Halsey enterprise. (Halsey, Linn County, Or.) 19??-1924, May 20, 1920, Image 2

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    The Halsey Enterprise
Our Sermonette.
A piculiar people, zealous of
(rood works. Titus 2: 14.
A peculiai people,” not pe­
P U B L IS H E D E V E R Y T H U R S D A Y culiar in dress, nor in manners,
nor in language, nor in foolish,
senseless forms and idiosyncra­
sies; but peculiar in that it is
E n lc re d aa aecond-cia»» m a tte r O ctober
separate from the world. It has
3, 1912. a t th e po»t office a t H aU ey, O re ­
the Spirit of Christ, a spirit of
gon u n d e r th e Act of M arch .1, 1S79.
fuil consecration to the Lord.
D evoted to th e m aterial u p b u ild in g of and separateness from the world
H alsey a n d su rro u n d in g c o u n try am i and its Selfish aims.
It is p e C tl-
i.in n county g e n e ra lly .
S ubscription liar in its adherence to the Word
rate 11.SO per y ear in advance.
of the Lord as its only law. It
NOTICE OK H E A R IN G OK FIN A L is pec iliar in that it rejects
worldly wisdom when it conflicts
the Divine revelation. It is
N otice 1» hereby g iv en th a t the final
account of H arry P ark a» A d m in istrato r peculiar in that it is in the world
w ith the will an n ex e d of the estate of but not of the world.
It is pe­
C h arles 11. E larula, deceased, has been c u | j a r in that it has a decided
filed in the C ounty C ourt of Linn Coun
faith and acts in harmony with
ty, State ol O regon, and th. t th e 14th
f; if h, and with zeal. It is
day of June, 1920, at the h o u r of 10 it
o'clock a. m ha» beeu duly a p p o in te d by p 'reliar in that it is self sacrifi­
»aid C ourt lor the h earin g ol objection» cing i n ¡ I<nows no will hut the
to »aid final account a n d the se ttle m e n t will of its king.
It is peculiar
thereof, at w hich tim e any p e rso n i n t e r ­
jin that it knows the truth and is
e sted HI said estate may appear and file
objection» th ere to in w ritin g and c o n ­ able to give a reason for the
hope within, while others mere­
test the same.
D ated and first p ublished May 1.1, ly speculate and wonder and
I doubt.
Another Royal Suggestion
A d Independent Newspaper
H arry 1‘ark,
id m in istra to r Ac, of the estate |
Am or A. T ossing,
A tty, tor Aduir.
5-13 to (> Id
Tax on Toilet Articles
— etc.
From the N ew R oyal C ook B ook
Buckwheat Cakes
m aking flapjack pan­
cakes, griddle cakes or
wheats, call them what
you will. But it is an art
very easily and quickly
acquired if you follow the
tig h t recipes.
Here are some recipes
for a variety of breakfast
cakes that will make
grandm other envious. I he
secret, of course, is Royal
Baking Powder.
Royal Hot Griddle Cakes
2 cupa flour
W teaspoon sa lt
4 teasp o o n s R oyal B a k in g
P o w d er
1% cups milk
2 tablespoons sh o rten in g
Mix and sift dry ingredi­
en ts; add milk and m elted
sh o rten in g ; heat weH. Bake
on slightly greased hot grid­
2 cups buckw heat flour
1 cup Hour
Royal Baking
Sift to g eth er flours, baking
pow der and salt; add liquid,
m olasses and m elted s h o rt­
ening; beat th ree m inutes.
Bake ou hot greased griddle.
A b s o lu t e ly P u r e
Griddle Cakes with Eggs
cups flour
Û teaspoon soit
3 Ite a s p o o n s Hoyal B ak in g
P o w d er
2 egg»
•Ity cups m ilk
W affles
2 cups flour
4 te a s p o o n s R o y a l B a k in g
P ow d er
% te a sp o o n salt
I V ru p s m ilk
2 . <
1 tablespoon m elted shorten­
Sift flour, baking pow der
and salt to g e th e r; add m ilk
to yolks of eggs; mix th o r­
oughly and add to dry in ­
g red ien ts; add m elted s h o rt­
ening and mix in beaten
w hites of eggs. Bake in well
greased hot waffle iron un­
til brow n. S erve hot w ith
m aple syrup. It should take
about 1% m inutes to bake
each waffle.
N o w R o y » ! C ook B ook
c o n ta in in g th e s e an d
•c o r e » o f o th e r d e lig h tfu l
recip e». W r ite fo r i l i a d a y .
115 Faltoa «»reel
1 ta b lesp o o n sh o r te n in g
Mix and sift dry ingredi­
Under a recent ruling by the j
e n ts; add beaten egg9, milk
an d m elted sh o rten in g ; mix
Every Oregon Boy I teasury Department the tax on
well. Bake im m ediately on
toilet preparations and patent!
h o t griddle.
and proprietary medicines is ba- i
Every Oregon Girl sed upon the selling price ofi
tach article and not upon the
total price of a number of a rti­
Is ‘t possible College
cles. If a person buys five pack-!
S tudent
ages of 5 cent cough drops, a 1'
will pass. Vote 302 X yes at the
cent stam p must be attached to | p0]]s tomorow and help carry an
O regon «end» a b ig g er percentage t f •ach package.
If a person pur-i important measure.
it» c h ild ren to college th an any o th er
chases a tube of tooth paste for I
Mate, w ithout e xception.
35 cents and a hottie of perfume I The Shedd Jersey Calf Club.
for 65 cents, a 2 cent stamp
T h a t is one of the Stete's must be placed on the tooth paste j
That the Shedd Jersey Calf
proudest records
a d 3 cents on the perfume, a 1 club is the best of its kind in
total of 5 cents. In other words, the country, was the statem ent
No state can h a v e too m uch education t ;e tax is on each article a n d [of M 9 Munn, president of the
E d u ca tio n is Ihe safeguard ol freedom n >t on the combined purchase
National Jersey Cattle club, in
and of rig h t, a n d h ig h e r education is
address to the clubs 0 1 the oc­
tlic capstone ol the public school S) stcu
I’nis revokes a ruling previous- casion of the visit of the Jersey
But h ig h er ed u catio n in ilre g o n is in
g re at ilanger. 1 lie Slate U n iv ersity am', Iv made by the Department.
Jubilee people to the club.
th e A gricu ltu ral C ollege h ave tw ic e i-
He said that the young peo­
More Ab .ut Hood Hoad
te a s p o o n s
1W teaspoon salt
2>J cups m ilk o r m ilk and w a ter
1 tablespoon m olasses
1 tablespoon shortening
New Y o rk C ity
“Bake with Royal and be Sure 9»
ni.iny stu d e n ts ns they have incom e to
I ra 111.
, The only thing in Oregon from
, which the tax payers derive any
Protect those S c h o o l m id benefits without any cost to
j themselves is good roads, accord-
t h e ir g r e a t w o rk
ling to Chas Hull of Marshfield,
b> voting on May 21 for th e H ig h e r E d ­ j president of the Oregon Cham­
u catio n al re b el inea-tire
H ig h e r l-M l i ­
ber of Commerce, referring to
r a t ion pays the »late in dollar» and
cents, in u n p ro v e d living, in c ie n tit i
raising the -sta te
progress, in tarm , o rch ard , g arden, at d ame ldtneot
stock ranch d evelopm ent, and in the j bonding limit from
two to
b e tte r q u a lity ot its publie a n d high j four j er cent, to be voted upon
school te a c h in g
May 21, at the primary election.
G kx I roads in one community
Paid a d v e r tis e m e n t'in s e r te d by Colin
D ym ent in tielialt of th e jo in t A iutim i i »spire other communities
R ebel C om m ittee for Hip h er Education build them and greater efforts
i n O regon, 514 P itto ck B lock P o rtl.it d. along the lines of advancement
should be put in action at once.
The automobile license fees and
gasoiin • tax are sufficient to pay-
interest on and retire any bonds
.vhich may he issued under the
prop >se I amendment, and the
money from these bonds will
atch federal aid, of which $2,-
>29,555 remains unclaimed, as
all available funds are exhausted
Some of our new frames and y being spent O’- contracted,
mounting Shur-on Sheltex in n addition, whatever would lie
transparent or cherry.
»portioned under the proposed
SHELL, ‘‘The 20th Centuiy ill ht fore congress, which is
ire to result in Oregon having
Fram es” and the tran sp arert
shell with the liny white gold ie opportunity to claim more
rim inside are strong, and very
inn $5,000.000.00. would he lost.
I»ecom n
The cost of good roads to a
irm er is easy to figure out, but
»e cost of ba>l reads to the sami
»dividual s hard to determine,
farm er living at Mcadjw Lak«
(D p to m e trt^ t.
ated that bad roads cost him
o*ca k? u bushel to haul out his r ota
»crop, which, of course, is ulti-
Harold Alhro,
atelv paid by the consumer at
M anufacturing Optician.
is table. Never have tne mar
seta pa «1 higher prices, and th«
ood oads may
»rmers want to get their pr.xj
302 X Y m far 4 State
Bond I M t
cts to market to sell them.
It is up to the people whethe»
ie 4 per cent bonding tneasur«
ple of
* club will someday be song eight of them gave in brief,
the leading Jersey breeders of the short statem ents the history of
the club, giving the time it wa3
organized, the num ber that were
Ten minutes had been allotted
enrolled at th a t time, the results
for the stop of the Jubilee people
of the club work last year, the
but more than an hour was spent number enrolled now and the
in inspecting the 30 calves, of plans for their future work.
v. hich 15 are registered.
The Shedd club was the only
The members of the calf club club in the northwest to win the
were formed in a semi-circle $75 prize given by the American
near the school building and sang Jersey Cattle Breeders’ associ­
their club song to welcome th? ation last year, and they are
visitors. Each membor stotd working hard to win it this
beside his calf and a fte r the year.
OOD mileage, good looks,
good traction — all to an
extreme degree—are features of
these tires. In their making and
in their selling, the Fisk Ideal is
a vital factor.
T h e Fiak Id e a l: " T o be the best
concern in the w o rld to w ork
for, and the squarest concern in
Vote for GOOD ROADS MAY 21
Vote 302 X Yes for 4% State Road Bond Limit
Thia ad is paid fo r by the Oregon Roads and Development Association.