Illinois Valley news. (Cave City, Or.) 1937-current, April 25, 1952, Image 1

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■■Hv of Oregon
VOL. XV No. 1
V O I (’ E
Cave Junction. Oregon, Friday. April 25. 1952
Single Copy Ten Cents
McAbee Explains
School Budget
Finds Valley School
District Inadvisable
The 1952-53 county school bud­
get was described as being largei
and the tax levy smaller by Prin­
cipal Hal McAbee to the Lion­
club Tuesday night at the Tode-
With the county’s assessed val­
uation up, and higher school reve­
nues from outside sources, the tax­
payers were given a slight break
on the annual levy, McAbee said.
Tuition payments to Grants Pass
High School for county pupils at­
tending there are about complete
and helps to decrease the tax bur­
A special school election Friday.
May 2 from 2 to 8 p.m. will g!Ve
voters a chance to decide whether
or not to approve the budget which
slightly exceeds a million dollars
this year.
The addition of five county
teachers and teachers’ pay increas
es together with increased admin
istrative and operating expense­
account for this year’s budget in­
crease, McAbee explained.
McAbee explained no school
board directors will be voted upon
Only the burner in the smoky background remained untouched after fire leveled most of the Salvage
at the May 2 election. A June D!
mill last week causing about $150,000 damage. One of two bandsaws in the Valley is shown laying on
school election will place one board
its side among collapsed sheet metal and rubble.
member a^d two Kerby sub-mem
bers up for vote.
Possible curriculum additions t >
the high school for next year in­
clude art or art craft classes and [
possibly a senior mathematic­
Two logging employees working
Upon being questioned about
south of the California border,
possible Valley school consolida |
Discovery of a fire by a bread
The donation of blood at the both extremely ill from unknown
tion in a separate unit, McAbee
recent visit of the American Red causes, and one unconscious, were truck driver helped volunteer fire­
said a survey he made recently Cross blood bank was a great im­
men and neighbors save the Walt­
taken to the Josephine General
showed a levy of 86 mills instead
provement over the two previous hospital after being tieated locally er Kiitley home in Kerby Satur­
of the present 59 would be needed schedules, announced Harold Bow­
day morning as the occupants were
by Dr. Versteeg yesterday after­ finishing breakfast.
to operate present Valley school
erman, chairman.
programs. In addition a new con­
With two children sleeping up­
One hundred seventeen pints of
solidated district would owe about
Tlie men were Fred Harmes of stairs, the Kirtleys and a visiting
$300,000 to the county district for blood were donated even though Cave Junction and Clyde Poole of daughter ware unaware that the
there were 38 temporary and 8 Riddle. They were both employed
present school facilities.
roof was afire until the drive's
A lower assessment per child in permanent rejections. A false ru­ by the Olson and Ross Logging Co. warning.
the Illinois Valley makes it inad mor that penicillin shots would bar
Harmes was unconscious when
A quick run by the volunteei
visable to try to operate a separate a donation kept many people at brought to Cave Junction and was
fire department and forest service
Valley district, McAbbe said.
donor’s physical condition that administered oxygen before he tanker prevented the fire from
------------- o--------------
was taken t .< Granta. Pass by Vai
..•trig Irevond the roof. The
«tight prevent the donation.
ley Ambulance.
fire is believed to have stnrted
A check of donations by organ­
Dr. Versteeg reported he wouid from an overheated flue. All dam­
ization showed the following re­
unable to diagnose their ail­ age was covered by insurance.
ment until after visiting them
Neighbors and fire fighteis
Masons, 17; American Legion.
emptied the house of furnishings
Illinois Valley high tracksters 14; Eagles, 12; Order of Eastern Wednesday.
in 15 minutes. Damage included
took two first places in winning Star, 10; Legion Auxiliary, 7; Li­
that done to the roof and interioi
fifth place in a field of seven at ons, 7; Illinois Valley Grange, 6; Two Trips Taken by
water damage. Roofs to both ga
the Roseburg invitational track Garden Club, 6; VFW, 5; De-r
Ide- will need replacing, the Kirt­
meet at Roseburg last Friday aft­ Creek Grange, 4; Farm Bureau. ! : Valley Ambulance
leys said.
Junior Women’s club, 1 ; Odd Fel­
John Arnold fell from the roof
Doug Plumlee set a new meet lows, 1; O’Brien Women’s club, 1 ,
his home April 19 and was tai;
record by vaulting 10' 6” for a Rebekkahs, 1.
en by the Valley Amulance to
blue ribbon. The other first came
Competition among the organ­
for IVHS when Pete Brown took izations in the Valley is rather se­ the hospital. Mr. Arnold, who lives
the high hurdles in 15.4. Plumlee vere because of the duplication of on the Eight-Dollar Road, sustain*
ed a back injury.
also took second in the broad membership, Bowerman said.
Valley Ambulance took
Pleading not guilty, two Illinois
Chairman Bowerman wishes to Branham, Selma, to the
The relay team composed of
Valley residents were indicted by
Brown, Watson, Behm, Spalinger thank Dr. Charles Versteeg who Monday, April 21. He also
:he Grand Jury, April 14, for lar
donated his time from 3 to 8 p.m. ed a back injury.
took fourth.
ceny of tractor parts.
Roseburg won the meet followed Dr. Versteeg could not leave the
James Fay Deere and Lawrence
by the other schools in this order: building because the unit could Trailblazers Available
.Albert Maxon were charged in the
Sutherlin, Myrtle Creek, Coquille,
indictment with stealing a track
Illinois Valley, Rogue River and also goes to the American Legion
and canopy from a Caterpillar
tiactor owned bv William Plumlee
The Crater high squad meet-
and John S. Spinas of the film of
IVHS on the Gold Hill track this help in the kitchen; to the crew of
Plumlee and Spinas. They will be
tried June 9.
- ■ ... . ■ - o-----------
Giants Pass for the use of their
--------- Help the Hospita
sound truck.
117 Pints Blood 2 Sick Men Treated, Driver Spots
Donated Apiil 17 Taken to Hospital Kerby Fire
IV Tracksters Take
Two lsts at Roseburg
Two Men Indicted
For Larceny
Kerby Guard
Station Opens
by Bonnie Allen
Lions Sponsor Dance
To Benefit Caveman
Queen Ticket Sales
Mother’s Tea, Baseball
Game Are Postponed
Roberta Bryant took the lead
in the first vote count of the Cave­
man Queen contest while the Lions
The annual Mother's Tea was to prepared for a Queen dance in
be held on the afternoon of April benefit of her candidacy at the
22., but was postponed to Thurs­ Legion hall, Saturday, April 26.
The first count released by con­
day April 24. due to the death and
funeral of Mrs. Ingham, who was test chairman Ted Kelt was: Rob­
a teacher at the Kerby grade erta 330; Wanda Story, Grants
Pa-s Junior Chamber of Commerce
Also the baseball game sched­ 320; Carolyn Christie, Elks 300;
uled for Tuesday afternoon was Clarice Wyatt, Eagles 230.
postponed to Thursday.
The Saturday night dance will
— o—
feature an initiation of Hal Moore,
Jr., and other local men into the
‘My Blue Heaven’ Is
ranks of the Cavemen. An initia­
Theme of Junior Prom
tion team from Grants Pass in full
regalia will display the usual Cave­
“My Blue Heaven’’ set the scene man antics.
for the Junior-Senior I’rom pre
Tickets for the dance include
seated by the Junior Class of 1952.
admission to both the dance and
The banquet was served at 7 :30
the queen coronation, and a vote
and the Prom began at 9.00.
for Roberta. The ifcince starts
A ham dinner with ice cream at 9 p.m.
and cake for dessert was serve« by
The queen vote tabulation is not
the girls of the Freshman and
and Sophomore Classes. During current, as it does not repiesent
the evening various entertainment I recent ticket sales. Miss Bryant
last submitted ticket stubs April
was presented.
At 9 p. m. the couples formed a 15. Each vote represents the sale
line for the Grand March and to of a 50-cent ticket to the corona­
the strains of “My Blue Heaven” tion and ball, May 10.
Ticket sales will sponsor trips
they marched into the gym. At
10:30 Phyllis Dick was crowned by the Cavemen and queen and
Prom Queen. Her attendants were three princesses to the Portland
Louise Wells and Annabelle Brew­ Rose festival and other coast
The gym was decorated with
blue and white streamers 1
ceiling and trees circled the dance
floor with gardens among the
trees and a picket fence fencing
it off.
!:IVHS Baseball Nine
Drops 1, Wins 1
----- 0
New Absence Law
In Effect at IVHS
Swamp (’rater High
12-0 at (’entrai Point
The IVHS baseball team lost 7-3
A new Oregon school law con- to Sutherlin and beat Crater high
cerning excused and unexcused ab­ 12-0 in games Friday and Saturday
sence?, has been passed and is now respectively.
Ashland met the Cougars yes­
being exercised in Ivy. It state*
that an excused absence slip may I terday (Thursday) on the local
not be given unless you are ill, or field.
On the home diamond Suther­
illness in the family, or if you go
to the doctor or dentist. In each lin showed too much batting pow­
case, you must bring a written ex­ er for the Cougars, scoring three
cuse from the dentist or doctor. times in the third inning to take
An unexcused absence or tardy a lead held for the remaining inn­
requires you to make up time. And
Cougar pitcher Reinoehl allowed
a student cannot participate in anj
school activity until this make up seven hits, while his teammates
copped five hits and made six
time has been fulfilled.
errors. Leading hitter for IVHS
was Doss McEntire with two for
GAA Banquet Planned three, both singles.
Seven runs in the first inning
ly Middle of May
cinched the Saturday game over
President Pat Wright called a Crater High at Central Point for
G. A. A. Meeting to order on Wed­ the local nine on four singles, a
nesday April 11!, during activity double, a Crater error, a walk and
a fielder's choice.
Pickle shut out the Crater nine
The minutes were read and ap­
proved. They discussed plans for in addition to pounding out four
the over night trip they plan to for five including a double. Other
take to Brookings Muy 17 and they IVHS hitters ¡eluded McEntire
nominated the girls for the girls with three for five including a
sports brad for softball. Also the double, and I>arry Maurer with
girls discussed the plans for the two for four.
Pickle allowed but one hit in
G. A. A. Banquet which will be
held at the O'Brien Women’s Club. the first, shutting the door on re­
(Continued on last page)
maining Crater batsmen. The Cou­
gars hit two Crater pitchers for
13 hits.
------------- o
Hazel Ingham, Kerby
Teacher, Dies April 18
The state forest patrol plans
open the Kerby guard station next
Monday, April 28, for the summer
fire season.
Howard Brock, state warden in
charge of this area, requests tha’
residence fires and uncontrolled
brush and forest fires on the val-
ley floor be reported to the Kerby
Burning permits are not requir­
ed yet but extreme care must be
exercised in all burning. Fire:
should not be left unattended, 01
set where there is danger of
spreading. Burning should not be
done in windy weather.
Personnel of the Illinois Valley
ranger station were called out on
two uncontrolled slash fires this
week an<l the state tanker from
Grants Pass pumped out three
fires in the Valley.
Hazel May Ingham, a Kerby ele­
mentary school teacher since 1946,
died Friday, April IK, at Josephine
General hospital following a mon-
th-long illness. She had resided in
Cave Junction for the past seven
years. She was a member of the
Oregon Education association and
the Ladies of the Elks and vice-
president of the Illinois Valley :*•
The deceased is survived by her
widower, Merton L. Ingham and
a son, Merton C. Ingham, both of
Cave Junction; two sisters, Thelma
Peterson of Oakland, Calif., and
Loraine I.evinge of Alameda, Cal­
Funeral services were held Tues­
day, April 22, at 2 p. m., at the L.
B. Hall chapel. The Rev. Charles
G, Brown of Portland officiated.
Interment was in the Laurel ceme-
tary in the Illinois Valley.
--------- O'
- -
Walt Freeman to .Serve
On Advisory Committee
Only five Valley citizens turned
out Monday night at the Legion
hall to pick Walt Freeman to re­
present this section of Josephine
county on the advisory committee
to the state road commission in
Freeman will serve with repre­
sentatives from Grants Pass, Med­
ford and Ashland in an effort to
present the road needs of Jose­
phine and Jackson counties as a
w hole.
Roberta Bryant
Leads in First
Queen Count
Three Pay Traffic
Fines This Week
Officer« of Illinois Valley Pott and Auxiliary No. 4390, Veteran» of Foreiyn War», who were installed Sunday afternoon are pictured
above. Auxiliary officer», »e.-ited (I. to r.) are Irene Georye, junior vice-president; Mabel Ramsey, patriotic instructor; Isabel Mel­
low, condructr.n; Kathryn Raines, senior vice-president; Priscilla Mellow, president; Jewell Clayton, treasurer; Shariat Slack,
guard; Minnie Mills, chaplain. Pott officers standing ( r.) ire Al Mellow, commander; Ed Pearsall, post advocate; R F. Dahl­
gren, trustee; Leonard McEntire, junior vice-commander; Dick Troutfather, trustee; Clarence Edwards, post surgeon; LaRoy
Raines, senior vice-commander; Laurence Looper, post adjutant; Cecil Slack, quartermaster; Barbara Clayton, auxiliary secretary,
Buries Troutfether, auxiliary trustee
(Photo by Clarence McDaniel; cut furnished by VFW)
Only three cases appeared be­
fore Justice of the Peace Hub­
bard’s court during the last week.
They were: John C. Yeargen, no
vehicle license, $2.50 fine sus­
pended, $4.50 cost; Marvin
Conley, no operators license, $2.50
fine and $4.50 costs; Aileen Ell-
rick, no operators license, $1 fine
and $4.50 coats, second citation,
$2.50 fine and $4.50 costs.