Image provided by: Joanne Skelton; Cottage Grove, OR
About Halsey enterprise. (Halsey, Linn County, Or.) 19??-1924 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 4, 1917)
H alsey E nterprise HALSEY, LINN COUNTY, OREGON, JANUARY 4 1917 VOL. 5, NO. 18 MRS. MAHALA WHITE DIES NEAR NIXON I. OF 0. IS IN $1.50 PER YEAR New Officials at Judge Bingham the Court House Now Presides Three new county officials as George G. Bingham, of Salem, sumed the duties o f the ir offices who was chosen a Circuit Judge in the county court house Tues of the Third Judicial D istrict in day morning. They are Mrs. the November election, held Ida Maxwell Cummings, o f Hal court for the first time Tuesday Mrs. Mahala Idel White died sey, who succeeds W. L. Jackson morning. Saturday, December 30, at the ¡as county superintendent of Judge Bingham’s district is home o f her daughter, Mrs. E. schools. Mrs. Cummings w ill composed o f Marion and Linn L. Nixon, west o f Halsey. The have as her assistant Miss Helen counties, but it happened thro; cause of death was apoplexy. Crawford, of Lebanon, who w ill the arrangement o f court terms Balance of Expenses for G rief over the loss o f a son, who Unless Changed Situation attend to the office work, as j that he ascended the bench for! Unlimited Possibilities Pre Is Met Work Will Be ’ Mrs. Cummings expects to spend the first time in this county! dicted for Highway 1917-18 Expected to Come •vas buried at Seattle Christmas lay, is supposed to have hasten a considerable portion o f her rather than in his home county I Handicapped. Thro Casades. from Millage Tax. ed her end. time visiting the various schools of Marion. Mrs. White came to Oregon on o f the county. Miss Crawford There are two judges in this A state road which would add Salem, Dec. 30. —Although the June 18, 1913, making her home Portland, Dec. 30.—About 100 was fo r several years an in district, and the court work is j thousands o f scenic beauties to Oregon A gricultural College, in w ith her daughter near Nixon faculty members and former structor at the Oregon A gricul divided into law and equity de its budget as submitted to the station. the Columbia Highway is being students o f the University of tural College. partments. Percy R. Kelly, ° f ! petitioned fo r by the people o f Secretary o f State, shows that The funeral services were held Oregon took luncheon at Lincoln Miss Velma G. Davis, the new Albany, is the other ju rist. the estimated expenses fo r the Tuesday afternoon and in ter high school Saturday noon. The Lebanon and surrounding te rri county recorder, who succeeds institution forJ917-18 fo r which ment was at the A. O. U. W. principal speaker was P. L. tory in a request addressed to Grant Froman and who w ith Mrs. appropriations are asked, total cemetery at A lford, Rev. J. D. Campbell, president o f the U ni the members o f the State Legis Cummings, enjoys the distinc $803,500, the Legislature w ill not Cain, pastor o f the Methodist versity, who explained the finan lature asking that a road from tion of being one o f the first two have to appropriate more than Church at Halsey, officiating. The Dalles running south to cial dilemma in which the uni ladies to be elected to county ______ . Tethlow Buttes and thence west approximately $100,000. The versity is placed through the un office in Linn county, was at her rest w ill come from the millage Portland, Jan. 1.—State Game acr03S the Cascades by way o f Mahala Idel was born at Knox expected falling off in the state desk in the recorder’s office tax. Warden Shoemaker has announc-! Santiam Pass, Fish Lake, ville, Tennessee, on January 8, assessment and the unexpec Tuesday morning. Miss Davis This estimate does not include 1865, and on October 31. 1879, ted large growth o f the univers ed that he w ill enforce to the Clear Lake. Marion Lake, C as- w ill have as her deputy Miss letter the state game law w hich c“ dia and Foster be declared a experiment stations and exten was married to W. M. White at ity enrollment. Edna Laubner, who held this sion work, but a large share o f the same place. closes the duck hunting season state road- Such 8 route would President Campbell said, in position under Mr. Froman. To them ten in Multnomah. Clacsop. Colum-' furnish a ,oou pf 400 niiles ir> the appropriations and expenses children were born, seven of part: Charles H. Leonard, the new fo r both the stations and exten which survive, R. K. White and “ The receipts from the millage county surveyor, who succeeds bia and Tillamook counties at circumference, giving the tourist sion work is already provided fo r D. E. White, o f Opal City, Ore., tax fo r the university during the sundown December 31. a glimpse at each o f the state's A. L. Geddes, assumed the in continuing appropriations or E. M. White and A. O. White, years 1915 and 1916 are fu lly In every other county in the gleat activities. duties o f his office Tuesday morn As a resort section this route from other sources. o f Salt Lake City, Mrs. J. A. $50,000 Ie38 than the estimates ing. Mr. Leonard has not as state the season w ill be open un through the Cascades provides til January 15. The warden said Nave, o f Tennessee, Mrs. H. J. made at the time the millage tax yet appointed his deputy. unlimited possibilities. Fish yesterday tha t the law was not The am Alexander, o f Matolius, Ore., bill went into effect. Lake and Clear Lake at the sum o f his making and that he per and Mrs. E. L. Nixon o f Halsey. ount received during the next sonally fe lt that some change m it o f the Cascades are the two years, 1917 and 1918, w ill be should be made. He proposes, wonder of those who visit them. at least another $50,000 short o f however, to carry out his part They are large, transparent bod the estimates, making a loss of Salem, Dec. 30.—State Engin ies of water 2000 feet in depth, of the law enforcement not less than $100,000 in the re eer John H. Lewis has issued on the bottom o f which large fir The federal law protecting ceipts fo r the last four years. another plain warning to the Mayor B. M. M iller, o f this trees are visable, the lake being “ During the same period our city, underwent an operat'on at migratory birds leaves, by im pli county courts o f Marion and in the bowl o f a sunken moun cation, t^e season open until There is a possibility that the enrollment at the university w ill the hospital in Albany last Satur Polk that the bridge over the ta in , These lakes are w ithin the January 15, but it does so mere-' Willamette, connecting the two Linn county fair, which has been have increased not less than 60 day afternoon. Reports received Santiam National Forest and ly by declaring the season closed per cent. The decrease in in counties at Salem, is apt to fall held at Scio fo r several years from the county seat state that Summer cottage tracts can be between January 15 and October come in face o f the increase in a i any time. He urges the coun past, may leave that place for he is improving as well as could 1. During the interim , the state rented from the government fo r ties to close the bridge to traffic Albany i f the present plans of attendance makes the problem be expected. a small fee. regulations govern. as soon as fe rry accommodations representatives o f the W illam alone at the university a very W’hile the present road across Some local sportsmen have on the river may be established, ette Valley Exposition Associa serious one unless relief is ob the mountains is passable asked Mr. Shoemaker to ignore and in the meantime to carefully tion carry. A committee from tained from the legislature. New through the Summer, no money the state law, inasmach as the regulate and restrict the traffic this organization w ill meet with buildings w ill be absolutely out has been expended upon it for federal law affords wider scope, representatives o f the Linn of the question, although the over the bridge. five years, and it is therefore not but he has decided to make a pressure in the present buildings County Fair Association at Scio Oregon A gricultural College, test case o f the first hunter open the year around. next Saturday to discuss the is again growing great. Dec. 2§.—Portland distributors caught shooting ducks on Mon No mutual fire insurance com “ I t was the expectation o f the feasibility o f the proposition. pany ever has failed in the U n it The latest in Ingersoll watehea legislature, at the time the m ill- o f farm tractors have now made day morning. The case w ill be ed States that had a reserve of age tax was passed, that the in arrangements to send to the ag rushed through the court to get I —the night watch; has an illu S. P. Schedule for Halsey crease in the state valuation o f ricultural college no less than 13 a decision that w ill govern his minated dial so you can tell the $200,000 or over. The Oregon Fire Relief Assn., property would keep pace with machines fo r the farm tractor policy between then and January t ' me *n t*10 darkest night—one o f McMinnville, has over $250,- o f the greatest wonders o f the SOUTH BOUND the growth o f the state educa demonstration to be held on the 15. — — time. They sell at $2 at Neldon’a 000.00 in reserve. Why send No. 17, due 5:05 a. m., flag stop tional institutions, and that the campus Friday and Saturday of Our Club Offer I --------—-------- your money away from home No. 23, due 11:10 a. m., flag stop increase in the millage tax would next week and fo r the tractor ----- J Dressmaking when such protection is offered No. 15. due 12:47 p. m. flag stop provide a fund fo r buildings as school beginning Monday, Janu In renewing your subscription I Now is the time to have your here? The more you investigate No. 19, due 5:45 p. m., reg. stop well as maintenance. Out of the ary 8, and extending throughout do not fail to remind us that you last season's suits and dresses the strength o f this great com income o f the first two years, the enti.-e week. This w ill be NORTH BOUND want the big club o f magazines altered. Gingham house dresses pany the more certain you are to the largest and most varied as one building costing $50,000 No. 18, due 11:41 a. m., reg. stop included with your subscription • and plain sewing done. Mrs. insure w ith them. 'sortment o f farm tractors ever was erected by the regents in ' Carrie Windom Cunningham. A card w ill bring us to you. No. 24, due 2:39 p. m., flag stop spite o f the decrease in the re assembled in the West, accord for only 25 cents extra. M iller & Walter, Agts., Corval No. 14. due 6:19 p. m., flag stop ceipts. But the problem for the ing to Professor Gilmore. L. BOYD. Agent. lis, Ore. next two years w ill be to meet ju st maintenance charges, w ith Card of Thanks out taking either buildings or de partmental equipment into con We wish to sincerely thank sideration. our many friends fo r the kind Unless the legislature makes expressions o f sympathy at the provision to meet this changed time of the loss o f our beloved situation, the university’s work son. w ill be greatly handicapped.” C A L IF O R N IA with its oranges, its W inter Mr. and Mrs. Geo. K. Cummings Lsg&ature Will Be Asked for Appropriation of $100,000. Death Caused by Apoplexy. Funeral Held Tuesday Afternoon. President Campbell Explains Financial Dilemma in Which University Is Placed. Loop of 400 Miles to Start From The Dalles Chosen. Game Warden to Enforce Law Will Those Commissioners Ever Wake Up? May Move Fair to Albany Bob Miller Operated On Farm Tractors to Be Demonstrated Semi-Tropical Southern California Oregon Power to Extend Lines My Friends I w ish to th a n k you all, both old and n ew , fo r th e su p p o rt th a t h as m a d e m y s u c c e ss p o ssib le d u r in g th e y e a r j u s t c lo se d , and so lic itin g y o u r lib era l p a tr o n a g e fo r th e com in g year, 1 g r e e t you w ith th e se a s o n ’s com p lim en ts. Y o u rs fo r m u tu al p ro sp erity , I t is reported that extensions and improvements in the Oregon Power Company’s properties in the Willamette valiey w ill be made in the rear future. Be tween $300,000 and $400,000 will be spent in the valley shortly after the first o f the year. A . D . Sturtevant I f you owe fo r subscription now is a good time to pay up and take advantage o f our money saving magazine offers. Select your favorite ciub o f magazines; you save nearly h alf by ordering with The Enterprise. Remem ber that the oiub offers we have advertised fo r the past two years are still in effect I Church Announcements FIRST METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. Preaching every Sunday at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday School at 10. Prayer meeting Thursdays at 7 p. m. Ladies Aid Wednesdays at 1:30. Class meet ing first Sunday o f each month 1 at 12 m. Bible Study Class every Wednesday at 7:30 p. to. Rev. J. D. Cain, pastor. flowers, its beaches, its mountain resorts, its time-stained missions, its delightful sunshine and out-of-door life surely the . all is irresistabie in January. But a two days journey away on daily trains o f the delightful SHASTA ROUTE Shasta Limited California Express San Francisco Express CHURCH OF CHRIST Bible School at - 10:00 m. Preaching Service 11:00 m. Christian Endeavor Expert Class 6:15 p. m. Christian Endeavor 6:30 p. m. Preaching Service 7:30 p. m. Teacher Training Class and Prayer Meeting. Thurs. 8 p m. Joseph Boyd, Minister You can secure ticket* or complete information from any agent or write JOHN M. SCOTT, General Passenger Agent Portland, Ore. SOUTHERN PACIFIC LINES