I ’nix • *• 1 < Il luni. te ~r n ILLINOIS VALLEY NEWS T H E VOICE OF THE VALLEY Cave Junction, Oregon, Friday, October 24, 1952 FOREST MANAGEMENT ILLINOIS VALLEY HIGH SCHOOL NEWS Single Copy Ten Cents Ciiy Administration Accused of Filing Suit for Politics by Former Recorder Water Cleansing Measures Taken Answer (I a inis Election I iniing. Notes Hubbard Leave of Absence Mrs. Isabelle Small accused the ity administration of attempting City Councilman Luther Sherie1 to divert attention from its "own L V. Representatives announced this week the comple deficiencies” immediately before tion of a re-arrangement of watei the election through the mandamus Attend Conference tank outlets and inlets hoped by i netition filed last week Those students acting as repre the city to result in nt least partial her. sentatives from Illinois Valley high if not complete elimination of rust The former recorder's answer school that attended the annual colored city water. •vas filed in circuit court in Grunts Student Council Conference the Water was formerly taken from Pass this week in defense of the first of the week in Klamath Falls the immediate bottom of the tank charge she has withheld certain were Wayne Spencer, Joanie Eis allowing collected sediment to flow .•ity records. ai,, Treva Lee Allen, and Jackie directly into the lines. The city ha According to the Grants Pass Strohkirch. The students were ac re-arranged the tank plumbing, us Daily ( ourier, Mi's. Small's answer companied by Mr. Barnes to Klam ing one tank as a settling basin 'ontained photographic copies of ath Falls. he lists of records receipted by and installing the outlet of the sec The purpose of the conference ond tank a foot off the bottom oi decorder Hubbard, now undergo is to discuss new ideas for govern- the tank as a second precautionary ing treatment to an injured back in ing the student body, Among the measure. A hole was knocked in aii force hospital in Arizona. new ideas that were established through the tank partitions nt the Hubbard is on leave of absence in the high school as a result of top to prevent taking water near from his duties as recorder and the representatives attending the the bottom where sediment can justice of the peace. conference last year was the H os- be expected. I he ( ourier story quoted para (left) end Wallace Kohler, a neighbor pitality Club. Working on the project were graph IV of the answer as follows: I- nd to determine its rate of growth. "Further answering, defendant Watermaster Ait Drews, Herb Fa! SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE PHOTO Iowa Heading Test kenhaym and Sherier. Councilman believe- and alleges that the Mayor and Officials of the said City, now Sherier’s time was donated. The above picture demonstrates era in the best selective cutting are thus able to continue growing Given Frosh Oct. 20 campaigning for re-election, have ■ - o------------- one aspect of soil conservation methods to assure them of maxi aused these proceedings to he and up to 1500 board feet per One hour and a half were de work in the Valley—that of aiding filed as a sham for political cam acre a year can be expected ac- voted to giving the freshmen of the farmer in proper management mum growth and profit. paign purposes, using this Court IV high an Iowa Test of Silent Under the guidance of the soil cording to land use capability. of his timberlands. and the publicity resulting there Reading on Oct. 20. The tests were E. W. Morris and Wallace Koh conservation service Morris has Kohler also stated he would at from to take themselves off the ler, the latter owning 200 acres of tagged trees to be cut this fall low his timber to be cut only oli given by Mrs. Hennes and Mr. hook for their own deficiencies in Larson who reported that the timber, are both cooperators with and winter. They are selected a selective and improvement cut Handling the affairs and records of the Illinois Valley Soil Conserva through a crown and trunk spac ting program recommended by freshmen were exceeding)}' cooper the said ( ity at this late date and ative in taking the tests. Nothing has been found missing immediately before the election ing method which allows thinning technicnians working with the Ill tion district. but a small stapler and a roll of The purpose of the tests is to de Resident Soil conservationists without opening the stand too inois Valley Soil Conservation dis and after the departure of the termine the student’s reading rate scotch tape as a result of someone Petitioner herein to parts un and other technicians aid the farm- much. Young and immature trees trict. and ability to understand sent breaking into the city hall over known.” ence« and paragraphs. Also their the weekend and forcing open a Mrs. Small, through her attorney Senior Girl Scouts ability to understand poetry and metal filing cabinet. F,. L. Mikesell, demanded the alter The mischievious thugs evidently word meaning. Organized This Week native writ of mandamus issued Through the results of the.sq passed up items of value, instead Oct. 13 by Circuit Judge O. J. Mil Sixteen high school girls met tests the teachers have a better taking two city revolvers and de lard be discharged and the ilefend- Wednesday noon to organize a idea of how to help their pupils positing them in the tank of the ant be dismissed. men’s toilet in the Legion hall. * Senior Girl Scout Troop with Mrs. in their school work. City Attorney Wm. D. Carlson How the illegal entry was made Goody Allen as leader. Bethel Number 36 held a spe —o— represents the City of Cave Junc- Favored Grater Club sometime between 7 p.m. Satur tion. Open to all high school girls, cial meeting Oct. 14 for inspect Report Cards Out Squeezes by 27-20 day and Monday morning is not -------------- n———_ the group will be the first Senior ion by the grand guardian, Mamie known by Chief of Police Wm. The first six weeks of school is Deal and county sheriff deputies Coach Stan .Smith’s football troop in the Valley, although Wilson from Myrtle Creek who charges have hopes of picking up earlier attempts have been made complimented the Jobs Daughters completed and report cards were Tythcott and Eckstein investiga on their work. Honored Queen issued to the students of Ivy High their second league game in an toward such an organization. ting the case. A lock to the Aux Working under a new program, Jonelle Benge at the Masonic hall on Oct. 2. evening contest with Rogue River iliary roof was discovered miss in Kerby. here Friday at 8, after losing a the Senior Scouts will be run as a The parents of the failing stu- ing, however. Other grand officers introduced dents will be notififed the third close thriller to Crater on the club, following Robert’s Rules of Fingerprints obtained did not IV field 27-20 last Friday night. Order, i n preparation for the and welcomed besides Grand week before the cards are issued. prove readable, the officers said. Ihii'ty red and white jerseys ------------- 0-------------- After leading twice, the Cougars girls’ activities in clubs after Guardian Mamie Wilson were Jean were donated by people in the Yeo from Portland, grand associ were unable to hold the highly- finishing high school. West-Side Forest \ alley to I.V. high school’s foot Mrs. Mabelle Duncan from ate guardian; Carolyn Covington, rated Crater Comets in the fourth ball team and arrived in time to grand fourth messenger, also past Closure Lifted quarter when they broke a 20-20 Kerby will be chairman of the be worn at last week's Crater Troop Committee, an adult super guardian of the local Bethel. tie. The closure of west-side forests game here. Carol Burr, junior past honored The game was marked by long visory group. Also on the commit At a pop assembly Friday after which banned deer hunters and and exciting plays, the most im tee will be Mrs. Edith Hall, Mrs. queen, was introduced and wel other sportsmen except by land- noon, Oct. 17, the jerseys were comed. Corsages were presented to Betty Deal. Mrs. Wanda Sowell pressive play from the Valley presented to Orlen Pickle, football owner's permit has been lifted. the officers by Honored Queen Kerby Grade School trampled a standpoint being a 65-yard run by and Mrs. Hazel Henry. Although the Illinois Valley captain. Jonelle. The new organization will meet Murphy squad at six-man football end Mel Barton on a pass from Sparked by Mrs. Stan Smith of lantha Rouse was initiated into at Kerby Friday afternoon to the Ranger Station warns that the Stan Campbell for second Cougar every Wednesday noon at the Cave Junction, donations came fire danger is still present, per touchdown in the second quarter. high school and all eligible girls the Order. She is the daughter tune of 74-13. mits in Josephine Conuty are no from all over the Valley for the of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Rouse who are welcome to attend. Scheduled to play the Murphy Halfback Lou Watson scored longer needed. The ranger station new additions to the uniforms. were introduced to the group. ■ ■ —o-------------- girls’ team at baseball the same • aidwall’s V alley Sporting in the first and third on running suggests no smoking while travel Solos were sung by I^aVonne day, the Kerby girls split into plays. The Cougars went scoreless 3 Lions Arrange for ing through forests and urges care Goods first attempted to obtain the Smith and Claire Cooper. Duets two teams , team no. 1 winning jerseys but their supply house was in the disastrous fourth quarter. Crescent City Visit in the choice of campfire sites. were sung by Lois Spencer, guard 17-3. unable to supply them, and the — ' o-------------- Larry Maurer accounted for ian of music, and Claire. Claire The boys’ squad included : Chap- jerseys were finally ordered from Three members of the Illinois also sang a duet with Delores Rein- pel, Mellow, Ellis, Cole, Savage, two IV points by kicking two of a Los Angeles supply house. Valley Lions club visited the Cres <>ehl. Mrs. Alberta Proctor replaced Swift, Howard, Spencer, Watson, Evangelist to Speak three extra points. Contributors inculded: Coach Stan Smith especially cent City Lions club Tuesday night Ron inc Rausch, musician, who was Nickerson, Perry, Preston, Syming At Community Church Butch Hollingshead, Mr. and making arrangements for a visit in California. praised the defensive play of Stan ton, Versteegen and Lusk. Ken Mr.s. Lou Maurer, Mr. and Mrs. Dick in the line and halfback Doug with the harbor town club, prob nedy kept the downs, Yandell and Guardian Edna Cooper and As-1 George Cook, Dr. and Mrs. C. Ver ably at Patrick's Creek, Dec. 6 for Plumlee. sociate Guardian Jim Garrison ■ Deaton carried the chain and Bur steeg, Mr. and Mrs Bert Sco't, a ladies night meeting. nett cared for the medicine and The game was the fourth loss Mr. and Mrs. Ira Hall, Mr. and Lions making the trip were Pres were introduced and complimented i towels. Dale Fallow is Kerby's P.E. for the Cougars out of five starts. ident Hal Moore, Jr., Larry Cush the girls on their work. Mrs. Earl Spencer, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Bears.«, and Orville Camp Entertainment following the instructor. The Rogue River squad which irtg and Kern Drown. Officials from the high school all of Cave Junction. closing ceremony included a duet ------------- o------------- the Cougar eleven hope to knock i for the football game were Wayne by Lois Spencer and Claire Cooper, Mr. and Mrs. Pete Blue, Mr. and over for their second league win IRA HALLS BUILD Mrs. John Pickle, Mr. and Mrs “The World Is Waiting for the Spencer, Orlen Pickle and Doug Friday night boasts of a capable 2 HOUSES TO RE-SELL C. II. Colee, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Sunrise”, and a solo by Claire, Hoskins. passer in the person of quarter Players on the no. 1 girls’ team Construction of a house to be re "May the Good Lord Bless and Burr, I). II. Lloyd, ('. M. Stengel, back Lederman, who will duel via A. R. Hershberger, Art Dedrick, the pass route with IV’« Stan sold on FHA financing was expect Keep You.” A humorous skit was were: McBriety, L. Iuiborde, John son, V. Laborde, Abbey, Hoskins, ed to be started with the pouring put on by the Daughters. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Weiss, Mr. and Campbell. Gray and Yarbrough. Playing for of concrete for Mr. and Mrs. Ira Refreshments were served in the Mr- Ray Frost, Mr. and Mrs. Bob o Hall of Cave Junction this week. dining room from tables decorated the losing gills' squad were Hub Frost, Mr. and Mrs. Lew Krauss, The Halls hope to build a second with large bowls of fall flowers. bard, Mickey, Spalinger, Nicker Mildred Harvey, Mr. and Mrs. Fritz five-room home after the first is Bethel Number 36 meets the son, Looper, Rouse, Boyd, Cham Krauss, Mrs. Smith, Mr. and Mis. Gordon White, Henry Simington, completed. The houses ¿»re to be first and third Mondays of the berlin, Rosenberry, Rausch and Illinois Valley Justice Court cas built adjacent to the Ira Hall home month. Parents and members of Collman. Mr and Mrs. R. L. Hammer, G. M. Pat Wright and Lucille Pritchett ts for the past two weeks were as on the south end of the Old Stage the Maspnic order. Eastern Star, McFarland, all of Selma I follows: Road. They will have shake exter and Guardian Council are invited officiateti for the girls. I Mi. and Mrs. Helliwell, and the ■ ■ ---- a------------- to attend. Q X Ranch, of Kerby. I Les Milligan, Cave Junction, iors. -n- o verload, $225 and costs; James F-. Hemingway, rt. 1, no operator's LONG-TIME RESIDENT. GUY SPOTLIGHTING HUNTER Cruising and Mileage REV. LEWIS COLLINS BAGS Q— X HEREFORD cense, $2.50 and costs; Cecil A. HIGGINS DIES SATURDAY Logging Done This Week Allen, Selma, improper safety Rev. Lewis Collin.« of ('entrai A spotlighter seeking deer Funeral service* were held Wed chains, $10 and costs; Fred A. • Asdstant Ranger George Morey 1 hursday night made a mistake nesday. Oct. 2 at te Hull and Hull Point, Oregon will open a series Current, rt. 1, no operator’s lic chapel for Guy W Higgins, 5X, of and Winston Tuttle of the Illinois of special meetings at the Commu and it cost the Q—X a $600-700 ense, $2.50 and costs; Edward IL cow. , Cave Junction who died Saturday Valley Ranger Station spent Tues Robert Maguire ha-s been pro- nity Church, Sunday, Nov. 2. ( lose, Kerby, overload, $30 and General ho.s- day and Wednesday cruising tim moled to staff sergeant, accord The Hereford was discovered Oct. IX at Josephine Rev. Collins is known to many costs. ber and logging the road mileage ing to word received recently by in this vicinity as Bible Teacher dead Friday, shot in the head, too pital. Kenneth L. Bullran, Selma, over- late to even salvage the meat. In A resident of Cave Junction for near the Emly Cabin on Little his parents-in-law, the Georg« and personal evangelist. ■' dth load, $10 and costs; Charles the past 11 years, Higgins was Graybt^ck this week. addition to leaving a calf mother Moreys. .* Sgt. Maguire is based He is scheduled to speak Sunday less, the cow was bearing another. 1' Dawson, Cave Junction, illegal born in I/Ogan. Kans., and was a Also announced by the ranger at Hollamon Air Force base, New- Nov. 2 and each night, Monday Tex Clifford volunteered to give possession of parts of game, 125 veteran of World War I. station was a favorable report Mexico. through Friday, at 7:45, conclu its calf to the '‘guy” who shot her and costs, and no operator’s lic- The deceased is survived by received from the forest super o ————————— ding the series Sunday Nov. ' nse $1, fine to he served in county three brothers, L. R. Higgins of visor on the good public relations if he'll come by to claim it. _ FALL FROM TRUCK The public is cordially invitted 'il at rate of $2 per day; Melvin Yakima, Wash., Ray M. Higgins job being done by Ranger Harold INJURES BRIDGEVIEW MAN The cow was grazing in a field ■ ■. — o ----- Wallace, intoxication in public of Springfield and Daniel L. Hig Bowei man and his staff in coopera near the ranch when shot. ------ . o lace, $25; Theodore L. Reckham, gins of Kansas; a sister Louisa R. ting with the Illinois Valley News A fall from a logging truck sent CANCER CHAIRMAN * eve Junction, inadequate stop La Reau of Norton, Kans. on forest service news. Bud Hoskins of Bridgeview to NAMES NEW WORKER Belt Lodge Saturday frht, $2.50 and costs. n ■ Josephine General hospital Tues As part of the current Valley A Klamath Lodge No. 77 dele- - o-------- — day morning with a broken pelvis. cancer drive for funds. Valley gation will confer an MM degree RAMBLERS PLAN HAY RIDE Municipal court cases were: Roy Covey» Have New Daughter Hoskins worked for Roy Miller chairman Blanche lackey this week and the district deputy will make A hay ride and wiener bake in A Rossiter, Cave Junction, reck- Born to Mr. and Mrs. Howard driving, $10 and costs; Garland Covey of Cave Junction Oct. 20 planned by the Rough and Ready and Beyersdorf. The accident oc- named Mrs. Gene Loganhill as his official visit when the Belt w Saffer, Cave Junction, reck- was a daughter weighing eight Ramblers and will be open to the cured at about 10 a.m. Valley an additional O’Brien worker. Mrs. Lodge No. lx AF4AM meets at k< driving, $25 suspended and pounds three ounces. The new public Saturday night, Nov. 1. The Ambulance took him to Gran's Lackey checked with her O'Brien the Masonic Temple in Kerby Sat il 50 costs. solicitors Tuesday urday night at X. baby has been named Phyllis Joy ride will start at X p m at Kerby. 1 Pass By Mary Lockhart Prankslers Break bio City Hall IV Looking for 2nd League Win Grand Guardian Inspects Bethel Team Sporfs New Jerseys Kerby Boys Win Over Murphy 74-13 Police Court News News of Valley . . . BOYS IN UNIFORM %