CHURCH Fascinating Fashions Whether you crave a coat with flattering princess lines; a loose, flowing one, or a demurely fitted one with a voluminous skirt, you’ll be in style this Spring. Never be­ fore have coat fashions offered such a variety of styles. One of the spring favorites is the buttoned-up-the-front, graceful coat with a fitted bodice and soft, sloping shoulders (left) and it’s so feminine and flattering in silks, failles and tissue wools. “And,” as Virginia Kaye, leading lady on CBS’s daytime serial, “Rosemary,” practically points out, “this coat can do double duty this season. Don it now, add a gay scarf or a bright flower and wear it as a dress under your heavier coat. Later on, it bi -omes a coat, worn over your most colorful dresses.” With this season’s crinoline pet­ ticoats and billowy skirts, you’ll ■love the full-length coat with back ! fullness gently draped, push up J sleeves and a rounded or dropped shoulder line. Virginia has found that for a busy actress there is no more practical, all-purpose coat than a dark colored coat with sim­ ple lines and hand detailing, but which can be dressed up for eve­ ning with the addition of a scarf and accessories. Waler Show ai I Gold Beach 4th Speedboat races will be a feature , attraction at the third annual | Rogue River Attua Carnival at Gold Beach July fourth with racing enthusiasts expected from four Northwest states. McCULLOCH Weighs only 25 lb. COMPLETE! 3 hp tasoline engine! Saws FULL POWER in any position! Light and powerful McCiflloch 3-25 takes tha work out of cutting wood. Hits automatic clutch, kickprdof rewind starter, built in chain citer, many otHhr featurxis! A* Stistho McCulloch 7-55 with CUSHIONED POWER! c ° H McCULLOCH Line! 1*1 CHURCH OF CHRIST Cemetery road, mile from Caves highway. Services at 10:30 a.m. All are welcome. ------------- o - ------ ASSEMBLY OF GOO Rev. D. B. Wantland, pastor C. A. service at 6:30 Sunday evening. Sunday School begins promptly u 9:45 a: m. .Morning worship—11 a. m. Evening evangelistic service — 7:30 p. m. Wednesday evening p r a y e t meeting and Bible Study 7 :30 p in, O’BRIEN COMMUNITY CHURCH Orrin C. Ogier, Pastor Sunday school, 9:45 a. m. Morning worship, 11 a. m. Thursday, Prayer service, 8 p.m. Temporarily meeting tn the O’Brien school. Some .70 boats will be entered in competition in 9 races for class 1! and D hydros, 1! and D utilities and B and D runabouts. A special feature of the day’s events will be a women’s B-combined stock outboard race, second of its kind to be held in Oregon. A boat parade and selection of a Queen will start the festivities Thursday night, July 3. ------------- o------------- ------ Help the Hospital------- fi See the complete NOTES y Complete service on AIZ; 7 ijx ” all McCulloch pratiwete ST. PATRICK S OF THE FOREST CATHOLIC CHURCH Father Kelley. Held in the Catholic church lo­ cated across from the Ranger sta­ tion. Second and fourth Sundays at 11 :00 a.m. ------------- o ■ - - JESUS NAME PENECOSTAL CHURCH Robert Estes, Pastor Sunday School, 10 a.m. Morning worship, 11 a.m. Sunday evening services, 8 p.m Tuesday prayer service, 8 p.m. Friday, young people's service at f?p.m. Services are now being held in he new’ church building on ’¿te Old Stage road Q mile south of he Caves highway. --------— -n--------- —— SELMA BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. Douglas Field,pastor. Sunday school, 9:45 a.m. Morning worship, 11 a.m. “Fundamentals of the Ftyth’’ ■lass at 7 :p.m. Evangelistic service, 3 p.m. Jfondty, »or# »ight aud tMMu's prayer meeting. Tuesday, 7:30 p.m., choir porar- tice. Vedn«4dw> 7 :<15, uiiJ-w«rk praytr service. l, 9:4« m m> CAVE JUNCTION (1 rated ;n Foraker Taylor*« Self Service Laundry) Morning service, 11 m uj. Evaaiw® saarvee, 7:45 p.m . Prayer meeting, Woduosduy at 7:45 p. m. ------------- o—i—----- -- CAVR JUNCTION CHURCH of SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIS15 Don Gray, Pallor Sabbath Sehuot ................. 9:30 Church service ................... 11:01) Pra-yer mwHtog Wedneeday Evan«elisbic services at the leatU clwch are iu yr .. . 7HURCHES SPONSOR NEW ilJMMER CAMP A new summer camp for young folks from the ages of ten and up s bring opened for a week liegin ling l. morrow (Saturday) and is >eing sponsored by 11 churches of this region. Located at the old CCC camp, wo miles from Copper in Jackson •aunty, the new program will offer recreational opportunities, group discussions and studies for a mod­ erate fee. Several young folk are going rom the Valley including Elaine Kroon, Norma and Roberta Martin, Janice Etherton, Bobby Fendler. Michael Severns and Carl Hammer. Transportation will be provided and additional information can be ecured from Rev. Paul Kroon. Mrs. Boss is to be Dean of Girls and Camp Mother. ------------- o—■----------- FOE Auxiliary Installs Two New Officers NEWS FRIDAY. JUNE 27, 1952 Rev. Van McCoy. Pastor Weekend in California Sunday School 10 a. m. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Hall and son, Morning worship service 11 a. m. Bob drove to Fairfax, California Childrens church 7 p. m. Evangelistic service 7:45 p. m. Saturday where they visited Mr. Thur.-alay, midweek service, 7:45 Hall’s brother and family, the Ray >. m. lulls. Sunday the Halls did some -------------- o-------------- sightseeing in San Francisco, re- BRIDGEVIEW '.uring to Cave Junction Monday COMMUNITY CHURCH evening. J M. Boss, Pastor Dolores Cozad was installed As vice president, Nyla McKinna as three-year trustee at the regular meeting of the FOE Auxiliary last Friday evening! Dorothy Smith was elected by a unanimous vote to the chair of madam chapftin and will be in­ stalled at the next regular meeting July 4. Edith Hawley was appoint­ ed the new club mother for the en­ suing year. The Auxiliary voted to operate the dart game concession at the 4th of July Celebration and to operate the popcorn machine. Anyone wishing to enter the Amateur Show on Sunday, July’ 6 is a.-tked to contact Ruth Rausch at the Bob and Rath shop. A repre­ sentation of dancers, siugers, musi­ cians and old tme fiddlers is ex­ pected. Prizes will be awarded the winners. Joint officers meeting with tta1 FOE Aerie will hft called at 8 p.m. Monday, June 30 at the aerie home CAVE JUNUllUN UOMMd’Ni tY in Kerby. -------------- o-------------- . CHURCH Help tLo Hotpital Rev. Paul Krona, XC j McCULLOCH CHAIN SAWS FULL GOSPEL CHURCH TAKILMA 3 Vieil in Salem Mr. and Mrs. Sam Bunch and M rs. Mattie Seyferth spent the weekend in Salem visiting rela­ tives and friends. Signs with Opera Sharon Currier has signed wi»h the San Francisco Opera Co. for another season. CONTROLLED WATER INSURES BETTER CROPS Gheen-Built Systems Give You Control! CHICK THESE GHEEN FEATURES- * * * * * . j Positiv« Automatic Lock Ease of Handling Ease of Operation Flexibility and Positivs Seal Superiority of Material» 2" Irrigation Pipe......... 100' $45.50 Rainbird Sprinklers......... ea. $5.30 •We have an adequate stock of pumps for sprinklers or flood irrigation. Our prices are right! WHIN YOU BUY A OHEEN SYSTEM YOU BUY THE VERY FINEST ° (Consult your Ght«n D«al«iofor Mor« Information) Illinois Valley Hardware SERVICE As Well As $AV1NG$ Cave Junction F