* sale, specializing in home-made candy on W ednesday, February The Dorcas society m et on Sun­ 14. day, Ja n u ary 27 at which time The next Dorcas meeting will they tagged and packed clothing be held on Tuesday, February 19. in six boxes. T hree of the boxes had been donated to the society by the Legion A uxiliary. A fter the FOR SALE clothing was packed it was sent to W atsonville, California, where R E G IS T E R E D th e distributing cen ter fo r the P a ­ D UROC G IL T S cific states and overseas is !o-1 cated. F arrow ing Dates On Tuesday, F ebruary 5 the so- I M arch 1 — 15 ciety m et a t the home o f A ubrey J Dunlap. They m ended 179 articles CASABANKS FARM of clothing to be used in their R t. 4 Box 584 w elfare work. G ran t» Pa*», Oregon The Dorcas will hold a food DORCAS SOCIETY NOTES FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH MISSIONARY SOCIETY NOTES of C iv , Junction On Wednesday afternoon, J a n ­ uary 30 the ladies of the Mission­ ary society met at the church and held election of officers. Those elected were Mrs. Vivian McDan­ iel, president; Mrs. Nettie Gray, vice-president; Mrs. Frances Rack- nor, secretary, and Mrs. Dot Ham­ ilton, treasurer. New committees were appointed and some plans for the year made, among them the pledge to send a larger offering to Julia Supple, missionary to Mexico Mrs. Kroon had the devotional reading and a touching letter from Julia Sup­ ple was read. Lovely refreshm ents were served at the close of the afternoon by ladies of the Town circle. All ladies of the church :a nd Friends are cordially invited to join the society. Sunday school, 10 a. m. M orning worship, 1 1 a . tn. Place of meeting, American Le­ gion hall. Sunday school was held as usual with the largest attendance present of any time during the w inter months. Four visitors were present. Morning services were conducted by Rev. Kelly of G rants Pass. Rev. J. B. Millard, general Baptist missionary of the Pacific northw est will he in Cave Ju n c ­ tion for Sunday services on Feb­ ruary 17. All Baptists and their friends are asked to rem em ber this date and a ttrn d the service. At that time plans will be dis­ cussed for organizing a Baptist church in Cave Junction. Ever since the f irs t meetings held last April this has been a mission sponsored by the F ru it­ dale Baptist church. Interest has grown to sufficient num ber of members to organize a church here. Plans will be discussed also at that time for securing a build­ ing, or for getting ground to build a church in Cave Junction. Everyone interested is urged to attend. Next Sunday services will be held as usual with Sunday school nt 10 a. m. and preaching will follow. Meeting place is in the A uxiliary room of the American Legion hall. Everyone is invited to attend the services. TAXES DUE Second Q u a r te r 1 9 5 1 - 1 9 5 2 T a xe s « Become Delinquent » and interest will be charged after z 54” All Wool Fine Coatings FEBRUARY 15 Ideal for your spring topper 395 — 495 — 595 Please bring tax statements Per Yard Ask about your personal taxes Buttrich, Simplicity, McCall and Vogue Patterns LOYD LEWIS ^GOLDEN RULE Sheriff and Tax Collector Josephine County, Oregon. > EVERYTHING T O W tAß FOR LVERY M fM B E R O f1Ht f A M I: Y j Lets get down to the Solid Facts/ C h evro let T rucks Can S a v e You M o n ey A ll A lo n g the L in e « RUGGED (Conhni/oOofl » f tfao ò a td w p w t a tti tr i» i Hu tira ta ti il dapandat,! t » a ro ilo b ti'ff o f » t i n t i ) Fact No. 1 — More Truck for Less Money fact No. 2 — Rock-Bottom Operating Costs Fact No. 3 — Engineered and Built for Your Loads Fact No. 4 — Lower, Slower Depreciation KELT 521 S. E. SIXTH ST. T iif . facts show you how a Chev­ rolet truck can mean real substantial savings on your hauling or delivery job. Chevrolet trucks cost less to buy, less to own and operate. Their dependable valvc-in-head engines, famous tor power and stamina, keep fuel consumption low. Sturdy Ad­ vance-Design features keep maintenance costs down. Value is built in to stay in-safeguarding your truck investment. Ail over America there arc more Chevrolet trucks in use than any other make. Come in and talk over your truck needs. CH EVROLET PHONE 4461 GRANTS PASS ILLINOIS VALLEY FRIDAY, FEBRUARY NEWS 8, 1952 3 ? Almapch. CAVE JUNCTION COMMUNITY BRIDGEVIEW CHURCH COMMUNITY CHURCH Rev. Paul Kroon. Pastor. Sunday school, 9:50 a. m. Church service, l l a . m. Evening service, 7 :45 p.m . P rayer m eeting, W ednesday at 7:15 p. m. Members of the American Le­ gion and A uxiliary were guest? at the m orning worship service. The national comander, Donald R. Wilson’s letter to all posts was read, in which he urged all true Americans to go to church and to tu rn again to the Bible and its teaching, that America might have a real spiritual awakening. Rev. Kroon in response to this , le tte r brought a very challeng­ ing sermon to the congregation, using 2 Chronicles 7:14 ns his text, and for the subject of the ! sermon, "God lias the Answer to J. M. Boss, pastor Sunday school, 10 a. m. M orning worship, 11 a. m. T here were 23 visitors last Sun­ day, bringing the Sunday school attendance up Ur 63. Perry Lee Pullen celebrated his birthday. The contest with the Selma Baptist church was concluded and results will be announced later. The review was lively as Mrs. Boss let! by giving a symbol Tor each memory verse, expecting the class to quote the proper verse giving the reference. The lesson was “ Christ the Living W ater,” from John 7-37. “ The F e a r of God produces Obedience’ was the subject of Rev. Boss serm on. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hutchason of Eugene, and Frank Dailey o f Green Springs, I E v ery P ro b lem ." Oregon, were visitors at the church The adult choir sang "T here’s services. -----------o No Friend to Me Like Jesus," and Lois Spencer sang " Ju st for To- ASSEMBLY OF COO ' day.” The children and adults were much interested in the continued Rev D. H W antland, paator j story of Samuel J. Morris. (’. A. service at 6:30 Sunday Sunday school attendance was evening. good, and little Randy Jean Cos­ Sunday School begins promptly tello brought pennies fo r her at 9 :45 a. m. birthday offering. While the o ffe r­ Morning worship— 11 a. m. ing was being taken, Mae Bower- Evening evangelistic service — I man played a flute solo which was enjoyed very much. A lesson about 7:30 p. m. W ednesday evening p r a y e r | the twelve disciples was illustrated I by boys of the Sunday school. meeting and Bible Study 7:30 pjr», Choir practice will be held each Special mention was made of j the replica of the parsonage which Monday evening at 7:30. G ilbert i David Sanders made in which ’o W antland is director. A ttendance last Sunday was | place offerings for the reduction j of the debt on the pastor's home, 105. The ju n io r high class is i The chimney is large enough for holding a steady attendance. T here • were ten ju nior highs present. any sized gift. Valerie Fuller read the most A nnouncem ent was made of the Bible chapters the past week. Tho ) Sunday school convention which I is to be held in C entral Point on high school class had seven in a t­ ! Friday evening and all day on tendance. Rev. W antland and Clark E ng­ | Saturday at the Community Bible church. All those interested in land celebrated birthdays. Rev. W antland announced th a t ! Sunday school work are urged to 1 attend. T ransportation will be f u r ­ Rev. H arold H orton is startin g nished, call 6902. The date is F eb­ special m eetings in the G rants Pass tabernacle F eb ru ary 5 for ruary 8 and 9. two weeks. His message is sim ilar ------------- o • to Rev B ranam ’s. F R IE N D S Release time teachers and help­ C O M M U N IT Y C H U R C H ers held a m eeting T hursday night of O'Brien at the church. O rrin C. Ogier, Pastor Rev. W nntlnnd took his se r­ Sunday school, 9:45 a. m. mon from 1 I chapter of C orinthi­ Morning worship, 11 a. m. ans, 26 verse through 33, and 1 Wednesday prayer service. 7 :30 John, verse 2 through 6 . |i. m. Leslie M artin led C. A. meeting. ■ ■ o-------------- He brought out th a t boys finish­ CAVE JUNCTION CHURCH ing high school now have a choice >f SEVENTH DAY ADVENTISTS' of serving the Lord or going into the armed forces. W hichever he Sabbath School ................. 9 :8( does, he needs God more thnn any­ Church service ................... 11:00 thing else. P rayer meetrng Wednesday. Sunday, F ebruary 10 is N at­ There were no church services ional Women's Missionary council held here this week due to the fact th a t most of the meml»ers day in all Assembly of God attended the church officers m eet­ churches. The W.M.C. women of ing held in G rants Puss. Those a t­ the Kerby Assembly will be in tending the meetings found them charge of the Sunday m orning te be of great value in helping service, with the ladies singing to organize the officers o f the in the choir and Mrs. Jim Sulli- vant speaking. The purpose of this church. type of service is to present to Elder C. J. Ritchie, Sabbath the church the work of the W.M. school and tem perance secretary C.s, their greutest goal and m inis­ < f the conference, was in charge try. T heir m otto is: “ We m inister of the sermon. His main topics as unto C hrist.” were on the Sabbath school and E veryone is invited to come to the p art it has in the church, and this service and get better ac­ why we should love and work with quainted with the W.M.C. organi­ one another. zation. At the 2:30 meeting E lder D. ------ - o . — N. Reiner, home missionary und CATHOLIC CHURCH press secretary was in charge of a general discussion of all the F a th e r Kelley. offices in the church. A fte r the Held in the Catholic Chapel lo- discussion, the d iffe re n t officers ated on the Redwood highway, met in groups and asked ques­ across from the R anger station. tions on points th at were not Second and fourth Sundays at : d e a r to them. 12 o'clock. A luncheon was served to the ...... o------------- i visiting delegates at 6 p. m. by CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCH the home and school departm ent. ’HE Golden Text for the Les­ The evening m eeting consisted son-Sermon "Love," which of a round tiilde discussion on the was read in all C hristian Science m arks o f a dying church. To close the program a moving picture churches, Sunday, February 3. sponsored by the Signs of the was from I John, "We have m ow n and believed the love that Times was shown. The picture God hath to us. God is love; and showed how others may be won to he that d.velleth in love dw elleth Christ through the giving out of in God, and God in him (4:16). I signs. The sermon, which was com­ ------------- o------------- prised of citations from the Bible and from the C hristian Science SELMA BAPTIST CHURCH textbook, "Science and H ealth Rev. ITouglas Field,pastor. w ith key to the Scriptures” by Sunday school classes for all Mary Baker Eddy, included the ages, 9 :45 a. m. following: Psalms: “How excel­ Morning worship service, 11 a lent is thy loving kindness, O I m. God! therefore the children af Young peoples’ m eeting, 7 p. men put their trust under tha m. shadow of thy wings” (36:7). Si- Evening service 8 p. m. ence and Health: “Divina Love is Men's prayer m eeting, Monday infinite. Therefore all that really 3 p. m. exists is in and of God, and m ani­ a Prayer m eeting and Bible study fests His love" (p. 340). I W ednesday 8 p. m. 1