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About Illinois Valley news. (Cave City, Or.) 1937-current | View Entire Issue (July 25, 1952)
* CHURCH NOTES LAVE JUNCTION COMMUNITY CHURCH Rev. Paul Kroon, Pastor. Sunday school, 9:45 a. m. Morning service, 11 a. m. Evening service. 7:45 p.m . Prayer meeting, Wednesday 7:45 p. m. -------------- o Pa«e 3 IHinui« Valley New« KELLERTSATTEND COQUILLE MEETING Sunday, for the Cunton picnic at the Park, and then on home in the Mr. and Mrs. Art Kellert went evening. — o ■ to Coquille Friday to attend a meeting of all branches of the In GLADIOLUS FESTIVAL dependent Order of Odd Fellow*. DRAWS VALLEY INTEREST Mr Kellert attended the afternoon Valley interest in the 1952 Glad meeting, while Mrs. Kellert visited hr brother, James Ballah, and wife. iolus Festival in Grants Pass start Both attended the dinner and even ing Saturday will be centered on its ing meeting, Mr. Kellert officiat queen contestant, Annabelle Brew ing in his capacity as grand mar er of Selma. shall. Five SOCE professors and mem Many state officer* were tnere. bers of the Shakespearean Festi including Lynn Cram, Grand Mas val Assn, will comprise a panel of ter of Oregon and Olive Ramey, judges to hear brief talks given State President of the Rebekah As by each girl. The queen selected by sembly. the judges will receive a $300 Thev returned to Grants Pass , chuiai shin to school of her choice. ASSEMBLY OF GOD Rev. D. B. Wantland, pastor C. A. service at 6:30 Sunday CHURCH OF CHRIST evening. Sunday School begin* promptly Cemetery road. *4 mile from at 9:45 a. m. Caves highway. Morning worship—11 a. m. Services at 10:30 a.m. Evening evangelistic service — o 7 :30 p. m. O'BRIEN Wednesday evening prayer COMMUNITY CHURCH meeting and Bible Study 7 :30 p.m. Orrin C. Ogier, Pastor --------------- o - ■ Sunday school, 9:45 a. m. JESUS NAME PENECOSTAL Morning worship, 11 a. m. CHURCH Thursday, Prayer service, 8 p.m. Temporarily meeting tn 'the Robert Eate«, Paator O’Brien school. Sunday School, 10 a.m. Morning worship, 11 a.m. Sunday evening services, 8 p.m ST. PATRICK S OF THE FOREST CATHOLIC CHURCH Tuesday prayer service, 8 p.m Father Kelley. Friday, young people’s service Held in the Catholic church lo at 8 p.m. Services are now being held in cated across from the Ranger -ta- the new church building on the tion. Second and fourth Sundays a Old Stage road *4 mile south of 11:00 a m the Caves highway. Don't Throw IT Away! We’re giving as high as $10 Trade-in on vour old watch lor a new i s 1 I s • liULOVA • WYLER • HAMILTON or •CROTON I — precision dress and and waterproof watches. 1 SELMA BAPTIST CHURCH C. GUY STEM £ Your Local Jeweler FOR FINE WATCHES, SILVER, DIAMONDS Cave Junction 3803 ONE HALF HOUR TO SHOR CHAT, GR JUST RELAX— ! I 1 I Rev. Douglas Field,pastor. Sunday school, 9:45 a.m. Morning worship, 11 a.m. “Fundamental* of the Faith” class at 7 :p.m. Evangelistic service, 8 p.m. Monday, work night and men's prayer meeting. Tuesday, 7:30 p.m., choir prac tice. Wednesday, 7:45, mid-week prayer service. CAVE JUNCTION-CHURCH of SEVENTH DAY ADVENTISTS Don Gray, Pa«tor Sabbath School ................. 9:30 Church service ....................11:00 Prayer meeting Wednesday. --------- o------------- - EAGLES ANNOUNCE COMING BEAUTY CONTEST Oregon Cave Aerie, 3055, planning a beauty contest to be held in the near future, according to chairman of entertainment, Don Beard.. Member* and friends are re minded that the bi-monthly dances are now being held at the VFW open-air pavilion, music by the Trailriders. Refreshments will be served at the regular meeting tonight, 8 p.m. o-------------- To Girl Scout Camp Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Abbey took their daughter Roberta to Camp O’ the'Woods Sunday where she will spend a week at Girl Scout camp. TREHEARNES Cave Junction FULL GOSPEL CHURCH TAKILMA Rev. Van McCoy, Pastor Sunday School 10 a. m. Morning worship service 11 a. Childrens church 7 p. m. Evangelistic service 7:45 p. m. Thursday, midweek service, p. tn. BRIDGEVIEW COMMUNITY CHURCH What a boon to the homewife! Ju»t wheel your laundry in here, put in in the machine, and you've a free half hour to chat with friend«, «hop or relax. At the end of the 30 minute« yuur waali is done--- ready to take home. Now that summer’« here you’ll love this ea«y "wath-way.” Try it today. Cave Junction J. M. Boss, Morning service, 11:30 a. nt. Evening service. Prayer meeting, 7:30. Pastor unified ; 7:30. Wedne day J. Mulveys Move To Caves Hiway Virginia Habvuvk Phoue 120V HOLLAND—Mr. and Mr*. Jerry Mulvey moved last Sunday from Holland to Sawyer’s house on the Cave* Highway. Mr*. Nell Shellabarger is con fined to her home with the mump*. Mr. E. R. Roberts was here re cently visiting hi* three sons. Glen. Ted and Lee Robert*. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Floyd and three sons are here visiting Dick’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Floyd. Sporting two new Pontiac* in this fair citv aie ‘‘The Rossiter*.’’ Mr. and Mrs. Tom Floyd of Los Angeles are here visiting Toni Floyd’s brother and family, Mr. I and Mr*. Harry Floyd. Mr. and Mr*. Dick Toban of Portland spent Tuesday and Wed nesday in the Volley »> liile he>-« Dick Toban. Dick Floyd, Cliff 1 >hn*«n and Ralph Me*sir:ger got together. They w«r« old school friends. Here’» why you ahould choo«« BERKELEY It ia only natural that Berkeley ahoold have more dependable leaturea rh»» »II the other«, became •ngLn—rt pion»»r»d th» Mod»rnJ»t Wator Syttom. Berkeley Jet Water Systema are avail able to you in a full range of alaee — aingle and multi-stage—lift« down to 200 feet. There* a combtnatloa to ttt ywaw exact aoodtl Ask for our bee literature «nd Ut ua give you particular« on a Jet ayaUra to do your Job. There 1« no obligation for th!« »ervloe. Illinois Valley Hardware SERVICE At Well At $AV1NG$ Cave Junction SHARON VERSTEEGEN JIMMY QUINN JULY 24 WEDS Mr* and Mr*. Curl Versteegen innounce the marriage of their daughter. Sharon, to Jame- Quinn son of the Lionel Quinns, O’Brien The marria?e took place yeste'- lay at the Methodist church in Grants Pass. Jimmy is home from he service on a short leave and •nust report in a few days to hi« base at Almeda, Calif. Sharon will remain in the Valley until he is able to obtain housing ror them. Jim was just released from the Oakland Naval hospital where he was treated for injuries received in a freak car mishap over a month ago. --------------- o ------ Vacation in Cave Junction Fred Roaehraugh of Aloha, Ore., is spending his summer vacation with his grandmother, Mrs. Grace Fruiht, and is clerking for her in her store. Special Price Time Only! CROSLEY CONSOLE 3-SPEED RECORD CHANGER $19995 AND YOLK OLD RADIO SALES SUBJECT I’D MODELS NOW IN STOCK o MANCHELS “Furniture You’ll Admire at Prices You'll Appreciate” FREE PH. CAVE JUNCTION 3311 DELIVERY IN THE VALLEY GRANTS PASS 4437