Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Illinois Valley news. (Cave City, Or.) 1937-current | View Entire Issue (April 25, 1952)
ILLINOIS VAI LEY NEWS FRIDAY. APRIL 25, 1952 SHOW REVUE SATURDAY A submarine warfare picture with a new emotional twist t!»at gives it tension, psychological as well as in action. Superably acted by submarine commander William Holden and by Nancy Olson as his wife, "Submarine Command" packs more punch ‘ban most other drumas of its sort. SUNDAY .nd MONDAY Spencer Tracy, Pat O'Brien, Di- the stellar headliner« of the pow erful courtroom drama, "The Peo- ; le Against O'Hara." In this picture Tracy returns t > the :'«ld of straight drama follow, mg his three latest comedy hits. This role is tha. of a man who retinnr to criminal '.aw because of nis fervent belief in the innocence of a boy accused of murder. The ingenious scher.u: by which ne tracks down and corners the real AGEN I — GRADE SCHOOL NEWS I sment shall be made in writing, verified by the oath of the appli cant or his attorney, and be filed with the board within the first week it is by law required to be in session and any petition or appli cation not so made, verified and filed shall not be considered or acted upon by the hoard. Blank forms tor petition may be obtained at the office of the Jose phine County assessor. RAYMOND A. LATHROP, County judge Josephine County, Oregon Whether you’re buying or sell ing, NEWS want ads work for you. Melody Lane Group LOCAL NOTICE OF MEETING OF MEMOR1AL POPPY HONORS BOARD OF EQUALIZATION DEAD OF THREE WARS O'BRIEN NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN "When you put on a memorial that the board ef equalization, for poppy on Poppy Day you will be paying individual tribute to those Josephine county, Oregon will, on .vho have died for America in the ¡the second Monday in May AD. .hree wars of the twentieth cent . 1952 attend at the court house at ury,” said Mrs. Myrtle Clifford, Grants Pass, Oregon, and public- (»resident of Glenn Morrison Unit | .y examine the assessment roll for N-o. 70 of the American Legion Josephine county and correct ali Auxiliary, as the Auxiliary contin errors in valuation, description of ued its preparations for the annual lands, lots or other property asses iiservanee of Poppy Day here sed by the assessor, and it shall be the duty of all persons interested “SPRING FERVOR” at O’Brien May 24. 'to appear at the time and plae- “ Although the custom of wear Friday April 19 appointed. ing poppies in honor of the war O’Brien school citizens had dead sprang from World War 1 “Such petition or application for “Spring Fervor” on Friday. They when the little red flowers grew in the reduction of a particular a»ses- decided recess times and P. E. such profusion ‘between the cross classes would be more enjoyable es, row on row’ in the war ceme in pleasent surroundings. Ix?d by teries in Europe,” explained Mrs. Mr. John Grubb, they decided to Clifford, “the flowers have come do something about it. “Clean up” to symbolize sacrifice of me »0« America wherever it occurred. We was in order. wear the flowers for those whj Then began “Spring Fervor." A died in the Far Pacific in World delegation organized committees, War II, as well a»'those who gave each with a foreman, to work in their lives in the European theater certain areas. The tir.y folk chqse a here the poppy is a native wild the front lawn and playhouse ares flower. And now we wear them, that as been just recently fenced. too, for the dead of the Korean o The middle sized youngsters clean conflict. "When we think of the war ed up the picnic and apparatus a re*a of all debris and took corn ilead, we naturally think of those plete charge of rennovating the who did not die but suffered dis wounds -iir illness«.», in ae- stpr« room. The older girls did I abling fense ,f the country. Wearing much to level and rake the soft- poppies enables us to help these ball <!ta,::m>:e.l a.-.d “N’eweome” sec I disabled veterans anu the children tion, ar:.:!, B* ch ¡¡c, windows axd of veterans who also face privation closets. and hardship because- their fathers The big boys felh d snags, chop served. The contributions mad« on ped old roots and piled all d'-bris Poppy Day not only pay th<- dis- high for a bonfire. ali:'. d V!-tera::-s wk» shop, the little On Monday afternoon the sck »1 crepe flowers, hut form t!.<- clyef children roasted marshmallows, ill -wt-sse of Jiuppor-t for the vivst re the ashes of their bonfire and look habilitation -and child welfare pro ed with pride upon their lovely grams carried out continuously by the American Legion Auxiliary. wooded playground. “Spring Fer "Poppies were4first worn to hon vor” had been a success. or the nation’s war dead in 1918, —q>— ami the custom of contributing to PRIMARY ROOM BEGINS BIRD I the welfan- ¡if war’s living.victims in exchange for the» flowers was STUDY Kathleen Breckenridge brought .begun the following year. This the Primary room a lovely large year we hope to .-s-e poppies over heart as we honor the dead 'ramed picture of a numm»ng Dird. every mil ;iid the disabled on Poppy She also gave1 us a real wee hum Day.” ' ming bird. She also gave us a real (1 aid advertisement) wee humming bird’s nest. Thf-i Jerry Arnold told us about the humming bird his father had coax ed to live near the mine by mean of a perfume bottle containing pei fume and honey. So the study of birds began. Linda Hurifer brought us an interesting page from ¡1 magazine showing us the “flyways" of the birds that come back to 11s each spring. It tells hov. fa it, how high, and how far birds fly non-stop. It tells those bird who travel by day and by iugfit. llach morning we talk and read about a new bird, and each night its picture» and name of the bird fly up on our electric board. »5 />en (jeorye Across the Street from the Post Office----- now managet', by .Mildred, Connie and W e Never Close ' BETTER ROOFING Co. Teenagers Welcome Specializing in Hot Built-Up Roofs New Roofs Roof Repairs Industrial and Homes •• c e GRANTS PASS PHONE 3311 Home 6298 3 I : X : i j i FOOD SALE : 2 v % « FANCY BAZAAR • • NEW GOLDFISH Delores Shaw brought two gold ? fish to her science class. At last the class lias chosen their names, Goldie and Cindy. : — o— WINDOW PAINTING J Have you wondered about the : import of the varied window de- •ign.s on Mrs. Love’s room? Each window is painted to depict a poem as they become acquainted with it. Quito a number of the children have memorized their poems. '1 hose who have painted windows : so far are Ann Emerson, Betty Burgess, Deloris Shaw, Janice Ber ry, Sharon Prather, Barbara Shaw i and Harry Webb. LYNCH Republican Candidate "My intention is to pro mote county RIPUBLICAN » more efficient government and road program." STATE TREASURER Vote for McCourtney at the STATE SENATOR 1943-'47'4».'5t There's No Substitute for May 16 Primary EXPERIENCE A. H McGinty. Aut. S k .SO« S.W.bnNdw.y PortlMMl Mr. McCourtney) (Paid Political Advertisement) GENE L AT THE BOB AND RUTH SHOP BROWN Recognizes the Illinois Valle) as the fastest growing ASSETS Ll-Ue ' A.-:. . w ¡th ’other banks, including rt t r; e 1 a’ and ca«h items in process of collection •I - ! Slate« Government obligations, direct and gaa:a tool 4|P*C^i',e stocks (including $li,350.00 st.-ck if !•'< !• : Hs'scive bank! ♦I »tta. and d.i«eount< (uivdi. i-lfliTc; Jf-'l'T? L’i ection of Josephine County. A vote for Brown is a vote for personal représentât- IJIWB. l.t Ittlc ;u:.,..| f.ilvt l-l-ft-s ioli I Tryr-fr1 lutpii .-. -n'inv . • IM CAKES : : criminal make 1 drama packed with suspense and l< s'->n. t TUESDAY and \\ LDNESDAY' I "Molly” is a •ol’.ic) ing, heyt- warming comedy tb.r you’ll Iq.’e and remember for a long time) to come. Dealing w.’h the riotous Sponsored by EOE Auxiliary— trials and triumphs of the funniest amily that ever appeared on the screen, "Molly” is more thai comedy—it's a rare screen Hl l’DKI Od CONDITION OF HANK OF ILLINOIS VALLEY nindvr of how much fun it 1 h 1 alive. of Cave Junction, Orefon Also showing is "The Man from (• ■ c!v<‘e of business March 31, 1952, a State hanking institution Planet X", a science-fiction r.mvie. 0-------------- , laws of this State and a Published in accordane! Whether you're buying or sell- \uthorit n ’ and by tht h.-. NEWS want ads work for vou. Saturday, May 3 0 P1I?S SANDWICHES JACK and a 5 S HOMEMADE McCourtney for Commissioner All Work Guaranteed o W E. WENGREN 131 N. E. ‘E’ St. M LALS in the legislature—‘‘Ask Your Neighbor." 'V-J 11 i ¿A Gene L. Broun served in World War II with the 11 Ml.. 11, i lif niand deposis% of i^R^ua ’ », partii T-Ccdl .J-g cor- partitions ® $«7-tP493.3‘ I one deposist^ of i:tdividual*!l partrn-rs’iips, and corpor ations ... ... .-.j. lu-i of United State- Government°(including postal savings) e ) '«-i- -sists nf States nnd political subdivisions Other deposists (cer »tied and officers' cheek-,. etc.» TOTAL DEPOSITS 0 $345,855.12 Other liabilities * .0)........ 4.925.2 I I'OTVI. 1 IA Bl I.ITIES (not including subordinated obligations shown below» $850.780 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS $ 10,000.00 5,000.0» 12,054.7 $ 57,054.7: $‘.»07,s 35.0: ‘Thu bank's capital consists of: Common stock with total par value of $40,000 I. M E. Sparks. CashÄr, of the abive-named bank, hereby certify that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledg» and belief. M E SPARKS HARRY W HOI MES Correct—Attest : Q. W M ARTIN K. C HAMILTON Directors. State of Oregon, County of Josephine—as. Sworn to and subscribed before me this IS day of April. 1952 CHESTER CLARK Notary Public for Oregon. Mi commission expires: Aug. 23, 1953 '"’I Parachute Infanto Regiment. In 1918 became a resident of Josephine County. His training and exper of service to Josephiin1 (’»»lints vhen In tour \i»te you nominate and eled • •• Rake the JOHN DEERE Way For bigger profits from hating, rake your hay w.ih a John IYeerc Unh H< quu k-deta. hable curved teeth, inclined frame, and floating pickup cylinder which conform« 10 surface irregularities, the John F»eere float« the hay into loose, fluffy wind rows with stem« outside, leave« in- «ide to cure properly in Nature « way The re«ult? Better feed . . . more palatable teed. See us for details. Hubbard-Wray Co Th. Farmers' Store Since 188-4” 182 SE '11' St. Ph. 4222 SENATOR (P iltical Advertisement Paid by Stanton Advertising Service)