Image provided by: Joanne Skelton; Cottage Grove, OR
About Halsey enterprise. (Halsey, Linn County, Or.) 19??-1924 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 11, 1917)
1 - 4 G VOL. 5, NO. 19 H alsey E nterprise HALSEY. L I.W COUNTY, OKKOON. . I \ . \ I . \ ! ! V ¡I 1917 $1.50 PER YEAR i sold at a uniform price and a uniform standard that permitted ' a margin of profit. Why the grower, by lack of cooperation with his fellows, Services Held at Christian Linn Co. Senator Praise ■ill ; should permit prices of his pro- duct to be broken down by hag- Church Sunday Humanity of li uh U o sa v I» «♦ t i i i a a a of buyers and price cutting Morning. in PortLmd Sp-cclt. C0nV6ntl0n T3lkS 31 0. A. C. competitors, was a question! in which was declared ridiculous by After an illness of several Portland, Jan. 6. Andrew ¡ ! the speakers at the conference. months, and as a last resort, a Jackson and Woodrow Wils< n in Fcrtiand January More complete information as to r ft„- Thnuennd kit«.» major operation, Mrs Ella M. comparison and contro. t formed fruit crops all over the country, ' T h OU$3IM| (11116 Vanderlip passed away at St. th e subject of a talk by Senator 17,13,13. and a selling union, to base Mary’s hospital, at Albany, last Samuel Garland, of Linn county, prices and a marketing cam I Friday at 6:40 a. m. before the Jackson club in Cen- Bishop Matthew i n paign on these facts, was held tral library hall last nigh;. Hughes, of Portland, Bulk Handling of Grain and out as an ultimate means of O bituary "Wilson and Jack3on ha-. > I ut stabilizing the fruit business and to Preside. Official Appraisal of Value Ella Marie Curtis was born at one characteristic in common,’’ permitting a fair profit to every Cole Mills, Oneida county, New he said, “ that of their love for to Aid Growers. grower. York, May 11, 1855, passing I humanity. In all other re , eels One of the most important Marketing and price problems Is Expected That Opening '■ n ts cf the early year in away at the age of 61 years, 7 they were ilitTere t. ” Oregon Agricultural College, were taken up also at the seed il i' >i i.’liuich einles of the Will Take Place This months and 24 days. She leaves Jackson the speaker pictured Corvallis, Jan. 7.—The time has convention, the dairymen’s as ic e Li h ..est will be the as a powerful, relentless autv- Spring. besides her two daughters, four passed when the Oregon farmer sociation and the hog producers’ n t 't e n . •> to be held January brothers and two sisters. Wm. crat. Wilson, he decla; .-J, is willing to let the buyer set the school. Questions of production 17, IS and 19, with Bishcp Mat- prices of farm commodities. This in every case received full at Klamath Falls. Ore. Jan. 6.— Curtis, of Canada; Palmer, Mark will as strong as Jackson’s, but itii w non l ’u> hi s presiding was the outstanding feature of tention. but it w’as evident that Four thousand nine hundred and John Curtis, of Fayetteville, one flexible and yielding to tin l th e iht u ict superintend- the Farmers’ and Homemakers’ the attention of the farmers ard acres of level, fertile irrigated Oregon; Mrs. Hannah Ansciux. demands of the people. ii niar.f the area and other not- Week at the Oregon Agricultur of the college was being directed land in the reclaimed bed of of Iowa, and Julia Van Buren, of The Jackson club bolds its an | : i . ; in attendance. The meet- nual banquet ut tie? Portland Oklahoma. al Coliege. more and more to the problem of Tule lake in southeastern Klam hotel Monday night in celebra- ftps will be held in the First At the age of 16 she united ath county, will be opened for The prices of the future, if successful sale. •'le:hci!is‘ Episcopal Church at homestead entry in the near with the Christian Church a t , tion of the victory of General Port land. the farmers can enforce their future, probably by a land draw Tiffin, Iowa, where she moved Jackson at New Orleans in 1815. desires, will be based on accur Ur. • e- ::a Stanfield. pastor of with her parents in girlhood. ing. ate reports of crops and market First Cbievh. Portland, will wel In 1873 she was united in mar-; Manager J. G}. Camp, of the ing conditions gathered by an come tl.e ; rinter.denls and riage to Christian Luther. To I United States Klamath reclama impartial commission. The cus a'l the p . in i., nt visitors. Min tion project, who lias had charge them were born four children. tom of permitting the middle isters : nil laymen may attend of the reclamation of this terri- Willie passing away and Nellie, man, the speculator and * the the meetings. ory, is in receipt of dispatches while an infant; Mrs. J. J. Cor- dealer to determine the range of Y. W. Y oun on, superintend from Washington authorizing coran, and four grandchildren, prices to the producer by their ent of tlie Portland district, will the cancellation of tentative of Halsey, and Mrs. Carrie Jones le - . . n a e g t i e p e a k i rs. A ll financial necessities was denoun leases of land to settlers and pre- of Oxford, Iowa, remain to suf ced by every convention of pro ot! > « o win p. 'ticipate will pa, alions for throwing it open fer the loss of a kind and loving ducers assembled during the be I. 'H (no relation grandmother and mother. for homestead entry. week. to the h i ' p ), v. ho will re p re It is expected that the open Mr. Luther passed away in The exclusion of the farmer sent I he Poi-dic Christian Advo- ing will take place in the early 1892. lwo years later she mar from questions affecting the sale cat . of w;.i,'h he is editor. ried Henry Vanderlip. In l9-:3 spring. of his products was discussed Stipi unti in < e. is v.JI he present lule Lake is a shallow body of they came to Oregon, settling most strongly in the northwest from all the disi i kss of Oregon, water lying partly in Klamath near Peoria. Shortly after they grain convention. The conven Washington n ,1 all the area county and partly in Modoc and moved to Halsey where Mrs. tion decided to declare itself in over which Bishop Jlughea has Siskiyou counties, California, Vanderlip united with the mem supervision. favor of bulk handling of grain, which is being reclaimed by di- bership of the Christian Church. Bishop Edwin Hughes, of Bos and demanded that all wheat ................... ........... verting Lost river, its source of Of the many good things that Gov. W ithycoj . be ton, will be present at the con price quotations in the North S enator G arland Klamath river. This might be said of Mrs. Vanderlip ference as the guest of his west hereafter be made on a I In his biennial message to the 8UPP'y> we will mention only that she - - ' land is to be irrigated by the brother, ILshop Matthew S. bulk basis. Oregon Legislature the Governor Hughes. That the farmers as well as urges that body to make a record Klamath reclamation project. was ever at her work, and het- The tract now to be opened wish was to give and receive her the millers and boards of trade for excellence, sanity and brevity have a ....................... right to determine .......... ....... . upon and wise economy productive of has been reclaimed during the flowers in life. She afterward last two years. About 30,000 remarked she was ready to go grain standards was asserted at needed legislation alone, acres are yet to be drained. As whenever death came. the session. As the classifica- «=——------------------------- g ììm One of the most interesting fast as the land was reclaimed it The funeral services were held stories about the benefits of cow- tion of grain exerts a great in- ! r* r>i v. ia c c fluence on the price received by ! «Ur Club Offer was leased to settlers at a nomi at the Christian Church Sunday testing associations was told by R. A. .'.IcCully, formeily of morning at 10 o’clock, the Rev. the farmer this is in effect a de- If you owe for subscription nal fee in tracts of 80 acres, Mary D. Benton, of Eugene, of Mr. Smith, county agent of Coos this: city hut for the past two claration of independence in now is a good time to pay up and stipulations of leases being that ficiating. The remains were I County. He told of a farmer in years with Pi tersoti, Skotheim marketing and makes it certain take advantage of our money all lands leased must be cultivat taken to Oxford, Iowa, for inter ¡an association in his county who & Co., thi well known real es ed. that the grain growers of the ! saving offers found after two years of testing tate brokerage firm of Eugene, _ magazine „ ____ Select those who state will continue to fight fo ra your favorite club of magazines;!, Therefore 1 herefore those who now row ment. Mrs. Carrie Jones ac ; that his cows were only paying is reported to have purchased an more equal share of the profits you save nearly half by ordering! omestead have their land companied the body east. a yearly profit of about ¿1.5(1 interest in the corporation, be of their business. with The Enterprise. Remem- more or less improved. It is be apiece. This farmer had been coming its; secretary. Real es Card of Thanks The marketing convention ber that the club offers we have lieved that it will be thrown I dairying for years on this basis tate brokers predict that 1917 emphasized the need for better advertised for the past two open in tracts of 80 acres, which i but he is now sending his scrub will I e tlie best year in the real is all that one man can handle We desire to extend our sin ‘ cows to the butcher as fast as • state business in the Willamette organization, more uniformity years are still in effect, profitably. cere thanks for the many k*nd- possible and better conditions in packing ------ Valley since 1910. The cost to the settler in ad nesses bestowed upon us by our and selling fruit. Stress was For Sald^-Stock Beets 85, dition to the filing fees, will be neighbors and friends during laid on the fact that the supplies Carrots $6 per ton. T. M. the regular irrigation charges the illness and death of our be for fruit growers were always corn, east of Brownsville. for this unit of the project, loved mother, grandmother, and which has uuv not yet been deter- sister. x-,, , . •, . . . . "« iivu u«s Vhurch Announcements A special train carrying a par- m jned Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Jones, FIRST METHODIST episcopal of 1,0 wealthy residents ot The following statement was Mr, and Mrs. J. J. Corcor CHURCH Canada and eastern Washington issued this morning at the rec,a. an and family, | passed through Halsey late Sat- m atjon office- John Curtis. Preaching every Sunday at 111 Urday night en route to Los An- ..Thp m Palmer Curtis, a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday ge|es where the excursionists u t u r*clamatl0n oifice O U , . D ,■ K ’ wnere excursionists has been authorized to cancel all Mark Curtis. School at 10 Prayer meeting wll| pas8 a few days enjoying ,eageg on Tule Lake ,andg CALIFORNIA with its oranges, its Winter Thursdays at 7 p m . Aid the sights of that v.cimty. The are pub)ic ,ands whjch havg flowers, its beaches, its mountain resorts, its time-stained missions, its delightful sunshine and out-of-door life surely the call is irresistable in a ll2 m - .B? . lL SX C: “ " ' ' ri' fur homesteaders January. Wednesday at 7:30 p. m i of some of the most prom inent -t bag been leased flnd farmed Rev. J. D. Cain, pastor. But a two days journey away on daily trains people of the Inland, , for from ong tQ tbree yearg ,i Lebanon, Jan. 5. A petition of the delightful J. F. Leggett, representing "These leases require 90 days’ to the county court has been cir CHURCH OF CHRIST the Church and School Publish- notice of cancelation. The not culated and signed by a large Bible School at - 10:00 a. m. ing Co. ot Eugene, came into jce8 are dated January 5, hence number of citizens of this com Preaching Service 11:00 a. m. town Saturday and remained the 90 days will expire April 6 munity, asking for the appoint ment of B. *• F. Simons for road Christian Endeavor over Sunday. Mr. Leggett and "These lands cannot be offer-,...........‘ be highway higl Expert Class - 6:15 p. m. his company believe that there ed for homestead entry before 0ver8<,er over the from Cascadia to Lebanon, Christian Endeavor 6:30 p. m. is great power in reading. that date, How soon after this Ca“cadia Lebanon a - distance ............ There are Preaching Service 7:30 p. m. Therefore he is making a strenu- date they will be offered cannot of about thirty ome Teacher Training Class and ous effort to put as many good stated now, but it is expected p*ace3 ' n this road that become Prayer Meeting, Thurs. 8 p. m. books in the homes of his people ma|tetit as early as possible almo8t impassable during the Y m i can secure tic k e t» o r ro m p lrte In addition to pub- f ‘ Eighty acres will be the limit wet sea8on and an effort is beinK Joseph Boyd. Minister as possible in fo rm a tio n from any agent o r w rite fishing the "Christian Journal.” of area of a farm unit. Some made hy the people of this part a newsy twice-a-month paper, farm unitg alon{f the meander of the county to have the road the only one of its kind publish- and gtate |jnes v j|| gma||er uniformly improved. JOHN M. SCOTT, General Passenger Agent ed in the West by the people of j be t^tal area is 4900 acres, 1500 Portland. Orc. In renewing your subscription the Christian Church, the comp- acreg ¡n California and 3400 acre« T H E L IV E STOCK any carries a fine fine of church. jn Oregon Water will be avail- do not fail to remind us that you Bible school and C. E. supplies, abje for tbe ¡rrigatjon oj tbese want the big club of magazines also an excellent line of Bible* ,gndg for the 8eagon of 1917/ . included with your subscription ALBANY, - OREGON and other religious books. for only 25 cents extra. IM S . ELLA VANDERLIP EARLANG G C N ÍK ÁüS CES AT ALBANY WILSON AND JACKSON Reveal Grower Is About to Fix His Own Selling Prices. ia Cc Hs!d Acres of Reclaimed Tub Lake Bottoms Included. His Cows Paid D in $1.50 Eacîi Year oicCuliy Now Sscreîary o i ^¿torson, SR Co. Semi-Tropical Southern California Linn County Wants Overseer of Roads SHASTA ROUTE Shasta Limited California Express San Francisco Express B. T. Sudtell Auctioneer SOUTHERN PACIFIC LINES