I H alsey E nterprise V OL. S NO. 34 HAlJSEY, LINN COUNTY, OREGON, PORTLAND the Comm ercial Center of North America on the Pacific Coast, where the gieatest river of the West pouts its turbid flood into the sea. An Ideal Home City. A C enter of Education. B'. Y A HOMESICK NOW while prices are low. W e H ave IS EVERYTHING APRIL 22, H»20 >1.50 PER YEAR Mrs H M Wallace, daughter of W Mornhinweg, who has been XHALSEY NEWS NOTES’4 G visiting her parents for two weeks, returned to her home in Newburg. Sunday. ALSO ITEMS OF INTEREST FROM EVERYWHERE E Y E S T R A IN Is the Cause of Many Mrs McPherson was a Shedd X visitor Sunday evening. IU M A N ILLS She If your eyes give you trouble, or your Brownsville and Drifted Snow High School Entertainment in took Leo down and visited the glasses are annoy ing i flour at D H Sturtevant’s. Behalf of the Armenians. Y ou w ill liv e here some day. See Us new cream station. She reports W F White and family were Next Monday night F Waldo that it is fixed up in a very nice WE CAN R EL IE V E YOE Consult BEN RIESLAND, Eugene visitors Sunday. Bancroft Optical Co. S u b d ivisio n Specialist. Davis, assisted by the High shape and she thinks they will 315 1st St. W. Albany. Phone -561 For Dental Work—Dr. E, W. School, will give an entertain­ do a very nice business. 404 PLATT BL’lL D lX u 1.7 Pm k street. Barnum, Harrisburg, Oregon. ment at the city hall for the ben­ PO RTLAN D OREGON. Julien Perrey moved his family Phone or w rite for appointment. efit of the Armenians. to Eugene last Monday. He says The Ellensburg Produce Co D R . K. G A R N J O B S T . he likes Halsey all right, but Amor A. Tussing shipped 23 cars of cream las* Mr Davis has been engaged in there is no church here of his be­ the musical entertainment busi­ w eeK . P H Y S IC IA N AND SURGEOh ness for many years, having ap­ lief and he wants to be where he LAWYER AND NOTARY Dr Marks and sou Roland can have church affiliations. I Telephone 145. Halsey. Oregoi were Albany callers last Satur peared in concerts from the At­ B rownsville . O regon lantic to the Pacific oceans and The Woman’s Study club met • day, from the gulf to the great lakes. at the home of Mrs C E Gulli- Mrs Geo Frum and her two The program comprises a care­ fofd. Mrs Laubner read a paper TH E - sons, Glen and Earl drove to fully prepared list ranging from on “ A talk by Mr Vanderlip in Woodburn Saturday. sacred solos to operatic airs, and the Oregonian.” ” Mrs Marks Guy Bramwell and family of th refore appeals to all sincere read a paper on Cotton and Brownsville, visited with friends Wool.” M rs Stafford sang a so- H ALSEY, OREGON and relatives in Halsey Sunday. overs of music. Tlie musical instrument that '° ar*d that completed the pro- Joe Kirk from Eugene, visited Mr Davis will specialize on con- «ram. The next meeting will be Sunday with his m ther, Mrs sists of three bell metal tubes ^eld with Mrs Jas McMahan Isabel Kirk. tuned in unison, the three con- ^ ay 6th. In terest’paid on time certificates <»f deposit C E Smith and John Edwards W anted were Portland visitors the latter stituting a triple chime. They W e invite your banking business are manipulated by introducing, part of last week. E E Gourley shipped a carload ' a trilling effect with the hands. We want some first class small C. H. KOONTZ, Pres. I). TAYLOR, Viee-Pres of cattle to Coos Bay last Thurs- *tracting a tone that never farms to sell from 10to 100acres, day. He sold them to the coun- ^a’’s to caPt>vate and render en- We have buyers coming every B. M. BOND. Cashier thusiastic the most conservative day for such places. If you want ty agent. audience. to sell list with us we get results. Mrs Bond and her daughter Tne High School will have a Drop U6 a card and we will call Mona were Albany visitors Fri­ few numbers on the program. at our earliest convenience to in- day. Mrs Bond has bought a, The net proceeds will go tojspect. new Studebaker car. Miller and Walter. Henry Zimmerman drove a he Armenian fund. Land Dealers, Admission 35c: children 2Tc: new Franklin automobile up Corvallis Oreg. from Portland. Saturday. He eser als R e­ thinks he has a woi derful car. ' We make a specialty ol Friend-1 ship. Engagement . nd Wedding 'ings. F M French & Sons Jewelers, Engravers, Opticians. OK S E \T T L E O ptical HALSEY STATE BANK Capital and Surplus $32,000 ELLEN SBURG Albany, Oregon. ( ash Buyers of Cream N otice M F C GINGHAMS These dress ginghams are woven of yarns spun from extra long staple cot­ ton, giving them unusual strength and uniformity in texture. They are remarkably soft and smooth and in color combinations are clear, clean cut and distinctive. The Spring pat­ terns are shown in many new and ex­ clusive designs for house and after­ noon dresses, for children’s play and school frocks. 27 inches, 50c per yard. Home Guard meeting Saturday GET OUR PRICES BEFORE YOU SELL evening at 7:3o at Clarx's con­ fectionery. (3ome. W H Rob IALSEY, OREGON ertson. The Halsey Meat Market keeps the best of meat on hand at all times. They will buy your veal, and beef and pay you the highest price. I he First Savings Bank of A lb a n y .Oregon August Van De Velde, who lately came from Canada, has nought a place up near Eugene md moved to it last Monday. He is a brother-in-law of Mr 1» a good place to ileposit your u u n p . 4 percent lnto-zirton savings Perrey. accounts that run three month*, at» m onths or a year Interest paid sem i-annually. The regular annual meeting of he Linn county farm bureau ias been called for April 23 in Vlbany. It is pianned to make he occasion a convention of ail 'armers in the county. ‘WHERESAVINGS ARE SAFE’ gon's greatest Insurance Com- any. Assets of nearly half a tillion. We sa-e you from 20tr 0 per cent on your insurance. HI. OREGON FIRE RE LIEF ASSOCIATION Percales are admirable for making inexpensive dresses of which even woman likes to ha\e several in hei wardrobe. Colon d figures and stripes on white grounds are notable among the offerings. 36 inches 50c per yard. »f McMinnville. Miller & Wal- *r, Agents, Corvallta, Oregon. hone or write us. Try an Ad in the Enterprise 7» i ft A Ilow about that •A A A NEW SUIT? A •A A •A Now is the time to investigate. A Cal! and inspect the New A 'A Line of 'A / a 'A SAMPLES * M at reasonable prices. Insure your property in Ore­ a QUEEN PERCALES. M. V. KOONTZ CO. PRODUCE CO Diamonds. The gift ideal, lire .” “Star Soli The new mounting en- •rging the appearance of the di month We hate this diamonc t various sizes ranging iron fty to one hundred and fifty lollars, with platinum tops. This gives you a diamond that >oks very large and brilliant. F M French Si 3ons, lewelera, Engravers, Optician A ibany, Ortgcn. /A /A 'A ns I). II. STURTEVANT