tn>T»r.lly of Or,MuB tf tht Ottff* C«M ILLINOIS VALLEY NEWS THE VOL. XV* A logger believed to be a resi dent of Central Point was found dead by two fellow workmen about three hours after a log rolled over him near the headwaters of the north fork of Reeves Creek Wed nesday afternoon. The body of Hubert Blackwell was discovered at 4:15 Wednes day by two loggers, John Wortman and Harold Buth. All three were employed by the Dick Nealy Log ging Co. Officers who investigated the ac cident and recovered the body re ported Blackwell, a bucker, w’as evidently killed at about 1 p.m. when the log rolled over him. Coroner Virgil Hull, assistant coroner Walter Entnken and dep uty sheriff Les Tythcott investi gated and returned the body to Hull and Hull Mortuary where funeral services are pending noti fication of next of kin. ---------- —o------ - 10 Days Left io Renew al S2.50 NEWS subscribers are reminded that only ten days remain to renew subscriptions either to date or in advance at the old rate of $2.50. The four-year-old rate will give way to $3.00 in the county begin ning July 1, which will more close ly reflect current costs of newspap er production. Through June 30 renewals and new subscriptions for as many years as desired will be accepted at the old rate. For the economy wise, the Illi nois Valley News will inaugurate a new schedule of rates which will include a bargain two-year rate of only $5.50 in the county and $6.50 outside—a 50-cent saving for each two-year renewal. The NEWS is giving out Christ mas presents early this year by shoving ahead all expiration dates not falling on the first day of the month to the first day of the month following the current expi ration date. For example, all expiration dates falling on August 15 will be chang ed to read September 1, allowing 15 days Dee gratu.s. This change will allow a more efficient and sim ple method of subscription book keeping, by limiting expiration days of the 850 NEWS subscribers to but 12 days in a year. --------------o Bidache Sentenced to 75 Days in County Jail For driving under the influence of alcohol, Vick Bidache, 43 of Cave Junction, was sentenced to 75 days in the county jail by Justice of the Peace Chas. Hubbard early this week. Other justice court cases for the week included: Ronald Dunaway. n:> warning device, $2.50 and $4.50 costs; Carol H. Ellis, no operator’s license, $2.50 and $4.50 costs; Clif ton C. Marshall, no operator’s license, $2.50 and $4.50 costs; Frank E. Cardinal, no operator’s license, $2.50 and $4.50 costs. Ortha L. Reid, no operator’s lic ense, $5 and $4.50 costs; Dwayne Badger, overload, $101.50 and $4.50 costs; Russell Harrison, no operator's license $2.50 and $4.50 costs. Municipal court cases included; Buell L. Pritchard, drunk and dis orderly, $44: Duane Nealy, reck De- less driving, $10: and Donald ~ Pell, basic rule, $10. --------------o-------------- Lions Installation and Ladies Night Tuesday The Illinois Valley Lions Club will install their recently elected officers at a ladies night supper meeting at the OBrien Women’s club Tuesday night at eight. In addition to the officer instal lation, Lions, their ladies and invit ed guests will see a Ford movie, "American Cowboy.” ------------- o - 3 IVHS Students Have Perfect Attendance With high school attendance re cords now complete for the past year three students have been an nounced by Principal Harold Mc Abee to have perfect attendance. Patty Sue Kellar, freshman: George Bell, sophomore; and Orvil le Camp, junior, maintained per fect attendance records for the year. The average daily • membership of IV high for the year was 222.5, while the average daily attendance was 202.7. The overall percentage of attendance for the school wa« 91.1, McAbee reports. Priscilla Mellow Elected To District Office Priscilla Mellow was appointed district color bearer number 1 at the annual election of Veterans of Foreign Wars Auxiliary dis trict officers in Rogue River, Sun day June 15. Attending the District numbe»- 7 encampment from 1'rnl post 4390 from the Auxiliary were Priscilla Mellow. Katherine Raines, Milli cent Looper and Sharlet Slack. OF THE VALLEY Single Copy Ten Cents ('ave Junction, Oregon, Friday, June 20, 1952 No. 9 Log Backer Killed In Woods VOICE Valley Clubs Plan Many Activities Valley Casts But Mrs. Small Denies Retention For Fourth of July VFW Celebration 4! ï?ï “Ä Of Records Reported Missing Parade, Youth Events Amateur Show, Dance Planned for 3 Days ------- .alley school ___ ___ vote Of 41 persons helped elect the only county school board candidate ’ ..LI and 1 sclrool commit ......... Norman VI Wabb, teemen Monday. W«bb’s nearest rival was a write- in candidate, Ray Oyler of New Hop*, who received six votes. Of a total of 2S1 votes cast in the county Webb received 224. Sub-District committee members i elected for Valley schools included: Carl Jacobsen, Selma; Don Rosen berg (3 year term) and Harry Appy (l yr. term), Kerby; A. E. WilUaius, O’ Brien and Charles ¡ Downing received all of the nine votes casts for the high school ad visory committee. Central returns are not yet avail able. I was taking action to recover cer tain city records from the former recorder, Mrs. Small branded as "scurrilous and libelous’’ the impli cation she had retained any city books. A three-day fourth of July cele Al Mellow's Lion—sponsored Former City Recorder Isabelle In an open letter to Mayor Sal bration will be held at Rambler Cub team took their first game of H. Small this week denied with Field by the Illinois Valley Post the season from Grants Pass 10-9 vage published below, Mrs. Small holding city records used during 4390 VFW with the aid of other in a contest in Grants Pass stopped claimed possession of receipts used her administration. during her term. Valley organizations and will in at the end of the fourth inning due Referring to a story in last clude a parade, youth activities, to rain, Fi iday. Mrs. Small demanded from week’s NEWS stating the council Mayor Salvage a retraction of th« amateur program and dance. The local boys capitalized on five implied charges and denied having The American Legion and Aux Grants Pass errors and wild pitch ever been previously approached iliary, O’Brien Womens club, Jun ing to edge out the city team. The relative to the missinif records. ior Womens club and the Rough game was a non-league game as the Mayor Salvage received his copy and Ready Ramblers are cooperat Cave Junction squad is not a mem of the below-printed letter, but ing with the VFW to stage this an ber of the Southern Oregon Fee- comment to make this week. nual event. Wee Baseball league this year. The letter follows: A childrens’ parade on Rambler« Next game scheduled will be on Mr. Fred Salvage1 field Friday, the fourth, will start the 4th of July here. the celebration off at 1 1 a. m. Cash The starting lineup for the Val Cliford Owens of Cave Junction Mayor of Cave Junction prizes will be awarded to children ley team was Arnold Mellow, cat received three broken ribs and a Cave Junction, Oregon up to 16-years of age entering dec cher; Earl Reinoehl, pitcher; B. laecerated face Monday evening Dear Sir: orated bicycles, pets, horses, nov Verstegen, first baseman; E. Sams I was amazed to learn for the when his small Willys coupe struck elties and other entries. A Cub second baseman; J. Eggers, third an oil tanker at the approach to the first time and to read the scurrilous baseball game will round out Fri baseman; C. Marchant short-stop; bridge over the West fork of the and libelous matters as officially I reported by you and the City Coun day's daytime events in the after R. Ingle, left fielder; J. Harper, Illinois River. noon also on Rambler» field. center fielder; I Watson, light Driving north at about 6 p. m. ! cil of Cave Junction published The first work toward the turf Open air dances at the VFW fielder. Also playing in the gam* Owens misjudged his clearence about me in the June 13th issue of grounds will provide evening enter was Pat Simington for Ivan Wat* ing of the IVHS football field with the Asbury tanker, striking the Illinois Valley News under the started Tuesday with the laying of tainment on the nights of July 4th son. the truck near the front left wheel. heading "Mis.-ing Records Sought”, and 5th. Carl Versteegen's donated the pipe furnished by the school dist Owen’s car was spun crossways at and reporting that the City Council Races, games and stunts for use of their car for transportation rict. at the approach and was totally de “voted to take action to recover Vic Schrieber of the IVHS staff molished from the impact and be City records from former city re youths will be sponsored Saturday to the game. and a school district maintenance ing wedged between the truck and corder, Isabelle H. Small”. the fifth by the Legion, which will --------------o man layed the 1054 feet of pipe railing. RECEIPTS FOR RECORDS award cash prizes. which will carry water .for the 21 An amateur program sponsored .In the first place, you know Traffic was stalled both ways detachable sprinklers to be used for over half an hour on the Red that at the Council meeting preced by the FOE auxiliary will be the n the growth and maintenance ol woods highway until the Freeman ing iiiv retirement in February, feature Sunday starting at 7 p. m. at the VFW grounds. Cash prizes the field. wrecker and a logging truck pulled 1951, I presented all City Records will be awarded to winning partici Bob Martin and Tom West fall the coupe free. Damage to the in my custody for examination pants. Those desiring to enter the did the ditching with Martin’s c- truck’s wheel and frame necessita and insisted that my accounts be Sunday competition should contact Capt. Loyd A. Burnett, Cave quipment Saturday. ted it being towed to Grants Pass audited, which was thereafter dono Mrs. Ruth Rausch at the Bob and Junction, graduated June 14 Ira S. Hall, whose written report Principal McAbee announced Arnold Thompson, Route three by dated February 7th, 1951, shows Ruth Shop. from a refresher course for re this week the donation of lumber Medford was the truck driver. Jxxal organizations including serve officers a- ‘ne Army Com After being freed from his fold all accounts in balance, with the ex the Boy and Girl Scouts will pro mand an<( Genera' Staff College by three firms to fence in the foot ed-up car , Owens was taken to Dr. ception of petty cash in which there ball field next fall. The mills giving vide eats and concessions on the at Fort Leavenworth, Kans. Versteeg for treatment by Vullgv was an overage (due to payment VFW grounds during the entire The two week course was design lumber were Hammer Lumber Co., Ambulance, ar..! then taken home. out of my own pocket of minor ex celebration. S. H. 4 W. Lumber Co. and Cabax The west fork bridge is one of penses for which 1 was not reim i ed to prepare him for a key assign Mills. --------------o • ■ ■ -— the several notoriously narrow bursed)—all of which records, to ment with an Army logistical com Maintenance work being done bridges between Grants Pass and gether with the overage, was on mand. The logistical commands are groupings of service and technical abound IVHS this summer include- the California line. The bridge it- Februnry 8th, 1951, turned over i nits responsible for supply, trans the refinishing of the gym floor, <elf measures but 17-feet with the to your City Recorder, Charles Hubbard, who signed receipts portation and communication sup which will he painted with the nec approach 19 and one-half feet. therefor, which I have in my pos ------------- „ -------------- port ofcon.bat forces. •Mary lines for volley ball a .id and exact copies of which Captain Burnett, a soil conser badminton. Janitor Les Basham 5s J. Eisan Chosen Alternate session Miss Hazel Peterson, girls phys I enclose herewith. vationist for the United States ical education teacher at IVHS, doing the work. The Council also reports through To Girls Nation and three other physical education Department < f Agriculture, served the press that you have previously ———o-------------- in the Army from December 1941 tried to communicate with me at instructors will spend the summer to November 1945. He has been Selma Girl Graduates Joanie Eisan of Kerby, senior at an address “believed to be incor bicycling through Europe. awarded the Philippine Liberation IVHS, was chosen alternate dele rect.” None of you have at anv Miss Peterson, Miss Jeanette Ribbon ansi the Asiatic-Pacific From BYU, June Z gate for Girls Nation to be held in lime since my resignation asked or Masiiiohis, .University of Oregon; modal with campaign stars foi, Miss Dolores Lockhart, foster Washington D. C. neat month, . ontaeted me about anything con Miss Jackie Bogan. Salem high service in the Japan Air Ofensive, cerning the City's affairs. 1 have li school; and Miss Pat Mounts. El- New Guinea, Luzon and Western daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Otte while attending Oregon Girls' State ved tight here in Grants Pass, had Tryon of Selma, graduated from last week. miria high school, sail from New Pacific campaigns. Sent by the legion Auxiliary, a telephone nt all times, electric Burnett returned Sunday night Brigham Young University, Provo, York o n the ‘‘lie de France,” Utah, June 2. She was a student Joanie and Claire Cooper of Selma 'ights, city wnter, dog licenses, mail to Cave Junction. French liner, for Plymouth, Eng box, number on my house, license in the college of commerce. ---- --- .. ■■o---- - were among the 220 girls who at land, June 20, after a 10-day car Dolores graduated from Kernj ended the auxiliary-sponsored on my car, and have been in plain sight, and in addition, my home trip across the U. S. via Cleveland Martin’s Dairy to High School with the class of ’46. After one year of college she work lathering al the state capitol and here has been open to, known to, and Washington, D.C. Sponsor Fee-Wees and visited by your City Officials, ed two and one half years foi Willamette university. From England and Ireland the At the week-long session the who have also met me on tne Rogue River Title Co., in Grants girls will travel to Sweden, flying Martin’s Dairy was secured t his Pass, before continuing her educa ’iris participated in mock govern streets of Grants Pass, in the from Stockholm to Helsinki, Fin week as another sponsor for the nental activities on the different Court House, in restaurants, and , land to attend the Olympic games, Fee Wee teams of boys 8-12 years. tion. Mrs. Otto Tryon wos on hand for levels, local, state and national passed the time of day with me, July 19 to August 3. Caldwell’s Sporting Goods do- the graduation exercises. She was Joanie, the daughter of Mr. and without inquiry of any kind as to The four globe trotters plan to nated six bats to each of the two accompanied by a sister-in-law, 'he records; and I have been In Mrs. J. I). Eisan, acted aa a council hike and bicycle through Germany. Pqe-Wee teams. Mrs. Lome Elliot of Costa Mesa, woman and senator, and participat Cave Junction numerous times in Al Mellow announces his Cub Calif, and Mrs. Doyle Hamilton broad daylight and have been seen Norway, Finland, Switzerland, It ed in a senate debate which helped by your City Officials, without aly, France, England, Ireland and team will practice Mondays and of Selma. Wednesdays and Fridays at 6:30 In Mrs. Tryon's absence, the ler to win points toward her «elec mention being made of any records Sweden. p. m. on Rambler’s field. Claude Ramseys stayed with Mi .ion as alternate delegate to the missing during my service to the Toward the end of August they ■ -o Citv. i'ryon who is convalescing from national meeting. will leave from Harve, France, on REBEKAHS TO INITIATE The girls stayed at Lausanne RETRACTION DEMANDED an auto accident March 5 in whirti the “Liberia’' and will arrive in This is to demand an immediate Hall on the campus while in Salem his leg was broken. AT JUNE 25 MEETING New York August 27. retraction by you and publication ---- o—----------- • o ------------- Miss Peterson will resume her there if of the charge that I have Initiation of new members will COMMISSION TO retained or refused to deliver up Mellow Elected Into teaching duties at IVHS this fall. be held at the next meeting of the PLANNING anv records of the City business of .. - --------- n • • ------ Marguerite Rebekah lodge June CONSIDER SUB DIVISION District VFW Position Cave Junction which were in my 25. Degree staff members are urg The Cave Junction Planning FOE Installs Past custody during my term as City ed to be on hand. commission was to have met last Al Mellow of Cave Junction wa“ Recorder. Vacationing Rebekahs accounted night to consider the proposed Cas President, Trustee ISABELLE H. SMALL for the small attendance at the tleberry sub-division on the west elected senior-vice commander of District 7 of the Veterans of For The contents of two boxes of June 11 meeting. side of town. .1. Hal Moore, sr.. and 1 ewis eign Wars at the annual district --------------o Al Zaph was chosen chairman of meeting at Rogue River last Sun city records allegedly receipted by Jacobson were officially installed Recorder Hubbard included the I he commission last Thursday, but day. as junior past worthy president Demand for Mill Men, following articles according to Mrs. no decisions were reached due to and three year trustee respectively Mellow, the local post command- I ei, and feilow district officers were Small: all members not being pre-ent. hv Denutv Grand Worthy Presi Loggers on Increase BOX NO. 1-1 meter bk; 2 boxes — ----- -o-------------- dent D. II. Floyd at the June 13 installed into office by Dept. Com of water dept, cards; Al Thayers meeting of the Fraternal Order of Increased activity in the county’« Move to Grant« Pa«« mander Wm. Ashworth. The dist collection receipts; 2 pkg water Mr. and Mrs. Jack Abernathy rict Eagles. lumber industry caused the demand meeting included a noon dinner blank«; 3 bks police tick The regular meeting tonight for loggers and saw mill work have moved to Grants Pass where served by the Rogue River Auxil .statement ets; election ballots, ballot bk; 1 (Friday) is the last meeting before ers to exceed the available labor Jack is employed by the Daily iary. check bk. nos 1-71; 1 check bk nos. Courier. the FOE convention in Albany. ■ . o — Grants 72-300; 4 bond ledgers, bond acc’t; This Sunday the Eagle-sponsor supply during May, the z. | complete eity police file, receipt bk, Pass office of the state employ Medical Center Names ed Cave Junction baseball team ledger sheets, complaint and all pd nlays Butte Falls there. The local ment service reports. New Officers for Year bills; 1 complete city ledger, con- About 168 out-of-state workers team is now leading the league. •aining all deposist, check register, helped fill the gap in labor demand ■o-------------- Sophia Bunch was elected presi in-out funds, state street tax acc’t. and supply, with unemployment ROUSE EARNS SCIENCE 1 police, bail ledger, daily cash dent of the executive board of the leaching the summer time low. record; 1 «et comnlete ledger DEGREE AT OSC Illinois Valley Medical Center wnen There were but 300 yet unemploy the board held its monthly meeting sheets for 11*47,’48,'49,'50; all spe Roy Earl Rouse of Cave Junc ed at the end of May. Among the Navy men anoarrt June 12 at the home of Mrs. George cial obligation notes, no 1-50; 5 tion waS among the 1176 senior.« Worker shortages also existed light cruiser USS Manchester Martin. pkgs paid bond coupons in envel and graduate students receiving among auto mechanics, office the when she returned to the U.S. from ope with bond data; envelope con Included in her cabinet for the degrees at the Oregon State col second tour of duty in the Kor coming year are Sue IL Martin, taining tally sheets, ballots of city lege’s 83rd annual commencement workers, waitresses and domestics. her combat zone was Chester Gib vice-president; Beulah Hamilton, election, Nov. 11, '50; I petty cash exercises June 9. He completed The demand for hops workers also ean liam, metalsmith fii-eman, USN, corresponding secretary; Peggy ledger; 3 files of pd bills; bank work in the school of education for increased. son of Mrs. Sybil N. Sowell o-f Hubbard, recording secretary; and statements, cancelled checks, water -------------- o------------- a bachelor of science degree. dept; bank statements, cancelled route 1, Cave Junction, Ore. Don Rosenberg, treasurer. --------------o------- - — Recent Visitor« August 3 has been announced checks, gen’l dent; pd. bills water Visiting wit,h the Jack Spitz fam- Ship's serviceman first class, BETHEL NO 36 HOLDS the date of the auction planned acc’t (file); complete shasta file lv for a week recently were Robert USN, Charles T. Miller, of Seima, as LAST MEETING OF SUMMER by Anyone having art including all pd. bills, payroll Spitz and Ronnie Althouse, of is now at the Kwajalein Naval Sta icles the to board. donate is asked to leave sheets; I insurance, bond file: I Kerby Bethel No. 36 of Job’s Hollywood, Calif., and John Schlot- tion, in the Marshall Islands. them with Mrs. Geo. Martin or withholding tax file; 1 unpaid bill Daughters held their last m .ting terbeck from Urbana, Iowa. One of the major refueling stop* with any other member of the file; complete city alphabet file; of the summer Monday, June 16. for all military aircraft crossing hoard. All proceeds will go toward CO.P.CO. file; John Dillard fran Meetings will be resumed in the To Visit Hubbard* the Pacific, Kwajalein is the larg the Medical Center fund. chise dated Nov. 6,'50: water file, fall. est military installation in the Mar containing all resolutions, map, M rs. Chas. Hubbard ’ s son and --------------o---- 1--------- The girls celebrated Claire Coop wife, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Wagner shall islands. Briggs correspondence. er’s birthday with a cake. JUNIOR RAMBLERS PLAN —O’ (signed by) Chas. A. Hubbard of Beikeley. Calif., will arrive the few middle of next week for a to Received 2-8-51 Sgt. Norman Spitz, stationed at SUMMER ACTIVITIES BOX* NO. 2— 1 bx containing days visit with the Hubbards. Ft. I«ewis, Wash., spent a short The Junior Ramblers held a pic furlough this week with his parents nic at the Illinois River Tuesday aerial map, receipt: 1 file of re Mr. and Mrs. Jack Spitz of Cave evening, June 17. Several similar corded deeds, resolutions; 1 file Harry Holme« Recuperating Temp. Humidity events are slated for the summer map, water resolutions; 1 minute June High Low High Low R ai n Hairy Holmes, of the Valley Var- Junction. bk. ordinance bk; 1 city seal; 1 by the group. 9 86 48 54 None iety and Apparel, is back at the 62 Ramblers present were Stevie pkg affidavits; 1 pkg new ledger The E. C. Ramseys of Dryden .02 store, but still recuperating, from 46 49 9 1 10 60 with boxes; 1 palmer were notified last week by the war Howie. Eldon Sams, Pat Eisan. sheets, 46 Nontk a week-long illness. 36 72 58 It subdivision dedication, city platt; .01 60 department that their son, 1st Lt. Richard Fields. Sonny Fields, Nad I bx paid water receipts; 2 receipt 55 32 92 12 I ine Jimerfield, JoAnn Kinley and 88 40 25 Nonv Attend. Univertity Cla««e< 13 62 Robert J. Ramsey, is missing in ledgers; 1 pkg bank deposit slips; I Wes Peters, baseball and basket action on a flight in the Korean Johnny Sowell. Chaperones were confiscated punch board; 1 city 96 .59 46 72 14 54 Donnas and Walt Goldsby, Geoigia ball coach at IVHS, will be attend 18 None 44 91 15 73 theatre. Lt. Ramsey’s B-26 failed water ledger and water card file; For the period June 9 to June 15. ing summer school at the Univer to return from a recent mission and Freitas and Ron St Cyr. 1950-51 city budget. Guests included Dale Sams, Ed (Weather information furnished sity of Oregon this summer. Mrs. has not been heard from since. He ward Robinson, Johnny Howard. (signed by) Chas. A. Hubbard by Illinois Valley Ranger Station.) Peters will stay in Ashland while was serving with the t3th air force. Patsy Herther. Received 2-8-51. he is in school. Cubs Victors In 1st Tilt with Grants Pass Sprinkler Pipe Being Installed Burnett Finishes Reserve School IVHS Teacher To Tour Europe News ofJValleyJ. . . BOYS IN UNIFORM WEATHER Past Recorder ('laims Receipt from Hubbard For All City Books Bridge Accident Injures Local Man