ILLINOIS 2 VALLEY FRIDAY, JUNE 13, 14*52 Champney, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Mil­ ler. 1 —- o— Abernathy* Home U by Mrs. Wm. A. Brown Phone 1022 Vacation in Kansas The Glenn Champney family are I leaving this week for a two weeks | vacation in Mineola, Kans., where they will visit the parents of Mrs. I Mr. and Mrs. Jack Abernathy returned last week from a long vacation trip through California, Texas and Nevada. The Aber- nathys are the former publishers of the Illinois Valley News. They are staying in Cave Junction at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Martin. Midget Auto Racing Every Sat. Nite RACES Thrills . . . Spills . . . Action! TIME TRIALS START AT 8 P. M. Reserved Tickets for Sale at McLain’s Drug Centre, 6th & ‘H’, Grunts Pass Caveman Speed Bowl Josephine County Fairgrounds, Grants Pass Admission: General $1.00, Reserved $1.50 1 Fishing Tackle VALLEY SPORTING GOODS Trout Still Biting! Visit* from Vancouver, B.C. The I^ee Jacobs family have as I their house guest Mrs. Jacob's mother, Mrs. Irene Yager from! Vancouver, B.C. who for some years was connected with Wood-' ward’s Department Store there. Move to Truckee Vote in the Annual SCHOOL ELECTION Monday, June /6 DIRECTOR /7iis advertisement courtesy FRENCH Mr. D. L. McGihon and family Saturday for their new Truckee, where Mr. Mc- connected with the Gov- Inspection Service. Try the Tram Overnight to PORTLAND Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Barrett and three children of Klamath Falls arrived last Saturday to visit witn her sister, Mrs. Alfred Burton and family. George Van Cleave, Mrs. Burton’s brother, accompanied the Barretts, from Rawlings, Wyoming Mr. Van Cleave will be making his home here. Mr. and Mrs. Ed C. Abbey, Mr. ' and Mrs. Arthur Kellert, Mr. and I Mrs. Edgar Abbey and Mrs. Clay Ramsey attended a reception in Medford Saturday given for th< new Grand Master of IOOF, Lynn i Cram; also Grand Chaplain, A. J. Hanby of the Grand Lodge and Bess Thompson, Grand Inside Guardian of the Rebekah Assem­ bly. Mr. Kellert, as Grand Mar­ shall, received a special introduc­ tion. < LAUNDRY Grants Pass OREGON O’BRIEN Floor Sander Relatives Visit the Burtons Attend Reception in Medford POLLS AT ALL VALLEY SCHOOLS 45c 7O< PRESENTED BY YOUR SO. OREGON MIDGET RACING ASSN MIDGET Weekend at liume Visiting Aunt I New Employee at Hardware Dwain Cross came from Albany Judy Kellert, Kerby, is now at Miss Roberta Abbey is spending Mr. and Mrs. Les Sweetin, of St. Louis, were here for the gradua­ the Illinois Valley Hardware as a a few days with her aunt, Mrs. last Saturday to spend the weekend at home with his parents. tion of their son, Lester, from clerk. She takes the place of Shirley Zelda Schultz. 1VHS and were guests of Dr. and Jame who left the store the end of Mrs. C. N. Versteeg while in the May. Valley. Mrs. Sweetin was formerly Dr. Versteeg’s nurse. Breaks Arm Edward Robinson, 12 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Robin- Move to Valley Arriving Wednesday of Usi son of Kerby broke his arm last week was the daughter of Mr. and Friday. He was swinging from a Mrs. Robert Eye, (Eastwood Vil­ cable on the swinging bridge when • REELS lage/ with husband and four chil­ he fell. •FLY BOOKS dren to make their home in the •TACKLE BOXES Valley. They have already taken Attend School in Seattle • FLIES Mr. and Mrs. Richard Newman a house in O’Brien. • SPINNERS and infant son left Monday for • REFRIGERATOR BAGS Seattle, Wash., where he will at- I Guests at Willadora M-s. Vivian McDaniel, of “Will­ tend summer school at the Univ- j adora,” had as her guests on Sun ersity of Wash. Mr. Newman ii an Metal Metal day her daughter, Mrs. Carol instructor at IVHS. Pocket Tackle Box Bait Boxes i Longanecker and friend, LawTence Attend Grange Convention Reed, from Grants Pass. Mrs. R. T. Baldwin, of Caves | Highway, left Sunday morning Trip to Crater Lake for LeGrande, Oregon, where she Mr. and Mrs. Walter Jansen of will attend the Oregon State Los Angeles visited last week witn Grange tonvention as delegate the Ellers and Goff families. Mrs. from Illinois Va'ley Grange. CALI) W E L L ’ S Jansen is a sister of Mrs. Goff and —o— Mr. Ellers. On Thursday the GofG Missionary Society Meet* June 18 and Jansens traveled to Crater The Women’s Missionary Soc­ Lake. The Jansens left Saturday. iety of the Community church will Cave Junction Third Door South of Post Office meet Wednesday afternoon, June Teacher Leaves for Modesto David B. Sanders and family are 18, at 1:30 p.m., at the home of moving this week from Kerby to a member. The place will be an­ Modesto, Calif., where Mrs. Sand­ nounced in church Sunday. ers will be teaching this fall. She taught one of the grades in Kerby this past year. I See Son Graduate NEWS FOR RENT Save time — sleep as you ride in Pullman or in chair car with deep-cushioned re­ clining seats. Enjoy the lounge car with easy chairs, magazines, snack refresh­ ment service. Leave in the evening; arrive Portland 7:25 a.m. Overnight service returning, too. Records Bus Connects with Famous Ride in modern air-condi­ tioned bus esjiecially char­ tered by S.P. to Dunsmuir. Board the famous stream­ liner, Shasta Daylight, de­ parting 5 p.m., arriving San Francisco 11:15 p.m. Bus leaves Grants Pass 11:55 a.m., Medford 12:50 p.m., Ashland 1:18 p.m. Return­ ing leave San Francisco on the Shasta Daylight 7:45 a.m., be home in time for dinner. MM25 to 55&0225 Mt Mt- ' dUean' cu1 &< y2 OFF On Albums ( All times shown are Pacific Standard Time) AL'S RADIO SHOP SALES AND SERVICE APPLIANCES AND NATIONALLY KNOWN RECORDS Ph. 4002 Cave Junction The First Church of Christ, Scientist, (¡rants Pass, Oregon Cordially Invites You The NEW Lightweight 9 hp Disston intermediate Chain Saw CAIL NOW 5 1« truly a tractor FOR YOUR FREE DEMONSTRATION Hubbard-Wray Co "The Farmer’s Store Since 1884'" Grants Pass Champion's Variety CAVF JUNCTION Illinois Valley Hardware CAVE JUNCTION Service Ai Well at $aving$