Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Illinois Valley news. (Cave City, Or.) 1937-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 14, 1952)
L?wi W e CLASSIFIED RATES FOR SALE (cont.) GOOD BUYS in used conventional and automatic washers. Also used refrigerator in good con dition. The BOB and RUTH Shop. 44-tfc I FOR SALE (cont.) OK Used Cars and Trucks OK MISC. (cont.) M1SC. (cont.) $20 REWARD to anyon» identify SHEPHERD PUPPIES t.> gi\.-‘ SEI.MA—Miss Darleen Cooper, ing truck and driver at ice»» of away. Call at once. Jim Payne, bride elect of Rill Large, was guest wreck Thursday afternoon just Smith-Sawyer Rd., Rt. 1. of honor at two showers recently. north of Sauer fiat. Notify __________________________ 30-1 tp Mrs. J. T. Seifert gave a personal State Police, Granta Pa»». 1951 CHEVROLET 4-Door Sedan r________________ shower for her with the following 30-1 tp LEAVE YOUR CHRISTMAS Heater, seat covers, undersealed WANTED: Elderly lady to care CARD WORRIES WITH THE guests attending. Miss Betty Large. Sirs. Ed Breazeale, Mrs. for 7 children in my homw»over 1951 CHEVROLET 2-Door Sedan Don Metcalf, Mrs. Richard Raines, New Year ’ s weekend. Ph. 590 “ . ILLINOIS VALLEY NEWS. Radio, heater, seat covers Mrs. Earl Bolinger, Mrs. Dale 30-2tc undersealed DISTINCTIVE CARDS Tucker, Mrs. Gene Jordan, Mrs. FERTILIZER WE now have in stock Sui Der phos- ' IMPRINTED WITH YOUR NAME Russell Cooper, Virginia Brea 1950 CHEVROLET 5-Passenger phate, gypsum, Sulpl »nata ---- of; Coupe, radio, heater, seat covers zeale and Shirley Tucker. Sending IN QUANTITIES OF 25 OR Ammonia and 16-20-0. Morton under^ealed gifts were Mrs. Richard Willis and Milling Co. Cave Junction. MORE. START AT $2 FOR 25. Merrill Simington. 21-tfc 1950 PONTIAC 5-Passenger Friday afternoon Mrs. Ivan Coupe, radio, heater, seat cov Cl NS — AMMUNITION GOOD BUYS! in used refrigerat Burt, Mrs. G. M. McFarland and ers, sun visor ALL CALIBERS ors, washing machines, kitchen Mrs. Leonard Lee were hostesses CALDWELL’S heaters, gus ranges and refrig for a household shower for Dar 1950 FORD Convertible VALLEY SPORTING GOODS erators. all in good usable cond Radio, heater, good tires 38- ition. Purchase on low down leen. A brick church complete with payment and easy, convenient bells in the belfry and a bride HALI. FOR RENT - for weddings, 1948 OLDSMOBILE 4-Door Sedan terms. See at Manchel’s Furni and groom at the door held many parties, business meetings, $20 Radio, heater, good tires ture Store, Cave Junction, Ph. of the gifts that were presented a night. J. M. Hovanski, Elk Cave Junction 3311, Granta to her. Creek lodge, O’Brien, Ore. 1948 HUDSON 4-Door Sedan Pass 4437.__ 2-15-tfc ___________________________ 29-tfc ' Miss Cooper is being married Radio, heater, seat covers if you . . . fhanksgiving day in Grants Pass, FRANKLIN’S VETERINARY and ANIMAL HEALTH REMEDIES Achievement Day for Illinois —want help. TODAY S SPECIAL AT THE VALLEY DRUG. Valley and Deer Creek 4-Hers will —want to rent, be held Nov. 21 at the 1 V. high 1952 BUICK Riviera 4-Door Sedan \\ E CAN handle all of your weld —are buying or selling. school in Cave Junction. ing and machine work for mills,1 Clean as a hound’s tooth, low farming and the woods. Cave A 50e WANT AD WILL Alan Breedlove, Merlin Sprague mileage, all dressed up and ready City Parts and Supplies, Inc.. DO A QUICK. EFFICIENT to go. and Fritz Krauss have received Ph. 4101. 2-19-tfc J ob l oi; 1 OU PHONE 1 401 merchandise checks from the Factory Repi esentatU <• NATIONAL BANK OR Rogue River Hardware in Grants HELP WANTED FRATEX FASHIONS G M AC TERMS Pass for being prize winners in Plastics TO LIVE in Grants Pass home— their recent sewing machine con- KELT CHEVROLET FRESH SILKS care .for children, and some i test. housework while mother works Lingerie, Hose, Sweaters Mr. and Mrs. Milton Erickson 7th St. between J & K in afternoon. Room, board and ESTHER M. PATTON Grants Pass Phone 4461 are here visiting. They lived in wages. Call Grants Pass 7517 Rt. 1, Box 768 Phone 1009 before noon or 3498 in after Selma prior to moving to Ix>s Ang- Cave Junction, Ore. MISCELLANEOUS noon. 28-3tc eles. ____ ___ ___ 19-tfc Mr. anil Mrs. Leonard Lee were FOR QUALITY machine- work and WINDOW GLASS RENTALS called to Oklahoma by the death _ see Cave City Parts w’elding, ALL SIZES window glass cut and and Supplies, Cave Junction, installed. Illinois Valley Hard POR TABLE all-purpose gas pump, of his brother. Rev. and Mrs. H. A. Sprague are self priming, capacity 4,000 gal. ^-16-tfc _____________ ware, Cave Junction. 25-tfc _!*A_ 410L ____________ per hour., with 25’ suction hose. holding special meetings at the GOOD BUYS! in used refrigerat WALLRITE—Inexpensive w a 1 11 For rent by day from Caves Selma Church this week. They play ors, washing _ machines, kitchen paper. Nine beautiful colors and I Building Supplies, Cave Junc the vibraharp and give flannel heaters, gas ranges and refrig designs. Five hundred square tion. 19-tfc graph and other object lessons. erators, ail in good usable cond leet to the roll. $3.30 per roll. ition. Purchase on low down Caves Building Supplies, Cave SMAL1 SANDER for finish work. They travel in a house ear and pull Bob and Ruth Shop, I'ave Junc payment and easy, convenient Junction._____________ 21-ltc tion. 7-tfc a chapel on wheels thnt has a seat terms. See at Manchel’s Furni WATER WELL DRILLING, do ing capacity of 50 persons. ture Store, Cave Junction, Ph. mestic and irrigation wells, 12 CEMENT MIXER for lent by the We are having an unusual spring Cave Junction 3311, Grants day. Mounted on trailer. Caves this fall—with pink and blue vio tt> 36 months to pay. Latest Paaa 1137.__________ 2-15-tfc Building Supplies. Phone 4012, equipment available. Satisfied lets in bloom. Star of Bethlehem WANTED—Good used cars, top Cave Junction. customers our mòtto. Paquin I nnd spring-flowering anenomes prices paid. Security Motors, and Storey, 800 N. 10th St., Grants Pass, Ph. 5408. have been up for several weeks, Grants Pass.Phone 2631 ot PORTABLE HAND sander, $2 a REAL ESTATE LOANS 3583. day. Caves Building Supplies, and now the daffodils are up. On Farms and Homes Mr. and Mrs. Holloway and Ph. 4012. 16-tfc PUMP REPAIR SERVICE Convenient terms and 6% rate Service daughter of San Diego, Calif, and parts for all makes 1 ‘■a h.p. gas pump with 25' were here recently looking after We buy mortgages and contracts of pumps. suction hose. in real estate. property interests. Authorized Service Man Skillsaw by day or week. FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS BOB A RUTH SHOP Sewing machines by week AND LOAN ASSOCIATION ______ 11-tfc Grants Pass month. YOUR SAVINGS can earn more 22-tfc The BOB and RUTH Sh here. Savings accounts insured 24-tfc FOR FORD TRACTORS ant to $10,000 by Federal Savings Dearborn farm machinery—new FUR RENT BY DAY — Cement and Loan Insurance Corp.. 3'< or used—see Miller Tractor and mixer, electrically driven. Illi current rate. First Federal Sav Implement Co., 113 SW I., nais Valley Hardware, Cave ings and Loan Association, Grants Pass. 2-24-tfe Junction. 25-tfc ’ass. Grants Pass. 22 tfc FARMERS, increaaa production ELECTRICAL CONTRACT ING through adequate irrigation REAL ESTATE and repairs. All work and ma Buy our irrigation pipe, $45.40 terial guaranteed. Illinois VaL WANTED TO RENT per 100 feet. Illinois Valley _ le.v Hardware, Cave Junction. Saturday, Nov. 15 2-BEDROOM hôûâe foi three ad Hardware, Cave Junction. ults. Kern Drown at Morton 6-tfc FOR SAND and GRAVEL, good topsoil, road and driveway Milling ('0.. or call 3901 :u>11 maintenance. Clyde Knight, USED CAR SPECIALS FOR SALE at C. G. & E. Texaco Garage, or 1951 JEEP—like new, heater and phone residence 4401. 32-tfc 3-BEDROO.M house, about 3 acres, top good well, electricity, small rri // LOG CABIN GARAGE clown pint. Montly pmts like 1950 CHEV >2-Ton Pickup General Auto Repairing rent. f 2 miles from town. See 1951 FORD ’i-Ton Pickup, 4- Motor Tune - up — Lubrication W. L. , Chapman, Dick George speed, heater Welding D \ I.E ROBERTSON 30-2tp Rd. LEAVE YOUR CHRISTMAS ART DEDRICK. Prop., Selma 1950 CHEV Club Coupe JOANNE DRU FOR SALE — Residential lots in CARD WORRIES WITH THE 1947 DODGE Club Coupe MAYTAG WÀSHFRS Pine Knolls subdivision, Cave ILLINOIS VALLEY NEWS and Junction. Reasonably priced, Also some good cheap work cars DUTCH O VEN G AS DISTINCTIVE CARDS terms to suit you. Title insur Sun., Mon., Nov. 16, 17 RANGES SECURITY MOTORS ance. Herbert Falkenhayn, IMPRINTED WITH YOUR NAME -your Maytag franchise doaler-- Caves highway, phone 1722. IN QUANTITIES OF 25 OR Used Cars THE BOB AND RUTH SHOcP 28-tfc MORE. START AT $2 FOR 25. Grants Pass Phone 4553 6-tfc 1.7 ACRE with modern, 1-bedroom home. 5'2 miles on Caves Hiway across from Wayside Groe., foi information write Samuel Jones, Box 747, Klamath, Calif. SQUARE DEAL FURNITURE 29-4tp "Return oí the Texan ^» o APÆMWR e ./ PROFESSIONAL and BUSINESS DIRECTORY DR. A. N. COLLMAN Naturopathic Pbyaiciaa Hours: 9 to 12 tn. - 2 to 6 p. m Office Phene 5501 — Rea- 5511 Charles N. Versteeg, M.D. Physicien and Surgeon Office houri 9 a. m. to 12 noon 2 to 5 p. m. HULL & HULL FUNERAL HOME Ambulance Service Day or Nigbt 612 N. W. ’A’ SL Phone 4453 Night Phone—Cave Junction 2301 Glenn Morrison Post 4 RO< >M Model n house, $35 See The American Legion E. F. Bliss, Kerby, at Cabax ARROW Mill. 30-ltp «441 RTS Meets 1st and 3rd Wednesdays ‘2-BEDROOM furnished house for rent until April 1. Reasonable 41)0 S. Sixth Phone 3625 VISITORS WELCOME rates. See Carl Jacobsen, Selma. 30-ltp FOR RENT by the month, winter REDIMIX CONCRETE EGGERS’ JEWELRY PAQUIN & STORY rates, attractive, modern 2 and 113 S. Sixth St. All Building Materials 3-room furnished cottages with WATER WELL DRILLING bathrooms, gas heat and ranges, Foundation to Roof Watch»» — Diamond» laundry and plenty of hot water. 1140 Redwood Hiway Grants Pass BUILDERS* SUPPLY CO. Headquarters for Town and Country Motel, 2'a miles south Cave Junction. All Leading Name» in Silver Third and F Phone 4459 Phone 2631 or 3583 29-2tp Modern Repair Department MODERN I R< " > M cottage, F «tei Court, 2 miles South on 199. A Complete Surveying »nd Sportamen Headquarter» 23-tfc Craidog Service L. B. H A L L HAMMERS SPORTING 1-ROO.M apartment in Trehea ..... GOODS CO. Cutting Lines Perfected •FUNERAL HOME Bldg. Inquire at Trehearne’s. For Your 29 tfc NORMAN D. PRICE • CREMATORIUM FISHING. HUNTING MARVIN C. RAMSEY MODERN APARTMENT, furni h 5th al *C' St. Ph 3388 ATHLETIC GOODS ed, reasonable rates. See Martha 724 NE Madron» Grant» Pa»» 635 S. Sixth St. Phone 3362 GRANTS PASS Trefethen, six-tenths mile up Phone» 3994. 5647 Caves Highway. 80 H TOGGERY Pbona 3612 Grant» Pa»». Portland and San Francisco YANDELL BROS. GARAGE R. GEORGE SIMMONS Pierce Auto Freight FINE Watch, Clock Illinois Valley Cleaners And With » Modern Cleaning Pl»nl Jewelry Repairing Barnes Jewelry Store Luther and Pauline Sherier 615 S. ’H' St. ESCROWS Rogue River Title Co. 212 N. 6th St PHONE 3303 THE MUSIC SHOP DR. T. W. SMITH “Everything in Music” and Recorda — Sheet Music Instrumenta and Accessorii Wing Bldg. Phone 3389 Al’s Radio Shop SALES AND SERVICE Appliance« and Nationally Known Record* Phone 4002 Cave Juncti on Grant. Pa». TITLE INSURANCE Grant. Paa» Moatkly P. U. C. R«For«» Service and Quarterly Report« Audita» Boekkeeoinf, lacom« Tai Hall’s Accounting Service NOTARY PUBLIC C at * Junction °aSUP.‘F FOR RENT Unfinished Furnitur» Hnrdwnr» Plumbing Supplia» Daily Freight Service VALLEY DRUG P»C» 5 Wedding Showers For Miss Cooper RÍ Classified advertising rates. 10c per line (five words) first inser YOU’RE missing something . • don’t inquire about our rental tion, 5c per line thereafter if no purchase plan on any of our new change, minimum charge 50c first pianos. Little Piano House, 1740 insertion. East A (Just 3 doors past 12th) FOR SALE Grants Pass. 24-tfc All Types Fishing Ta - BALED HAY, Morris Ranch, 5 Oregon and Calif, fishing licenses miles up Caves Highway. CALDWELL’S 30-2tp Valley Sporting Goods 2 TON of stock carrots and man 3rd Door South of Post Office 52-tfc gels. T. H. Beck, Holland. _____________ 30-2tp Christmas Cards imprinted with your name as low as $2 for 25. REDWOOD, rough 1x4—6-8; 2x Wide variety of comic, religious, 4—6-8; 4x4—4x6. H. F. Hart and cards especially for busi well, 1‘i miles out Caves High- nesses. Order now before the rush. Illinois Valley News._____ w ay • AI’I’l IAM ES PULLETS, fryers, for sale. Buck service available, purebred or FREEZERs— Hutpoint and Inter national Harvester grade. Bob Breckenridge, at O’Brien. 29-3tp REFRIGERATORS — Hotoaiat and International Harvester WE CAN handle all of your weld RANGES— Gas: Magic Chef and ing and machine work for mills, Maytag farming and the woods. Cave RANGES— Electric: Hotpoint City Parts and Supplies, Inc., WASHERS-—Hotpoint and Maylag Ph. 4101. 2-19-tfc DRYERS— Hotpoint ’48 CHEV Sedan Delivery. Very KITCHENS— American, Hotpoint and Youngstown reasonably priced, earner's Aut omotive Service, 109 SE ‘M’ St. WATER HEATERS— Gas and electric Grants Pass. 30-ltc PUMPS— Meyers, FAW and Pa WE BUY, sell and trade guns of cific all types. Caldwell's Valley PLUMBING FIXTURES— Ameri Sporting Goods, next to new can Standard and Briggs Beau postoffice building, Cave Junc tywai <• tion. 28-tfc The BOB and RUTH. Shop 10-tfc FOR SALE—20 gal. Hotspot gas hot water heater, price $54. FOR QUALITY machine work and Also other makes of both gas welding, see Cave City Parts and electric hot water heaters and Supplies, Cave Junction, Ph. 4101. 2-16-tfc Caves Building Supplies Cave Junction. IE YOU’RE in need of a good 32-tfc daveno and platform rocker set, EXCELLENT deer or elk rifle. but don’t want to pay fancy prices, see the special combina ..303 British T14 Enfield. See at tion deal now offered by Man- Linkhart and McLean, Cave chel’s for only $149.50. Terms J unctio n________________ 29-2tp if desired. Manchel’s, Ph. Cave WE’LL WELD ANYTHING, any Junction 3311, (¡rants Pass, place. Cave City Parts and Sup 4437.____________ 17-tfc plies, 1 ’hone 4101._____ 2-24-tfe PUREBRED Siamese kittens for WE’LL WEI.D ANYTHING. any place. Cave City Parts and Sup sale cheap. One mi. west of Cave pl ies. Phone 4101.. 2-24-tfc Junction, across from Camp Muir, Ross Phillips. Rt. 1, Bx DID YOU KNOW that you can trade in almost anything for 28-3tp 916. ____________ new at Manchel’s? ’48 PLYMOUTH Sedan, good con Manchel’s Furniture Store dition. earner’s Automotive Ser Cave Junction vice Co., 109 SE *M’ St. Grants Free Delivery in the Valley Pass.___________ _________ 30-ltc ______________ _____ 2-tfc BUILT IN CABINETS of all ’46 INTERNATIONAL 1’ ton kinds. Reasonable rates. Jones van job. earner ’ s Automotive Cabinet shop, Drews Building Service Co., 109 SE ‘M’ St. Cave Junction.__________44-tfc Grants Pass._____________ 30-ltc ORDER MAGAZINE subscrip $10.00 tions for Christmas gifts from Will Buy Lucille Kelley. Ph. 6201. 29-2tp $5,000 Coverage FOR FORD TRACTORS and For Each Member Dearborn farm machinery—new Of Your Family or used—see Miller Tractor and Polio Insurance Implement Co., 113 SW I.. Plus Grants Pass. 2-24-tfc Seven Other Disease Hazards SALESBOOKS Protect Your Family Plain or Imprinted Through Buy them at the— LINKHART A MCLEAN ILLINOIS VALLEY NEWS Insurance Agency_ Cave Junction RECORDS FLOWERS. . . Popular — Western by the Flower Basket All The Latest Tunes Order Through CALDWELL’S VALLEY DRUG Valley Sporting Goods DYNAMITE 3rd Door South of Post Office 13-tfc TRY VALLEY LUMBER CO. if you need blasting powder. 221 NEW FALL JACKETS West F St., Granta Pass. SHOES. SHIRTS, CAPS 47-tfc HARDWARE CAMP EQUIPMENT LIGHT’S SURPLUS MART 344 Hiway 99 So. Grant. Pa»» FRIDAY. NOV. 14 •ST Singer's AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE for Josephine County SALES SERVICE RENTALS REPAIRS PARTS and SUPPLIES Prompt »nd Courteous Calls i| B Lewis Ave. Grants P» PHONE 671» LITTLE PIANO HOUSE BALDWIN, WURLITZER LESTER PIANOS, and HAMMOND ORGANS 1740 EAST ’A’ ST. PH. 7275 (Just 3 Doors Beyond 12th St.I GRANTS PASS Mulvey’» Electric Service DR. ROBERT KLEVER OPTOMETRISTS LODGE .nd CLUB | ANNOUNCEMENTS [ I Illinois Valley Medical Center Office Hours: 9-5, Tues. X- Thurs. V. F. W. Veterans of Foreign Wars Post No 4390 and Auxiliary meets every second and fourth Thurs day at the V. F. W. Club in Cave Junction. All veterans ara wel come. THE SEWING BOX Your Headquarters for— Yarn»— Stamped Good»—Crochet Hour» 10 — 5 "Oklahoma // Color by Technicolor JUDY CANOVA Plu.— // Gun Play" TIM HOLT Thu„ Fri., Nov. 20, 21 AMERICAN LEGION AUXILIARY 113 SE ‘G’ PH 3528 GRANTS PASS C. GUY STEM meets the first and third Wednes day of every month. J E W E I. E R Fraternal Order of Eagles *°»«a o. MEETING • Fin» Watch«» • Diamond» »nd Jewelry Ph 3803 Tue., Wed., Nov. IS, 19 Every Friday Night at 8 P. M At the Aerie Home, Kerby Cave Junction MEMBERS WELCOME NOTICE BRICK »»d FIREPLACES Regular meeting of Western John.-Maaville Bmldiag Produci» Star Chapter No. 64, OES, will be WIRING held Tuesday, Nov. 18, 8 p.m., .Masonic Hall, Kerby. Friend Domeitic Commercial VALLEY LUMBER CO. ship night honoring Joy Kellert, PHONE 2907 Phon. 4612 545 NW ’F’ St G R. to New Mexico. Ruth Masters Worthy Matron Cave Junction Grar.U Paia, Oregon I l(M mils IfFTKT KU«KI CMSIMCÍ SMUN „.WAIO» MINNAN