E.... . I This Week in Cave Junction BY MRS 1 PEGGY HUBBARD, PH 6311 *Society *Clubs : I *Visits Uueiti of the Knight* ...................... 0 Annual Chuck Wagon Dinner Mr.and Mrs. Leo Goodanough qf Lynwood City, Calif., parents of Mrs. Frank Knight, are guests at the Knight ranch in West Side rd. They will leave this weekend for Vancouver, B.C, and Victoria, and again spend a few days in the Val­ ley before returning to their home. The Cecil Brinks and the Earl Boyds are givytg their annual Chuck Wagon iinner Saturday, the 23rd., at the Boyd res .derive u.i West Side rd. Guests dress “round up” style, and are served dinner from a large wagon. Outdoor danc­ ing and singing follow the dinner. NEW CHAIN SAW SEVEN HORSEPOWER 55 POUNDS TOTAL WEIGHT An invitation from the Caveman Auxiliary 2146, Grants PaseP, was •xtended to the local Eagles Auxil­ iary to attend a reception honoring Madam State President Mary Browns September 7 at 2, Eagles Hall, Grants Pass, Formal drase is optional. Social nite, Friday Aug 22 (to- night) will be held at the home ot Dorothy Smith, Entertainment and refreshments are planned. All participants in the Auxiliary float for the Jubilee parade ait re­ quested to be at the parade forma­ tion at 9:30 September 1. Next regular business meeting will be Friday, September 5. ------------- o-------------- See Del Norte Fair Attending the Del Norte County lair in Crescent City Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Williams of O’Brien, Mrs. Lelie Runyon of Cave Junction, Miss Shirley O’­ Brien, niece of Mrs. Williams, and Mr. Harry Kannasto of Ashland. Give* Luncheon It’s the 7-55. built by McCulloch, the world's largest build­ ers of power chain saws Come in for a demonstration — THIS IS THE SAW YOU’VE BEEN WAITING FORI M c C ulloch chain saws (Located in Former Taylor’s Self Service Laundiy CAVE JUNCTION ONE MATCH ONE FOREST A MILLION MATCHES can be made from one tree. A MILLION TREES can be burned by a forest fire started with one match in careless hands. 1 • Z) ■J I m -a HI k 71 Two Leave for Roseburg Jobs IV\. yiasketball and baseball coach, Wls Peters, was awarded ! his masters degree in education this summer after four summers of I by Carole Blits work at the University of Oregon. (Leave New. at Kerby Po»toffice) Wes is attending a driver train­ ing school in Portland this week KERBY—Fred Bliss and Eu- n preparation for the instruction gene Sams left Sunday for Rose- of a driving course at the high burg where they will be employed. ichool this fall. Mrs. Peters and Mr. and Mrs. Mike Loftus of laughter returned to Cave Junc- Medford were weekend guests of k>n this week, and took up resi- Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Peterson. Jence in the Peters new home on Mr. and Mrs. Albert Mincer of Palmer st. Brookings were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Bliss Sun­ Weekend Trip Io San Francisco Mr. and Mrs. K. C. Pinkerton day. Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Sam spent drove to San Francisco Friday fur a weekend of sightseeing and ship­ Saturday in Roseburg. ping, returning Sunday. They were accompanied by Mrs. Jack Aber­ nathy. : 35 Acres of Bru*h, Timber Burned, 15th 'A fire of brush, grass and small timber believed to have leached about 35 acres in size was quelled by state forest patrol and Illinios Valley Ranger Station crews and equipment about a mile and a half north of Takilma Friday after­ noon, August 15. Discovered at about 3 p. m., the combined crew had it controlled at about 5. As many as five pumpers worked on the blaze. To save a nearby home, lumber to be used in some construction which had caught fire was sacri­ ficed and shoved into the blaze. Viiiting Grandparent* Connie Sue and Jimmy Coan of Rio Linda, Calif., arrived by plane the 10th to visit their grandpar­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. George Martin. They are the children of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Coan, (Janet Martin), who will visit the Martins soon. Mrs George Simmons entertain ed Mrs. Harold Hemingway, Mrs. Guest* of Frank Hamilton* Douglas Hanby, and Mrs Charles Mrs. C. A. Brintall and daugh­ Hubbard at luncheon W / ednesday ter, Helen Jane, of Huntington at her home. Beach, Calif, are guests of the —— o—» Frank Hamiltons of Redwood high­ Attend Two Reunion* way. Mrs. Brintall and Mrs. Ham­ Mr. and Mrs. William Deal and ilton are sisters. Frank and his daughters Sandra and Beverly, niece have fished extensively dur­ have returned from Ames, la., ing her visit here, at Bolen Lake, where they visited Mrs. Deal’s par­ Crscent City, and locally in Sucker ents, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Bates. Creek and the Illinois River forks. They attended the Bates family reunion the first Sunday they were Return Home there, and the Banford reunion Mr. and Mrs. Ray Wadsworth of at Boone la., the next Sunday. Camas, Washington returned home Mis Deal’s brother, Sgt. Glen Bate Wednesday morning, Aug. 13 after and his wife and children came visiting her mother, Mrs. Leite from Camp Campbell, Ky., to at­ Runyon of Caves Hwy. for four tend the festivities. On their re­ days. turn trip. Deals visited his brother, Raymond, in Omaha, Neb. Lackey Ranch Sold Mrs. Alvin Lackey, Sr. is spend ing some time in Cave Junction with her son and daughter-in-law. The Lackey ranch in Kerby has been sold, and Robert and Alvin Lackey, Jr., with whom Mrs. Lack­ ey makes her home, are looking for a new location. Shower for Mr,. McAbee ■ EARNS MASTERS DECKI e AT OREGON THIS SUMMER Fr.d.y, Auran 22, i»52 i p;ag|e* Auxiliary to Attend Reception O Illinois Valley New* Pag« 2 The Harold McAbees returned to Cave Junction for only a few lays to pack their belongings to be shipped to Eugene, where they will make their future home. Wednes­ day Mrs. Ira Hall, assisted by Mrs. Harold Crowl, Mrs. Elnora White- head, and Mrs. Charles Hubbard, gave a shower for Mrs. McAbee in the Hall garden. 24 guests were present, including out of town quests Mrs. L. A Moffit and Mrs. Jack Abernathy of Grants Pass. McAbees leave today (Friday) for Eugene. —o— VERSTEEGS VACATION IN VICTORIA, LAKE LOUISE Dr. and Mrs. C. N. Versteeg report a most enjoyable vacation trip. They traveled up the coast stopping to fish one day, then on to Vancouver, and by boat to Viet- I >ria. After a short stay there, they drove to Banff and Lake Louise, returning to Cave Junction the weekend of the 10th. The doctor would appreciate en­ lightenment on a problem which has puzzled him since he was in : Victoria: “Who,” he asks, “waters the flower baskets hanging on ev­ ery light post on the Victoria streets?” Day in Cave Junction WÀMITCH TIMBER CO Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Baines, the new high school principal and wife, spent Monday in Cave Junction, house-hunting. Cave Junction Back from Vacation Member of Mrs, Frank Mellow, chief oper­ ator of the local telephone, comp­ any, has returned from her vaca­ tion. She spent some time with her daughter, Elizabeth, in Santa Rosa Calif., and during that time her husband, Frank Mellow, visited Oars Springs, in Mendocino Coun­ ty. He joined Mrs. Mellow Thurs­ day in Ukiah, and they visited in Eureka, and attended the fair in Crescent City before returning to Cave Junction. ILLINOIS VALLEY PROTECTIVE ASSN. FREE! FROZEN FOOD DEMONSTRATION Wednesday PORTABLE WELDING —In our shop —In the woods —At the mill —On the farm —Anywhere AUG. 27 BPM Legion Hall Miss Betty Davis.^vell known freezing authority who will show yon how simple it is to freeze food. FOR YOUR ... Sewing Quadriga Prints New fall patern in “Quadriga”, 80 square prints. 30 plain shades to match. 39c yd Plisse Prints 36-inch cotton plisse prints, ideal for gowns and pajamas. 49c yd 9 Corduroy 36-inch fine wale, washable colors. 17 colors from which to choose. $1.39 yd. Dan River' Ginghams Beautiful new fall plaids in Dan River “Wrinkle Shed” ginghams, fast colors and sanforized. 98c yd. Broadcloths R. F. POFF SEE THIS NEW, QUICK, EASY, WONDER-WAY TO PRESERVE, PREPARE AND ENJOY FOODS! Thii is your invitation to living! To new food enjoyment for the whole family — w ith tar less work for ><»•' IXm i HUM this interesting,informa­ tive demonstration Developed by Irma Harding and the International SHOP OUR YARDAGE DEPT. FOR THE BEST VALUES Hari ester Home Economics Depart­ ment, this simple w ay to Heezc food means convenience - tor you! Better food without work or waste more leisure time subsiauiitl savings, too! experienc» from Florence, Ore now on our ,hop »taff. New fall pattern in printed broad­ cloths, fast colors and sanforized. Plain shades to match. 49c yd. Printed Outings 39c yd. Shirting Flannels 59c yd. 36-inch printed outing flannels. Flo­ ral. kiddie and striped patterns. COMPLETE MACHINE SHOP SERVICE Cave City Parts & Supplies CAVE JUNCTION 36-inch sanforized shirting flannels, new fall luttterns. BUTTRICK — McCALL — SIMPLICITY — VOGUE PATTERNS The GOLDEN RULE Grants Pass 4