Friday, September 26, 1952 High School News (Continued from Page One) I a community bank WITH community interest Our future it closely linked with the future of our customer» and their continued prog­ ress is dependent on community advance- ment. Ufy It ia logical then that this bank should p be eager to promote local progress and the 41' ^advancement of our citizens in every nuy \ consistent with sound banking practice. ' Let us work together for our mutual advan­ tages and further improvement of local conditions. HANK at HOME — TRADE at HOME BANK of ILLINOIS VALLEY GAA Meets Monthly The GirU’ Athletic Association will meet monthly with President Arlene Pickle presiding. The pur­ pose of this club is to “stimulate an interest in girls* ahtletics and gymnastics and to promote a gen­ eral well-being for all.’’ Trailblazer Staff Being Organized Plans have begun to materialize for Illinois Valley High's yearbook for 1952-53. This past week, phot­ ographers have been meeting with those interested in helping with the staff in composing the best an­ nual ever published for I.V. The work will begin as soon as a stuff is chosen. ------------- o-------------- Fire Damages Krauss Car by Mrs. Frit» Krauss Ph. Selma 621 Quonset Armory To Be Built Here Construction will start this fall >n a quonset-typ? National Guard armory to be built adjacent to the Legion hall in Cave Junction, ac- ■ording to Lt. Otis Hussey, com­ manding officer of the proposed Valley unit. Two Oregon National Guard of­ ficers were in Cave Junction Wed­ nesday, Sept. 17, and obtained the lease from the Legion for proper­ ty just north of the Legion hall. The 16 x 72 foot structure will house weapons, equipment, offices and the dayroom. A portion or the Legion hall will be used for drill­ ing, Hussey said. --------------Q. . - MEREDITH PRESIDES.AT TUESDAY LIONS MEETING With President Hal Moore, Jr., out on an ambulance call, third vice- president Orville Meredith presided over the Lions club meet­ ing Tuesday night at the Todel- ope at which the den viewed a waterfowl hunting film, “W histling Wings.” Attorney Laurence Cushing was introduced as a guest of the club, in addition to new Lion member | Mason Ludwig Several members of the club via- , ited the Gold Hill Lions club last ! night for a stag meeting at the i Dardenelles for dinner and enter- Ltainment. ■o--------------- Taken To Ho»pital Samuel Mickey, from the Rocky- dale Rd., was taken to Josephine General hospital Tuesday morning by Valley Ambulance service. He was reported seriously ill. I I ! , Fall Music to Be Picked by Chorus A meeting to decide upon the music to be presented to the pub­ lic this fall will be held by the Com­ munity Chorus Oct. 6 at 8 p.m. in the O’Brien Women’s clubhouse on Caves Highway. Anyone interested in group sing­ ing is invited to attend, according to Mrs. Frances Reinoehl, chorus director. The group hopes to attain a membership of 4(1 or 50 for this i year, she said. Men are particular- | ly needed in the group. Organized last fall, the chorus I presented a cantata at Christmas l and another one at Eastertime. SELMA—About 11:30 Monday night Mr. and Mr». Lew Krauss were awakened by their car horn blowing. When they investigated they found the car on fire. They managed to get another car and pickup out of the garage, and the fire extinguished, but the interior of the auto was burned and the windows blackened and melted. It O’Brien PTA Holds was almost two years ago that the Food Sale Saturday Krausses had a car badly damaged by water during the high water at A food sale this Saturday at the that time. O’Brien Store begins the O’Brien Mr. and Mrs. John Prentice have PTA’S yearly round of activities returned to Washington afte, outside their regular meetings. spending the summer here with his At the well-attended potluck mother, Mrs. Jack Prentice. John dinner and business meeting Sept. will return to college where he is 18, President Mrs. Louise Hunter studying to be a veterinarian. appointed as room mothers, Mrs. Mrs. Henry Krauss, son Henry (lean Loganbill, Mrs. Dorothy Bai­ and daughter Willa Ann went to ley and Mrs. Virginia Lewis. Mr. Corvallis over the weekend to at­ Roby Kiser is childrens* atcivities tend the wedding of Mrs. Krauss’ chairman, and Marshall Burrows niece, Sharon Christie and Robert was made membership chairman. A pie social, sparked by Mrs. deBord of Salem. Willa Ann was one of the flower girls. Sharon is Virginia Lewis will be held at the the daughter of Mrs. Ina Christie O’Brien school, October 24. and the late Albert Christie. Mr. See La»t --------------- --------- of Coast ° Serie* deBord is in the army, stationed Fred Linkhart and Claude Mas­ in Kentucky, and the couple will I ters left last Thursday for Portland fly back to his base. to see the final games of the Coast About 21) boys between the ages series. of 8 and 14 meet every Tuesday evening at the church to build model airplanes. Leaders are Eddie HUNTING AND Breazeale, Carl Jacobson and Don Warren. (AMPING Kenneth Brewer and Doyl Ham­ ilton, Jr., are both home from ser­ vice in the navy. Kenneth is out of the service and Doyl expects to be discharged soon. Buster Branham, Gordon Ste­ phens and Ernest Krauss each has his truck hauling peelers into Grants Pass. Part of the time they are hauling from Prospect and part | of the time from near Brookings. Advertised in The Selma PTA will hold their annual pie social and carnival at (he schoolhouse today (Friday). Vou always have All the ladies and girls are to take pies which will be auctioned off good food in a to raise funds for the lunch room jiffy, and plenty and school Christmas treats. There of good light in­ will be games, fish pond, etc., for stantly with the everyone-—young or old. Coleman (amp The former Joan Paquette was Stove and I antern " given a bridal shower Sept 20 at along J I the home of her sister. Mis. L. J. Pope, with Margaret Spliethof as hostess. Joan was married Sunday to Huey Mangus of Myrtle Creek. Mrs. Andy Spliethof, the former Marlene Wilder, was given a bridal shower Wednesday afternoon at th< h uh of Mi Wihm-i Wheeler. o F I R SAW LOGS CABAX MILLS WANTED: s a <■ 1 F0U Ï1 -- Essentials ™ Hunter See these "OUTING PALS" LIF E 1 AND 1 2 BURNER ( AMP STOVE Sll.95-S14.95 We have 'em NEW SIZES! NEW LOW PRICES! (¡range Booster Night Features Tax Talk .Annual Booster night at the Illinois Valley Grange this coming Thursday at 8 p.m. will feature a talk by Merle Griffen, county tax assessor, on “Timber Taxes”. The program for October 2 has been planned by the Grange lectur­ er, Mrs. Minnie Mills, and by Ed­ ward Morris, and will include a musical program. A potluck supper following is under the management of Mabel Ramsey. All grangers and those interest ed m grange work are invited. Hall's Accounting Service MODELS CAVE JUNCTION. OREGON Audit*. Bookkeeping, Income Ta* Service and Quarterly Re­ port*. M c C ulloch Now Seven model* to choose from, blade lengths from 14 to JtJ inches, plus 13-inch bow CHAIN SAWS Now Lowest prices in the his­ tory of the popular McCulloch 3-25 power »aw 1953 models feature improved carburetion tor smoother operation at full power in any position. 1 he new high-speed HH chain is standard equip­ ment Many more exclusive features. FREE DEMONSTRATION BEEORE YOU BUY, ( HE( K DUR PRIEES! M c C ulloch chain saws (Located in Former Taylor's Self Service [.sundry LAVE JUNCTION NOTARY PUBLIC CAMP STOVE LANTERN Ued snd endorsed by «.»ding omdoorsmen everywhere! Come ia and let u, demonstrate them for you! Colenun Camp Stove took, hke « c.ty gs, range; fold, up; carrie, like a suit case; W indproof burners! Floodlight l antern giv 8 to 10 hour, lighting from a filling. Floodhgh lov-ti. area. Storm-proof! Coleman REFLECTOR Ps.ily attached, nukes . powerful ipoilight of vour Coleman Lantern. Concentrates a flood of brilliant ljtht wherever wanted. See it hghted. Com, , JOHNSON'S that'* th* place to to for jewelry when i* Grant* Pa** JOHNSON S JEWELERS In Rogue River Theater Bldg. POWERFUL PORTABLE COOK STOVJ» We ('ai ry Only the Deer Rifles Shot Guns •Shells AIR M vrTRESSES WHITE STAG PLASTIC SLEETING BAGS AIR MATTRESSES S1S.95-S29.9J S9-SI2.59 HODGMAN SI6.35-S2LIÜ Member of Oregon Association of Public Accountants IRA S. HALL P<)( KET STOVE Ea»y to Carry — about quart jar >IZO — weighs only 3 lbs. Coleman G. I. POCKET STOVE ILLINOIS VALLEY HARDWARE SERVICE As Well As SAVINGS CAVE JUNCTION Burnt Any Kind of Gaso­ line— white or leaded. 3 to 3A Hours Operation on one filling of pint-sized nickel plated brass fuel fount. Ai tAifanf/y • • th« met« Itr burner •< • city ••• range