Business In Grants Pass ILLINOIS I VALLEY NEWS Illinois Valley News RICHARD C., JOAN PINKERTON PUBLISHERS AN INDEPENDENT WEEKLY NEWSPAPER Published at Cave Junction, Josephine County, Oregon Every Friday Morning SUBSCRIPTION KATES In Josephine County 12.50 One Y Ml ................................................. 1.60 Six Months Outside Josephine County «3.00 One ......................... 1.75 Six Months Entered as second class matter June 11, 1937, nt the Post Office at Cave Junction, Oregon. OREGON MEMBER OF NEWSPAPER PUBLISHERS ASSN. TOWN EXPANSION Cave Junction’s town council should be given every encouragement in its consideration of whether to spend a few hundred dollars on oiling the most thickly populated residen­ tial streets and a strip on each side of Main Street. Probably no more constructive improvement could be made to city property than the oiling of these streets, providing, of course, the street fund can bear the expense. The physical improvement o f Cave Junction should be led by the betterment of town property, to serve as a guide to private property owners. Certainly the obvious growing future of the town warrants every well- spent dollar that can be mustered. Not only is the dust on Main street and our residential streets undesir­ able to those presently living along these thoroughfares, but it offers lit­ tle encouragement to those who might consider moving into town or building within the city limits. Cave Junction as an incorporated city is no passing fancy. Improvement of its physical property should keep pace with its expansion and bright future. Constructive letter« to the editor of general interest are both welcomed and encour aged. Although the writer may re­ quest his name withheld from publication, ALL letters must be signed when turned in. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Tippett of Redmond, Oregon, have been visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cassius Feese Cave Junction. Grocery Moving to New Location v First in Flatness! 5 First in Washability! GALIO N (moil tolori) DECORATORS' SUPPLY Cave Junction Mrs. Janies Jones, Ashland has been spending the past week in Cave ¿unction taking care of Mrs. Cassius Feese who recently re­ turned home from the Josephine General Hospital. SATURDAY, MAY 31 DENVER & RIO GRANDE The inflammable nature of nearby forests has already been demonstrat­ ed by a small forest fire started by an unwise smoker near the Oregon Caves Monday. Although quick action by the for­ est service prevented much damage, this early fire should prove an exam­ ple to all Valleyites capable of start­ ing fires—motorists, loggers, mill­ men alike. Thoughtlessness on the part of any one of us could start a blaze meaning the loss in the future of many hund­ red thousands dollars of stumpage revenue. The lack of adequate fire fighting equipment in the Valley, oth­ er than that owned by the forest ser­ vice, makes forest fire prevention of utmost importance to us all. The Frank Gibbon Grocery on the Redwood highway will soon be moving into the former dining Whether you’re buying or sell­ room of the Rustic Inn where they will have considerably more ing, NEWS want ads work for you. room. General Paint'» new plastic rubber finish (in 75 Trend Tones colors). Caring for Mr,. Fee,e EIRE PREVENTION Visiting From Redmond LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Sfc Luther Tibbs and sitter, Margie Current were in Grants Pass Monday on business. 'Dur Great America ti FRIDAY. MAY 30, 1962 Phone 4711 EDMOND O'BRIEN STERLING HAYDEN BROOKINGS FESTIVAL AND BARBECUE IS MAY 31. JUNE 1 The Valley of Y esteryear 10 YEARS AGO Ira Brown visited friends in Kerby last Sunday. He later re- turned to his work at Camp White where he is einployed as a eabine* maker. Mrs. Gay Smith returned from Long Beach, California, where she has been visiting for the past sev­ eral months. • SOMETHING NEW — Sheet music 35 cents a copy. Special edi­ tion of “The Marines Hymn’’ as featured in the movie, “To the The Annual Memorial Day Shores of Tripoli.” ) outh Rally sponsored by churches • of the Rogue and Illinois Valleys Mr. and Mis. E. W. House left will be held Friday May 30 at the has ( ave Junction Community church. for Portland where Mr. House accepted employment at one of the This will be an all-day gather­ shipyards for the summer. ing with a full program beginning • at 11 a.m. 14 YEARS AGO The 11- o’clock hour will be conducted by the young people May 26, 1938—Mrs. Georgia with two speakers—one from the Gale and son Jimmy of Powers are Central Point Bible Church and visiting Mrs. Rhoda Norton at the one from the Cave Junction Com­ home of Roy Wells and family. munity church. A sack lunch will • be eaten at 12:30 with cold drinks Mr. and Mrs. Charles Buck and and coffee furnished by the host daughter Claudia have found they church. have many more friends than they Rev Arthur Hoenisch of Coos thought since the loss of their Bay will be the guest speaker at home and furnishings by fire. the 2 p.m. service and also at 7 p.m Special musical numbers will be Mrs. Forbes Slayton returned featured at all meetings by the young peoples gixiups from the the first of the week after visiting cooperating churches. A softball for several days with relatives and game is scheduled following the friends in Grants Pass. • afternoon service. CCC zone educational confer­ All who wish to attend are asked to bring their noon sack lunch ence is being held at Camp Oregon Caves today. Educational advisors and potluck supper. The public of seven seven vatiiyo camps of this section of ur is invited to any one or all of the | the Medford district have gathered 111 < • e t : n u - Annual Youth Rally Is Here Memorial Day For a c omplete selection of the best in quality watches— i Lay Away Ciaduation Watches Now The Azalea Festival and Free Barbecue, an annual event of Brookings, Ore., will be held Sat­ urday and Sunday, May lune 1. In conjunction with the festival and barbecue, the Azalea Garden club will hold their annual spring flower show during both days. The program has been tentatively out­ lined for the coronation of the queen to be held at 11‘a.m. Satur­ day morning. The ceremonies will be conduct­ ed in the outdoor ampitheatre of the park. Two dances will be held Satur­ day night, modern dancing at the Grange hall and old-fashioned dancing at the IOOF hall. ------------- n-------------- News Correspondents JOHN WAYNf HUBERT RYAN .... DON fAYlOt JANIS CARTER WILLIAM HARRIGAl TUE., •» W ED., JUNE 3, I FORCE OF ARMS Persons with small club and personal news items are encour­ aged to contact one of the fol­ lowing NEWS correspondents in the Valley — Mrs. SUN., MON., JUNE 1, 2 WILLIAM HOLDEN NANCY OLSON Win. A. Brown Phone 1022 plus— Mrs Virginia Babcock (Leave News at Holland Store) CODE OF THE SILVER SAGE Mrs. Fritz Krauss Ph. Selma 621 Carole Bliss Kerby AUCTION Every ALLAN “ROCKY” LANE THU., FRI., JUNE 5, H SALES Munday and Thursday At 7 P. M. ALICE IN WONDERLAND If you have anything to sell, contact us — Pacific Auction Co. 969 Highway 99 South Color Granta Paa* We will sell on consignment or buy direct from you. C. A. MORRISON, Auctioneer by Technicolor THE ALL-CARTOON WONDERFILM I CONTROLLED WATER INSURES BETTER CROPS SMART, NEW MODELS IN Hamilton & Elgin —fitting lifetime gifts for graduating seniors JOHNSON JEWELER Gheen-Built Systems Give You Control! CHICK THESE GHEEN FEATURES- PLANS FOR THE * Positiva Automatic Lock fato of Handling taso of Operation Pio xibility and Positive Seal ♦ Superiority of Materials * GOING FORWARD SPEED ^IRRIGATION PIPE 100’ $45-50 RAINBIRD SPRINKLERS ea. $5.30 PROGRESS • Wc have an adequate stock of pumps for sprinklers or flood irrigation. Our prices are riuht ! By Giving your Donation : «I NOW — • — Adv»rtie»m»nt FRENCH Court»«? LAUNDRY GRANTS PASS WHEN YOU BUY A OHEEN SYSTEM YOU BUY THE VERY FINEST (Canwit ysvr Ohaan Ossisi »sr M sis MsrmsHon) Illinois Valley Hardware SERVICE At WtU At SAVINGS Cave Junction r