater front.
commodate 20 horses.
H er silence, her pale eyes, and the
Grounds are to be fenced with quiet form ldahleness nt h er personal­
a woven wire lence 6 ft high, ity cowed even the tough old salts who
patronized the Excelsior. She wns a
with two barbed wires on top.
queen In th at little comm unity of
A half mile track is to be laid snilormen.
out, graded and suitably en­ "y o u ’ve phoned fo r the doctor,
m a’am?"
Mrs. Pickett nodded.
The buildings alone will cost
The breeze, blowing In through the
open window, hrought with It the
approximately $18,000.00.
sound of noisy laughter. A cheerful
Plans for the buildings have voice bellowed a popuhff song
air >a ly been drawn, and the lum­
"T h at's Just how 1 found him." said
ber has been purchased.
The Mrs. P ickett. She did not speak loud­
but h er voice made the policeman
owners of the, stock are the own­ ly.
ers of the grounds and equip­
He wiped his forehead again.
“It might hove been apoplexy,” he
ment Each share of stock rep-
Mrs. P ickett said nothing.
"Some guys drop In th eir track s on
account of a hum h eart," he went on.
H alsey Item s.
“T here's no m arks on him."
The old woman did not answer.
Mr and Mrs A Robnett, Mrs E T here w as a sound of footsteps out-
Robnett and Truman and Mr side. A young man entered, carrying
Linn County Fair Asaociation
Phillips m otJrtd to Sweet Hom -
onC E business last Sunday af-
ternoon, Gwinff to delay caused
by not being able to climb a
steep hill, a race against time
ensued on the run home. Mr
Phillips was at the wheel and we
learn gave evidence of the abil-
ty of a preacher to break spec,
laws when necessity demands.
Here we are in our new build
ing with everything neat and
sanitary. We appreciate youi
business in the p a d and wili ap
preciate your patronage in th>
future. Drop in and call on u?
w hether you b u y e r not. Yoi
will find the best beef, pork, list
etc the m arxet affirds
at al
times. Halsey
Meat Market.
C arter & Son.
E N Warmoth from Salen
was a
Halsey caller las.
From chuckles to cheers, that:
Bryant Washburn in “ Putting it
over” a Paiamount
adi p' -d from Gen W eston’s pop
ularstoiy, “ The village Cut-Up.’
Its a regular Bryant Washburn
c inedv, a tefreshing laugh ct m-
pelling comely of Amercian life.
See it at the opera house Satur­
day night. Mgv ‘ 9.
Gasoline Shortage
------ «
Southern Pacific Company
is ready to
move promptly to any point in this
State or any other State it serves
and Fuel Oil !
• •
'. I J
offered for shipment and is ready •
to do all in its power to remedy any
existing shortage with good service.
" blnck bng
th^ _ Oood heavens I"
He dropped to hl» knee» beside the
bodv nn<l
one nf
arm». He I
(Continued on next page.)
____________________ ;_________
A S m ashing P ictu re
with h u n d red s el players
am i h o rses racing across
la* sereim .
Harrisburg, Ore., Friday, Saturday May 28, 29
A tremendous spectacle
with thrill upon thrill
from the beginning to the
Marshall Neilan’s Miisterpiece in production featuring A N I T A S T E W A R T .
Never a more tense and gripping drama
screened. It portrays with intense realism
¡1 the gigantic scenes the stage could only suggest.
I In» g rea t K entucky h an d icap race with a girl
winning h\ a n o s e .
h » * m lis t b a t t le s l i , * i \ \ e i * i i t h e clan sm en o f th e hills
w here «lentil is t h e inevitable end.
A giil ru sh in g into a blazing barn to s a v e a
thon>uglihi«>d raver.
•w s
C o p /rig M
Gun tights between ni<M«nshiners and United
State?» Revenue officers.
Masked night riders chasing ontlaws at break-
r.eck speed over the mountains.
A girl tin horseback leaping over a broken bridge
above a yawning chasm to save her lover.
Scor es of other intense dramatic moments with a beautiful love story
of a loyal clans-girl underlying it all.
A S trangs Death.
The room w ss the typical bedroom
of the typical h e tt e n la s s bourdlnf
house, furnished, so far aa It was f u r
lushed at all w it h a » « « a re s itn n lle t« «
Come early.
Come early.
Open at 6:30.
•\dm i-s|,,i, j., vents war tax 1 cents.
Children 25 cents, war tax 3 cents.
G o o d c o m e d y a l t e r th e m a in s h o w .