FORMER DRYDEN RESIDENT DIES OF POLIO, AUGUST 1« Wm. W. Hensley, 32, formerly of Dryden, died August 19 of in fantile paralyisis at the Sacred CLASSIFIED RATES FOR SALE (cont.) Heart hospital in Eugene. His home Cla-sifi«*! advertising rates, 10c FOR SALE (cont.) MISC. (cont.) MISC. (cont.) was in Central Point. He had per line (five words) first inser- OR TRADE: Unfurnished 4 room t.on. 5c per line thereafter if no WE CAN handle all of your weld house. Will take house trailer in OK DON’T MISS OUT on the special grown up in Dryden and graduated USED CARS OK change, minimum charge 50c first ing and machine work for mills, on trade. Inquire for Sam North. magazin« offer, bargain news from Kerby High school in 1941. farming and the woods. Case i nse r t i o n. ___________________ Takilma, at any time excep. Buying . . A USED CAR? paper and magazine rates. See Surviving him are his widow. City Part, and Supplies, Inc., Thursday night and Sunday. BUY WITH CONFIDENCE the adv. elswhere in this paper. Leota Shirley Hensley; three sons, FOR SALE Ph. 4101. 2-19-tfc WANETD: LISTING, on irrigated 18-2tp FROM A NEW-CAR DEALER Thomas William, Richard Alan and MODEL A Ford, Maple Court, next OK TRADE: My equity '. Illinois Valley ranches. Write or John Henry; and a daughter, Janet MALE SEMINARY student seek a • • AUGUST SPECIALS • Kerby postoffice. 19-ltp ing rule : • F’ Worth. Ti \ . tint call on Pioneer Realty, 62 S 199, Irene, all of Central Point; his 12 trailer space court for late 'ELECTRIC "baby" washing mach Grants Pass 17-3tp of Sept. Harold Tavlor, Selma. model ear and house trailer. Leo 1947 IN'TERN’L Xi-Ton $543 mother, Mrs. Zelma Hensley and ine; Webster'» international die ________ 1 8-2tf Knapp, Valley Park Camp, Hwy 19 11 FORD 4-Door 295 a brother, Ben Hensley of Glendale tionary. Call at Copeland’s trail- 199. TRANSPORTATION CARS Factory Representative ■ - Pai a . 19-4ti 3-YR.-O1 1' i Calif., a sister, Barbara J. Robin g mare, pa 1946 CHEVROLET 4-Door ($5 Down Handle,) FRATEX FASHIONS i son and his grandmother, M E 1 AN handle all of your weld part Arabian. Bob and Ruth Radio, heater, very good tires, 39 Buick club coupe, radio, heater Mrs. of S. Salem Plastics ing and machine work for mills, A. Adcox of Glendale, Cal. Shop, Ph. 1011. 13 tfc new paint, seat covers, excep ’40 Oldsmobile club coupe, clean Fresh Silks farming and the woods. Cave DON'T MISS OUT on the special tionally clean. Mrs. Hensley has been in the Lingerie, Hose, Sweaters ’37 Chevrolet, 2-door City Parts and Supplies, Inc., magazine offer, bargain news 1950 NASH Statesman 4-Door Sacred Heart hospital with polio ESTHER M. PATTON Ph. 4101._____________ 2-19-tfc '40 Ford sedan — runs well paper and magazine rates. See since August 13, and one of her Phone 1009 *39 Buick sedan—overhauled Overdrive, heater, seat covers, Rt. 1, Box 768 ONE HEAVY duty 18x24 tent. the adv. elswhere in this paper. sons, also admitted to the hospital, directional signals. Cave Junction, Ore. Will trade for lighter weight _______ 19-tfc ’41 Pontiac sedan. Very clean was thought to have polio, but has tent. See at McCulloch Chain 19 12 FORD wPassenger coupe '30 FORD ‘A’—Pickup SECURITY MOTORS recovered now. ■ ._________________ 18-2u Radio, heater, good tires, sharp. TO GIVE AWAY: Australian All good pre-war work catji, fine Shepherd and Collie puppies to Funeral services were held Aug GOOD AS NEW Coolerator. See QUALITY 1948 CHEVROLET 2-Ton with 16’ give away. Must get at once. See for woods, hunting, fishing, $5 ust 22 at the graveside in Hillcrest at Twin Pines. 17-tf* USED CARS flat lack, 2-speed axle, new short Jim Payne, Rt. 1, Cave Junction. down (on approved credit.) Memorial park, with Rev. Frank 1 oof BALL SEASON is here! Foi block, tires like new, deluxe cab. __________ 19-ltc SECURITY MOTORS durable football shoes and cleats, ’47 CHEVROLET Club Coupe Brown officiating. -ee Caldwell’s Valley Sporting '42 $50 REWARD will be paid for in 1939 CHEVROLET lH-ton flat Phone 4553 NASH 600, clean, overdrive. UlSC. (cont.) Goods, 2nd door south of post formatio.» leading to the arrest | 252 S. Pacific Hiway Grants Pass rack. A good farm truck—priced _office, Cave Junction. 19-tfc ’47 HUDSON Sedan, overdrive. and conviction of the persons to sell. All Types Fishing I'ackle. who robbed my gardens on the FOR QUALITY machine work and top shape. INFORMATION WANTED Oregon and Calif, fishing license, Illinois River on August 5 and welding, see Cave City Parts FIRST NATIONAL BANK \\ HERE CAN WE 1 E \SE A OR CALDWELL ’ S 8, J. M. McGee;___ 17-3tp , and Supplies, Cave Junction. ’50 FORD 2-Door Sedan, GMAC TERMS STORE BUILDING IN YOUR Valley Sporting Goods low mileage Ph. 4101. 2-16-tfc WINDOW GLASS THRIVING COMMUNITY? 3rd Door South of Post Office FRESH CANNING corn and Bart '47 FORD Sedan, s-olid ALL SIZES window glass cut and _______________________ 52 -tic National Retail Organization would KELT CHEVROLET lett pears for canning. Lucius installed. Illinois Valley Hard Dll» YOU KNOW that you ean like to lease a building in your 7th St. between J & K Robinson, 1 mi. north of Kerby •50 CHEVROLET 2-Door ware. Cave Junction. 25-tfc community suitable for a retail trade in almost anything foi Grants Pass Phone 4461 Power Glide, very clean on 199.________________ 18-2 tp WALLRITÉ—Inexpensive wall new at Manchel's? store. Would like a long term Genuine Eastman paper. Nine beautiful colors and lease. If you know of a suitable Manchel's Furniture Store '46 FORD Club Coupe rUK A GOOD selection of used KODAK designs. Five hundred square building or someone who would Cave Junction 100-lb. Coolerator lee Boxes, DEVELOPING & PRINTING '48 CHRYSLER Convertible, feet to the roll. $3.30 per roll. build one, write: George T. Free Delivery in the Valley see Manchel's today! Ask about 3-Day Service Caves Building Supplies, Cave Windsor, loaded! O’Keefe, 5329 NE Union, Room our easy terms. Manchel ’ s Furn 2-tfc _____________________ VALLEY DRUG Junction.__________ 21-ltc 22Portland, Ora. 19-ltp iture Store, Cave Junction, Ph. HELP WANTED 8-tfc ’50 CHEVROLET 4-Door, All WATER WELL DRILLING, do Cave Junction 3311, Grants WANTED: 25 tier dry fireplace accessories, Power-Glide. Big Stock of mestic and irrigation wells, 12 PERSONS interested m applying Pass 1437. 15-tfc wood. Not over 2 feet long, de ELECTRIC CLOTHES DRYERS to 36 months to pay. Latest for one of three Valley bus livered. Give price. R. J. Mc DON’T FORGET we have the Ham USED TRUCKS $29.95 Down equipment available. Satisfied driver positions should contact Cracken, Caves Ave., back of mond organ—spinet electric and Easy Monthly Installments Principal Donald Barnes at Ill customers our motto. Paquin Crowl’s gas station 19-ltp 1950 Chev **¡-ton Pickup, 4-speed also the chord organ. Turn in and Storey, 800 N. 10th St., inois Valley High School. Manchel’s Furniture Store WANTED: A good reliable man to your old piano today as a partial 1946 Chevrolet Panel. Very solid. Grants Pass.Phone 2631 oi ! MAN OR couple for ooultry farm Cave Junction down-payment on a spinet org supply customers with Rawleigli 3583. _ Free Delivery in the Valley work. Bob Desaulniers farm, Products. W rite Rawleigh’s, an. The Little Piano House, 1740 1941 Ford Station Wagon Dick George rd., Cave Junction. PUMP REPAIR SERVICE Are standard limits adequate? i Dept. 353, Oakland 20, Cal. E. ‘A’. St., Grants Pass. (Just 17-tfc Service and parts for all makes $6.33 buys $45,009 3 doors beyond 12th st.) ___________ 1 »>-;,•c SECURITY MOTORS of pumps. ta Additional coverage on WAITRESSES AND cook to help __ _____ 19-ltc IN MEMORIUM Open til 8 p.m. Authorized Service Man out during Jubilee. .85 cents and Class 1 drivers In loving memory of Emily Kel MISCELLANEOUS BOB A RUTH SHOP $1 per hour. Apply at once. Written through (Used Cars Exclusively) ___________ 11-tfc Knotty Pine Cafe.______ 18 p lert, who died two years ag >, Linkhart and McLean Phone 4553 WANTED 24, 1950. Marie White. Your Local Insurance Agency. 252 S. Pacific 3-Day WOMAN WITH . ar to earn up ta August Hwy. Grants Pass 19-1'< GOOD USED CARS KODAK FINISHING $4 per hour showing Bee-Line ____ ______ redwood , rough ix4—^>-8; 2x Cash in Five Minutes CARD OF THANKS APPLIANCES SERVICE Fashions. Write Anna Streed, 36 4—6-8; 4x4—4x6. H. F. Hart Late Models Preferred We wish to thank all of the local No. Peach, Medford, Ore. well, 1 */2 miles out Caves High- FREEZERs— Hotpoint and Inter Valley Drug Equity Bought and Traded For way. ____________ 18-3tp i national Harvester 8-tfc ________________ ______ J8-3tp merchants anil people who g» ve us their moral support. — Hotpoint SECURITY MOTORS PERSONS interested in applying REFRIGERATORS ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING REAL ESTATE and International Harvester ____________ Ira and Edith Hall 252 So. 99 . Grants Pass for one of three Valley bus RANGES and repairs. AU work and ma — Gas: Magic Chef and ____ ____ FOR SALE NOTICE _________ ISntfc driver positions should contact terial guaranteed. Illinois Val Maytag The undersigned have purchased Principal Donald Barnes at Ill RANGES— Electric: Hotpoint PLAN YOUR landscaping now for ley Hardware, Cave Junction 30 \URES on Illinois River, mdn. home; irrigated clover anti past the Cave City Grocery, Cave Junc inois Valley High School. fall planting. Ph. 7204. 16-tfc SEE. US for a loan on your farm —Hotpoint and Maytag ure. Fine Place for loggers on tion, and will not be responsible ______________________ 2-19-1 tc WASHERS FOR QUALITY machine work and or home. Convenient terms and DRYERS— Hotpoint account of space, $8500, terms. for debts previous to Aug. 25, STUDIO COUCH; maple finish KITCHENS— American, Hotpoint welding, see Cave City Parts low interest rates. We buy real See Stengel Real Estate, Selma, 1952. twin bedroom set, especially nice and Supplies, Cave Junction, estate mortgages and contraota. _ Oregon. and Youngstown Cecil an<i Sharlet Slack 19-ltc for child’s room ; Norge washing WATER HEATERS— Gas and Ph. 4101. 2-16-tfc Savings accounts guaranteed up 19-2tp FOR SALE — Residential lots in machine; automatic gas heating electric to $10,000.00 Current dividends FOR SAMI and GRAVEL, good Pine Km/lls subdivision, Cave GOOD BUYS! in used refrigerat stove; 16-gauge Stevens-Brown PUMPS— Meyers, F&W and Pa 3' . . topsoil, road and driveway Junction. Reasonably priced, ors, washing machines, kitchen ing shotgun—pump action! Al cific First Federal Saving« maintenance. Clyde Knight, heaters, gas ranges and refrig so girl’s winter coat, dark green, PLUMBING FIXTURES— Ameri terms to suit you. Title insur • nd Loan Ataocialion at C. G. & E. Texaco Garage, or erators, all in good usable cond size 14, good condition; ladies ance. Herbert Falkenhayn, can Standard and Briggs Beau- Grant« Pa«« phone residence 4401. 32-tfc ition. Purchase on low down slacks, dark green, size 16, worn Caves highway, phone 1722. tyware __ _______________ 30-tfc payment and easy, convenient twice and dry cleaned. All priced WANTED: Listings on stock and The BOB and RUTH Shop ______ 28-tfc LOG CABIN GARAGE terms. See at Manchel’s Furni to sell. Inquire at Cave City _ __________ _ dairy ranches. Southern Oregon 10-tfc FOR RENT General Auto Repairing ture Store, Cave Junction, Ph. Land co. 435 SE 6th sit. Ph. Motor Tune - up — Lubrication Coffee Shop.___ ________ 19-ltc GOOD BUYS’ in used refrigerat APARTMENT, 2 rooms, kitchen« Cave Junction 3311, Grants 3587, Granta Paaa. 4tfc II" YOU’RE in need of a good ors, washing machines, kitchen ette, furnished, all modern. Call Welding Pas- l| !7. 2 15-tie daveno and platform rocker set, heaters, gas ranges and refrig FRANKLIN’S VETERINARY and ART DEDRIUK. Prop.. Selrtia 1712, ask for Martha Trefethen. Did you know? ANIMAL HEALTH REMEDIES but don’t want to pay fancy erators, all in good usable cond 19-ltp MAYTAG WASHERS That your home prices, see the special combina AT THE VALLEY DRUG. ition. Purchase on low down ; room modern cottage. Eail and Can be protected tion deal new offered by Man payment and easy, convenient GOOD BUYS in used < on vent i >nal wood Village, 1 mile south of DUTCH OVEN GAS Against 17 hazards chel’s for only $149.50. Terms terms. See at Manchel’s Furni and automatic washers. Also RANGES Cave Junction. 19-tfc In one policy if desired. Manchel’s, Ph. Cave ture Store, Cave Junction, Ph. used refrigerator in good con —your Maytag franchise dealer— EITHER for sale or rent: ham Issued through Junction 3311, Grants Pass, Cave Junction 3311, Grants dition. The BOB and RUTH burger shop next to I.V. high THE BOB AND RUTH SHOP Linkhart and McLean 4437. 17-tfe Pass 4437.___________ 2-15-tfc Shop. 44-tfc school. Stengel Real Estate, Sel 6-tfc Your Local Insurance Agency. ma, Ore. 19-1 tc STAR TED PULLETS Than are 4 ROOM FRAME, partly furnish out of our trapnested, pedigreed ed. Walking distance from Cave hens. Scientifically bred Par < Junction, $25 per month or spec menter strain Reds for produc ial yearly rate. Se« Mr. Kellar, STCTSON tion of meat and eggs profits. Valley Ambulance Service Mulvey’s Electric Service SQUARE DEAL FURNITURE Kellar Motel. 19-ltp Now is the time to get them and TWO BEDROOM house, no child be reaiiy for the high egg prices 24-Hour Call WIRING ren, must be good housekeepers. Unfinished Furaitura this fali. Ph. 1103, Hob llesaul Service Re,u,citator Domestic Commercial ARROW See at Twin Pines motel. 17-tfc niers Farm, Dick George Rd. Hardware •MIRTB 11-tfc N EW. .’Hl X >M I hi ni'iifil ,ipa>' _________ PHONE 2301 Plumbing Supplie, Phone 3801 Day« ment with Simmons hide-a-bed, FARMERS, increase production Cave Junction TOGGERY Cave Junction refrigerator and gas oven range. through adequate irrigation. 400 S. Sixth Phone 3625 A nice place to live. W. E. Sease, Buy our irrigation pipe, $45.40 1 'i; miles mirth of f'avi- Junction per 100 feet. Illinois V’alley on Hwy 1'.''.». 19-ltp Hardware, Cave Junction. REDIMIX CONCRETE Glenn Morrison Post I EGGERS’ JEWELRY DR. A. N. COLLMAN 6-tfc RENTALS AH Building Materials 113 S. Sixth St. FOP* SALK 20 gal. Hutspot gas Naturopathie Pbyaiciaa The American Legion PORTABLE all-purpose gas pump, Foundation to Rouf hot water heater, price $50. Watchr, — Diamond, self priming, capacity 4,000 gal. Also other make, of both gas BUILDERS* SUPPLY CO. Hours: 9 to 12 m. - 2 to 5 p. m. Headquarter, for Meets 1st and 3rd Wednesday, per hour., with 25’ suction hose. and electric hot water heaters. For rent by day from Caves Third and F Phone 4459 All Leading Name, in Silver Caves Building Supplies Office Phone 5501 — Res. 5511 VISITORS WELCOME Building Supplies, Cave Junc Cave Junction. Modern Repair Department tion. • 19-tfc 32-tfc A Complete Surveying and SM ILL SANDER foi finish work Sport,men Headquarter, WINTED TO BUY Crniaing Service Bob and Ruth Shop, Cave Junc PAQUIN & STORY Charles N. Versteeg, M.D. HAMMER S SPORTING LOCAL GRAIN tion.______________ 7-tfc GOODS CO. Cutting Lines Perfected FLOOR SANDER for rent Decoi WATER WELL DRILLING Bob Desaulniers Farm Phycician and Surgeoa For Your • 17 tie atoi's Supply, Ph. 4711. 1 '■ i ' NORMAN D. PRICE Office hours 9 a. m. to 12 noon 1140 Redwood Hiway Grants Pas, FISHING, HUNTING MARVIN C. RAMSEY GUNS — AMMUNITION CEMENT MIXER for rent by th.- ATHLETIC GOODS ALL CALIBERS 724 NE Madrona Grant, P... day. Mounted on trailer. Caves Phone 2631 or 3583 2 to 6 p. m. CALDWELL'S 635 S. Sixth St. Phone 3362 Building Supplies. Phone 4012, Phone, 3994, 5647 VALLEY SPORTING GOODS Cave Junction. 51-tfc 38- THE MUSIC SHOP HULL & HULL L. -d« B. HALL _____ of all DECORATOR’S SUPPLY PORTABLE HAND sander, $2 a HUILI IN CABINETS kinds. Reasonable rates. Jone, day. Caves Building Supplies, "Everything in Music" Cabinat shop, Drew, Building, FUNERAL HOME •FUNERAL HOME Rt. 4012 l'i'ú —for— f avi- Junction_________ 44-tfe Record, — Sheet Mu«ic 25 ’ 1 X4 h.p. gas pump with • CREMATORIUM PAINTING and PAPERHANGING Ambulane« Servie« Day or Night Instrument« and Acce,,orie, HILL and HILL, I’la termg Con suction hose. Free Estimate, 5th at *C St. Ph. 3368 Skillsaw by day or week. tractors. Quality work. Rt. 3, 612 N. W. ‘A’ St. Phone 4453 Wing Bldg. Phone 3389 PH. 4711 CAVE JUNCTION GRANTS PASS Sewing machines by week or Box 160, Grants Pass. Call 2054 We Give Green Stamp, month. r 5 p m. 60 tfc The BOB and RUTH Shop You < AN BUY |400 wmtK of 24-tfc DR. T. W. SMITH merchandise, pay only $60 down Daily Freight Service THREE C’a LUMBER CO. FUR RENT BY DAY Ceinant with payments of only $20.96 and VALLEY DRUG Grant, Pa», Portland and West G Street per month on our easy pay mixer, electrically driven. Illi DR. ROBERT KLEVER nois Valley Hardware, Cave ment San Francisco plan. If you need house Complete Building Service Phon« 3611 hold furnishings investigate to Junction. IS t f. YANDELL BROS. GARAGE OPTOMETRISTS day. Millwork — Gia,, — Lumber lllinoi. Valley Medical Center Pierce Auto Freight R. GEORGE SIMMONS MANCHEL’S FURNITURE A Office Hours: 9-5, Tues. St Thur,. Grants Pass, 0 ref on STORE Cave Junction LODGE and CLUB FINE Phones: Cave Junction 3311 JO Oregon (Jiris Compete | Illinois Valley Cleaners Granta Pasa 4437 Watch, Clock ANNOUNCEMENTS Al's Radio Shop For Title at State Fair 51 tfc And With a Modern Cleaning Plant RECORDS 4 SALES AND SERVICE Jewelry Repairing An expected 30 young ladies, Popular — Western Appliance« and Luther and Pauline Sherier V. F. W. the lovely queens of many of the All The Latest Tune, Barnet Jewelry Store Nationally Known Record, Veteran, of Foreign War, CALDWELL’S PHONE 3301 Phone 4002 Cave Junction state’s leading fairs, civic event, Post No. 4390 and Auxiliary meet, SIS S. *H* St. Grant, Pa,, Valley Sporting Goods and celebrations, will be the honor every second and fourth Thurs 3rd Door South of Post Office ed guests of the 87th Oregon State day at Vhe V. F. W Club in Cave t 13-tfe LITTLE PIANO HOUSE Fair, opening in Salem, Saturday, Junction*. A-!'l wter-an, are wel- TITLE INSURANCE DYNAMITE August 30 for it, annual eight- BALDWIN. WURLITZER TRY VALLEY LUMBER CO. if ESCROWS lay run. AMERICAN LEGION LESTER PIANOS, and you need blasting powder. 221 AUTHORIZED AUXILIARY HAMMOND ORGANS Thursday, Sept. 4 has been set West F St., Granta Part Rogue River Title Co. 1740 EAST A* ST. PH. 7275 aside as their day at the fair as meets the first arid third Wedne, 47-tfc REPRESENTATIVE ■ lav if every month ____ (Ju,t 3 Door, Beyond 12th St.) NEW FALL JACKETS they vie for the honor of being for Jo,«phin, County Grant, Pass GRANTS PASS 212 N. 6th St Fraternal Order of Eagles SHOES, SHIRTS, CAPS SALES named the Fairest of the Fairs. The F FT! NC HARDWARE SERVICE girl so named will receive a $100 CAMP EQUIPMENT Every Friday Night at 8 P. M. BRICK and FIREPLACES Monthly P. U. C. Report, RENTALS LIGHT’S SURPLUS MART war bond plus wardrobe gift, from | At the Aerie Home, Kerby Sereic« and Quarterly Report, REPAIRS JohnaManvilla Building Product, MEMBERS WELCOME 344 Hiway 99 So. Granta Pa,, PARTS and Audit,, Bookkeeping, Income Ta, the Salem Downtown Merchants O E. S. \ LESBOOKS SUPPLIES Association, co-sponsors of the Plain or Imprinted Hall’s Accounting Service —Prompt and Courtoou, Call,— VALLEY LUMBER CO. event. The next five runners-up Th« O.E.S. Social Club will meet Thursday, Sept. 4 at 12:30 at the Buy them at the— 50»-B Lewi, Ave. Grant, Pas, Phone 4612 545 N.W. ‘F’ St. in the competition will be awarded Masonic Hall. Everyone please NOTARY PUBLIC ILLINOIS VALLEY NEWS PHONE 6718 Granta Paas, Oregon . ./lie 19 ItC | $25 War Bond, Cava Junction I PROFESSIONAL and BUSINESS DIRECTORY S