-< P a ik street, darnum, H arrisburg, Oregon. ords in his grand lightning bug, neral services were held from PO RTLAND o K L C J N . ?hone or write for appointment. at opera house Saturday night. he residence W ernesday morn- Mrs 0 M Miller of Cottage \lso a good Paramount maga-1 ng. a fter which the body was DR h. G A R N JO B S T. Jrove, was a Halsey visitor zine. Amor A. Tussing | aken to Missouri for interm ent. P H Y S IC IA N AND SURGEOh i'uesday. T F Smith became ill the last W F White and wife and Mrs LAWYER AND NOTARY Col Ben T Sudtell has a call to Palmer, and Eldon Cross and art of last week and was taken T elephone 145. H alsey, Oregot •••y a sale in Portland next Sat­ wife drove to Brownsville, Craw o a hospitsl in Albany for treat- B rownsville , O regon urday. fordsville, Holly, Sweet Home nent with a strong prospect of Saturday, May 8, Chas Ray in : nd Foster last Sunday. laving to undergo a surgical op- THE Greased L ightning” at the Hal­ L E.Penland Iron) Pendleton, ration. sey opera house. The Tuesday night show will Oregon, arrived here the foie E L Stiff and wife from Alba- . . . „ j .x, r. m ' !>art week to help his >e changed to Saturday night •ty, visited Sunday with B T Sud- nother, Mrs Quick celebrate tfter this week. Sat irday, May . HALSEY, O REG O N tell and family. e r eightieth birthday, Tuesday, i l ith will be our next Universal Mrs H H Kirk, who has been lay 4th. | show. quite seriously ill for some time, C D C arter moved Alva J C Porter was an Albany is rejtorted to be improving. m ith's household goods to Al- "iller Monday, In te r e s t paid on tim e cert ¡Rentes o f d e p o sit Mrs A J Miller of Eug ne, vis­ W anted ited her son, Karl Bramwell and any Thursday of last week, and \Y e invite vour ban k in g busin ess William Curtis to Lebanon Sat- j --------- family from Friday to Sunday. urday and Monday. We w ant some first class small Halsey Meat M arket keeps Mrs McWilliams was a week- farm s to sell fro m 40to 100acres, C. H. KOONTZ. Pres. D. TAYLOR, Viee-Pres the The best of m eat on hand at all end visitor at Albany. D S Me We have buyers coming every times. They will buy your veal, B. M. BOND. Cashier Williams and son, accompanied day for such places. If you w ant and beef and pay you the highest by W H Robertson, drove down to sell list with us we get results. price. Sunday and brought her home. Drop us a card and we will call Chas Kirk of Athena. Oregon, ' Dr and Mrs T 1 Marks and son at our earliest convenience to in- arrived last week for a few days’ ; Roland were Albany callers Sst-ispect, visit with Ins mother, Mrs Isabel Miller and Walter, irday. They returned with a Kirk. He returned home Mon­ Land Dealers, seven passenger Cole 8 and a day. Corvallis Oreg. Chevrolet touring car. The I 0 O F lodge w ill go to Harrisburg Saturd. y night to put on the first degree work for t lat lodge, hence I 'e r e will be n > lodpe m< eting in Halsey Satur­ OF SEATTLE day night. G W Laubner moved from Mrs Ida Cummings’ house into Mrs M M W ard’s house on the GET OUR PRICES BEFORE YOU SELL east side of the railroad track Monday. OREGON HALSEY, Mr and Mrs Geo Maxwell and Mrs Ida Cummings were Browns­ ville callers last Thursday. Harold Hamilton and A rthur Robnett were Albany callers one ■ day last week. I he First Savings Bank of Albany,Oregon • Karl Stew art has purchased the Adams place of 60 acres be-i tween Brownsville and Halsey for $6000. — Brownsville Times. Geo W Barcus formerly of Pe­ Is a g ia s j place to iU -po-it y o itr M t in g r . 4 percent in te re s t on savings oria died very suddenly last Thurs accounts th a t ru n three months, si» , to n tlis o r a year. In te re s t pant s e m i-a n n u a lly . day at Astoria where he has been wor*<¡ng for the last five years. | ■ . , 1 1 « was buried at Pine Grove Fri PORTLAND W e H ave MIALSEY NEWS NOTES HALSEY STATE BANK Capital and Surplus §32,000 ELLEN SBU RG PRODUCE CO Cash Buyers of Cream M F C GINGHAMS These dress ginghams are woven of yarns spun from extra long staple cot ton, giving them unusual strength and uniformity in texture. They are remarkably soft and smooth and in color combinations are clear, clean cut and distinctive. I lie Sprillg pat" terns are shown in many new and ex- day at 2-30 P m. Wm Curtis and family bade elusive designs for house and after­ farew dl to Halsey friends last j Monday when they left noon dresses, for chldreiTs play and with their morning last load of furniture « for Lebanon, where they have : $ school frocks. bought a hopie. We are sorry 27 inches, 50c per yard. to see them go for they were QUEEN PERCALES. Percales are admirable for making inexpensive dresses of which every woman likes to lune several in her wardrobe. Colored figures and stripes on white grounds are notable among the offerings. 36 inches 50c per yard. M. V. KOONTZ CO. Try an Ad in the Enterprise good people to have in a town. , z» \Ve wish them the best of success and all the prosperity that is good for them in their new ZA zo home. Mrs Chas Bone o f • Winona. z»\ Washington, who had b--en visit-i Z‘\ ing a few days with her mother. Z1X Mrs Isabel Kirk, returned to her ZI\ Z|\ , home Wedne slf v. Zb Insure your property in Ore­ ZIX g o n *a greatest Insurant - Com- ZI\ anv. Assets of nearly half a million. We save you fm m 20to Z|\ V) per cent on your insurance. zp 1 HE OREGON EIRE RE­ LIEF ASSOCIATION of McMinnville. Miller & Wal­ ter, Agents. Corvallit, Oregon. Phone or w rite U9. $ ‘WHERE SAVINGS ARE SAFE’ How about that NEW SUIT? Now is the time to investigate. Call and inspect the New Line of SAMPLES at reasonable prices. e I). II. STURTEVANT w