IIMIHUII .............. -........ -’ ”3 I WHITE FAMILY HOI DS 4 This Week in Cave Junction REUNION AUGUST 24 : by MRS. PEGGY HUBBARD PH. 6311 ♦Clubs ♦Society ♦Visits ..... Will Visit Mother Move to Medford Mr. and Mrs. Orrin C. Ogier and children have moved to Medford where he is now employed with a lumber company. They f formerly live»! in O’Brien. Mrs. George Webb of the Red woods highway left Tuesday to go south with Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Wells. She will join her sister, Mrs. R. N. Witt at Loomis, Calif., and they will go on to San Francisco to visit their mother, Mrs. C. A. Married in Reno Roberta Bryant and Clarence Davis, who is seriously ill in a San Lewis, Jr., were married in Reno, Francisco hospital. August 15. Mr«. Lewis, Jr. is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Weekend at Ta nnin Lake Buhler, and he is the son of the Mrs. John Schaltenberger and t larence Lewis’, ^Sr. her father, W. E. Farlien, spent the weekend with John Schallenbergei Special Occasion Coming Up? Order fresh seasonal flowers for at Tannin I-ake. They drove to all occasions from Valley Drug in Bolan lake, then packed in 4 miles Cave Junction. pd. adv. to Tannin. Fl R SAW LOGS CABAX MILLS WANTED: BACK TO SCHOOL Sweaters Slipovers $3.95 Cardigans $3.95, $5.95 EXCELLENT SELECTIONS IN AND STYLES ALL COLORS $4.95, $5.95, $6.95 THURSDAY KERBY—-Pfc Arnold Savage and Pamela Stuigess were married Thursday, August 21 by Rev. Kroon. Pamela was attired in a light green dress and wore a cor sage made by Ellsworth Cooke. Those attending were: Arnold’s mother, Mrs. F Savage of Compton, Calif.; and Mrs. Page 5 George Savage and daughter«; Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Savage, Margie Logan and Ellsworth Cooke. After the wedding they drove to Grants Pass wher? they were feted with a chicken dinner. Arnold will leave Sunday for Ft. Lewis, Wash ington, where he is stationed. Hii wife will join him in a few weeks. Mrs. Russ Ellis and children Gary and Sharon left for southern Calif., for a ten-day visit. Jesse Savage celebrated his 19th birthday with a party at his home Monday p.m. Present were Mar gie Logan and children, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Savage and Gary Ellis. Back io School Time NO BETTER WAY TO START THAN IN A . . . fall 'Dan River' Colion Dress I < DORSME' All Sizes in Prices from 8 1.98 to $5.98 Corner of tilli und .) Grants ra.<-> Ph. 7471» hi FRIDAY •*■■*■ * ’ Enroll Now for Classes in —BALLET —TAP —TOE ENROLLMENT DAY, THURSDAY, SEPT. 4 1—3 P. M. JOHNSONS that’s the place to go for jewelry when in Grant* Paa* 0 ’BRIEN W O M E N S C L U B I New and Former Student* Please Call or Write: RUTH BENNETT JOHNSON’S JEWELERS In Rogue River Theater Bldg. 1215 East Park Ph. 2355 Giants Paw FOR BACK TO-SCHOOL Tweeds $24.95 Fleece and Plaids $34.95 —All 100% Wool Lined and Interlined Sizes 10-18 LADIES BUDGET BARGAIN OFFER READY-TO-WEAR GOLDEN RULE GRANTS PASS For Newspaper and Plan to Spend a SAFE Weekend In the Valley at the- Three Magazine» ONLY 5^15 Tilla nawipapar effera Amari««'» «neat me«ealnea. Make year aelactiaa naw and en|ay real aa vinhat Mark an "X“ befor« magailn«! desired and enclose list with order. JUBILEE » □ AMERICAN FRUIT GROWER □ AMERICAN POULTRY JOURNAL BREEDER S GAZETTE ....................... CAPPERS FARMER ................................ □ COUNTRY GENTLEMAN □ FARM JOURNAL AND FARMER'S WIFE S 9 1 p. m. Saturday - Monday Night See Page Eight for a Full Schedule of Events Little Mitt Pritt. here't a brand new frock. Ai critp at a cookie and at neat at a block. You'll look like a PrinceM in a fairy-tale dream. All drei ted up in your Peachet 'N Cream. 'f Th i« Advertitement Courtesy FRENCH from $2.98 to $5.98 LAUNDRY GRANTS PASS CAVE JUNCTION IRA HALL 1 1 1 1 1 I Yt Yt Yr Yr Yr Yr MORE REAL BUYS HOUSEHOLD MAGAZINE MOTHERS HOME LIFE NATIONAL LIVESTOCK PRODUCER OPEN ROAD (Boy«).......... PATHFINDER 13 luuri POULTRY TRIBUNE J TRUE LOVE STORIES ( J □ □ □ . 9 1 Yr. It». 1 Yr. 8 Mo 8 Mo I Yr 8 Mo Any Magazine Listed Below And This Newspaper, Both For The Price Shownl Mark an “X" before magazine* desired and enclose list with order □ AMERICAN GIRL ____________________ □ AMERICAN HOME □ AMERICAN MAGAZINE □ AMERICAN POULTRY JOURNAL □ BREEDERS GAZETTE □ CAPPER S FARMER ......................................... □ CHRISTIAN HERALD ........ □ COLLIER'S .......................... □ CORONET ......................... ............................... □ COSMOPOLITAN .............. .......................... □ COUNTRY GENTLEMAN □ FARM JOURNAL AND FARMER 3 WIFE □ FLOWER GROWER ............ □ FRONT PAGE DETECTIVE________ __ □ GOOD HOUSEKEEPING ......... .......... □ HOUSEHOLD MAGAZINE ............. □ LOOK ...................... ....... .......................... ..... I ) McCALL'S MAGAZINE □ MODERN ROMANCES .......................... . □ MOTHER S HOME LIFE □ NATIONAL LIVESTOCK PRODUCER ._ 5 6 3 3 50 00 25 50 f □ OUTDOOR LIFE 5.40 □ PAHENTS' MAGAZIN! 500 □ PATHFINDEH (26 Inue«) 4.25 □ PHOTOPLAY ........................... 4 00 □ POPULAR MECHANICS 5 75 ( J POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY 5 25 □ POULTRY TRIBUNE 325 4 50 □ RADIO TELEVISION MIRROR 575 □ READER S DIGEST 5 40 □ REDBOOK 3 00 □ SATURDAY EVENING POST 4.25 □ SCREEN STORIES ....................«... 4.75 □ SKYWAYS 500 □ SPORT MAGAZINE ’ SPORTS AFIELD 4N 3.75 ' ] TH'JE ROMANCE □ TRUE STORY 4 00 4 7J THE WOMAN □ WOMAN’S HOME COMPANION SOO NEWSPAPER ANO MAGAZINES COME FOR OHI FULL YEAR OF HALL’S ACCOUNTING SERVICE is pleased to announce that he has moved to a MAIL TODAY! the Bank of Illinois Valley * AU Off IAS AHI OUAAANJIID FILL IN AND and is open for business next door to MJ AU AUOW 4 TO • WOTS »o« »»« st coatti or mao a I in * s to Atanrf Ï. . ‘.3 from— “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs," Walt Disney’s feature length picture presents action a- gainst the 1 ackgrounds of forests, castles, wild mountain areas and in the quaint woodland cottage of the Seven Dwarfs. Emil Vahrenwald Recoverir-x Emil Vahrenwald, who was ser iously burn«! a few months ago, has completed skin grafting opera tions and is at home, recovering rapidly. «nd lllinoM Valley Newt by Carole Bln» (Leave New« at Kerby Poetoffice) SHOW REVUE Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Wells left for their home in Riverside, Calif., Tuesday. Mrs. Wells will return about the 15th and will accompany her mother, Mrs. John Milburn, when she leaves later in the fall to visit her sister and husband. Rev. and Mrs. Crutchfield, of Phoenix, Ariz. Two brothers of Mrs. Milburn’s, Rev. L. ,W. Neff of Georgia and J. R. Neff of Calif., will join her in Phoenix for a family reunion. I —o— NEW FALL SHADES Mrs. Kern Drown and her two daughters, Mercedes of Cave Junc tion and Anna Jane who is em ployed in the U. S. National Bank. Grants Pass, left Saturday for Glendale, Calif., to visit a third daughter of the Drowns', Glenna. They will return next week. Twenty members of the White family were present for a reunion August 24 at the Hugh White home in Cave Junction. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh W hite are his sister and her hus band, Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Hull of Los Angeles, and Hugh's aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. William Griswold, of Placerville, Calif. Another sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Charles DeNure of Fol SATURDAY som, Calif, are visiting Mrs. Lilly Paramount’s "Silver City” is a White, their mother, in Kerby. sizzling adventure drama chronic ling the greed, treachery and vio lence that made life in the mining Special Occation Coming Up? Order fresh seasonal flowers for regions of the Old West so event all occasions from Valley Drug in ful.Filmed in Technicolor in the Cave Junction. pd. adv. High Sierras, this handsomely mounted production stars Edmond O’Brien. Yvonne De Carlo, Barry Attends Lion« Cabinet Meeting Charles A. Hubbard attended a Fitzgerald, and Richard Arlen. cabinet meeting called by Lions SUNDAY «nd MONDAY club District Governor, Gunnar A fascinating chapter in the Wohgren, at the Redwoods Hotel life of Hollywood in unfolded in in Grants Pass Sunday. Hubbard he new Technicolor musical “Sing is zone chairman of the Lions. in in the Rain.” It is Hollywood during the fabulous twenties— Hollywood during the transition Move Into Cave Junction The new high school principal, from silents to talkies—the Holly W. D. Barnes, Mrs. Barnes and wood of flappers, the Charleston Carol and Billy are moving into the and the few who claimed that talk former McAbee home on Caves ies would never last and the many who proved they were here to stay. Ave. this week. TUESDAY «nd WEDNESDAY •” -O ■1 “Button, Button. ..." “Honeychile’’ has Judy Canova, When Mr. and Mrs. Hal McAbee a queen of the cowgirls in a small unlocked their new front door in Wyoming town, writing a letter Eugene, confidently expecting to a New York song publisher ask their furniture had arrived ahead ing for information about a song of them, they were amazed to find she had submitted a year before. an empty house. A bit of sleuthing After a lengthy search turns up discovered the furniture stacked the manuscript, Judy has reasons in the garage. The key “Mac” had for not wanting it published at all. Also showing is "Quebec” star given the movers fitted only the ring John Barrymore, Jr. and Cor- garage door! rine Calvet. —o— Return to Riverside A FULL VARIETY OF Friday. Aufuil 29, 1952 Drown» Visit Daughter in Calif. *5l»v4 dtxr.td an</ melate aith coapun. Gendyucen-: I «nota»» * . PI«««« «nd »•« <H« «d«r .K m 5«4, with • »ear « «ubecriplion le ree» nenapaeer. NAME STREET OR R.F.D. □K POSTOFFICt « it