8 ILLINOIS VALLEY NEWS FRIDAY. APRIL 25. 1952 TTabcoct^ Visiting at Holland Sunday Ap- ' ril 20 were Mr. and Mrs. Giggett of Chicago They are visiting a’ I the home of Martha Trefethen. It | has been twenty seven years since by Mr*. V irginia Babcock Holland—Mr. and Mrs. Johnny they have been in the Valley. They Janies n«w working for Cave City are moving to Vancouver B. < . Parts and Supply are new resi- She is the former Mildred Burne- dents of Holland. They are living son. The Leslie Wards are the par in the Floyd duplex. Pat Whitely ai d his son Mike ; ents of a daughter born April 16. took his m-uiier Mrs. Ruby White­ I The baby weighed 5 lbs. 8 oz. ly to Crescent City, where she will Twelve Girls Organize be employed. Robert Wadley, the son of Mrs. Jiggs Morris of the Old Dick New 4-H Club “The Pin Cushion” 4-H club was George Road is home on furlough. Mr and Mrs. Dan Hadley have organized April 11 with 12 girls at i /turned from a business trip to the home of J. G. Carothers on the Sacramento, California. Mrs. Had­ Old Stage Road. Eveyln Matthews was elected ley spent some time in Alameda president of the new club; her of­ visiting friends. The Holland Birthday club vis­ ficers include Clydus Knight, vice- ited ul the home of Rachel Thrash­ president; Shirlens- Yandell, secre er April 7. Those present to wish tary; and Peggy Boi nainan, new» her a happy Birthday were: Thel­ reporter. Their next meeting will be held ma Maurer, Luci Hutchinson, Ada Owings, Daisy Baldwin, Edith today, (Friday) at 4:30 in Mrs. Whitely, I! uby Whitely, Bertha Uarother’s home. - ------------ o . - Mayfield, l.eua Owens, Virginia ON OSC HONOR ROLL Stiemer, Wildu Maurer, Bobby and Rae and Toni. Those sending gifts Mrrton Ingham of Cave Junc­ but unable to attend were: Nell tion, junior iff education at Oregon Sheila burger, Alviene Kaufman, State College, has been, listed on Ett Curtis, Martelle Maurer, the winter term scholastic honor Frankie Virginia New Family Has Moved to Holland Wendell Seat Recovering Auxiliary Readies For Poppy Day Encouraging news conies of the splendid recovery Wendell Seat is making in Dornbecher hospital fol­ A Boy Soout Court of Honor lowing his operation. was held following the social meet­ ing of the American Legion Auxil­ HIGH SCHOOL NEWS (Continued from Pace Ona) iary, April 16. Members of the Unit and Post were also entertain­ Activity Card Planned ed with a movie of Cuba. For Next Year Poppy Chairman Edith Hays an­ The student body meeting was nounced a date would be set for called to order by the Piesident the purpose of making poppy cor­ sages in prepartion for Poppy Don Preston, Friday April 18. The Days May 23 and 24 and the Pop­ meeting was held outside as the Juniors were decoiating the gym py Dance May 24. for the Junior-Senior Prom. Piesident Myrtle Clifford urg--- The secretary, Marilyn Mast««, all members to be present at the read the minutes and a financial regular business meeting May 7 report was given. at which there will be nominating Don then told the student body of officers. about the activity card that the ex­ ------------- o------------— ecutive council is planning for Meets Tomorrow Night next year. The card will lie for tne Belt Ixtdge No. 18 A.F. and A. annual, Cougar’s Echo subscrip­ M. will hold a regular meeting in tion, book rental, towel service, the Masonic temple, Kerby, April lookers, all home games and insur­ 26, at 8 p.m. All members are urg­ ance. This card will sell for $12. ed to attend; visiting brethern are Names of candidates, nominated invited. by the executive council, for the Student Body election were read Take Airplane Ride and then the students could nom­ Mr. and Mrs. Art Drews were inate more candidates if they treated to an airplane ride Tue-- wanted to. Election Speeches will day when friends from Arcata,! be given May 5, Primary Election. California flew up for a visit. It May 8 and the Final Election May was Mrs. Drews’ first time “up.” 15. Local Delegation Attends Valley Bowling Team in West Coast Tournament Missionary Conference Ladies Missionary groups from several Southern Oregon churches gathered at the Community Bible Church in Central Point on Fn«i*Jb April 18, for participation >n World Missionary Conference held at that place April 17 throug - Mrs. Paul Kroon was tbe ’peaker at the morning session while Ke • Richard Perry from Columbia. South America spoke in tre after- noon and evening, concluding the day’s program by showing cuiu’» and colorful pictures of a mission­ ary’s experiences on the field. Before the evening service, many families of the church and visitors enjoyed a pot-luck dinnei together. Those attending from here were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hamilton. Mrs. Grace Causey, Maud Watkins, Thelma Champney, Elsie Kroon, Nettie Gray and Viv­ ian McDaniel. The locally sponsored Illinois Valley Bowling team leaves tomor­ row (Saturday) morning for De­ lake, Oregon. They will bowl in the annual West Coast Handicap tour­ nament April 26 and 27. On Tuesday April 29 this same team will be bowling in Grants Pass against the Elks team for the Major League Championship of Grants Pass. .------------- ----— Students Win Prizes At the Eagles dance Saturday- night the following IV'HS stu­ dents won prises in a dancing con­ test organized by Paul Snider: Lucille Pritchett and Bob Behm, first prize of $2.50; Phyllis Dick and Jimmy Wright, second prize of $1.50; Jonelle Benge and Duane Nealy, third prize of $1. JOB PRINTING—Call the NEWS PROUD-FIT CHILDREN’S QUEEN DANCE i SHOES —by Weinbrenner BOYS— AnJe GIRLS— Shoes Oxford« Patent Leather Saddles BABIES— Senii-soft soles Brown and white Saturday, April 26 Admission include* vote for Mi** Bryant Queen coronation and Your child’s shoe» will look better . . . last longer ball. . . . if you buy a PROUD-FIT by Weinbrenner, See our wide selection of this famous line today! TREHEARNE'S Ils uJaeTUsemer' court FRENCH LAUNDRY IV 'e Give S & H GREEN STAMPS Cave Junction GrarYs Pass EVERY WEEK AT .. . i0 THEM Illinois Valley Cash Market Medium, No. 1 Tall Can OLIVES 23c *--------- Bananas Irregular Halves, in light syrup. No. 21 2 Can Bagley PEACHES 25c Green BEANSMss;nCut’N°-303fn 13 c Wesson OIL ** 59c ASPARAGUS, fresh Standard Brands, case of 48 Tall CARROTS Canned MILK $6*79 19c 2 bunches 19c AVOCADOS WINESAP 2-lb. 29c APPLES, © fancy 2 for 25c lb. 19c Silk. Large Rox, 400 Count Facial TISSUE 25c Irregular Halves, in Light Syrup. No. 2* ? Can Bagley PEARS 2oc MISSION CREAM S7YLE CORA 15c DEL MONTE PRUNE JUICE 29c NALLEYS CHILI CON CARNE with beans 3.»<* PLEASE DOG FOOD JJ for can 1-lb. Ne­ ins insta Allai man Haiti Payn and no is stalla An Miss i eon al Ke: a.m., Smith meats either dish w leader Ann install; < thy 1 Duke, sons, Smith. Enyart at the No. 303 Can 25c Quart No. 1 April H Can ILLINOIS VALLEY CASH MARKET ( Weatl.4 by Iliino