Dean Wells Back from Korea Mr*. Mab.ll« Duncan Phone 1322 * KERBY—Dean Welk, son of Mrs. George North, returned from Korea this week. His mother knew he would be here about the first of this week but was mighty aur- prised when he arrived Saturday evening instead. He now goes to Ft. I^ewis, Washington to await discharge. Dean was overseas about 18 months. The Wurn family is driving a new Chevrolet. Mr. and Mrs. Clay Ramsey ot Kerby left Thursday for their mine on Aulthouse. The Y-Not malt shop is now under management of Mrs. Paul­ ine Reese formerly of 1 win Pines Cafe. Mr. and Mrs. Les Milligan and family settled in their new home on the Redwood highway. The Kerbyites of F. O. E. Aerie and Auxiliary 3055 attending the Zone Convention in Grants Pass last Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Art Kellert, Mr. and Mrs. Les Milligan, Mrs. Frances Cooke, Mrs. Mabelle Duncan, Mr. Jacobson, Mr. Hal Moore Sr. and Mr. Harry Skeen. Visitors in the valley this past week have been Mr. Fred Hart and granddaughter Allaris Bidache of Fortuna, California. Mr. Hart i» an old-time resident of Kerby. He a the brother of Millie Trefethen and George Thrasher. Mr. Brewer of Selma was initi­ ated in the Rebekah Degree by Marguerite Rebekah No. Ill last Wednesday evening. Fall Planting Time Fall planting time is here! Save money at the annual fall plant sale of the Illinois Valley Garden club, Saturday,Oct. 11 in front of the IVY theatre, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Shrubs, perennials, fresh veg­ etables and homemade candy. 3-24-2tc ARE YOU A QUALIFIED AMERICAN CITIZEN? Have You Registered? SATURDAY, OCTOBER 4 IS LAST DAY TO REGISTER SO YOU MAY VOTE ON NOV. 4, FOR HARRIS ELLSWORTH EXPERIENCED CAPABLE LOYAL Parsonage Given To Selma Church Friday, October J, 1952 lliinaia Valiwy N»< • Pag« 2 REPUBLICAN FOR CONGRESS FOURTH DISTRICT 'Keefe ok tAc Elhworth for Congress Committee, L E McClintock. Medical Art« Building. Roseburg, Treasurer. Forests Closed To Hunters SELMA—The Ralph Smiths of I the “Deer Creek Ranch,” gave to the local church a parcel of land with a house on it to be used for ' a parsonage and the pastor and I his family, the Douglas Fields, have 1 moved in. The place is known as the I former Earl place and recently the Russell Coopers lived there. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Roll of* Van Nuys, Calif., have returned home after, spending nearly two weeks here with her sister and fam- ly, the Carl Jacobsens. SELMA Rally Day was observed at the Selma Sunday school Sept. 28 with I ■>ongs and recitations. Certificates ' were give to the ones who were oeing promoted to another class. I Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Krauss and | Orville Camp attended, the reunion I i .n Grants Pass, Monday night for I | the high school graduates of the la-ses of 1920, ’21, anil ’2?. Mrs. Krauss and Mrs. Camp were mem- The annual Pie Social and Kid I bers of the class of 1922. die Karnival is now history. The The Deer Creek HEU will meet proceeds of the social, which ex­ Oct. 9 at 11 a.m. at the home of ceeded $*>00, are used to support the hot lunch program sponsored Miss Margaret Amer. She and Mrs. Ralph McKinstry will give by the Selma PTA. I the lesson on "One Dish Meals. There were well over 200 people Members are to bring a small gift , to enjoy the fishpond, dart game, grab bags, candy sale, and ring toss games. Carl Jacobsen won the correct guess on the beans-in-a-jar. The highlight of the evening, with Tom Breazeale as auctioneer, started with the spirited bidding for the "junior’’ division of "young ladies" pies. “Fifteen, twenty, twenty-six cents, one dollar (the limit in the children’s division) go­ ing, going, gone to the boy wit! the dollar,” was the language of the evening. We wish to thank the merchant of the Valley and of Grants Pas for the prizes which accounted, in a large measure, for our success. We also thank the people who gav both their labor and generous sup port to the festival. GRADE SCHOOL NEWS CARNIVAL COMMENTS m nd t<> an Engli h family. | Mrs. A. A. Whitesell was hostess to the Illinois Valley Garden club at her home, “Tall Timber Ranch,” last Friday. Mrs. W. L. Walden of Medford demonstrated the making of corsages and helped some of those present make corsages which were later auctioned and the pro­ ceeds added to the building fund. During the business meeting plans were made for a plant and candy sale to be held in Cave Junction Hu ni-ar future. The rbih voted to join the National Iris society and hold an iris show in conjunc­ tion with their annual flower show next spring. Miss Dorothy Warren has re­ turned to Ashland to resume her studies at S.O.C.E. Lewis Krauss has gone to Cor­ vallis to attend Oregon State Col­ lege. ---- — -o—------- — hi JOB PRINTING—Call the NEWS. Illinois Valley Zigh School CARNIVAL FRIDAY, OCTOBER 10 STARTS 7 P. M. Behind School (In Case of Rain Will Be Held in Gym) • BOOTHS • REFRESHMENTS • CROWNING OF QUEEN AT 10 PM This advertisement courtesy FRENCH LAUNDRY Grants Pass Fcr America’s ines* Liighw«/ Travel V———.------- —- I for the Most Pleasurable “They gave away good prizes.” Performance, You Can’t Beat ! —Jerry Walden "I liked the grab bag because I they gave such good prizes. 1’ I didn’t cost much either”—Donna ' Campbell. “I sure won a lot of prizes!”— Dennis Wheeler. “There was a blanket donated by Mr. Swede Lundquist"—Don­ na Frost. “Everybody had fun”—Byron Piel "We are glad that the amount of money is enough to operate our lunchroom for the coming year”— Come in and see Grants Lorrayne Frost. “Lonnie Plumlee got my pie, he Pass’ new music store. was assisted by his sister”—Ciarla A complete line of musical Prewitt. "All the women wanted what 1 instruments and pianos. pot, a little box to hold soap” Low Specializing in repairs. G ritman. "1 got Clacia’s pie for thè fourth Rental instruments tor year in a row!"—Lonnie Plumlee. school bands ami -------------- o------------- HOLTON Deer Creek Grange DANCE SAT., OCT. 4 9 P. M. to 1 A. M. ♦ by Mrs. Fritz Krauu Ph. Selma 621 All forest land west of the Cas­ cades has been closed to hunter.' as of midnight Iasi night (Thors day) according to word receiveu Thursday afternoon by the Illinois Valley Ranger Station and con­ trary to a story on Page one. According to Ranger Bowerman “forest areas” would include ali land not under cultivation but cap­ able of growing forest products. The closure affects only hunter- and fishermen, and does not in­ clude loggers and stockmen. to Fall Plautmg Time ♦ Van s Music Co. EARL BOGAN’S ORCHESTRA See How You Save! from Cave Junction: Spokane, Wash. $12.55 Seattle, Wash. 9.60 Salt Lake City, Utah 22.00 orchestras. hall planting time is here! Save money at the annual fall plant sale of the Illinois Valley Garden club, Saturday,Oct. 11 in front of the IVY theatre, 10 a.m. to «4 p.m. | Shrubs, perennials, fresh veg-1 718 SE 7th Ph. 745« etables and homemade candy. i GRANTS PASS 3-24-2tc I JOHNNIE LEWIS, ( aller Bigger value! More schedules everywhere—leave whenever you’re ready. Finest air-conditioned buses. Thru-Expresses berw^n principal cities save time. No bus farts lower than Greyhound—choose the travel leader at no e\tfa cost! Return Trip LESS. . . «« RvunJ-Trip INA MC CARTHY Oklahoma City Sacramento Boise, Ida. tekth! GRANTS PASS $37.55 7.40 13.65 Plm Ft J. Tax PH. 4513 TRIM YOUR COSTS 3 WAYS WITH DODGE TRUCKS s K ► There’» a Dodge truck that’» "Job-Patod" to k fit your job—14 ton through 4 tons. ► Every model "Job-Rafd "-engineered to o o ® Haul a specific load at low co*t, to last longer, to save you money. Load-carrying and load-moving unit» en­ gineered for proper »trength and capacity under severe condition». Ask us for a Show Down of Truck Value — be your own judge. We have all the fact»! ► Com* *n *°day for a demonstration and a / Rayon Sheen Gabardine Hi Ru. Man Tailoring i good deal. ! f s Twn Fleet* tech S«4e Two Room, Rochet* pPr?*in9 C®’H! You'U «et ‘he right eng*^e n“? hi«h compression _• 1 ’ S9?h proved Dodge features as four wefr P**™' ehrome-plated top ring, and wear- and heat-resistant valves save gas and oil! Conceded Zipper Cloture Oeluae Wide lolt loop* •or Toched ot Point* et Strain 2 SeW Cloth Belt with Gold Buckle • ore« Botin Lmod Woi*tbood with Shttenmd All Seem* Pmhed V om Boch lor Wd*t Adluttmed Uddle Stitchod Aleng Side loom, • hi c A re w “Oodge is by far the -J I I % N a • We keep complete individual records of each of our trucks and have found that Dodge is by far the lowest cost to operate, in fact, our Dodge costs us 6 <>/ a ,o operate than our next cloecat truck I his difference must lx* the result ol Dodge's many economy features. “Furthermore. we ye found that our Dodge ‘Job- WU*. ,u!ul a ful* l“ad of *‘"‘1 ”r Pavel up lulls that several of our other trucks won’t take. Dur iwxt truck will l>e 3 IXxige.” •0- U- 14' /i . . . toys JOHN S. SCOFIÉID Scofield 4 Co., Fneeporl, «.95 IHl 1 % LADIES READY TO WEAR OEPXRTMfNI lUinor* See Trim upkeep costs! You’ll get a ‘‘Job-Rated’ chassis that s built to stand the gaff on your most rugged jobs! Depend on features such as deep-channel frame and high-capacitysprings to minimize repair bills and downtime! P * 3 Trim delivery costs! You’ll make more de­ liveries per day —in less time. That’s It s so easy whed a Dodge truv« • ^*cause Of tight spots- thanks to advantages like short turning diameters and easy steering teeioy,;, • to D0DGElTRUfK5 f A R N T D 'C AUTOMOTIVE VnXlllIiXl M SERVICE 109 S E. ‘M’ St GRANTS FASS *