Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Illinois Valley news. (Cave City, Or.) 1937-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 12, 1952)
(jittwj to the Otoñen Cito* ILLINOIS VALLEY NEWS THE VOL. XV, NO. 34 VOICE O E THE VALLEY Cave junction, Oregon, Friday, December 12, 1952 Professor, How Could You? Single Copy Ten Cents Weekend Winds Play Havoc with Valley Phone System, Power Lines City to Pay Off Portland Man $2080 Bond Debt Named Manager Jf Valley Bank Power Restored As Late As Tuesday Noon ; Some Phone Lines Still Down Saturday night's not-so-balmy breezes left no doubts in the \ alley that winter had set in, as The City of Cave Junction wil' «•leg reported to be around 60- pay off water bonds number thre< miles-per-haur raised havoc with and four and all interest owed or power and telephone lines, blowing >ther bonds, sometime this mont* E. Allen Tegarden down timber and otherwise des by decision of the city counci troying property. Replaces Late M uiday night. The total payment V) tnsls which residents agree will be $2,080. S. Clifford Sparks lid not quite reach the force of The council also decided t< those in 1951 blacked out the Val move the city headquarters to th- A Portland m a n, E. Allen To ley Saturday night at about 8:30 > Id postoffice building owned b) garden, was named manager of Clem Arnold. The recorder's office he Bank of Illinois Valley Monday and although most of Cave Junc :s expected to be open for buai- o succeed the late Clifford Spark tion had power by 1 a.m. Sunday, ness in its new quarters by Jan.l founder a n d first president who some Valley homes were without power until Tuesday. Arnold promised to have his build died Nov. 13. ing redecorated by that time. flower and telephone company At the annual board of direct officials Standing water left by the week both reported nearly all end rainstorm posed a problem or's meeting in January, one of damage w-as the result of trees the bank directors will be selected blowing across lines or against in Cave Junction this week. Mayoi 1 Salvage and Councilmen Goff and ,o hold the official title of presi- poles. ; Sherier surveyed the most serious lent. Mrs. Clifford Sparks will re Nine Redwoods Telephone Co. The junior da»» of Illinois Valley High »chool wil Professor, How Could You?" Dec. 17. Here I situations Tuesday deciding to in main cashier and will assist Mr. lines were knocked out Saturday (l.-r.) Dick Master», Bill Smith and Mae Bowerman rehearse an act for the Wednesday night perform- ■ stall a culvert on Kerby Ave. and Tegarden in the loan department. night as were both Bell Telephone •nee. —ILLINOIS VALLEY NEWS PHOTO Tegarden came to Cave Junc- ' o. toll lines to Grants Pass and to gravel Kerby, Palmer, Shu I_______________________ _ _____ ____ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ * ♦ ♦ maker and Sawyer avenues a- .ion form the First National Bank Medford as well as other long >f Portland’s home bank, where he distance lines owned by Bell. Last 1952 NEWS Issue ! -oon as possible. A special meeting was announc served as auditor in the auditing Cail Morgan repoited all Red To Publish Dec. 23 ed hy the council for Monda) lepartment. woods Telephone Co. service night, December 22 to which the Mrs. Tegarden and two-month should be restored by about Fri The NEWS is giving notice planning commission has been in old daughter will remain in Port- day. Three Cave Junction lines this week that its final issue thit vited to discuss street and lighting land until housing is found in inti one in the Holland area were month dated December 26 problems. Since Monday night’s Cave Junction. Mr. Tegarden is »till down Wednesday evening. The will actually be published Tues Stellar roles in the junior class meeting Mayor Salvage was pre temporarily residing at the George weekend gales knocked the whole day, Dec. 23 to allow the pub play at the high school next Wed sented a petition urging bettei Martin home. lishers and employees to enjoy Holland-Bridgeview-Takilma area’s nesday Dec. 17 will be filled by street lighting in Cave Junction. The new manager started in the communications out. the Christmas holiday. Mae Bowerman and Dick Masters, --------------o-------------- tanking business as cashier of the News and advertising for this Lines missed by numerous full- as a hot-tempered college student Marsing State Bank, Marsing, Ida. ng trees remained operating by Christmas Greeting issue should und an intellectual young history after serving three and one-half btttery Saturday night. be submitted no later than Sat professor, respectively. years in the navy during World urday evening, Dec. 20. The ab Among the many roofs and "Professor, How Could You?”, a War II. solute news deadline is Monday buildings damaged by winds or three-act comedy, will be presented From Marsing he was' caller! 'alien trees was the I.aVcrn Sauer noon, Dec. 22. at 8 p.m. in the Illinois Valley out of the naval reserve for 15 barn, an old Valley landmark. —---------- o------- high school gym, rather than in Friday’s Game There, months active duty in the Korean The bain was destroyed. Kerby Grade school students the Kerby auditorium where past theatre. After his Korean service will get into the spirit of Christ Gas ami kerosene lanterns and Home Game Saturday: plays have been produced, Robert Tegaiden went to work for the stoves came into vogue Monday mas Friday l>ec. 19 when they dec Farrand, director of the play, an Coach Names Starters orate the school tree and bring First National Bank of Portland. and Tuesday with Selma power nounced. cans of food for less fortunate He waa born and raised in Idaho, not bung restored until nearly The IV Cougar’.« basketball sen- The plot evolves when the unat efttended tWe tA« University of 10 p.m. Monday and at O’Brien classmates at' a school program in and (Attended tached (and uninterestedl profes cne off-eiclly get« underway thi. Idaho. the auditorium at 1:15. not until around noon Tuesday. sor is told the coveted position as week in the first two scheduled 0 A group of 270 carolers will K small section of homes on the clashes, both of them with Ash dean of the history department is Lions to Sponsor perform at the program in spec northwest corner of Cave Junction his—if he will marry. Uproarious land high school Friday there and ially prepared yuletide costume- was also powerless until about Group for Bovs 11 Up just situations arise in the race to eith at the IV gym Saturday night. The completed by mothers of the Tuesday noon. For further details er marry him or get him married. junior varsity game will start al participants in grades one through >f regional storm damage see the An Explorer Scout group spon- The play has been in rehearsal 6:45, the varsity squads meeting four. O'Brien column, and also the Ker at 8:15. sored by the Illinois Valley Lions for only four or five weeks, Far Students are busy preparing by and Holland columns. Halftime activities Saturday club is being organized in the hundreds of ornaments to be used rand said, but will be “ready” by COPCO’« Grats Pass manager night will include the presentation Valley. Wednesday. A sneak preview will in the trimming of the tree which Mr». Helen Bottel Win. Moyer reported about 30 be given students Tuesday Dec. 16 of the shotgun or mixmaster and bred McMullin. Jr., field scout will be done at the program under (Leave New» at O'Brien Store) men worked over the weekend anil steam iron, and the drawing of executive of the Crater Lake Area the direction of Mrs. Katherim at 2 p.m. th»> first part of the week restor O’BRIEN—Dateline Tuesday ing juice to cohl and hungry Vai- Cast of characters includes: Mae $200 worth of bonds sold to fin council, met with the Lions club Erickson. "White Gifts’’ in the form of No electricity out here for three leyites. Frank Boardman, COPCO Bowerman as Vickie Randolph; ance the football field lights. I uesday night at the regular Lions According to coach Wes Peters Dick Masters, as Keats Perry; meeting and outlined the Explor canned food will be the individual lays. We’re bathless, hungry, and superintendent of the Granta Pass Mary Taylor, Grandma Perry; Don the Cougar hoop squad remains an ers’ program and the responsibili gifts brought by students which cold, being dependent on powei district, personally directed repair Warren, Grandpa Perry; Christine unknown quantity until the week ties of a sponsoring organization. will be prepared into baskets to for almost all our comforts. A operations in the Valley Saturday falling limb knocked our husband night and Sunday. Dunean, Valerie Whitman; Rob end tests with Ashland. Peters Explorers are Scouts of 14 years be given less privileged students. erta England, “Tootsie" Bean; Ko scrimmaged the Cougars with and older and the program is de Parents anil residents have been loop-legged, and a falling tret Soggy blankets of rain accom •arely missed our house- -it smash panied the winds with over two Krauss, “Butcher Boy" Bean; I Grants Pass Friday and has con signed to keep the interest of the invited to Friday’s festivities. tinued concentrating on Mlditional ed the coffee shop sign across inches reported for Sunday, Dec. 3 Joan Yandell, Priscilla Marley; older boys by means of segregating SPECIAL PRACTICE SESSION he street. Shingles blew off our making a total of nine inches of Bill Smith, John Appleby; and scrimmaging in preparation foi them from their juniors. the Ashland games. An extra practice session foi i oof like feathers, and the drip- Joe Spalinger, “Boggins”. Named on a special Lions com the Community Chorus group has drip of water into atrategically- rainfall in the Valley for the week In two previous years Illinois ending Dec. 7. Ron Terrel is stage manager. Valley lost all four games played mittee to select a leader, help been called for Sunday night, Dec. arranged buckets is fine accom In the snow department the ------------------ o - — organize and to work with the paniment to the hiss of Coleman with Ashland which has played but 14 at 7:30 p.m. in the Earl Spencei Illinois Valley Rangel Station re leader were: Guy Stem, Laurence one game this year—a 47-43 loss home On Caves lliway just past th» lanterns. Pieces of the Bank <>i mits 12 inches of snow at the nine Snows and Poor Market America sign near the Inspection mile post of the old Oregon Mtn. at the hands of Willamette high Cushing, Abner Castleberry and Proctor residence. Orville Meredith. Slow Logging Industry school. The regular Monday night prac Station were last seen going north road, and 74 inches at Ramsey Also at the Tuesday night Lions tice wil! be held as usual. T’ne east at about 75 miles per hour, Possible starters named by Pe Mine on the Creek. These Snow and rain in the hills has ters are Orlen Pickle at center. meeting Abner Castleberry wa- •group will sing for the Illinois while the big roller-bearing tables igures are unusually high for so slowed down logging activity al Bob Jones and Mel Barton at named by President Hal Moore Jr., Valley Grange Christmas program in the Station isles followed, wit' •arly in the season, commented though some outfits working low forward, and Warren Cook and as program chaidman. Dave Wilson next Thursday, and agin for the our husband hanging on to one in Ranger Bowerman. will serve on the program com public over the weekend, exact a losing tug-of-war against the er down were reportedly still op Ron Terrel, guards. Local forests suffered heavily mittee. erating this week. Cougar student fans were g'iven time to be announced next week. wind. Smog, frozen water pipes, form blow-down, but not quite as wind storms! As of this week severely as in the 1951 "Big Blow” A combination of poor lumber a basketball briefing Wed nesda\ we’ve (temporarily) stopped be according to Bowerman. market and the need for main in a regular I V H S assembly. ing boosters for the great north tenance and repair is expected to Coach Peters and his 10-man west. But we’ll recover our en shut down some Valley mills this squad instructed students on rule» week. Cabax Mill will close down spectator courtesy to officials and thusiasm with the advent of the tempodarily for repair and a pond players and various types of bas power company’s repair crew. cleaning today (Friday). S II 4 W ketball strategy. Principal Doi. The sudden death of Mrs. Lou was also reportedly to be among Barnes spoke briefly on student ise Gatzga, mother of Mrs. Russell The most recent information I in charge of irrigation studies in Bechtel of Siskiyou Mountain those taking a breather and Rough spectator courtesy to other spec- ivailable on the proposed Illinois | the Rogue River Area said that Camp brought sadness and shock and Ready Mill will close for the tators. Valley Irrigation project was I investigative phases for this yeai to the Bechtel home last Monday. Christmas holidays, starting about - — n------------------ The Illinois Valley Lions club riven the new« this week in a' would be in the fields of geology, the 20th. Mrs. Gatzka had been visiting her Bids Called Soon For eleas» from Lee McAllister, area f engineering, and land classifica- daughter and son-in-law when she will sponsor a kids’ movie Wednes ------------------- o------------------- day afternoon, Dec. 24, to be danning engineer for the bureau | tion. A diamond drill will soon be Ft. Vannoy Furnace CORRECTION was stricken with a heart attack shown at the Ivy Theatre. >f reclamation in Salem. in operation in the Sucker Creek Saturday evening and was rushed The NEWS last week unin- Although the main feature was Bids will be called soon for th< Although this latest release con- I irea for foundation exploration of to Josephine General hospital, not known this week, the show tentionally inserted the name of selling of Ft. Vannoy school fui ains no new startling develop- i a potential dam site. Preliminary with Dr. Charles Versteeg in at- will be an hour and one-half mat "Mrs. Carlson" in place of Mrs. nace and radiators, according t nents it is printed in full below water supply studies indicate a endance. Isabelle Small who is defendant L. C. Mofitt, County Superintend inee starting at 2 p.m. and will ue to natural interest in the pr<>- water resource more than ample in a writ of mandamus suit now ent. as a result of action taken a Mr. and Mrs. Bechtel left Tues include n couple of cartoons. ect on the part of Valley resi- to supply projectlands from stor in the preliminary stages in cir- the Dec. 8 meeting of the count) lents. It rpad: Also announced this week is the age on this tributary of the Illi- day for the funeral which will be cuit court. Mrs. Small was the school board. “Bureau of Reclamation invest- ni-os River. If found feasible, the held at Mrs. Gatzka’s home in usual Friday and Saturday after only woman who should have been noon appearances of Santa on Cave It was also decided to send th< gations in the lllin ds Valley dur- torage site would become a part Washington. ment io ned in the story. seventh and eighth grades of th< Mrs. .Marie Archer, whose hus- Junction’s streets. ng this year will bring into I of the project plan. » Sunny Valley school to Wolf Creel focus a plan for irrigation of Engineering field surveys will band, Dan Archer, teaches at which will add 20 students to th» some 22,600 acres. Of this acreage. be made to consider the most Kert»y, has been elected secretary be on hand to deliver Christmas Wolf Creek school and necessi >,400 would be provided supple practicable plan for a canal and >f the Theatre Guild at Southern stockings to each child. The first “Kids’ Night” at Th e weather as reported by the tate hiring another teacher to ac mental supplies and 17,200 would I distribution system. During th» Oregon College of Education at cone in as new lands requiring pring months, a field land clftssi- Ashland. Mrs. Archer is completing O’Brien school went over with a Illinois Valley Range- Station for commodate the increase. The Ft. Vannoy school recenti) i full water supply. t fication will be made of lands in * teacher’» training course at the bang last Friday when John Grubb the period Dec. 1 through 7 is as had a new heating system install The general outline of these | the area to determine potentiali college. folio nvs : I showed sound movies to a capacity ed. The furnace now for sale is a 'dans were formulated «nrte years ties and capabilities of the soils The O’Brien Home Economics crowd of children and adults. Af Temp Humidity wood-burning, steam furnace. ago and included in the unpublish and to delineate the project area. unit Christmas party will be held ter the show, the Shamrock club Dec. High Low High Low Rain Installation of flush toilets in ed Rogue River Basin Project There have been numerous ex at Mrs. Gordon Steven’s home on took over and squade dancing end 1.85 1 42 N 2 43 .8.5 both the Central school and the Report prepared in Feburary 1950. pressions of interest and support Dec. 17 at 1 p.m. Members will ed the evening. 38 97 86 One of the great question-marks 3 46 36 96 68 N me New Hope school recently elimin Present studies will be based in by people in the Illinois Valley bring potluck dessert and exchange 4 45 1.34 ated the last of the outdoor toilets large part upon the work already and the Bureau of Reclamation presents, costing under $1 for of the age: Why do power failures 34 97 77 always happen when you’ve just 40 1.50 within the county district grade accomplished and obviating the is seeking to accelerate investi adults and $.35 for children. 35 98 68 á need for many studies which must gations in order that a plan for The O’Brien school PTA’s Chris- defrosted the refrigerator, frozen 1 37 schools, it was reported. 52 35 94 80 — a .. be included in a new investiga utilization of water for irrigation mas program will Itegin at 1 p.m. a large supply of meat and veg 2.09 44 40 97 86 Whether you're buying or sell tion. may be concluded as rapidly as Dec. 23 with songs and plays by etables, and are expecting over- Total Rainfall 9.00 ing, NEWS want ads work for you. Mr. Lee McAllister. Engineer jmsaible the children, and Santa Claus will ! night guests? Juniors Present Hilarious Comedy, "Professor, How Could You?", 17th 1 -. 2 Games with Ashland Start IV Hoop Season Kerby Christmas Program Friday Explorer Scouts To Organize Here1 O'Brien Storm Toll Described Latest on Irrigation Project Received By NEWS from Reclamaiion Engineer WEATHER Lions io Sponsor Kid's Show, 24th