/ ï I A lsey E nterprise th e C om m ercial C e n te r of N orth A m erica on the Pacific Coast, w here J ' e g re atest riv e r of the W est pour* its tu rb id floor 1 in to the sea. An Ideal H om e C ity. A C en ter cl E dncatiou. BUY A I1O.MESI I E NOW w hile prices are low. You will live here so -re il'v . Consult BEN RIE «LAND, l1 O ptical Bancroft Optical Co. 313 1st St. W. A lbany. P hone 4i,l DR. Amor A. Tussin# LAWYER AND NOTARY B rownsville , O regon s t r a in Is the Cause of M any HUMAN IL L S If y o u r eyes g iv e you trouble, o r your g lasses are a n n o y in g See Cs WE CAN Rh L IE V E YOU Snbdivisi >n Speci d i t. 404 KI.ATT BL IL U I W . I .'/ Park street. PORTLAND OREGON. »• HALSEY NEWS NOTES EVERYTHING eve h. G AR N JO Q ST, P H Y S IC IA N AND I T elephone 145. SURGEOf H alsey. O rego’ THE HALSEY STATE BANK HALSEY. OREGON Capital and Surplus $32,000 Have your eyes examined and fitted with glasses by a graduate Optometrist. Causes of head­ ache removed, eyes straightened, and eye strain relieved. Pri­ vate office for examations. Pri- Mrs E C Miller went to Tan- S * re? o" a1bkf’ F “ French & Brownsville and Drifted Snow lour at D H Sturtevant’s. gent last Friday to visit her par- ? ih „ ’ J e * elers and ° P tometnsts, S J Smith and family were ents, Mr and Mrs T M Bennett ¡A ba y’ ( reK° n’ klbany visitors Saturday. She returned Sunday. Because of lack of time at the W A Allen was an Eugene Henry, the two-year old son of county farm bureau’s meeting a ler last Saturday. Dr Garnjobst, who has been ,ast Friday the wool grow ers’ Pearl True sold a car of hay staying with his grandm other in i nieeting was Postponed until f hursday. Salem for over a year has re- next Saturday at 10 o’clock in Mrs Marcella Kirk was an Al- turned to his parents. i the St Francis hotel. Wool >any caller Saturday. Willametta F orster went to growers expressed their belief Mrs Fred Robins was a Corval- Brownsville Friday evening to that a county association should is visitor last Saturday. visit her grandm other and Mr be' organized to link up with the For Dental Work—Dr. E. W. and Mrs Guy Bramwell. She re­ state wool grow ers’ association whereby wool could be sold on tarnum , Harrisburg, Oregon, turned Sunday evening. grade and higher prices secured. ’hone or write for apiwintment. Harry Davis loaded two ears Mrs T P Patton left Saturday of 'hay lasT satu rd ly ' and anotheF °f or Corvallis for a visit with hei me the first part of this week w'ork consl8ts F H Porter. G Thay- laughter. Mrs O B Stalnakcr. H e, ,, ’ D Harris, G A Sandner, F ' Thi .Mr „...1 Mrs O F Nea, J . J « «• Led their 25th wedding anniver i)art of ,ast weeR on ; ary one day last week. I nis son, R T Sudte|, Mrs M M Ward from Browns- Mr Ribe|jn sUteg I n te r e s t paid on tim e certifica tes o f d ep o sit \ \ e invite y o u r bnnkin# b u sin ess th&t vjlle, was a visitor in Halsey last wife>8 hea|th h#g jmproved C. II. KOONTZ, Pres. I). TA YLOR, Vice-Pres B. M. BON I ), ( ’iisbior Jas McWilliams has sold his in­ treat in the Moving Picture Show to J H Tweedie who will run it alone. W anted . ‘ The Misses Erwin, Graves and I X V o r t h ^ w We want some first class small Knipps attended the teachers’ i in two or three weeks. He has been somewhat on the sick list farm s to sell from 40 to 100acres. institute in Albany Saturday. . imselt this week. bave buyer8 comjng every Mrs Clara Cross was a Sweet Home caller Saturday, returning ' Don t fail to see Frank Mayo day for such places. If you want in Little Brother of Rich,” to sell list with us we get results. by way of Lebanon. Law- ru t,sday’ May -1- , h's Hh°wed Drop us a card and we will call Mrs D Taylor Taylor and and son son Law- renee were county seat callers ; ln 01 ^ and at Liberty the- at our earliest convenience to in- Saturday. atre for two weeks to packed spect. shipped a double I h° uses- Snappy little comedy,) Miller and Walter. 0 W Frum Sator, 1 Swee,t Patootie” full of life and Land Dealers, decked ear of sheep last S atur­ pep, played by Lyon and Moran. Corvallis Dreg. day. Mrs A F Garn.iobst from 3a-j lem, visited last week with her i son, Dr Garnjobst : nd family. G W Laubner received a car of wood last Saturday but it was OF SEATTLE all taken before Tuesday night. G T Kitchen and family, ac companled by Mrs Ida Tobin, ' motored to Corvallis Sunday. GET OCR PRICES BEFORE YOU SELL A D Smith of Yakima. W ash­ ington, is visiting his brothers. HALSEY, OREGON C E and W C Smith. P H Freerksen, deputy tax a s - ' ELLENSBURG PRODUCE CO ( ash Buyers of Cream M F C GINGHAMS These dress ginghams are woven ofi“ ™ yarns spun from extra long staple cot-1 X T m X » h 0 h„ ton, giving them unusual strength j been spending the winter at Sea and uniformity in texture. They are FrWay remarkably soft and smooth and in B T Sudtell has bought him a - ,_ i * • .• , new Studebaker Five. He ex- (olor combinations are clear, clean p*cts to make a trip ¡n ¡t to can- eut and distinctive. The Spring . , . s » I pat- The city th«"“r council room has been terns are shown m many new and ex- secured as the headquarters for elusive designs for house and after- noon dresses, for children’s play and Th,‘Hai ey Meat M arketk