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About Illinois Valley news. (Cave City, Or.) 1937-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 19, 1952)
Illinois Valley News Page 6 Friday, September 19, 1952 of notarized petitions containing at least 20 signatures of city voters on ly two weeks off, local political act ivity has noticeably increased. Mrs. Farlien and Mr. Tillery have declined to run again while Mayor Salvage is still undecided whether to seek a second term. Two political camps reportedly backing candidates for and against continuation of present city admin istration policy and personnel have swung into high gear in the big quest for votes and well-rounded slates of candidates. The identity of stalwarts in the opposing camps is expected to re main more-or-less secret for the next two weeks due to an expected rush of last-minute filing. Each side is loaded with what they consider to be concrete reasons for their elec tion and which will be reported at a later date by the NEWS. In the meantime local political interest is a healthy democratic con dition for the city of Cave Junc tion so beset with growing pains and problems. Illinois Valley News RICHARD C„ JOAN PINKERTON PUBLISHERS AN INDEPENDENT WEEKLY NEWSPAPER Published at Cave Junction, Josephine County, Oregon Every Friday Morning SUBSCRIPTION RATES In Josephine County $5.50 Two Years 3.00 One Year . 1.75 Six Months................... —............ Outside Josephine County Two Years..................................................... $6.50 One Year . 3.50 Six Months 2.00 Entered as second class matter June 11, 1937, at the Post Office at Cave Junction, Oregon. MEMBER OF OREGON NEWSPAPER PUBLISHERS ASSN. L<)( AL POLITICAL ACTIVITY Keen competition for the three city offices formerly held by council men Tillery and Farlien and Mayor Salvage whose terms have expired is expected in the city election Tues day, Nov. 4. With the deadline for the filing The first fall meeting of the Illinois Valley Garden club will be Friday, Sept. 26 at 2 at By Murray Wada the Arthur Whitesell home in Sei ma. Mrs. W. L. Walden of Med PRESAGE MANY NEW LAWS In less than four months the ford will demonstrate the making 47th Legislative Assembly of the of corsages. — ------ o----------------- State of Oregon will convene in JOB PRINTING—Call the NEWS Salem. A record number of its member» will have previous legislative ex % perience. It also may establish a record for length and the number of bills introduced. This is the conclusion A arrived at after discussing the coming session with the member» of the 13 legislative interim com mittees who make frequent trips to Salem to attend the various committee meetings.. Quick * Easy - Safe They predict a longer session than the 116-day record establish ed in 1951. Write or call Many more amendments to pre for complete sent laws and many more new bills information— are contemplated than during the post session days of other legisla the | tures. Senator Eugene E. Marsh of McMinnville, is scheduled for pre sident of the senate and Rudie Heed Office, Portland, Oregon Wilhelm, of Portland, for apeakei rtltut It f 9 »1 T l|ISURAHCE C 9 9 IIHTIII of the house. Mr. and Mrs. Don Doney and Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Wagner, all of Cave Junction, spent two days at the Pendleton Roundup over the weekend. The two couples visit ed Mr. Honey’s brother, Mike Don ey and family of Pendleton and Walt Doney and family at Hermis- Capital Parade New Modern Deposit Plan to save your Time Grants Pass Branch o/ United States National Bank . » 10 YEARS AGO September 17, 1942— Harold James, son of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. James of Bridgeview is home on a short furlough visiting his par ents. Harold is in the air corps. Mrs. John Ulrich had as guest over the weekend her mother-in- law, Mrs. Ulrich of Klamath Ealls. Mrs. Ulrich also visited her sister Mrs. John H. Dow. • Mrs. I.ois Cooke who has been spending the summer with het »on and family in O’Brien, left for her home in Seattle on Wedne- ■day. Mrs. Cooke was accompained home by her son E. N. Cooke Ye Rustic Inn had a narrow escape from being destroyed by fire Thursday when the roof caught on fire from the fireplace flue. 14 YEARS AGO September 22, 1938—I. B. Hea ring of O’Brien shot a 141 pound buck this week near the Esterly mine property. Guilford Cooke was called upon to help pack it out. Garden Club, 26th See Roundup M t M It» The Valley of Y esteryear Deer Creek Grange DANCE SAT., SEPT. 20 U P. M. tu 1 A. M. ♦ ♦ Mrs. Emil Vahrenwald of Holl and left last Friday for Spokane, Washington to be with her mother who is seriously ill. Mis. Dollie Dunean had as a guest last week, her small grand daughter, Christine Dunctan of Bly, Oregon. • Gifford Hart of Palo Alto, Cali fornia, i s renewing friendships and visiting relatives at Kerby and Holland. He is the cousin of Frank Floyd of Kerby. which to file claims under the motor vehicle accident fund is to be applied to claims for services terminating after December 31, 1951. Oregon for Eisenhower committee, • « has appointed Robert F. Maguire chairman of speakers division and William F. Martin committee trea- surer. Senator Richard Nixon, republ ican candidate for vice-president is tentatively scheduled to speak at Ashland, Medford, Grants I’ass, Sept. 19; Roseburg, Eugene, Al bany and Salem Sept. 20. • -------------- o-------------- The top state officals also at POLITICAL CALDRON tended the annual Roundup cele Commencing September 27 Pre sident Truman will whistle-stop bration while in Pendleton. votes for A. Stevenson, reaching NEGRO LABOR DUTY .. ____ Oregon after dedicating Hungry A well educated Negro was ap Horse dam with a public power pointed as deputy labor commis speech October 1. sioner last week by W. E. Kimsey, Senator James Duff, Pennsyl state labor commissioner. This is Called To Phoenix the higest state job ever given a vania republican, plans a three- Mrs. John Milburn was called day fishing trip on Rogue River Negro in Oregon. September 23-25, and speeches at to Phoenix, Ariz., Tuesday by the The Negro, Mark A. Smith, 49 Coos Bay, Newport, Oregon City, serious illness of her sister. Mrs. from Vancouver, Wash., will work Milburn took a plane from the Oswego and Milwaukie later. on administration of the three- Gordon Orput, state chairman Medford airport. year-old state fair employment law under Kimsey. Smith has a bachelor of science degree from the City College of New York, and did graduate work at Harvard University and Colum ACCOLADE FOR OREGON MAN bia University. Charles A, Sprague, publisher of PUTNAM TO REMAIN_______ the Oregon Statesman of Salem, Rex Putnam, superintendent of was this week appointed as an alternate delegate to the United public instruction of Oregon for the past 15 years, will remain in Nations General Assembly. Sprague was govenor of Oregon that office whether the voters ap from 1939 to 1943 and is the prove or reject at the November second westerner to be appointed election a constitutional amend ment to make the elective position as an alternate. The appointment to the Assem appointive. The State Board of Education bly which meets Oct. 12 was made this week appointed Putnam to the by President Truman. VIEW E. O HOSPITAL _ . | post to which he was appointed by , Governor Martin when Charles A. • Tin ills! Govenor Douglas McKay and ‘ Howard resigned in 1937. Secretary of State Earl T. Newbry Putnam was first elected in 1938 • Spills! viewed construction work on the •and reelected three times. His pre- Eastern Oregon State Hospital in I sent term expires January 1, 1955. • Action ! Pendleton last week. RECENT LEGAL OPINIONS - State accident commission 1 s ■ot required to hire licensed mas MAIN GRANDSTANDS seurs for its physical therapy dep artment. State civil defense funds may not be expended fur admiliistra GRAN I S PASS tiun of the ground observer corp» when it is under the direct super Children $.50 Adm. $1 vision and control of the United States air force. The time limitation within Hard Top Àuto Racing EVERY SUNDAY AFTERNOON Josephine County Fairgrounds JOHNNIE LEWIS. Caller IS YOUR EARL BOGAN S ORCHESTRA and or the Most Pleasurable Performance, You Can'» Dea* You are invited to our GRAND OPENING HOLTON School days are here again and with school comes Fall and Winter with their sniffles and contagious diseases----- why not plan to protect your child and family with a safe, inexpensive Hosptai Plan. of our new and modern Flower Shop Thursday, Sept. 25 FREE FLOWER VU“4 Probst 11ou er ^hop HELEN AND DEWEY PROBST Ph 347« 118 SE ’H’ St. CHILD PROTECTED? Grants Pass .Come in and see Grants Pass’ new music store. IA complete line of musical instruments and pianos Specializing in repairs. Rental instrucents fur school bands and orchestras. Van's Music Co 718 SE 7th GRANTS PASS Ph. 7456 SOUTHERN OREGON HEALTH SERVICE offers one of the most complete health coverages available for \ Ol’ and ALL OUR FAMILY . . . for less than 25c a day! Includes hospitalization, medical and surgery. This plan pays any hospital, any doctor in the United States. Call at our office today for a complete explanation of this full coverage Health Insurance Plan. Or write for brochure. H' Street Ph. 4373 Grant» Pa»«