TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY Illinoi« Valley Newa Page 4 By iftinsor DANDY, HANDY 'N CANDY SHOW REVUE SATURDAY Help the ILLINOIS MEDICAL VALLEY CENTER In “The Cimarron Kid,’’ the story revolves about a quick-shoot ing youth, played by Audie Mur phy, who joins the notorious Dal ton Gang against his will and the desperate adventures in which he finds himself involved. THURSDAY and FRIDAY SUNDAY and MONDAY Abbott and Costello, whose scre “The Marrying Kind”, second en antics have had them tackling vehicle for Judy Holliday, co-stars everything from the Invisible Man newcomer Aldo Ray and is a hil to the Foriegn Legion, take a page arious comedy in which the two out of an age-old fairy-tale to star turn in exceptionally fine perform in their own zany version of “Jack ances. With the well-written and the Beanstalk”. An exclusive screenplay and the expert direc production for Warner Bros., the STATEMENT OF THE OWNER tion, this is excellent entertain film is the first one in color^for the comedy pair. SHIP. MANAGEMENT, AND CIR ment. HEU io Aid Medical Center CULATION REQUIRED BY THE REPORT OF CONDITION OF BANK OF ILLINOIS VALLEY ACT OF CONGRESS OF AUG • of Cave Junction, Joséphine County, Oregon UST 24. 1912, AS AMENDED BY THE ACTS OF MARCH 3, 1933, AND JULY 2, 1946 (Title 39, Uni- at the close of business September 5, 1952, a State banking institu tion organized and operating under the banking laws of this State ted State Code. Section 233 of and a member of the Federal Reserve System. Published in accordance by Mrs. Fritz Kraute Ph. Selma 621 By Standard Oil ( ompany Make Easy-Carry Drain Pan From 5-Gallon Can We've heard about a lot of makeshift drain pans — many of them troublesome. But here’s one (below) you can make that can be pulled from under a vehicle by the handle, then carried with one hand. KI’.M DELO Heavy Duty is a high performance level oil, com pounded to atop ring-sticking, piston deposits and corrosion. We recomfhend it particularly for farm tractors. Call U9 Service is the chief tuu uf our local business. If you want to do away with engine troubles on your truck or tractor, try Hf’M DELO Heavy Duty Lubricating Oil It will save you up to 60% On engine maintenance costa. A Slondurd Oil Compony Iti Calile,aia Piad«» Distributed HOWARD BEÀRSS CAVE JUNCTION PH. 1712 MANAOMÍNT BEN DOLO IN SELMA—A rally meeting of the Deer Creek Home Extension unit was held at the home of Mrs. C. R. Colee, Thursday to fill out the year books and make plans for the com ing year. Miss Margaret Amer and Mrs. A. W. Jones were welcomed as new members. A questionnaire on parliamentary procedure wax filled out and discussed by the group. Project leaders were appointed: ; Miss Amer and Mrs. Ralph McKin stry will give the lesson on “One- dish Meals” Oct. 9 at the Amer home (on the South Deer Creek almost up to Dryden.) Other leaders who will give lea- sons later are: Mrs. .A E. Sandell and Mrs. C. R. Colee, textile paint ing; Mrs. Ernest Krauss and Mrs. Bob Spalding, care of walls and floors; Mrs. Pete Cross and Mrs. Earl Clayton, salads and salad dressings. Mrs. Ernest Krauss gave some excerpts from letters received from a pen pal in England, and the group decided to make up a Christmas box of small gifts t° send her. Gifts are to be taken to the October meeting. The group decided to raise funds for the Illinois Valley Medical Center and chose as their first venture a secret auction to be held at the Nov. meeting. Tentative plans were made to “adopt” the j Central school and help out there in some way. Later a project to j help the veterans at Camp White will be undertaken. There are several other subjects to be given by the HEU agent during the year. Illinois Valley News, published weekly at Cave Junction, Oregon for October 1, 1952 1. The names and addresses of the publisher, editor, managing ed itor, and business managers ate: Publishers, .Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Pinkerton, Cave Junction, Ore.. Editor, Richard C. Pinkerton. 2. The owners are: Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Pinkerton, Cave Junc tion, Oregon. 3. The known bondholders, mortgagees, and other security holders owning or holding 1 per- ent or more of total amount of bonds, mortgages or other sécurit és are: Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Aber nathy, Anchorage, Alaska. 4. The average number of copies of each issue of this publication -old or distributed, through the mails or otherwise, to paid sub- cribers during the 12 months pre ceding the date shown above was: (This information is required from daily, weekly, semiweekly, and tri- •veeklv newspapers only.) 800. RICHARD C. PINKERTON Publisher Sworn to and subscribed before me this 17th day of September, 1952 Wm. J.McLean ( Notary Public (My commission expires 7-12-56.1 with a call made by the State Banking Authorities and by the Federal Reserve Bank of this District. ASSETS Cash, balances with other banks, including reserve bal ance, and cash items in process of collection $ 337,549.55 United States Government obligations, direct and guar 533,922.91 anteed .......................... *...................... Corporate stocks (including $1,350.00 stock of Federal 1,350.00 Reserve bank) ................ :............... 227,441.30 Loans and discounts (including $76.41 overdrafts)....... 9,075.73 Furniture and fixtures —.......................................................... 6,381.73 Leasehold Improvements ................ -............ — 1,630.92 Other assets.................................................................................... $1,117,352.17 TOTAL ASSETS LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships and cor porations .......................... $ 791,945.32 Time deposits of individuals, partnerships and corpor 214,935.49 ations .............................. ......................... ..................... Deposits of United States Government (including postal 12,657.19 savings) ...................................................... 14,699.50 Deposits of States and political subdivisions................... Other deposits (certified and officers’checks, etc.) 17,564.27 TOTAL DEPOSITS $1,051,801.77 6,357.CO Other liabilities......... ................................................................. TOTAL LIABILITIES (not including subordin ated obligations shown below).................................... $1,058,159.37 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS JOHNSON'S $1,117,352.17 'This bank’s capital consists of: Common stock with total par value of $40,000.00 ACCOUNTS .MARTHA E. SPARKS State of Oregon, County of Josephine ss: Sworn to and subscribed before me this 15th day of Sept., 1952 (SEAL) s. CUFFORD si' IRKS Notary Public M.v commission expires Dec. 12, 1954 einhord Cave Junction without both *2ooio»3o° twin bed» and bath AUCTION Every V 215 POWELL ST. J SAN FRANCISCO |54ooto$5°o ■'»or ] CAIIFORNIA S. CLIFFORD SPARKS GEO. W. MARTIN HARRY HOLMES Directors > Correct—Attest: M O R T O N M ILLIN G C O . »3 to»500 110,000.00 I, Martha E. Sparks, Cashier, of the above-named bank, hereby certify that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. friskier Coupons Here/ vite» you to en|Oy ill de..jt,t- fully comfortable accommodations, ex cellent hotel facilities and friendly service... Directly across from beautiful Union Square Park . .. close to everything . . . convenient Union Square Garage. 1 4,192.80 59,192.80 MEMORANDA In Rogue River Theater Bldg. with bath 40.000.00 5,000.00 Capital* ......................................................... -....... — Surplus ................................................................ ..... Undivided profits ................................................. TOTAL CAPITAL ACCOUNTS............. TOTAL LIABILITIES AND CAPITAL Assets pledged or assigned to secure liabilities and for other purposes................................... .$ JOHNSON’S JEWELERS RATES * o “Trio” is a brilliant compila tion of three stories by the interna tionally known author, Somerset Maugham. The episode entitled “Sanatorium” is based on two in cidents in Maugham’s past. Also showing is "Let’s Go Navy.” Starring Leo Gorcey and The Bowery Boys. SALES Monday and 1 hursday At 7 P. M If you have anything to sell, contact us — Pacific Auction Co. 969 Highway 99 South Granta Paas We will «ell on comignment or buy direct from you. Wt onsU) MORRISON, Auctioneer FVrTULM© uUùO s « SERVICE NOW . announces . . CAVE JUNCTION is lhe lime io start lhat Double Stamp Day Savings Account at ON S A H GREEN STAMPS FOR ALL PURCHASES EVERY THURSDAY FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION BEGINNING THIS WEEK Stamps Now Given on Repair Work and Service ( Homi’ (h ned.’) 112 CRO 'S SERVICE Sa\iiik>s Insured lip to SIO.OOO Member of Federal Home Loan Bank System CAVE JUNCTION I