ILLINOIS 8 VALLEY NEWS SHOW REVUE FRIDAY, MAY 9, 1952 Eagles Party Night Holland Men Catch Limit Fishing Tonight at Aerie Hall HOLLAND—Many were fishing this weekend—Joe Sullivant, Floyd Owings, Bill Shellabarger, Dan Hadley and a few ot icrs caught their limit. Nancy Susanna, weighing seven pounds, arived Saturday, May 3 at 4:50 a. m. at Josephine General h spital. Her parents are Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Mulvey, This is their secund child. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Heald spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mis. Judson Heald. Jack an­ nounces <>n KBOX, Modesto. They were :i"C mpanied here by Mr. and Mrs. Allie Arden. The wild canaries arrived in Hol­ land May 3 on their annual trip through th«, district. Mr. und Mrs. George Mulvey Jr. lave moved to Central Point, where le is employed in a mill. Mr. and Mr*. G. L. Sympaon arrived M unlay morning. May 5 to spend a few days visiting their daughters. Mis. Fred Kaufman mid Mis. George Mulvey sr. Mel Sullivant and his children have moved bacfc to Holland. They me living at the Cochran home. Mr. and .Mrs. Sam Jones, bi saw fibei moved t > work. Mt ai e living at in t heir abse — Tonight is prospective candidate party time at the Fraternal Order of Eagles hall in Kerby, Clarence McDaniels, publicity chairman an­ nounces. Following a short business meet­ ing the rest of the evening will be “fun and entertainment” for all Eagles and their friends, McDan­ iels said. Aerie 3055 is sponsoring a Mem­ orial Foundation dance Saturday, May 17 at the Bridgeview Grang< hall for the benefit of children whose fathers lost their lives in i ecmt wars. All proceeds from the dance are to go to the Memorial Foundation of the Fraternal Order of Eagles. At 1 p.m <>n>Mother’s Day, radio RUIN, Grants Pass, will air a spec­ ial cousl-to-coast program honor­ ing all mothers. ------------- o 1UESDAY and WEDNESDAY May 13 H EU Meeting Has Change in Plans “When I Grow Up” is a story taid in flashback of the very special SATURDAY I love children and their parents The Illinois Valley Home Exten­ Universal-International's pow- have for each other through the sion Unit’s May 13 meeting an­ s rful prize fight story, “Iron Man", generations. It stars Bobby Dris- nounced previously as a pot luck starring Jeff Chandler, Evelyn I coll, Robert Preston, Martha Scott. uncheon has been changed. Main Keyes and Stephen McNally, bl ing Charley Grapewin and introduces dishes will be prepared by the dem- to the screen the dramatic story of the great equestrian clown, Pood­ a rugged coal miner who is forced les Hanneford. into the ring against his will. A beautiful stallion named Ko- Popular Jeff Chandler plays the K > comes to the screen in Repub­ role of the prize fighter who gets lic’s "Redwood Forest Trail,’’ also into the boxing game through the showing Tuesday and Wednesday. KoKo is owned by Rex Allen, manipulations of his ambitious wife, played by Evelyn Keyes, and now western star, and will be his his promoter-brother, portrayed by riding companion in all of his fut­ ure pictures. Stephen McNally. mitrators and members are asked to bring eithei a salad or a dessert as well as table service. The meet­ ing will be at the home of Sophia Bunch at 10:30 a. m. Installation and the business meeting will fol­ low in the afternoon. , ■ —Q ■ ■ ■ A Help the Hospital------- Floor Sander • By Hour or Day FOR RENT THURSDAY and FRIDAY SUNDAY and MONDAY There is happy entertainment for everybody in M-G-M's stai song-and-laugh-loaded new Techni­ color musical, "Texas Carnival. Esther Williams stars as a carnival trouper, with Red Skelton as her partner. Skelton gets them both into more trouble than a barrel of I monkevs. For songs you have Ho­ ward Keel as a warbling cowhand. For dancing you have fast-steeping Ann Miller with Keenan Wynn also on hand in this hilarious comedy. Filmgoers who have been look­ ing for something “different” in screen entertainment will find an answer in M-G-M’s unusual “Ang­ els in the Outfield,’’ starring Paul Douglas and Janet Leigh. This is a comedy laid against the thrills and excitement of Big I eague baseball, but also it is the story of a man whose? faith in life and affection for people is renewed in a most mysterious way. ------------- o —o - . JOB PRINTING—Call the NEWS Local Members Are Hosts to 8 Et 40 Decorator's Supply Cave Junction FUL" COLOR'“ any color you want They’re here! —all the hundreds of colors in Fuller’s famous Jewel Case! ■ " MAXAW 700 MAGIC »PIVOT L\ k > r CUTS 11 t ç —tf 2’ DRESSED LUMBER AT FUL-COLOR 45* MAXAW 700 Works faster, smoother Mvavy Duly — All Bull and Roller Soaring — Indwtlrtul Qvohtf than any paint you've M A X A W • 00 For Extra Power — Y 9 ever known. • Dries in one hour. • Seals itself magl< • pivaf do for O 2 LBS. FOB 49c bunch Also Gr. Onion*. Garden Fre*h ORANGES Sweet, Juicy 3ork & Beans 2-35c bananas Large, Golden Ripe OC LB- I Oc lB 10c ILLINOIS VALLEY CASH MARKET r