I H alsey VOL. S, NO. 37 HAlJSEY, LINN PORTLAND th e C om m ercial C enter of N orth A m erica on th e Pacific Coast, >C ure the rreatest riv er of the West puuib its lut bid flood in to the sea. An Ideal IT nie C ity. A Ct n tc r i i E ducation. BI V A HOM ESI PH NOW w hile prices are low. You w ill live h e re so ne <1’v, Consult BEN RIESLAND, EVERYTHING EYE ) S T R A IN Is the C ause of M any II I'M AN IL L S J ! y o u r eyes give you trouble, or yourj glasses are a n n o y in g See l.'s W E CAN R E L IE V E YOU Bancroft Optical Co. 313 1st St. W. A lbany. P hone 4ol DR. Amor A. Tussing B rownsville , O regon COUNTY, OREGON, 13. 1920 M AY 11.50 PER YEAR O ptical SutxllV’> h 41 S ped-di t. P L A I T BI’11JU \ • Uz Park stre et. PO R T L A N D O R E G O N . LAWYER AND NOTARY NTERPRISE Have your eyes examined and XHALSEY NEWS NOTES* fitted with glasses by a graduate W e H ave Is 404 H K. G A R N JO aS T , P H Y S IC IA N AND I T elep h o n e 145. SU RG EO f H alsey, O regoi THE HALSEY STATE BANK HALSEY, O R EG O N Capital and Surplus $32,000 Interest paid on time certificates of deposit We invite vour banking business C. II. KOONTZ, Pres. D. TAYLOR, Vice-Pres. B. M. BONI), Cashier % ALSO ITEMS OF INTEREST FROM EVERYWHERE Optometrist. Causes of head­ ache removed, eyes straightened, and eve strain relieved. Pri­ vate office for examinations. Pri- rc«sonaible' M F re n c h * Sons- Jewelers and Optometrists. Alba"y’ ° reg° n’ Bert Clark has torn out the partition bttw een his main store room and his ice cream parlor and has put in a fine piece of col­ onnade work in its stead, which makes a great improvement in the looks of the place. W L Smith did the work. A number of base ball enthu- • . . . „ . , i a" 'ast Thursday night and organ- ized a base ball team. Geo Al- fOrd was elected as captain and Dr Garnjobst as manager. The team has not been completed as yet but there is no doubt but O W Erum shipped two cats of hay Monday R eport of the condition of R A Templeton’s thoroughbred THE HALSEY STATE BANK it H alsey, in th e sta te of O regon, a t the Cheviot sheep presented him lose of business May Ith, 1‘ijii. with twin lambs last week. RESOU RCES Mrs I) F Dean arrived from Loans a n d D iscounts - $156,450.13 Oregon City Sunday on a visit O v e rd rafts secured and to her daughter, Mrs C P S taf­ utiseured - - 45.08 ford. Bonds and w a rran ts - 6,457.62 Mrs Van Winkle, a sister of Stocks, securities, ju d g m e n ts 150.00 Mrs Kirk, died at her home at H anking house - - 3,335.48 F u rn itu re a n d fix tu re s • 2.910.70 Salem Sunday night. She was Due from ap p ro v ed reserv e buried at Brownsville Wednes- day banks - . . 59,492.47 Cash on hand - - - 9,535,43 . ’ u , , _ C J Hood of Oregon City, O th er resources, tra n s it item . - . 1,150.00 ciovt up aturday night and , was accompanied home Sunday T otal R esources - - f.'39,S2h,91 I by h.s wife and Mrs C P Staf- L IA B IL IT IE S ford. (hat it will be. There are a C apita, Stock paid ill - $ 20,000.0< Mr and Mrs Roberts and Mr number of candidates who are Surplus fund - - 12,000 00 U ndivided profits, less e x ­ and Mrs Crewse of Portland, anxious to have a place on the penses and ta x e s paid 2,605.17 visited at the J M Porter home team. In d iv id u al d e p o sits sub­ ■ from Sunday evening until Mon- je c t to check W anted . 142,nt,t..in day evening. NO. 4 9 Dem and certificate of de posit - - . T im e and savings deposits V\ \\ Francis of Albany, ar- rived Saturday evening for a vis- .'4- . . . H L I.s I 1 . „ Tota, L iabilities $239,526.91 it with FI B Penland and family’. ! He spent the w inter in Califor- ST A T E O F O R E G O N ) I nia for his health. C ounty of L inn J Stella, I, B. M. Bond. C ashier of th e above . I Mrs Davidson from — nam ed bank, d o solem nly sw ear that Washington, a sister of the ate the above .ta te n ie n t in tru e to the lieet Mrs McAllister, arrived Friday of m y know ledge and belief. .‘veiling and will stay with the (S igned) 8. M. bond. hildren until Mr McAllister re ­ C O R R E C T —A T T EST. turns from Missouri. C. H . IODONZ 2,873.45 59,983-79 d . t a '.T or We want some first class small farms to sell from 40 to 100 acres. We have buyers coming evt y day for such places. If you want to sell list with us we get results. Drop us a card and we will call at our earliest convenience to in­ spect. Miller and Walter, Land Dealers, Corvallis Oreg. b . M. Bond D irectors Subscribed and sw orn to before me th is 10th day of May, 1920. L. E. W alton, N otary Public. My com m ission ex p ires M arch 5, 1921. Brownsville and Drifted Snow flour at D H S turtevant’s. Mrs E E Gormley visited S at­ urday with her son in Albany. Miss Hazel Straley is helping in S turtevant’s store again. , Taxi and truck for hire long or |sh o rt distance, CD Carter, owp-i I e r Telephone 15X, Halsey, Or. E L L E N S BII R G PRODUCE CO O F SEATTLE Cash Buyers * of Cream GET OUR PRICES BEFORE YOU SELL HALSEY, - . OREGON Irwin Gardner has a new C’hev- j The F irst Savings Bank of A lbany,O regon rolet car which he drove home Saturday. For Dental Work Dr. E. W. Barnum, Harrisburg, Oregon. Phone or write for appointment. I» a good place to d e p o sit y o u r n siin g * . t perceut in te re st on savings Spring Undermuslins will be pro ided at minimum cost if you A sister of Mr: McKern with a cc o u n ts th a t ru n th re e m onth-- six m o n th s o r a year In te re st paid participate in this special oil. ring« f fine quality Ixmgcloths and her husband from California, is sein i-an liliali j Nainsooks. j visiting in Halsey this week. Mr and Mrs Gardner and Mrs Florence Green and Rev Clemo were Albany callers Saturday. i Chas P Poole of Brownsville, ' was a caller io Halsey last Sat-1 ZA Grocery Specials $1.00 j urday. » S w ift’s White Soap 10 bars 1.00 The Halsey Meat M arket keeps I White Wonder Soap 1G bars - 1.00 the best of meat on hand at a ll) 1$ Cascade White Soap 14 bars - times. They will buy your veal, 1.00 and beef and pay you the highest All Washing Powders 3 packages 1.00 ’ price. Spring Undermuslins ‘WHERE SAVINGS ARE SAFE’ Grocery Department IA 7h a A ^Insure your property in Ore­ gon’s greatest Insurance Com- i pany. Assets of nearly half a | million. Wi save you from 2l)to 40 per cent on your insurance. How about that NEW SUIT? é f all ami zfc Line of THE OREGON FIRE RE­ & LIEF ASSOCIATION & of McMinnville. Miller * Wal- j ter. Agents, Corvallis, Oregon. I’hone or w rite us. M. V. KOONTZ CO. Try an Ad in the Enterprise W G C arter has bought the | two lots where the Swift Co ha« their cream station and will build j a meat m arket right north of j the Swift Co station and expect to l»e ready to open ep by the (first of June. Mz « New riz m Now is the time to investigate. A & inspect the 5 SAMPLES at reasonable prices. I I). II. STURTEVANT M Z $ xlz M/ Mz Mz w M I Z