u"iver91ty Of Ureg0I> to tkc Otcyon Crfu ILLINOIS VALLEY NEWS THE VOL. XV, NO. 23 VOICE OF THE VALLEY Single Copy Ten Cents ('ave Junction, Oregon, Friday, September 26, 1952 MORE LEVELING Students Request Operator's Fire Races 150 Acres Before Own Discipline of Stopped by 185 Man Crew Near Takilma Curfew Violators About 20 Acres of Merchantable Art Drews Replaces Cougars Hold Bill Deal As City Timber Destroyed; Logger Had Watermaster Oct. 1 Redmond to 13 Pts Only 2 Days Cutting Left IVHS Meets Eagle Pt. I Marvin Cross is shown at the scene of an eight-acre leveling pro­ ject on his Bridgeview farm. Resident soil conservationists assisted Cross in the planning of the project, with an Everett Robinson cat doing the leveling. Cross is a faller and bucker. —SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE PHOTO Mayor Salvage, Councilmen Tillery, Farlien Seek Re-Nominaiion Nov. 4 Registration and Filing Deadline Wednesday 3 Correspondents Start This Week With the deadline for filing for city offices only a few days off, Cave Junction’s mayor and two councilmen whose terms expire this year decided this week to seek re­ New Area Added; nomination. School Columns Begin Deadlines for both filing and registering to vote in the city and Three new correspondents join­ general elections Nov 4 falls 30 ed the NEWS staff this week, and days before, Wednesday Oct. 1. the school columns started again with the High School and O’Brien It was learned late Wednes­ the first two to contribute news day afternoon that petitions items. were circulating this week seek- Mrs. W inifred Mulvey is the new ing the nomination of three Cave Junction correspondent, re­ members of the former adminis­ placing Mi< Peggy Hubbard who tration: Elwood Hussey for has resigned ftx»m that position. Tn mayor, Walt Freeman and Blake the future, local news items, not­ Miller for councilmen. ices of club meetings and social events can be given Mrs. Mulvey Filing can be done through the or phoned in to her at either 2907 city 1 ecorder's office. Registration, or 2912. regardless of the prospective vot­ Kerby news items can now be er’s location in the Valley, can be given Mrs. Mabelle Duncan, phone done in Cave Junction with Mrs. 1322. Mrs. Duncan replaces Carole Elwood Hussey. Mrs. Harry Floyd Bliss as correspondent from that at Holland and in Kerby and Sel­ area. ma. (The registrars at the latter Adding a new column to the two places were not made known NEWS, Mrs. Helen Bottel starts to the NEWS.) this week as O’Brien correspond­ Eligibility for filing for city ent, and news items, social events, office and for voting is likewise etc., from O’Brien to the state identical. The person must have line can either be given directly been a resident of the state six to her, or left at the O’Brien store. months and a resident of his pre­ --------------o------ -- - — cinct at least 30 days prior to election day, Nov. 4. Only the three incumbents for mayor and councilmen have an­ nounced their intention to seek the three expiring terms to the NEW 8. The incumbents are Fred Sal­ The switching and metering of vage for mayor, and Mrs. Nettie the high school’s floodlights which Farlien and Jerry Tillery for coun- threatened to postpone last Fri­ < ilmanic positions. day’s game against Redmond was The latter three candidates were completed to work temporarily the urged to seek re-nomination at day before tre game. public meetings held at the O’Brien Gilbert Holt of Rogue River, in­ Women's club the past two Thurs­ dustrial electrician, and Larry Mu­ day evenings, Sept. 11 and 18. si) and Herman Renfro of COPCO Mayor Fred Salvage has announ­ worked feverishly to allow the first ced a third meeting for Monday IVHS game to be played under night at 8 p.m. in the Legion hall, he lights. Holt is continuing his at which time attending voters and work on the switches, making them businessmen will plan the cam­ a permanent and adequate install­ paign in an attempt to return the ation. entire present city administration Fencing of the football field is progressing with the frammg-in to power for another year. Mr. Hanes, Josephine County of the rectangle about complete. Civil Defense director, will be The vertical boards are yet to be present at this same time to give nailed into place. One Valley school bus will trans­ a talk. port players, gear, cheerleaders and a few student fans to the Eagle Soil Conservation Pt. game Friday (today) after­ noon. according to Principal Don Huntings Inspected Barnes. Seniors will get first pre­ A Bellingham, Wash., soil con­ ference in selection of the limited servation man from the nursery amount of fans to accompany the division was in the Valley Tuesday squad in their first league try. and Wednesday morning to aid Efficiency at fire drills was ob­ lesident soil conservationists in in­ tained at the high school Wednes­ specting and evaluating field plant­ day. After a couple of trys. stu­ ing trials made last year. dents ansi faculty were able to Nurseryman Bill Chapin inspect­ clear the building in 42 seconds. ------------- o ed legumes and grasses planted in the Valley for pasture and hay. Sowells Open the While here, plans were made for future Valley plantings to be ac Hamburger Haven complished in cooperation with far­ The Hamburger Haven located mers and the soil conservation next to the high school opened district. Monday under the management of --------------o - — Mr. and Mrs. Ruben Sowell of Lights Readied Àt Last Minute WILL SKIP MONDAY State license examiner R. A. Johnson will not be in Cave Junc­ tion Monday, and will instead be in Grants Pass six days next week. He will return at his regular hours the following Monday, Oct 6. Rockydale Rd. Specializing in fountain drink- ar.d short orders, the Sowells have announced their new hours as 10 to 10 weekdays and 10 a m to 2 a.m. Saturdays and Sundays. Both Pauline and Ruben Sowell are long-time Valley residents. A student request to aid in the discipline of youthful offenders of the city’s newly-adopted curfew There This Afternoon ordinance through a local youth Friction of a line against a stump from a high lead organization met with city council the cougars of IVHS held the approval at its meeting Monday Redmond giants to a 13-0 score yarder at the Romie Holzhäuser logging operation night. in the season’s non-league opener about seven miles southeast of Takilma ignited a fire Art Drews was appointed city under the lights on their home field which burned over an area of about 150 acres before watermaster by the council ef­ Friday night. fective Oct. 1. He will replace Short of subs, most of the out­ being checked Wednesday afternoon by a crew of 185. Bill Deal who is also city police weighed Valley starting eleven The blaze exploded from a 20-foot square area chief. were needed nearly the entire and raced out of the control of the eight men at the While seeking council advice game to stop the weight and size on the creation of a local youth of the Redmond squad whose scene and a cat which was only four minutes away. center, IVHS students Hugh Blue, numbers allowed adequate rotota- —----------- -—' ! The fire started at 1 p.m. Tuesday. Charlene Bliss, Carole Burr and tion of players. — Holzhäuser'» crew had only Warren Downing accompanied by Coaches and fans alike gener- i 20,000 feet of timber left to cut instructor Richard Newman, pro­ ally expressed a p p r o v a I of i for Rough and Ready Mill when posed the idea of dealing with first the fight put up by local squad, 1 the fire broke out. The operation, and second offenders of the ordi­ Coach Stan Smith had special which was located in the Siskiyou nance through a junior govern­ praise for the game of his dwarfed, forest under Hells Hole on Page ment setup. but not out-played, line Mtn., was to have been wound up The first resident attorney to in two days. Coucilmen and the mayor point­ The Eagle Pt. contest Friday As Rough and Ready belonged to ed out the intent of the ordinance (today) will be the first real test establish a law practice in the Val­ was merely to deal with a minor­ of Cougar prowess in an after­ ley arrived with his wife and fam­ the Illinois Valley Protective Assn, ity group of Valley pranksters noon league starter. Coach Smith ily in Cave Junction Monday night. and owned the land upon which Laurence A. Cushing, his wife Holzhäuser was working, the dam­ and would not curb the liberties figures his Friday rivals to be in and two boys, age two and one-half age was reported to be covered of most teen-age youth. about the same class as his IVHS The four students sought sug­ squad despite the Eagle Pt. upset years and five months, are living by insurance carried through gestions on the location of a build­ over Myrtle Creek last week, 7-6. in the Colby court. Attorney Cush­ IV PA. ing’s office when it opens within Only about 20 acres of scattered ing to be used as a teen-age social An 195-pound freshman, Jim center. Possible sites were dis­ Smith, is going to be worked into a week or so, will be located in merchantable timber was believed the Colby office space facing Cave cussed. defensive play by Coaches Smith Junction’s south end of Main St. destroyed, according to Ranger The council also accepted a writ­ and Peters to add needed heft across from Champion’s Variety. Harold Bowerman of the Illinois Valley Ranger Station. Of the ap­ ten report drawn up by Recorder to the line. Mr. Cushing completed law proximately 150 acres burned over, Chas. Hubbard to be submitted to The frosh of IVHS, numbering school last spring and passed the the state requesting approval for over 25, will meet the Rogue River bar this summer. Both he and Mrs about 40 acres was slash. The fire was reported to the the expenditure of $766 in street freshmen at Rogue River Saturday Cushing are life-time residents ranger station at about 1:15 Tues­ maintenance funds. The work cov­ morning at 10:30. of Oregon. day afternoon by Jim Petty at the ered in this petition, due before Starting the game for Illinois o Sanger Peak lookout. Four jump­ Dec. 15, 1952, will complete all Valley high Friday night were: ers from the Siskiyou aerial pro­ Cave Junction street repair now left end Mel Barton, left tackle ject were trucked to the scene ILLINOIS VALLEY needed. Orlen Pickle, left guard Richard within 45 minutes. The petition includes: Bliss, center Wayne Spencer, right Burning in a tinder dry slash Grade and surface oil Junction guard Arnold Mellow, right tackle area, the fire spread quickly and Ave. from River St. to Lister Ave. Hubert Blue, right end Bob Kester, forest service personnel and crews Grade, gravel and oil Palmer St Quarterback Stanley Campbell, left from about thirteen mills and log- from Redwood Hwy to Kerby Ave. half Doug Plumlee, right half Lou- rin» companies were dispatched to Grade and gravel Kerby Ave. | fe Watson, fullback Warren Cook. the scene. IVPA fire co-ordinator from Schumaker Ave. to Watkins Subs included Nathan Harper, Earl loe Noble and forest service super­ St. Reinoehl, Stanley Dick and Larry visory personnel cooperated in dir­ Grade and gravel Schumaker Maurer. ecting the efforts of the men, from Sawyer Ave. to Hussey Ave. I o pumpers and three cats. Grade and gravel Kerby St. i By Mae Bowerman The blaze hit its peak intensity from Palmer St. to River St. at 5 p.m. Tuesday. Sixty-one fire­ September 3 some 219 students J. J. Castleberry was advised entered I.V.’s doors to begin an fighters stayed with the battle his proposed subdivision in west other school year. The ever-preval Tuesday night and the 185-man Cave Junction would be accepted ent activities which are carried on ■rew succeeded in throwing a line by the council as soon as he show­ each year are now getting int< iround the area by 2 p.m. Wed­ ed proof of a 30-foot easement nesday. Although the flamea jump­ full swing. through property owned by him. ’d the line three times that after­ Father-Son Dinner to Other council business includ­ noon, the lines were picked up Outdoor Carnival Slated ed: Be for All Teen-Agers quickly, and the fire was well 1. Josephine County Civil De­ For Early October under control by 4 p.m fense director Haynes will relate The annua! Father-Son Football Only small fires burning in scat­ Headed by general chairman details of a recent trip through banquet, sponsored this year by the tered snags remained Wednesday Christine Duncan, a carnival even the east at a meeting Monday newly-organized Booster’s club, night as 43 men stood guard be­ night, Sept, 29, the council was will be for all teen-age boys and bigger and better thus year than fore starting Thursday with what last is coming to the Illinois Valley informed. their fathers, and falls on October was ho|>ed to be merely a mop-up 2. It cost the city about $168 13, the Monday before the Crater- High School sometime in early operation by a 35-man crew. to replace a wire which had IVHS game to be played on the October. The weather permitting, Although the area was tinder dry booths will be set up on the east originally been strung to the city Cougars’ field here. ‘he wind conditions were favorable water pump only eight feet above Scheduled for 7:30 p.m., the side of the building. This will se­ for the crews which worked in 12- the ground. A bare portion of banquet will be held in the Amer­ cure more room and create more of hour shifts. In addition to two cuts the wire recently electrocuted a ican Legion hall, Cave Junction, a carnival atmosphere. Under the spotlight for the even­ working at the head of the fire and horse belonging to Walt Freeman. and the Legion Auxiliary will serve ing will be the long-awaited coron one at its base, two forest service The new wire was strung at a safer the dinner. pumpers and an Oregon Caves The Booster’s club, a group be­ ation ceremony in which a girl height of 18 feet. Lumber Co. tanker were in opera­ from one of the four clasaea will ing organized to promote com ­ -- ■ - ■ o- — — tion around the fringe areas. munity activity for teenagers, is be crowned Carnival Queen. In The surrounding topography of Concert Series Opens headed by M. L. Preston. Mr. Pres­ class meetings which are held this the area was too severe to make week the girls will be selected for Fall Drive for Members ton stressed the fact that this was much effective use of cats. Several not only for football players, but the contest. Tickets which will were put on standby notice but elect your choice may be purchased The Josephine County Commun­ for all teen-age boys. were never called to the scene. ity Concert z\ssociation will hold Tickets are available in Cave from any I.V. student. The Siskiyou Aerial project's —o— its seventh annual dinner meet­ Junction at the following busines kitchen supplied hot meals for ing Monday night at St. Luke’s houses: Caldwell’s Valley Sport­ First League Game breakfast and the -two suppers Guild Hall in Grants Pass. ing Goods, Illinois Valley Market while sandwiches prepared by Cave With Eagle Point There and from Howard Bearss. They The meeting will mark the op­ Junction restaurants provided the ening of a one-week campaign can also be purchased at Kerby one noon meal. On the Eagle Point field the I V. during which the association plans grade school, Illinois Valley High Cougars are expected to maul the One firefighter, Everett Wagy, school and the O ’ Brien store. to enroll a capacity audience was overcome with the heat Tues Eagles in the first league game ol --------- o--------- which will insure another full ser­ the season, Friday, October 26 at day evening while on the line. ies of concerts for the season Deals to Open Valley Ambulance service took him 2 p.m. 1952-53. to Josephine General hospital in New Shoe Store Mrs. Blanche Lackey, Cave Junc­ Grants Pass. Pep Club to Offer tion. will captain the drive here In addition to the Holzhäuser Mr. and Mrs. William Deal, in the Valley. She announced yes­ Cave Junction, announces! this Letters This Year crew already at the scene, the fol­ terday her two workers will be week they will open a shoe store lowing crews were among those The Pep Club, formed by the assisting in the 29 hours of fire­ Mrs. Earl Spencer and J. L. Jame­ in the George Martin building (al­ son. so occupied by the NEWS) about active and interested girls of I.V. fighting : will continue this year cheering Mrs. Con Durland, president of October 15. Oregon Caves Lumber Co., Ca- the association will proside at th” Mulvey's Electric Service, now our boys to victory. One Tuesday bax Mills, Rough and Ready Lum­ dinner and Mrs. Alma Lauritzen, occupying the »tore space, is mov­ of each month is set aside for ber Co., Wallace Logging Co., SU New York representative of Com­ ing to its own building on Lister meetings. President Claire Cooper Jk W Lumber Co., Dick Nealy Log­ munity Concerts, will be here all Ave. about the first of October reported that a point system is ging Co., Jim Earle Logging Co., week to assist with the campaign. as announced in an advertisement being formed so that the members Cliff Johnson Logging Co., and Memberships for the year (four elsewhere in this issue of the may earn he new pep club letters Moore Timber Products. which are now being offered. concerts) are $6 for adults, $3.50 NEWS. Two cats belonged to Dick Nealy —o— for students. DePaur’s Infantry while the third was that of Holz­ Deal is city Police Chief and Chorus will definitely be one of Mrs. Deal has been employed at Service (’lull Functioning häuser’». ■o----- - —- the concert attractions and the the Illinois Valley Market. other three will be selected at the ’I»»’ NEARLY "EQUALS As a genera! service club for Abernathy* in Aia*ka Jack and Emma Abernathy, for­ close of the drive, Oct. 4. the school, the Hospitality club is The . Community Concert Assn, ‘99’ IN SUMMER TRAFFIC seen functioning at home games mer owners of the Illinois Valley Traffic figures at the ‘199’ bug and at activities which benefit the News, left September 13 for Anch­ is a non-profit organization, «no all money received goes toward station showed the Redwoods High school. With the eo-presidents orage, Alaska where Jack will be .ecuring more concerts for the way to nearly equal Highway 99 Charlene Bliss and Ku Krauss, and employed as a printer for the in July and August travel. audiences. the advisor Mrs. Lucille Kelley, the Anchorage Times -------------- o--- ■ - In July, 26,737 vehicles were members are meeting new difficul­ To Portland on Buaine** checked on ’199’ against 27,636 ties and ironing them out so that Visiting from Hawaii Mrs. Robert Oliphant’s daughter Ed Clark, of the Illinois Valley I for ‘99’. Last month 27.068 vehic- the general club activities will is here from Hawaii on a ten-day Market spent four days thia week 1 les traveled over ‘199’, while run more smoothly. >n Portland on business 29,818 took the ‘99’ route. visit. (Continued on Last Page) Valley Gels First Attorney HIGH SCHOOL NEWS Boosters Promote Annual Banquet