Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Illinois Valley news. (Cave City, Or.) 1937-current | View Entire Issue (May 16, 1952)
ILLINOIS VALLEY NEWS FRIDAY, MAY 16, 1952 3 ••• FOR BUSINESS, mill or home use buy your salesbooks NEWS office. PLANER AND rip saw. Redwood CLASSIFIED RATES Lodge. Selma. Classified advertising rates, 10c USED CARS per line (five words) first inser tion, 5c per line thereafter if no GENTLE MARE, nine years old. 1947 CHEVROLET Serosedan with 10-month old colt. Mare car. Radio, heater, spotlight change, minimum charge 50c first be packed or ridden. $50 foi insertion. 1949 CHEVROLET Business both. G. R. Babcock, Holland. Coupe, radio, heater 3-tfc FOR SALE 50 FORD Convertible, radio and 1950 CHEVROLET Convertible Radio, heater heater, bronze finish. Security 6-foot Gilfillian refrigerator. Jack Motors, 252 S. Pacific Highway, 1951 CHEVROLET 2-Door Sedan Plumlee, Selma. 4-ltp Grants Pass 4-ltc Powerglide, undersealed, heater WANTED—Sawmill men. see Jim WE ALLOW $70 and more on 1951 CHEVROLET 4-Door Sedan Whitehead, Cave Junction, Ph. trade-ins of your old radio on a 4212, or sawmill at O’Brien, or Poweiglide, undersealed, heater new Crosley radio-phonograph Clarence Martin, Ph. 4311. console model 207 MU priced at 1949 BUICK Convertible 2—I—ltp Radio, heater, good tires $259.95 • 1947 FORD 4-Door, Good condi Manchel’s Furniture Store 1949 FORD 2-Door Sedan tion. $980. Carners’ Automo Cave Junction Heater, exceptionally cleats tive Service, 109 SE ’M’ st. Free delivery in the Valley. Grants Pass. 4-ltc 51 tfc 1950 NASH 4-Door Seda« Radio, heater, spcz-tlight DID YOU KNOW' that you can FOR SALE—Portable electric trade in almost anything for PICKUPS milker and separator. Excellent new at Manchel’s? condition, used only 30 days. 1948 CHEVROLET Manchel’s Furniture Store 3-speed, radio, heater Cave Junction Reasonable. Hob and Ruth shop. Free Delivery in the Valley 32-1 tc 1951 GMC ’--To« 2-tfc 3-spoe-l, heater, f»g !lg*<*o FOR FEED and SEED—See the ONLY A FEW morn days K» gel the highest t-rado-in aiiwwartoe 1951 CHEVROLET %-T»n Illinois Valley Ice Co. Complete 3-speed, heater, sixn visor in years on a new Crosley Shelv- line of grains and Albers Feed ader Kefrig«ra>>r. Coate in now in stock. Free delivery every First National or GMAC while our stock is still contplabe. Terass, two weeks. Phone 1921. Including Insurance on Life Msinttfil ’ s Fvirnitoiie Stare 2-42-tdic Up to 24 Months to Pay • Cave JtmeUwn l».i> I MODKL A vou$n>. Al»;. a BT<i(j Delivery irt the Valley KELT CHEVROLET gas s|>ace heater, Robert G. ___________________________ 2-tfc Xuu.ith, Caves Hwy. 4—ltji 7th St. between J 4 K FOR SALE—2« gal. Hotspot gas Grants PaBs Phone 4461 WON’T We LOOK nice in our boat hot water beater, price $50. bib ami taskers and our Poppj Also other makes of both gas Corsages at the Poppy Dance?. PHONOGRAPH RECORDS and electric hot water heaters. 4-ltc We have the latest tunes by Caves Building Supplies vour favorite artists. Cave Junction. ittK SAND an.l GRAVEL, goou CALI) >5 ELI.’S 32-tfc topsoil, road and driveway VALLEY SPORTING GOODS maintenance. Clyde Knight, 1948 RED LOG Truck. Rebuilt 46'fe at C. G. & E. Texaco Garage, or dual axle trailer. Gilly Squire, phone residence 4401. 32-tfc Cave Junction. 1-tfc McCULLOCH CHAlfN SAWS is now ready to serve you with CHICKEN FERTILIZER. See Le Hotpoint Appliances Brown Strand wire rope. Chok roy Champney or R. H. Proctor, International Harvester freez ers made up, choker exchange, phone 1703. $1 a sack. 3-3tp ers. arch-lines, loading lines and fit Westingholuse sewing machines tings. New location in building ’50 CHEVROLET CLUB coupe, Speed Queen and ABC washing formerly Taylor’s Self-Service very clean and sound. Security machines. Laundry, Cave Junction. Motors, 252 S. Pacific Highway. American steel kitchens. 3-51-tfc Grants Pass. 4-ltc National and Seidelhuber water heaters. WAN rKD EASY SPIN-DRY washer in per Gas ranges and water heaters. I feet condition. $100. See at Mc ROUGH GREEN LUMBER Meyers, F 4 W and Pacific Cullough Saw shop, phone 2902. Highest Prices Paid pumps. 3-2tj Phone 4506 Grants l’as- American Standard Plumbing 2-51-tfc RED HAMPSHIRE CHICKS Hoover Vacuum Cleaners $15 per 100 or 16 cents each. ’50 FORD '--ton pickup, 4-s-peed, FHA or GECC CREDIT Ready every Friday. Straight very solid. Security Motors, 252 Th. BOB «nd RUTH Shop S. Pacific Highway, Grants Pass. run. Blood-tested stock. Order 24-tfc 4-ltc ahead by post-card. Hayes Hill Hatchery, Wonder, Oregon. McCULLOCH CHAIN SAWS is GENERAL ELECTRIC pre-war 51-tfc range. Three burners, deepweil, now ready to serve you with good oven, has surface light. Brown Strand wire rope. Chok F-8 LOGGING truck and trailor. A good buy at $84.50. ers made up, choker exchange, Phone 4511 for information. Manchel’s Furniture Store arch-lines, loading lines and fit 51-tfc Cave Junction tings. New location in building Free delivery in the Valley McCULLOCH CHAIN SAWS is formerly Taylor’s Self-Service 52-tfc now ready to serve you with laundry, Cave Junction. Did you know? Drown Strand wire rope. Chok • 3-51-tfc That your home ers made up, choker exchange, All Types Fishing Tackle. Can be protected arch-lines, loading lines and fit Against 17 hazards tings. New location in building Oregon and Calif, fishing license- In one policy formerly Taylor’s Self-Service CALDWELL’S Issued through Laundry, Cave Junction. Valley Sporting Goods 3-51-tfc 3rd Linkhart and McLean Door South of Post Office Your Local Insurance Agency. 52-tfc ’42 Chevrolet 4-door sedan, ’48 motor, new brakes, good condi 19 CHEVROLET pickup, solid. Se ’ ll FORD lit-ton pickup, 4 speed, tion. Gay Smith, about 4 mi. up curity Motors, 252 S. Pacific sound tires. Security Motors. 25? Rockydale Rd. 4—2t| Highway, Grants Pass. 4-ltc S. Pacific Highway, Grants Pass. ’38 Fo.u coach in excellent cor. 4-ltc FOR GRADUATION give them an dition, good rubber, good price Eastman camera for many hours 1 D-7, Hyster winch, angle blade for cash. Ph. 1712, can I m ? seen of enjoyable picture-taking. W< $12,000. .3 D-4’s, Hyster winch on Caves Hwy., ’a-mi. from jun also carry a good selection or blade, equipped for logging ction on left side. 4—Itp film. $t>750. HD-10, angle blade, hv CALDWELL’S COME IN formal or informal at draulic unit, $6000. 1945 Re< Valley Sporting Goods tire, but be sure to come to the dump truck, $1000. Write '■ 3rd Door South of Postoffice Poppy Dance! 4-1 tc Illinois Valley News. 4—3tp 4-tfc ♦ •a NEW SHIPMENT of shrubs, good LET’S DON’T forget the annual assortment. Also see our flower Poppy Dance. 4-ltc and vegetable plants. Marton '49 FORD TUDOR, overdrive, rad Milling Co., Cave Junction. io and heater, sparkling finish 3-tfc Security Motors, 252 S. Pacific 1947 4-TON Ford truck, 6-cylin- Highway, Grants Pass. 4-ltc der. Good rubber, solid body, 3-DAY SERVICE on heater. C srner's Automotive PROMPT development of films at Service, 109 SE M st, Grants CALDWELL’S Pass. 3.1 tc Valley Sporting Goods 3rd Door South of Postoffice WESTINGHOUSE RANGE fo: 4-tfc sale. Has four surface calrod burners, utensil drawer. $49.50 DRESSMAKING, alterations, all Manchel’s Furniture Store styles ladies tailoring. Curtail.' Cave Junction and draperies custom made. Free delivery in the Valiev The BOB and BUTH Shop. 52-tfc 44-tfc LOG CABIN GARAGE Gettr al Auto Repairing M..;, r Tune-up — Lubrica Welding AKT DEDRICK, Plop., Seims MISCELLANEOUS Valley Ambulance Service 24-Hour Call Reiu.citator Service PHONE 2301 Cave Junction Mulvey’s Electric Service WIRING Domestic Commercial Phone 3801 Days 1912 Nights Cave Junction ! » STETSON MStTS SQUARE DEAL FURNITURE RRR«W »MIRTt TOGGERY Unfinished Furnitur« Hardware Plumbing Supplie« 400 S. Sixth Phone 3625 t [• DR. A. N. COLLMAN Glenn Morrison Post Naturopathic Phytic!*« The American Legion Hours: 9 to 12 m. - 2 to 5 p. m Meets 1st and 3rd Wednesdays Office Phone 5501 — Rei. 5511 VISITORS WELCOME EGGERS’ JEWELRY USS. Sixth St. Watch«« — Diamond« Headquarters for All Leading Name« in Silver Modern Repair Department REDLMIX CONCRETE All Building Material« Foundation to Roof BUILDERS* SUPPLY CO. P a QUIN & STORY WINDOW GLASS ALL SIZES window glass cut and installed. Illinois \ alley Hard ware, Cave Junction. 25-tfc WANTED TO BUY SHALLOW WELL jet pump. In quire al NEW S office. 3-2t;> 1 WANTED Peeled a:.d unpeeled Douglas-fir piles at: 1 piling McCormick Piling and Lumber Co. Contact C. E. Johnston. 1000 Hawthorn Ave., Grants Pass. Phone 6358. 40-tl’c CEMENT MIXER for rent by the day. Mounted on trailer. C-aves Building Supplies. Phone 4012, Cave Junction. 51-tfc 1 h.p, gas pump with 2 suction hose. Skillsaw by day or week. Sewing machines by week month. The BOB and RUTH Shop 2 4-tfc FOR RENT BY DAY —Cement mixer, electrically driven. Illi nois Valley Hardware, Cave Junction. 25-tfc REALESTATE FOR SALE FOR SALE Residential lots in Pine Kta.ll- subdivision, Cave Junction. Reasonably priced, terms to suit you. Title insur ance. Herbert Falkenhayn, Caves highway, phone 1722. 28-tfc 5 ACRES IN Cave Junction just 2 blocks south of high school. Nice shade for your home. Sell all or subdivide. Reasonably priced. Cash or easy terms. 1-au la E. Newlands, Culver Oregon, Rt. 1, Box 22. l-4tp HELI* WANTED WANTED -Experienced waitress. See Mrs. Verstegen at Dew Drop Inn. 49-tfc FOR SALE or trade, 8” table saw, complete. Also bred does. Kt. 1, NATIONAL ORGANIZATION of Box 8,’to, Cave Junction. fers opportunity to make monel 2-tfc in your spare time writing credit reports in Cave Junction. Inter 7 8 rpm RECORDS esting work. Business knowledge 50c Each preferred. Write Dept. C, p.o. .it Box 111, Portland, Orc. 2-3tc AL’S RADIO SHOP WANTED TO LEASE Property for use as dumping grounds foi the City of Cave Junction. All reasonable offers should be sub mitted to city recorder Hubbard, Legion Hall, Ph. 6301. 4—tfc WORK WANTED FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE we .-lock legal forms, log scale l>ook JOBS WANTED for high echo, and sale«books at the Illinois students For girls contact Mrs Valley News. Kelley, for boys, Mr. Peters a! Illinois Valley High, I’ll. 5102 We have the best in 2-4-31C Third and F Phone 4459 BASEBALL EQUIPMENT at. reasonable prices Ball i - Bats - Mi tig - Shoes A Complet» Surveying and ' \ I.DWELL’S LODGE and CÍUB Cruising Servie« VALLEY SPORTING GOODS 46-tfc ANNOUNCEMENTS Cutting Lines Perfected Sportimen Headquarters HAMMER’S SPORTING GOODS CO. Phytician gad Surgaoa WATER WELL DRILLING For Your PLYMOUTH Good work tians NORMAN I). PRICE Office hours 9 a. m. to 12 noon 1140 Redwood Hiway Grants Pass FISHING. HUNTING purtation. $110. Bob and Ruth MARVIN C. RAMSEY ATHLFTIC GOODS Shop. |S ■!. P... 724 NE Madron« Grant« 2 to 6 p. m. Phone 2631 or 3583 Phone 336’2 635 S. Sixth St. Phone. 3»»4, 5647 1950 GMC *i- ton pickup, used on farm, excellent condition $1345. Carners’ Automotive Service, BRICK and FIREPLACES DECORATOR ’ S SUPPLY THE MUSIC SHOP HULL & HULL 109 SE ‘M’ st., Grants Pass. I H J»hn«-M«nville Building Products “Everything in Music" — for — - FUNERAL HOME PAINTING «nd PAPF.RHANGING HILL and HILL, Pla.tering Con Record« — Sheet Ambulance Sarrica Day ar Night VALLEY LUMBER CO tractors. Quality work. Rt. 3, Instrument« and Acce««orie» Free Estimates B<ix 160, Grants Pass. Call 2051 612 N. W. ’A’ St Phone 44*3 Phone 4612 545 N.W. ’F’ St W ng li Mg CAVE JUNCTION Phon« 33HÎ PH. 4711 after 5 p. m. 50-tfc Grants Pass, Oregon NEW FALL JACKETS MOUTAIN VIEW HEU SHOES, SHIRTS, CAPS AT SMITHS WEDNESDAY THREE C’. LUMBER CO HARDWARE Daily Freight Service I CAMP EQUIPMENT VALLEY DRUG Wes ’ . G Street Mountain View IF me Exten-i n Grant« Pa««. Portland and LIGHTS SURPLUS MART Unit of O’Brien will meet next 344 Htway 99 So. o San Francisco Grant« P an 3«IS Wednesday, May ‘21, a*. 10:30 a.m. YANDELL BROS. GARAGE in the borne of Mrs. Orval Smith HOTPOINT ELECTRIC rang» R. GEORGE SIMMONS Pierce Auto Freight Thr-ee burners and oven ( t > e I on the old Rough and Ready r a 1, Grants P om , Oregon repair.) Abut f rty yr-»m old. (turn right from Lon* Mt. road.) For $14.95. FINE Members are asked to bring a Manchel’s Furniture Store ■ alad or dessert and table service Watch, Clock Cava Junction Al’s Radio Shop o Illinois Valley Cleaners The main dishes wil be prepared Free delivery in the Valiev And by the project lesson leaders. 52-tfi SALES AND SERVICE Jewelry Repairing ———o——— Appliance« «nd PHONE 3301 GOOD BUYS in used conventional JR. WOMENS CLUB HAS COME Barnes Jewelry Store Nationally Known Record« and automatic washers. Also Phone 4002 Cav» Junction AS-YOU-ARE PARTY 515 S. 'H' St. Grant« P««« used refrigerator in good con A *‘Come-As-You-Are’’ party dition. The BOB and RUTH Shop 4 4 tf< Monthly P. U. C. Reports was held at Marcheta Owen’s home GRANTS PASS TITLE INSURANCE on the Caves highway May 1 J. FOR PAINTING and decorating Ser» ■ <.• and Quarterly Reports FEED A SEED CO. Eighteen members of the Jr. Wo ESCROWS Audit«, Bookkeeping, Income Tas inside and out, brush work and men's Club and their small children Cat« Farm Implements sprayipin work. All work guar Hall's Accounting Service met fora 9:M a. m. brunch attired anteed, neat and clean. Gay Rogue River Title Co. H. B Centennial Feeds in pajamas, house dresses, gowns Smith, 4 miles out on Rocky NOTARY PUBLIC Dale Rood 4—2tp Groat« Put Pbotfa 1313 and robes East F St Cave Junction 212 N. 6th St Charles N. Versteeg, M.D FOR FEED and SEED—See the Illinois Valley lee Co. Complete line of grains and Albers Feed in stock Free delivery every two weel..i. Phone 1921. 2-42-tfc YOU CAN BUY $400 worth of merchandise, pay only $60 down with payments of only $20.96 per month on our easy pay Are Stanford limits adequate? ment plan. If you need house $6.33 Muys $45,#(irt hold furnishings investigate to AJd ti 'iial coverage» on day. Class 1 drivers MANCHEL’S FURNITURE Written through STORE Linkhart ar. 1 Mcl > an Cave Junction Your Local Ins ie Age ■>. I-Lenes: Cave Junction 3311 Granta Pass 4437 51 tfc JOBS W ANTED for ! igh och - 1 students. For girls contact Mrs. Kelley, for beys, Mr. Peters at Illinois Valley High, Ph. 5102 2-4-3tc FOR LOCALLY-PRINTED busi ness and personal stationery ot high quality let the Illinois Va! ESTRAYED 1 blue n an nrare ley News quote you prices. crippled in the loft front foot, —-Commercial printing of guar lame on left hind foot, about anteed quality. 1400 lbs., owner claim and pay ilamages. Herb Watts, Rt. 1, WALLRITE Inexpensive wall Box 224, Cave Junction, on the paper. Nine beautiful colors and Holland road 1 mile east of designs. Five hundred square Bridgeview. 4—2tp feet to the roll. $3.30 per roll. Caves Building Supplies, Cave 8ALESBOOKS Junction. 21 It? Plain or Imprinted Buy them at the— WATER WELL DRILLING, do ILLINOIS VALLEY NEWS mestic and irrigation wells, 12 to 96 months to pay latest MANCHEL.S ARE NOW offering equipment available. Satisfied the highest trade-ins on ntw customers our motto. Paquin Crosley refrigerators, Unusual and Storey, 800 N. 10th St., savings. Grants Pass.Phone 2631 ot ' Manchel’s Furniture Store 3583. Cave Junction Free delivery in the Valiev DRESSMAKING 52-tfc Specializing in making clothes. See Mrs. Melvin For Your don, Rt. 1, Box 286. RADIO BATTERIES See SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES for rent AL’S RADIO SHOP Only a few available. Come in Phone 400’2 soon if you need a box. 27 BANK of ILLINOIS VALLEY 42-tfc GUNS — AMMUNITION ALL CALIBERS SEE US for a loan on your farm CALDWELL’S or home. Convenient terms and VALLEY SPORTING GOODS low interest rates. We buy real 38- estate mortgages and contracts. Savings accounts guaranteed up DYNAMITE to $16,000.00 Current dividends TRY VALLEY LUMBER CO. if «»r • you need blasting powder. 221 First Federal Saving. West F St., Grants Pass. • nd Loan A««ocialion 47-tfc Grant« Pa«« 30-tfc FRANKLIN'S VETERINARY and ANIMAL HEALTH REMEDIES LATE MODEL G.E. range for AT THE VALLEY DRUG. sale. New oven element, light, oven timer clock, 3 burners, ELECTRICAL. CONTRACTING deepwell cooker. Only $169.50. and repairs. All work and ma Manchel’s Furniture Sto re terial guaranteed. Illinois Vai Cave Junction ley Hardware, Cave Junction Fl-ee delivery in the Valley 52-tfr START YOUR CHICKS on Morton's chick starter, It BUY HER A poppy corsage to contains nitrofurazone for the wear to the Poppy Dance. prevention and control of coc- 4-ltc cidiosis in chickens. MORTON Ml LIJNG CO. STARTED PULLETS. Ages from 45-tfc •one week up to 3 months avail able now. These are out of our WESTINGHOUSE RANGE foi trapnested, pedigreed hens. sale. Has surface light and clock Scientifically bred Parmenter controlled oven. Three calrod strain Reds for production of burners and deep well cooket meat and eggs profits. Now is in nice condition. Only $99.511 the time to get them and be read- Manchel’s Furniture Store y for the high egg prices this Cave Junction tall. Phone 1103, Boh Desaul- Free delivery in the Valley nlers Fann, Dick George rd. 52-tfc 2-tfc PROFESSIONAL and BUSINESS DIRECTORY BUILT IN CABINETS of all kinds. Reasonable rates. Jones Cabinet shop, Drews Building, Cave Junction. 44-tfc V. F. W, Veterans of Foreign Wars Post No. 4.390 and Auxiliary meett every second and fourth Thurs day at the V. F. W. Club in Ca. <• Junction. All veterans come. AMERICAN LEGION AUXILIARY meets the first and thir l W day of every month. Fraternal Order of Eagles MEETING Every Friday Night at K P. M. At the \et >• II >tne, Kerby MEMBERS WELCOME OBRIEN WOMEN’S CLUB Second Friday of the Month O. E. S. The regular meeting of Western Star Chapter No. 64, OES, will be held Tuesday, May 20 at 8 p. m. in the Masonic Temple, Kerby. Will vote on amendment. Ruth Masters, worthy matron CARD OF THANKS I want to thank all the many friends and the Lions Olub who supported -nd sponsored me In the Caveman Queen contest. Roberta Bryant