Illinois Valley news. (Cave City, Or.) 1937-current, May 16, 1952, Image 1

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    University of Oregon
(jltfWi t* tkt OtCftH CfW
No. 4
('ave Junction. Oregon, Friday, May 16, 1952
Single Copy Ten Cents
Expressed on
Postoffice Site
Dirty Water Blamed
On Silt in Pipes;
Council Orders Flushing
Kathy Phillip* and Don Preston plan their respective salutatory
and valedictory *peeche* with instructor Richard Newman shortly
after the announcement of theii selection last week.
(Cut Courte.v Cougar * Echo) —1IIINOIS VALLEY NEWS PHOTO
Valley Red Cross Drive Gets Underway
Monday; More Solicitors Are Needed
The city counc l met with little
success Monday night in an attempt
.o establish an accurate picture of
public sentiment on the proposed
Champion postoftice site on the
dou.h end of town.
Dirty city water was also hashed
over with the opinion by council­
men that the pipes still contained
silt stirred up by woik done on the
well recently.
Eleven citizens in addition to
city officials were present at the
. egylar council meeting chiefly
to hear discussion, if any, on the
proposed poatoffice building. Jim
Champion, sole bidder for new
postal housing, and Postmaster
i Clem Am Id wh » owns the pi esent
•site. Wile p:<- -< Mt.
Arnold informed the group he
‘ would consider making improve-
l ments to the present building,
| or might build a new building on
.he present site, according to the
wishes of the government.
Roberta Bryant
her victory
in the Caveman Queen contest which ended
- to
- - arknowledge
- —-----
----------- j ..i
with her coronation Saturday night Princetie» Wanda Story, Clarice Wyatt and Carolyn Christie are left
to right, respectively.
(( ut Co
Grants pa . (
Champion stated his only desire
was to give the town a worthwhile
postoffice building, so the present
facilities could be expanded to
Additional Red Cross solicitors
meet the netds of the Valley. He
are needed by Chait man Harold
stated that Postal Inspector V. F.
Illinois Valley state primary
Bowerman for the Valley drive | election polling place* include
Worthington promi-ed $12,000 in
•for funds starting Monday, May
new equipment if a new building
Selma school, O'Brien school,
were to be built for Cave Junc­
Legion hall. Bridgeview Grange
Bowerman stressed the urgent I hall. Black's hotel at Holland
need for sufficient county Red
and Odd Fellows hall at Kerby.
Ken Hamilton and George Mart­
Cross, funds to retain the blood
Don’t forget to vote today.
in expressed satisfaction with the
bank and other Red Cross services.
present site, especially if Arnold
“If the Josephine county chapter
would make needed improvements.
quota is not raised, the blood pro­
Mayor Salvage commended the
gjam will have to be dropped and
Champions for wanting to build a
the office in Grants Pass will be
worthwhile building for the town.
closed.” Bowerman stresed. “Four
Salvage expreaaed doubt whether
hundred sixty pints of blood have
the councilmen had learned enough
By Charlotte King
been donated by the people of the
of public opinion to aid them in
Illinois Valley since the start of
Don Preston and Kathy Phil­ answering letters requesting their Primary Elections Held
the current progiam. All but a few
wore selected last week by suggestions front the postal in­ For Student Body Officers
pints have gone to save the lives
the IVHS faculty as valedictorian spector.
of our fighting men in Korea.”
and saluta’.orian t. spi jtTvely of ORDER FLUSHING OF LINES
*P,-imnry elections were held
Bowernuyi reminded that the
the senior class of 1952
To end the piacoloration o f Thursday May 8 for student body
Red Cross has donated some of the
Don, the son of Mr. and Mrs. the present water supply, the coun­ officers for the year of 52-53.
blood given in this area for civilian
The purpose of these elections
use. Fourteen of the last 23 pints Meryle Preston of Cave Junction, cil at the suggestion of those pres­
given have been received for use compiled a grade average of 3.G to ent ordered the waterma.ster to is to eliminate all but he top two
take top honors in addition to hav­ flu-h the hydrant* and major wa­ candidates in each bracket. Those
in the Illinois Valley.
ing Leen student body president ter lines to pull out remaining
Everyone is urged to give gen­ and an active participant in sports. silt in the pipes. Many housewives that won the primary elections and
erously on the solicitor’s first trip, He will attend Seattle Pacific col­ tired of stained washings had reg­ who will run in the finals May
15 were; President—Wayne Silen­
and anyone not contacted can do­ lege next year from which he wa
istered complainst with the city cer, and Orlen Pickle, Vice-Presi­
nate through the Illinois Valley given a $.'100 scholarship.
within the past two weeks.
dent—Dick Masters, and Joanie
ranger station.
Other action at the conncil Eisan, Secretary—Mae Bowerman,
Those volunteering to help with
Claire Cooper and Beverly Tabor,
the drive can contact Mrs. Harry Loe Phillips of Kerby, Kathy Phil­ meeting included:
lips corned a grade average of 3.55,
Benge, and
1. A letter from a postal In- Treasurer—Jonelle
Floyd at Holland, or Bowerman.
in addition to winning the Stein -pector was read relating to two Ronnie Terrel, Sergeant at Aim
-------------- 0---------------
Citizenship award for this year. ‘‘crank’’ letters received by city Charles Floyd and Kohath Krau<<.
Kathy’s future plans include mar­ officials fro in an anonymous
riage following her graduation «ouree. The inspt-xttor said no post­
Biology (’lasses Take
June 5.
al regulations had been violated
-------------- o
in the mailing of the letters. The Field Trip to Grayback
FBI has requested further letters
A baby son of a couple seeking
Miss Peterson’s and Mr. York’s
from the same source to be sub­ Biology classes, combined, journied
employment in the Valley smother­
ed while the family of six slept in
to Grayback for the first Biology
their car on Redwood highway near
field trip this year.
2. The council denied a request
(Hive Junction Saturday night.
The wiather wasn’t what we bar­
Kerby Grade School track en­
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Augerlavoie tries in the county grade school to 1 educe the *25 a year fee on coin gained for, but out we went any
o' Hayward, California discovered track and field meet Saturday in machines belonging to Martin and way!
their six-weeks old baby apparently Grants Pass defeated Jerome Prar- Sutherlin music companies.
Mr. Bowerman accompanied ti
dead early Sunday morning on a ie 130 to 75 points for tl.e A divi­ OILING COSTS REPORTED
and gave a very intere-ting lecture
pillow on the front seat and afte. sion championship.
3. City Recorder Chas. A. Hub- on the different types of trees.
some difficulty found a Cave Jun­
In the same me< t Fruitd.vle 1. ..t 1 aid rep mted cos's of oiling majo-r Some of the student- gathered wi! I
ction doctor who pronounced him Murphy for the P> divi ion and Cave Junction residential streets. flowers for another a-ugtwn< nt in
Hr wa« informed it would cost tl." Biolog)-.
Merlin won the C divi ion cb.
Mr. Bowernwin tovk u-s t > the
city r.i.uly $70® to oil several of
The district attorney ordered an ionships.
a,.:opsy performed which establish­
n. t pw; Mated .'10-foot city Ranger Station wl.ire we talk«1 J
Kerby winners . ere .. folio..
about s<»m<‘ more tier-. Back at
ed that the death was acci­
G. Ellis, class 1, boys 50-yard tn I-:.-.•
dental due to suffocation. No in­ da-fi; J. Mi<+ ■ y, cla
1. The counci-1 wa« informed that t! school he <!: jcu ><' <1 with u - tin-
1, . ill 5'1; |
quest was to be held.
T. Bailey, class 1, boys 75; J. Mick­ ‘1." A iciated ervii e stat: n had nature of some cone, from
Funeral services for the child ey and M. Spaling- r, cl« -s 1, jpirls I I evil ir tructed by a county la-a'dli different trees.
This field trip w a . ■ > icce-^fwl
officer to dig a dry well to catch
were held Monday morning at three-legged race; G. Elli -, cla
ptic tank seepage complain'd of that we will be al»!e t«« c 'M'.’
Granite Hill cemetery in Grants 1, high jump.
A committee wks with this typ« of s'.Mi'iy.
Pass with the Rev. W. C. Piper of­
W. Chappell, class 2, high jump; by n«ighb
F. Cooke, class 2, broad jump; J. app anted to i«v, -tigat e w hether to j
the private street n-'Xt to tl. , 7ive Subjects Added
----------------- o------------------
Thornton, class 2, shot put; R. En­ c)
gle, class 2, boys baseball threw;! Chit Chat eaf«.
5. Tl.e need for in'.v dump, To IVHS ( urriculni
M. Hoskins, class 1, girls lia ■bill
throw; N. Robinson, class 2, girl» . gm ii. d w as o: dr red ad vert i-ed ny |
Pie-registration took phi e
baseball throw; Boys relay, G. II n | tl.-- council. No action wa taken day during each En<l:*ta peri
rison, R. Cole, T. Walden and F. on a re.; • -t by Ek.v o ¡Hu- y toi
1 he R'-w abject- to be offe 1
the town to cru*h the dump pile
Forest service roads in the high Cooke.
and have a fire break built. The n-xt year a« electiv"» are phy
-------------- o---------------
country are still blocked with snow,
nt.« and craft«, bu<n«-
law, typ-
town lea-e.* the property from Hu
report V’ore-t Ranger Harold Bow­
ng II and ante» inechai : -.
erman. H><
I -now removal will
The student« were advi ml to
(I. Win. Lovejoy urged grading
not lie dorie exoept by miner,»
into con - eb rat ion th'- folbiw
■vishir# to roech thoir property.
and Watkins to end the need for ing ¡riint- before registerin.': grad­
Tia W ;o>y Camp road is open
Clean-up day for Laurel Ceme­ residents living there to drive uation requirements; personal in
to the L>>ky Strike mine. The
tery has been set for May 24 and j through the private street of the «•res's and abilities; particu! o
San;>>jr peuL roaxi is being opened
strength* or weakne- i a in tl p i t
I 25. The work will be supervised by ( Illinois Valley Hardware.
by Bill Robertson the work having
---------------o--------------- ------ years; and p'»*t-high »«> »1 ¡I mms
i Clyde HayGs, sexton for the ceme-
progressed to tlj? Bear Wallow.
for college ar work-.
I tery.
The Illinois River rcadGs open to
The Association urges all those
The «ubje'-ts rei, dr 1 to » ...i •' -T
Oak Flat and the Sourdough road
::Ce from l.i? < «cL , ara tv :«e
having family plots in Ixiurel Cem­
is open to the Sourdough forest
etery to maintain their ^property ,
years of ¡social st’idiei four years
before Decoration Day. Everyone Ms y 1 ! lb Low
R.i of health and physics
A Forest Service road main­ is requested to assist with this civic J
science, nmt! aiiatics, shop and
tenance crew, under the direction work.
o •>
,35 hometnaki: g.
of Foreman John Kihs, is grading
The Illinois Valley Garden Club 7
------------------ o---------
those roads not blocked by snow.
will have a crew helping with the 8
’laire Cooper Elected
Forest Service trails ar« being work, and scoutmaster George
200 64
maintained by John Shallenberger, | Morey will have the Scouts Troops 9
of Pep Club
Cecil Hathaway, Phil Clark, and 1 20 and 70 on the job.
Wednesday, May 7, the Pep Club
Randy Moore.
Anyone able to furnish a pick­
For week emiing May 11, 1952.
■ -0- -
up for hauling rubbish is requested 1 (Weather information furnished elected officers for the coming
Whether you're buying or sell­ to be at the laurel Cemetery by I
by Illinois Valley Ranger Station.) year. (C'r*<itinurd on la»t PM<)
ing, NEWS want ads work for you. 10 a.m., Saturday, May 24.
Salvages Rebuilding Burned Mill;
To Begin Operating After August 1
Preston, Phillips
Win Class Honors
Child Smothers in
Car Near Town
Kerby Grade Wins
'A' Division Meet
Upper Forest Service
Roads Still Blocked
Cemetery Clean-Up
Is Saturday, 24th
Cost of Construction
To Exceed $50,000;
Same Size Planned
The Salvage Bros, have started
the rebuilding of their mill which
suffered about $150,000 damage
in a fire April 1 5.
The three brothers, Howard,
Herb and Fred, with the assistance
of about a dozen foimer mill work­
ers have already started construc­
tion of the cement and steel found­
ation of the mill which is expected
to renew operation soma time aftci
the first of August.
The Salvage Bros, plan to re­
build the mill to about the same
capacity as formeily, which wa
about 55,000 board feet a day.
Mostly new equipment of the saim
type previously used, including
-even foot band saw, will be pur-
Construction of the burned por-
tion of the mill is expected to ex­
ceed $50,000. Many tools and sup­
plies which ran the loss to an ex‘-
cess of one hundred thousand will
t'ot be immediately replaced.
About a million board feet of
pine lumber less than a year old
will be sold some time this summei
by the firm. All lumber was spared
in the fire, which was the Valley's
largest in over 10 years.
The exact cause of the fire is
•till unknown by the owners, but
it has been established that the
blaze staited with an explosion in
the viiinity ot the switch boxes, a
reported by the night num.
The temporary loss of the mil!
affected over fifty Valley families.
---- - --------- fV - -- -
Wilsons Open Rainbow
Trout Fishing Resort
Mr. and Mrs. David E. Wil«
a n m a a r.-c r- the opening for the first
• •a - m of their iamb 'w trout fish­
ing re-<mt near O'Brien Sunday.
One and a half mile.« west of O’­
Brien on the 01.1 Stage ('"ach roa l,
the ,:ua!l lake of approxiarnaU,!y
acre in siz» m the only one in
!.«■ area, the cl
located north
■ f Grants Pa««,
'I ile lake b.a- been a 'ideline fol
the Wilsonw with hi« wanking a«
m eh-.-trician and Mrs. Wils m hai -
mg l"< n a for Ilr. Versteeg
No Heel; '• is required of fiAmrni' ' .
— -o
News of Valley . . .
Roberta Bryant
Crowned Queen
R d el ta Bryant was crowne !
Cave Queen of 1!<52 at corcnati ■
ceremonies in Grants Pass Satui-
lay. The Illinois Valley I.i ns c!u
candidate w m by a wide pkiiali’.t
of votes.
The first Valley entry into tie
Caveman contest, Miss Bryant’s e>
perience was not a new one havti.c
been IVHS homecoming queen in
1950 and a «enior prom princes-
She is the daughter of Mr. and M
T red Buhler of Cave Junction.
A big group of Valley coupli •
turned out to hear the annoum ■
ment of Roberta’s victory, ant
w«Te the last to leave after Grant«
Pass couples retiied for the even­
ing from the coronation ' .-
lowing the main program.
Queen Roberta, together wit
tie three Giants Pass prince-«. .
will accompany the Cavemen,
Grant« Pass High School band an
ounty float t« ti e Rose Festival
n Portland June 13, in addition t ■>
appealing nt other special oecs
«ion« with the thin-clad Cavemen.
Moore Elected
Lions Prexy
To Give All Scrap Metal
Proceeds to Hospital
Hal Moore Jr., manager of Ma'
•he!’«, wa« elected president of 11'
Illinois Valley I.ii.n« club for l'.i5'.‘
>3 Tuesday night at the Todcl 'pc.
Moor« has been prominent in
Lions activities the past year, at
’.cad of the hospital scrap meta!
Irive and was instrumental in the
e. en: succe.s-ful queen contest.
The pre-.dential position waa the
■ nly contest with Hal McAbee the
lasing candidate.
The following Lions officer«
wine elected ch an unanimous ba!-
l«t: fir«! vice president. Guy Stem;
-econd v: e president, George Sim-
mm ; s, , i etary-trcii.surer, ('has. A
Hubbard; directors, Harold Hem
mingway, ('ml Spieth, Richar I
N e w m a *; Lian tamer, Keris
Drown; tail twister, Jim Akins.
The club di-ciiled to turn ovrr al#
proceeds obtained fr-.m the cui rer.'.
mrap metal ilrive to the
cal center. The drive was hell to
futuisb one room. The -urplag is
export'd to exceed $1(*®.
One bundled p< rcvR
rcent at'.eaUiAnce
- Il wi re pi'--' nte I to Hal '’lore,
H.-irold lb min gw a,, ClkwK. O liub-
bi'ird, li r*> Drews »• I I >t»n Ro«en-
•.'lat of silence was observ-
ed upon the announcement of tire
death of the Lion's goat, Charlie.
( Mail or ¡»hone in news of Valley
Program Chairman Hal McAbee
leoySj '¡it the artnrd forces about presented Vic Schreiber, who spoke
prousotioas, transfers, inductie/i briefly on the school's driver train-
and diS£barjpM or other informa
ng class, *nllowe<| by two fibrin on
tiorjsof interest. )
- o—------ --
Kester Martin will leave by
plane Saturday evening from Med- Two IVHS Boys Win
fc rd for his new Air Base assign­ Places in District Meet
ment in Limestone, Maine.
Two IVHS trarkmen won places
My »n Crowl, U. S. Airforce, in the district meet won by Grants
received official notice of his pro Pass which was held in Medford
motion to Corporal
Airman Saturday.
second class, according to the new
The local team placed last in a
ratings, upon his return to Wright field <>f six ichoo Is with a total of
Patterson Air Force Base. He had seven points. Clayton took sixth 'n
spent a twenty day leave in th» the mile and Pete Brown a third
Valley with family and friends
in the high hurdles.