Annual Fun House Planned Friday, October 10, 1952 lllinoi. Vallley New. Page 4 Annual Fun House, sponsored by Jie Jr. Women’s club, will be pre- ented Oct. 18 at 7 p.m in the Leg- n hall. Bingo, free dancing, home made refreshments and a bazaar pd. adv. booth. --- o— it ei*e mm •••••••••••••••• ********** •••••••••** I I I This Week in Cave Junction MRS WINNIFRED MULVEY. PHONE 2907 OR 2912 I : Ji ATTEND EVERY-SUNDAY Bring. Home Big One ' ♦Clubs ♦Society : ‘Visits “Butch” Hollingshead wants ev eryone to know about the beauti ful Chinook he caught Sunday while fishing in Smith River. I* weighed 22 pounds. (b To Make Home Here Here Ruth Woosley, who works in the Illinois Valley Market, made u fast trip south last week to bring back her grandmother, Mrs. Helen Thomson, of Torrence, Cal. Mrs. Thomson will make her home here. Mr. and Mrs. George Goethais of East Moline, III., are visiting at the home of her son and his family, the Paul Bradings. The Goethais made the trip hoping to go deer hunting, but so far have found no deer. for Deer Hunting at the of fjod Fall Planting Time Fall planting time is here! Save money at the annual fall plant sale of the Illinois Valley Garden club, Saturday.Oct. 11 in front of the IVY theatre, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Shrubs, perennials, fresh veg etables and homemade candy. 3-24-2tc sunony school Elli.on. on the We.t Fork Eldon Ellison and family arc now living iat Riverflow, Mrs. Esther Patton’s place on the West F orks. --- o--- American Legion DANCE ♦ Attend Star Breakfast Mrs. Ruth Masters and Mrs. Joy Kellert attended the Eastern Star breakfast Sunday morning in Giants Pass. --- 0— ♦ In Valley for Day Mr. und Mrs. Robert Wendt and Eslella Franzen from Grants Pass were in the Valley Sunday to visit Mr. and Mrs. Chris Wendt. --- O' Saturday, Oct. 11 Gue.! Speaker in Grant. Pa.. Mrs. Harry O. Smith was guest speaker at the regular meeting of th« Grants Pass Garden Club, Wed., Oct. 8. —o— P. M. 9 American Legion Hall, Cave Junction from Crescent City ♦ ♦ Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mellow, Marshall and Robert Coker, from Crescent City spent Sunday in Cave Junction with the Frank Mellows, Sr. Earl Bogan's Orchestra Lunch by the Ladies Admission 75c per person i i i i i • i i i i i i * » i i i i i i « i i i i i i i i i i i i i t « i « i i • i • r i i i t i i i i i i i Is it YOUR BUY JOHN DEERE Doctor? Fortunately, it'.-* not too late for more and more American- wlm are going to their doctors in time the first sign of any one of the seven danger signals which may mean cancer: (1) any sore that does not heal (2) a lump or thickening, in the breast or else where (3) unusual bleeding or discharge (4) any change in a wart or mole (a) persistent indigestion or ilitliiiilti in swal lowing (t>) persistent hoarseness or cough (7) any change in normal I hiwc I habits. To learn how to guard yourself ami your family against cancer, call the nearest office of the American < am er Soviet \ or w rite to ' ( ancer” in care ol imir local Ollin*. Our Ads ; Grants Pass Branch United States National Bank ot the MEMBER Hud Ottici, Portland, Oregon FtRERAl □ E P OSIT, IRSUââNCE CORPORATION Dance Classes O'BRIEN WOMENS (’Ll B Saturdays: AGES: Cave Junction O' " •CAVEMAN WAMPUM and get extra value with 3-5, 6-8, 10:30 To the Public “The Farmers' Store Since 1884” Grants Pass The theatre, are the Council of Churche. to have you vote MERCHANTS^ Decorator's Supply WISE Advertise! Ph. 4711 Next to Illinois Valley Bakery Cave Junction three 4 twenty “SEX!” A lot of F I R SAW LOGS WANTED: u. are too old for that *o plea.e leave u. the hor.e. and greyhound.. Vote 327 X NO! OSWALD WEST* * Ex-Governor, Temperance Advo cate, Senior Oregon Statesmen. CABAX'MIUS WE JOIN OUR OPPONENTS! on » WHY ’ vr**‘*J*S'i iM org*n &n ^me^fgS m th* “o'* -hí"1 steady milk supply . . . More than 80% of Oregon’s Dairy Farmers (who really know the milk business) oppose the t kky substitute initiative. They are fighting it with every hard-earned dollar they can spare, because they know it could threaten your steady supply of rich, wholesome milk. On Saturday, September 27, the following news release was issued to the Portland newspapers and news services — of O'* °rT. do tho profit-minded out-of-state grocery chain store and the allied Affiliated Milk Committee try to make you believe that the substitute milk initia tive will protect Oregon’s Dairy Farmers and your WHEN THE TRUTH IS 1 „ 1100 Wallpaper In Stock—During October Hubbard-Wray Co. Phone 4222 8-10, 9:30 . . . SÀLE . . . 25% Off On All BOB ¿I RUTH SHOP : 132 S. E. ‘H’ St. Write or call tor complete information — Anicricttn < '.oncer Society ; Quality Farm Equipment Quick - Easy - Safe too late t ■ A New Modern Deposit Plan to save your Time HANS LEUTHOLD, Tillamook dairy farmer, says: The m>lk consumer in Oregon, as well Os Our many small dairy farmeri, should be seriously concerned over the attempt of on out of-state grocery chain to pass a substitute milk control initiative promoted by them to serve their own selfish interests. YOU are not protected under WE BELIEVE THE SUIT lût co'ir^ their initiative. Oregon s $70,000,000 dairy industry, so vitally im WAS FILED FOR PUBLICITY portant to our state agriculture economy, ii not protected either Your PURPOSES TO FOCUS and our ability to better our herds and sanitory equipment, IS PRO present supply of rich, sanitary wholesome milk ot present fair prices, TECTED under our present FAIR law. Let $ keep itl” ATTENTION ON OUR OPPONENTS’ CLAIMS. THESE CLAIMS ARE SO EXAGGERATED AND UNTRUE, WE WELCOME THIS SUIT WHICH WILL ESTABLISH A TRUE AMOUNT AFFECTED BY THIS LAW. HERE IS THE TRUTH ABOUT YOUR PRESENT MILK CONTROL LAW! IT DOES ASSURE YOU and your family a iteady supply of rich, wholesome milk at uniform, low prices the year 'round. .11« » IT DOES AFFECT YOUR milk's sanitation and purity by giving dairy farmers a stable market and so a chance to maintain better herds and keep modernized the high-priced equipment needed. bett'* IA in *>ur VOTE IT DOES PREVENT YOUR milk supply from falling under control of a politically appointed one man dictator as called for under the out-of-state promoteJ initiative At present, a 7-man Board of Agriculture fairly admini.ters the GOOD Oregon Milk Control Law to your best interests. 330 X YES WE WANT THE PUBLIC TO KNOW THE TRUE TO END THE TRUCK TAX MESS FACTS ABOUT THESE ,SSUES..... OREGON HIGHWAY COUNCIL Kllery lilla. Ire>*4eal, M. .. i ... Secretory, *22 4 2 G.u J I.< rang, Oregon DON’T BE TRICKED into repealing our FAIR MILK LAW that has worked so well for 1 9 years. Vote 333 X NO PROTECT I Your steady milk supply at FAIR PRICES. THE MILK INDUSTRY... OREGON'S many small dairy farmers. Vote 333 VOTE WITH THOSE WHO KNOW X NO I