áster and Family Visit Wantlands aunt left Sunday to visit relatives in Montana. Bonnie Scranton is staying with C. J. Bliss a few days while her mother is in Medford caring for Mrs. Nate Russell who is ill. - o by Carole Bli*» (Leave New* at Kerby Po*toffice) Attend Lily Festival KERBY—Mr.and Mrs. Lester McNabb and girls of Zion, Ill., are visiting in the home of Rev. and Mrs. D. B. Wantland. Mrs. McNabb and Mrs. Wantland are sisters. Mrs. S. M. Payne is visiting her sister-in-law, Dolly Duncan for a few weeks. Alva Woodruff has moved to Burns, California. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Beams of Cres­ cent City are visiting with Dolly Duncan this week. Mary Cooke of Valejo, Californ­ ia visited her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. E. Cooke. She and her Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Ellis were among those attending the Lily Festival in Brookings two weeks ago. Donkey Baseball Five Attend Receptioo Friday, July 25. 1952 A reception was held in Rose­ : burg last Saturday night, honoring i Leila Wimberly, Grand Worthy i I Matron and Beatrice Churchill, Grand Chaplain of the Grand : : ,-hapter of Order of Eastern Stars of Oregon. Those attending from : Western Star Chapter of Kerby were: Ruth Masters, worthy mat­ ron, Grace Downing, Winnifred Mulvey, Harry Campbell and Mab- •I Campbell. Summer Sidelights ON . . IV IIS STI DENTS By Virginia DeMerneman Mrs. Bernie Chappell and Valton Huston were married in Reno, Nev., Saturday, July 12, and are at home at the Kellar Motel. Treva Lee Allen has been spend­ Members of Belt Lodge No. l!s ing the past two weeks visiting and Gue*t* of Hamilton* Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Candles» are reminded of the regular Satur­ helping her Aunt, Mrs. Don Crock­ of Glendale, Calif., were guests of day night meeting at the Masonic- ett of Brookings, Oregon. the Ken Hamilton's this week. Temple in Kerby at 8. — o— —o—— Beatrice Barnes has joined Jo- Visiting Son nelle Benge and JoAnn Taylor a Mrs. Myra Clark of Sioux City, a waitress in Mildreds Cafe in Ker­ Iowa, is visiting her son, Les Tyth- by. cott and family. —o— Richard Westfall left Wednes­ A day to go to Oakdale, Calif., to stay Arrive from Saudi Arabia with his sister and help with the Robert Hollingshead, son of Mr. ind Mrs. “Butch” Hollingshead of fruit harvest. Cave Junction, is flying to the Warren Cooke spent 3 days of United States from Saudi Arabia last week in Prospect, Oregon visit­ this week on business as security Quick - Easy * Safe ing friends and attending a Rodeo officer for Arabian Oil Co. He is in Prospect. He plans to go back due to arrive in Los Angeles next week, in time to attend a diving Friday and spend another week. Write or call ‘xhibit to be given in Los Angeles tor complete Jackie Strohkirch aand Kohath by his 10-year old son. Tommy, information— Krauss spent last week helping at who has often visited in Cave Jun­ the 4-H camp at Grayback. Jackie ction. Mrs. "Butch’’ Hollingshead was a council instructor and Ko- was to meet her son and Tommy and accompany them to Cave Junc­ hath was a craft instructor. tion,, but has received word that Pearl and Marie Johnson and her 95-year old mother, Mrs. Caro­ I their parents are among those at­ lyn Ellersick of Comstock, Neb., tending the Seventh Day Adven­ has had a bad fall, so Mrs. Hol- tist Camp Meeting at Gladstone lingshead s plans are now undecid-» ed. Park. —o— ------------------o------------------ Eagl e’s Belt Lodge Saturday Picture Lights I Jeb Brenner arrived in Crescent City by plane Sunday afternoon to spend the rest of the month with t his parents, Commander and Mrs. James Brenner and his sister ftS* and brothers. The entire family t will return shortly to Carmel, Cal­ I if., where Cmdr. Brenner is an in­ Compiete structor in the Annapolis giaduate With Bulba school. ---o--- S10.35 A COLORFUL PICTURE BY DAY A SOFT GLOWING LIGHT BY NIGHT Lends candlelight warmth to your dining room—use them in matching pairs over end tables or beds. WE GIVE S & H GREEN STAMPS DECORATOR'S SUPPLY Cave Junction Î :: g Trained donkeys jockeyed by Valley high school students ______ will __ furnish hilarious entertainment at the annual Lions Club Donkey- Baseball game at the IVHS field Sunday, 2 p.m. —pd. adv. Several Patronite Hospital Valley patients reported at the Josephine General Hospital during the last week include: John W’ages, O’Brien; Amos Vahrenwalti, Cave 25th Anniversary Observed Junction; Jean Ramsey, Selma; Mr. and Mrs. Ken Hamilton, of Norma Frost, Selma; and Audrey the Illinois Valley Hardware,, are M. Krauss, Selma. to be honored next Sunday after­ noon by Ken’s mother and father, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hamilton, on Hall's Accounting the occasion of their silver wed­ ding anniversary. They will re­ Service ceive from 2 til 7 in the afternoon, CAVE JUNCTION, OREGON and all of their friends are invited to attend. Audit*, Bookkeeping, Income NOTICE OF CALL FOR BIDS Josephine County School District The comfortable, safe, time-saving way to Notice is hereby given in compli­ ance with Section 111-1224 O.C.L. A. that the Board of Directors of the Josephine County School Dist­ rict hereby calls for bids on fur­ nishing and installing a deisel burning hot air furnace and nec­ essary ducts to heat the three class­ rooms, hallway and rest rooms of the Hugo School. Bidder to guar- anatee the installation to be reas­ onably quiet, to heat the class­ rooms to 72' with an outside temp­ erature of 10 above zero F. and to be efficient in operation. Success­ ful bidder to give a written guaran­ tee of above. Details of the installation may be secured from Mr. Howard Wirtz, in care of the Josephine County School District office. Sealed bids will be received by the board up to 8:00 p.m. P.S.T. August 4, 1952. Marguerite S. Stanton, District Clerk Publish July 25, August 1, 1952 PORTLAND DANCE Saturday, July 26 9 P. M. VFW OPEN ÀIF PAVILION ♦ 4 MUSIC BY THE TRAILRIDERS Admission 75c per person Supper by the ladies Donkey Baieball Arrive* To Be with Parent* fl ... 3-Way Lamps ... M rs. Melvin Rigdon entertained a plastic party al her home on *' es highway Tuesday afternoon. if you . . . —want to rent, —are buying or selling. A 50c WANT AD WILL A CHICK FFFICIFNT B FOR YOU—PHONE 3401 JO Married in Reno Trained donkeys jockeyed bj Valley high school students will News from Gerald Chappell, Visitor* from Lo* Angele* furnish hilarious entertainment at former Ivy student, is that he is Mr. and Mrs. R. J. McCracken the annual Lions Club Donkey returning to the States from Korea entertained Mr. and Mrs. Stanley- Baseball game at the 1VHS field in August. Barron of Los Angeles as their Sunday, 2 p.m. —pd. adv. house guests this week. Page 5 Ent •rtain at Plastic* Party A son weighing five pounds nine and one-quarter ounces was boi n to Mr. and Mrs. Lee Smith of Takilma. Friday, July 11. New Modern Deposit Plan to save your Time charming Illinois Valley New* Son Born to Smith* A for fresh foods the year ’round Freeze Your Meats, Fruits Ànd Vegetables Now! Tax Service and Quarterly Re­ port*. NOTARY FIR SAW LOGS CABAX MILLS - - - Kerby WANTED: PUBLIC Member of Oregon Association of Public Accountants IRA S. HALL / s READY MIX CEMENT LOG CARIN STORE Phone 4401 Sr Im a Opposite Deer Creek Locker Plant DEAN WARREN, Owner CAVE JUNCTION SEE US TODAY! (Our prices have not increased since 1950) Our overnight train is the safe, comfortable and time­ saving way between southern Oregon cities and Portland. Leave at night; be there the next morning. Take your choice of comfortable Pullman berths or compartments. Or ride at very low cost in chair cars equipped with adjustable, foam-rubber chairs. A full-length lounge car provides easy chairs, card tables and snack meal service of coffee, sandwiches, soft drinks, etc. AMERICAS MQSTi MODEIN TRAINS See your nearest S. P. agent, or write J. H. Pruett, Ji •> GPA, 622 Pacific Bldg., Portland 4. Ore. PRINTING Q Rebuilt Motors Check these prices — why not have your car running like new — you’ll save It will pay you • rrk our advice on your Job Printing need*. ILLINOIS VALLEY NEWS $ in gas, oil consumption and minor repairs and have the pleasure and con­ venience of easy starting and knowingyou’ll ‘get there’ without any trouble. Phone 5040 MODEL ‘A’ V-8 —1937 up MERCURY CHEVROLET PLYMOUTH DODGE . DeSOTO CHRYSLER STUDE CHAMPION . PONTIAC, OLDS 6 BUICK $129.50 169.50 179.50 179.50 179.50 189.50 219.50 219.50 219.50 289.50 Price» include rebuilt engine, installation and a loaner car in needed. Call at for price» on car» and trucks not lifted here. United Engine Rebuilders On Redwood Hiway — Across from Drive-In Theatre OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAY