Friday, Decamber 12, 1952 I Ili noi* Valley News Page 2 Engagement Announced Chriatmaa Party The Junior Womens club meets for a Christmas party and 50-cent gift exchange at the home of Mrs. Stella Piper in Kerby Friday, Dec. 19 at 8 p.m. Guests at the Dec. 5 meeting at the home of Jerry Rosenburg’s were Mrs. Bill Deal, and Mrs. Ken Mann. The group has collected enough canned food a t past meetings to fill two gift baskets to be given away. Santa at Women'« Club Party A potluck lunch at 12:30 will begin the O’Brien Women's club Christmas party today, (Friday) in the clubhouse. Santa Claus has promised to drop in for the party and there will be a gift exchange with a $1 limit. Mr. and Mrs. Tex Clifford were imong those from Josephine Coun ty who attended the Prineville banquet Saturday at which time .he Oregon Cattleman of the Year was selected. Clifford was on the selection committee. Loren T. Wooddy of Grants Pass, the southwest area repre- M ra. Bear»« Still 111 sentative for this coveted cattle- Dorotha Bearss, who has been man’s award received second place laid up for sometime is reported in the balloting. as no better. Her friends are hop ing to hear better news from her YOUNG PEOPLE TO soon. PRESENT CHRISTMAS PLAY Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Ranger of Selma, are announcing the en gagement of their daughter Marg aret Ann, to Ernest Dunbar, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Dunbar of Selma. No date has been set for the wedding. Sliethof Inducted Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Spliethof of Cave Junction, and husband of Marlene Spliethof of Salem, re ported for induction into the armed forces last week in Portland. The young people of the Kerby , Assembly of God church will pre-, sent a Christmas play, “The Birth I of Our Lord," at the church Thurs day night, Dec. 18 at 7:30 p.m.' The play is under the direction of I Mrs. Mabel Yandell. f« i® W8 ria® 0»IM W UM JS* iSSSM IM £M SM 0MSMIM » FOR BUSINESS, mill or home use Hi ", buy your salesbooks NEWS office. at Subscribe To 7 be Newt SALE OF FURNACE AND RADIATORS CALL fOR BIDS CLIFFORDS ATTEND CATTLEMEN’S BANQUET ___ Bids ___ are ____ called ___ for ___ sale of t woodburning steam furnace and six radiators, by the Josephint County School district board. Seal ed bids are to be submitted to the Cuuijty School office on or before 5 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 20, 1052. Marguerite S. Stanton Clerk Publish, Dec. 12 and 19, 1952 Hall’s CAVE Still Time to Get Tickets for "PROFESSOR, HOW COULD YOU?" Accounting Service JUNCTION, JUNIOR CLASS PLAY TO BE PRESENTED OREGON Wed., Dec. 17 Audit«, Bookkeeping, Incom» Tax Service and Quarterly Re port«. NOTARY PUBLIC ILLINOIS VALLEY HIGH SCHOOI Member of Oregon Association of Public Accountants the ADMISSION—ADULTS, 65c—STUDENTS, 25c IRA S. HALL Dre«. Reheartal Matinee for High Shool Student« Tuesday Afternoon ♦ y Thi« Advertisement Courtesy KID’S SLIPPERS e boot FRENCH ( >mfy warm with fluffy top and zipper. Comes in several colors. LAUNDRY GRANTS PASS $2.95 SLIPPER SOCKS Home Town Grocery s IMPROVED Give them to the whole family —we can fit them ail, variety bright colors. f DRIZZLE BOOTS WITH NEAT, TRIM ANKLE CHRISTMAS ONUS AND REINFORCED TRIPLE WEAR SOLE. New, rugged construction pro Shoe Store (Next to Illinois Valley News) • TREASURE HUNT MERCHANT____ v a «a r® ta» r® i® tsa vides the ultimate in wear. The FOLDS FLAT AND COMPACI FO« PURSE combination of the improved comfort, compactness, durability. Puitnt Pending a» aa tst wh wx em im i ® aa aa ta jm is tsa £« im k Plenty of Christmas Spirit in these «TCHK On December 24 we will have free treats for each child accompanied by a parent. ^GOLDEN rule y EVERYTHING TO WEAR FOR EVW MEMBER OFTHE FAMILY GULBRANSEN PIANOS LARGE The Hub STOCK OF USED PIANOS IN (¡ODD CONDITION Max third lord Slfin. llithb fblrJ lu>h £1(1«. Xljinwb. SUSO xueb. S715O Other Fl«iu» from $'O 75, indudins Federal Tat. Since 1864 an Elgin Watch has been the time-honored way to say Merry Christmas. Today the watch word for value . . . a precision time-piece so stunningly >tyled it’s truly the beautiful way t » tell time. Come in and see how worthwhile Elgin makes Christmas giving. 17-jewel Elgins from $33.75 have the famous heart that never breaks—the guaranteed Dura- Power Mainspring. i FRE-CHRISTMAS SPECIALS AT CHARLIE'S MARKET GRANTS PASS Before You Buy a Piano . . . see the Hit, /t Beginning now until 6:30 Christmas Eve we will give our customers 2,; discount on every purchase from this store. "Reziltuf” ever-soft top and the wear-hard heel and sole assures Fresh Hamburger Beef Pol Roasi Pork Steak lb. 60c lb. 60c lb. 60c GRANTS PASS make it merry .. make it MOJUD ¡lockings and liuterie for Christmas! C, GUY STEM 1 Toar Local Jeweler FOR FINE WATCHES, SILVER. DIAMONDS Ph Cave 3803 e TREASURE Hun Happy with a New Electric Razor from Valley Drug MERCHANT • CASH ALLOWANCE ON OLD ELECTRIC RAZORS WITH PURCHASE OF ANY OF FOLLOWING 3 POPULAR MAKES - S15.50 S27.50 It MS Ml Remington \\ hen 1 on think of a Christmas Think of QUALITY COURTESY PRICE Where Do You Find These? Right at the— * LITTLE PIANO HOUSE Baldwin, Wurlitzer and Lester Pianos •1GÎ S131X1ÍÍ tJ I IJ IM AL* You couldn’t give a more glamorous gift (or a more useful one!) Mojud thrrr come in Fashion Harmony Colors. They're beautifully proportioned, fabulousiv flattering. And they wear superbly, because there's "Magic-Motion" . . . extra "give and spring back in the knit. Mojtul lingerie is exquisitely styled, make reallv breathtaking gifts. Come see them all — and see how easy it is to be a »«><r Santa! Stockings from $1.25 to $1.95 Lingerie from $2.95 Excel Dress Shop GRANTS PASS egular and New ”60" Norelco Entirely New Principle in Electric Razors— Come in and See it Today! Sunbeam Electric Razors —ALL MAKES REPAIRED— Valley Drug PRESCRIPTIONS’ r— Always at a easing! R Gjiorge Simmon«. R Ph. Phone Cave Junction 3612 Î <4