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About Illinois Valley news. (Cave City, Or.) 1937-current | View Entire Issue (July 25, 1952)
Illinois Valley New. Pag* 6 Friday, July 25, 1952 Illinois Valley News RICHARD C., JOAN PINKERTON PUBLISHERS AN INDEPENDENT WEEKLY NEWSPAPER Published at Cave Junction, Josephine County, Oregon Every Friday Morning SUBSCRIPTION RATES In Josephine County $5.50 3.00 1.75 Two Years One Year Six Months Outside Josephine County Two Years ............................................................ $6.50 One Year ............................................ 3.50 Six Months ........................................................ 2 00 Entered as second class matter June 11, 1937, at the Post Office at Cave Junction, Oregon. MEMBER OF OKEGON NEWSPAPER PUBLISHERS ASSN. WANTED:PUZZLE EXPERTS Monday has been declared “Water Night” at the city council meeting by Mayor Fred Salvage who has been saving up pieces to a puzzle entitled the “Water Problem.” Pieces to this particular Cave Junction version of a modern jig-saw puzzle are difficult to ( a pit al Parade By Murray Wada LEGISLATORS IN 1953 The legislative experience of the members of the 1953 Oregon Leg islature will be more extensive than that of any other session in the. state’s history. In the Senate, holdover mem bers and candidates whose chances of being elected range from good to heavy-favored odds, represent a combined past service of 218 years. This is an average of almost seven years experience for each member. Among the considered member hip, Sen. Dean Walker (Polk and Benton) has the longest record in the Senate with 20 years continu ous service. LETTERS Io the EDITOR assemble because they are all one col or—red—symbolic of the financial status of the water department and its prize $60,000 investment located a hill-and-a-river in the distance. Mayor Salvage and the five coun- cilmanic faces and a recorder, who with the NEWS reporter comprise a boresome eightsome at least twice monthly at the Legion hall at 8 p.m., don’t profess to know all the answers related to this much discussed finan cial burden annually operating at a deficit. Many parts to this puzzle have been AWOL during the reign of the present city administration, not to mention the fact that Recorder Hubbard says he has yet to see the records for a $20,000 water depart ment bond issue—the expiration date of which is unknown. Whether you use city water or just like to hear tales of woe when they are shouldered by others, you had better submit your reservations early to Recorder Hubbard who re ports a rapidly-booked house for the twenty-eighth. | In the House, experience ratings ' are lower as members are elected for two years—in the Senate for ' four years. The combined legisla tive experience of the potential members of the House is 224 years, an average of less than four years each. Rep. Harvey Wells (Multonmah) will have the honor of the longest membership in either branch of the legislature. He has served in 12 regular and three special sessidns in the House since 1921. SAY STATE FUNDS WASTED Accusations that state money is being wasted by the State Depart ment of Administration and Fi nance were made at this week's meeting of the State Board of Control. Secretary of State Earl T. New- bry and State Treasurer Walter J. Pearson, who brought the char ges, said they will demand that the Midget Auto Racing Editor, Illinois Valley News: Every citizen of the City of Cave Junction is-requested to be present at a meeting in the city council room on July 28,1952, at 8 p.m., when topics of interest to all of us will be discussed. You should know about the city water, the water system, the finan cial and financing conditions. You should know what may hap pen concerning the sewerage dis posal question. You should know what could happen to your city council if you don’t take some interest in what is being done. This year every citizen should be alarmed at what has happened and take every opportunity to learn what is going on, and discuss every question that is not fully under stood and vote the way you believe best in November. Part of every citizen's duty is to aid your council members by attending council meetings, at least once in a while, and letting them ' know how you feel regarding ques- j tions they have to deal with. May we have you present, Mon- ; day evening, July 28, 1952 at 8 ' p.m. in the council room. Fred C. Salvage, Mayor City of Cave Junction ------------- <>-------------- Editor, Illinois Valley News: Illinois Valley Jubilee'will have a complete face change this year, i The Jubilee Committee has draft- 1953 legislature abolish the act for its recommendation. created by the 1951 legislative OPINIONS ON LAW body. The following are rulings on Harry S. Dorman, who head« the Oregon laws made recently by At department under the governor, torney General George Neuner. ■aid he would prove to the 195;; Personal property tax returns on legislature that the department file in the county assessoi s office ’was saving money for the state. are “confidential records.” and “If the legislature had given the may not be examined by the board of control one half the mon county board of equalization. Laboratories in which infectous ey that was appropriated for the department of finance, a bettei materials are examined are not to job of saving money for the state be registered and regulated by the could have been accomplished ami State Board of Health notwith with but one additional.etnployee,” standing the fact that such labora tories may be conducted and oper Pearson declared. ated by licensed physicians. OREGON STATUES READY When all regular school districts Burt Brown Baker chairman of within a union high school district the Oregon statuary committee, are consolidated, the union high asked the State Board of Control school district is abolished. this week to designate a location The “prudent man rule” govern« on the eapitol grounds for two stat the investment of trust funds by ues, replicas of statues of Dr. John trust companies in this state. A McLoughlin and Rev. Jason Lee section of Oregon law prohibiting now being placed in the national loans upon undivided interests in eapitol in Washington, D. C. real estate by banks or Oust com The request was referred to the panies is not applicable to invest state eapitol planning commission ment of trust funds by such com- ted tlic 3 following policies to help and other coriunify services. Th steer this production through the is >>ne of the ways and means by proper channels for the amuse which the high school got the!* ment and benefaction of all con floodlights, the medical center was started and other community prob cerned. Policy No. 1—Sell the Illinois lems have been solved. And if the Valley. It is the aim of the Com right people would shoulder this mitte to let all other outsiders responsibility and help further the know that the Illinois Valley is not Jubilee, it could be the means of a fly-by-night community and that financing a city Fire Department, we are very much alive and can finish paying off the note of the do things down here. A statewide Medical Center and help the hign publicity program has been plan school in their turf and landscap ned to catch the eye and focus at ing problem. Jubilee Committee tention on the Illinois Valley and --------------o-------------- maybe attract other people to live here, which in turn will influence industry and make farming and legging nice stable occupations. Policy No. 2—Our own home i jrow'n entertainment. To supply the people of the valley with enter- 'ainment of their very own. Per sonalities have no place in a pro duction of this kind. All organi zations and personalities should 10 YEARS AGO meet on the same level to discuss and plan for a complete and satis July 23, 1942—Mr. and Mrs. fying show to cure the entertain Vic Bidache and family came to ment appetite of all you in the val Cave Junction today to spend a ley. visit with L. E. Bidache. Then in return the people of the valley will take more pride and Mrs. Norman White, residing on pleasure in their creation and be Deer Creek, was stepping out of more content to stay at home dur her house to the back porch last ing this holiday weekend and help Wednesday afternoon, and was bit support and enjoy their Jubilee. ten on the ankle by a rattlesnake Policy No. 3—Community Ser that was coiled on the back porch. vice,—Practically all the money a earned from th's Jubilee will go Parley D. Adams, of San Fran into organization funds which are cisco, employed at the Call-Bul earmarked for Child Welfare, letin, came last week to visit Mr. Youth Guidance, Indigent Families and Mrs. John Dow during his va cation. panies. The Valley of Y estery ear NEW IDEAS FOR ROADS Theories and ideas new in road construction were brought from Europe by W. II. Baldock, .state highway engineer who returned from a six weeks trip to that Conti nent this week. One new construction known as prestressed concrete has just been tried in Oregon, but Baldock got experience information from Dan ish engineers that will be valuable in perfecting the mix used. * The best roads he observed on the trip were in the British Isles, Denmark and Germany. • C. Y. Arnold, Mrs. Marie White, Mr. and Mrs. Blake Miller, Elwood Hussey and Bei t Badden left today for Portland to attend the Ameri- can Legion convention. • 14 YEARS AGO July 28, 1938—Takilma reports the town full of widows. All the men are out fighting fires. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Ramsey of Albany visited their niece, Mrs. Flo Leedy of Cave Junction, last week for a short time. They were GOOD RECORD SO FAR Oregon's forests went through on their way to California to visrP 20 days of spotted soaring tem relatives. a peratures and diving humidities Mr. Ernest Drews and Mrs. Em without a major fire. Last year the ma M. Drew’s brother ami mother first big fire was in April. Some operations were reported of Art Drews arrived last Satur working the “hout owl” shift this day for a weeks visit. week and others, the forestry de a partment surmised, would have to Fred Rout returned to Cave Jtnt>- close down if conditions contin ction Thursday, from an oNtendod ued. trip to Los Angeles. PRESENTED BY YOUR SO. OREGON MIDGET RACING ASSN Every Sat. Nite fakealo<¿aÍ,Í¡k MIDGET RACES Thrill« . . . Spills . . . Action! ^trucks with TIME TRIALS START AT 8 P M. Reserved Tickets for Sale at McLain’s Drug Centre, 6th & ‘H’, Grants Pass Caveman Speed Bowl Josephine County Fairgrounds, (¡rants Pass Huid Drive! Admission: General $1.00, Reserved $1.50 Ù on ( an’t Afford Io Miss This ... EARGAIN 1 Uob-RhWTRUCKS t' IX Guaranteed 40 Gal. Mission Electric Hot Water oxi.i <•>1*1.'u«W' T MW t ’ ««If «»ndii < I anteve . Y «MT û J (sK.twaa'nitas» o ALSO SEE THIS SAVING IN A . . O Popular Brand 20-GALLOM . Gas Hot Water Healer ONLY S 5 0 Caves Building Supplies Dutch Boy Paints Yun git sm«awl»li-».*-»rik performance with •yvol Fkwd Drive—a IXaige excl ue lit »vaiUMe oei *4., and 1-ton tnodvb«. i'li-i'« prov «4 fl'u-i'd coo.jJing betwee« engine anwl clutch eliHiHiMtee jerky »Carts, helps prevent »Callurg. Loaf along in high, slow A hi « i-r.v tra-f&c, speed up again — all without tosultiRg the gearsluft or clutch! New slippery roads! Better load protection! With fluid Drive, there’s less wheel spinning, less tendency to skid on wet or icy pavements. You can start in higher gear, apply power gradually and get away smoothly and safely. Traction is applied more efficiently. With less wheel-spanning, tires last longer, too — another money saving advantage of Fluid Drive! Fluid Drive assures extra-smooth starts . . . protects your load There’s less chance for cargo to shift—less chance of breakage or other damage. WHAJ ”JO«-»ATEO” MEANS TO YOU A Dodge "Job-Rated" truck * engineered at the factory to fit a particular job . . . save you money . . . last longer. M’o-re convenience on hills! Lengthens truck life! Fluid Drive lets >p on an upgrade ami hold your IX uige "Job-Rated" truck in grar, .imply by .«lightly speeding up the engine. And on a downgr^ie. Fluid Drive gives von effective engine braking. Under ail driving conditions. Fluid Drive i> eade>,oii tx>th driver and truck COMI IN AND BE CONVINCED! The “cushioned” power of Fluid Drive saves wear and tear on over 80 vital parts — including clutch, transmission, rear axle. This insures longer truck life lowers vour upkeep costs And trade-in value stays AigA.' Ask us for interesting booklet on gvfrol Fluid Drive. TRY a new DODGE Every unit from engine to rear axle is " Job-Rated" — factory -engineered to haul a specific load over the roads you travel and at the speeds you require. A’ivrv unit that SUPPORTS the load— frame, axles, springs, wheels, tires and body —is engineered right to provide the strength and capacity needed. Eivry unit that MOVES the load— engine, clutch, transmission, propeller shaft and rear axle—is engineered right to meet a particular operating condition. TRUCK WITH FLUID DRIVE! f ARNTIHC AUTOMOTIVE vAIUlEIi d SERVICE 109 S. E. ‘M’ St GRANTS PASS »