B R ID G EVIEW C O M M U N ITY CHURCH Mr. and Mrs. Mike lloney and d aughter were guests of their J. M. Boas, pastor uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Bar­ Sunday school, 10 a. m. ney Robstad of G rants Pass. O th­ Morning worship, 11 a. m. er guests for Thanksgiving dinnei Evening service, 8 p. m. at the Robstads were Mr. and Mrs. Two birthdays were celebrated Sig Gisle from Eugene and Mr this Sunday by Richard Yandell and Mrs. Alton Fitzgerald of and his grandm other, Mrs. Myrtle Kerby. Looper, and was used to in tro ­ Jean Knight, daughter of Mr. duce the lesson on th e “ Gospel of Jo h n ," taken from John 3:1-18, and Mrs. Clyde Knight has a which tells of the two birthdays case of mumps. necessary to first have physical Looper, C. E. Pullen. Perry Lee, birth to live on earth, and then to Clarence, Deanna, and Eddie Pul­ have spiritual birth to be able to len, Ronald Davis, Mrs. Doncy live in Heaven. Davis, Mike Lewis and Roger. A review of the scripturegraph The m orning message by Rev. and the memory verses learned Boss was on the series on the were told and dem onstrated by incomparable Christ in “ His Perry Pullen, P erry Lee and D eath.” Mrs. Mildred Dunham Clarence Pullen, and Mrs. Mildred sang “ Tis Jesus,” accompanied at Dunham. P rep aratio n s fo r a the piano by Dora Brown. t hristm as program began by be­ Plans are well under way foi ginning to learn some new carols, the Thanksgiving party to be held ^ e x t Sunday ten scholars will be Friday, November 30 a t the recognized for 100''< attendance i Bridgeview church for all friends for the month of November: Roxie and neighbors. Local stockmen know this bank, and we know them. We have confidence in their ability to continue to do well with their livestock. So we’re always interested in making loans backed by this marketable security. When a bank loan seems the best solution for your financial problem, come in and see us. BANK AT H O M E — TRADE AT HOME B A N K O F IL L IN O IS V A L L E Y Member Federal Reserve System Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation IL L IN O IS VALLEY NEW S T ill RSDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1951 JESUS N A M E PENTECOSTAL CHURCH 3 C A V E JU N C T IO N C O M M U N IT Y CHURCH George H. Gray, Pastor 9:50 a.nt. Sunday School. 11:00 a.m. Church service; and 7 :45 p.m. Evening service and auditorium ; and Ju n io r and In ter­ mediate group, Mrs. Sherier leadet Junior church, Mrs. Etherton leader. Mrs. Franklin W ilsher placed an offering in the bank to cele­ brate her husband's birthday. The story of “Tommy,” whose home S E L M A B A P T IS T C H U R C H was in an ash-can until he found Rev. Douglas Field,pastor. Sunday school classes for all Jesus was told by Mrs. Cross. Visitor- at the morning service ages, 9:45 a. nt. Morning worship service, 11 a. were Mrs. I). I.. Graham and child­ ren, Glen Williams from McKen­ m. Young peoples’ m eeting, 7 p. zie River and Mr. and Mrs. Ken­ neth Deaton of Cave Junction. nt. Rev. Gray read front Psalm 8, 1- Evening service 8 p. m. Men’s prayer meeting. Monday 4, and Psalnt 90, 1 & 2, taking as his subject “ The W onderful God.” S p. nt. Prayer m eeting and Bible study Mrs. Guy Dick sang “ The Glory of His Presence.” W ednesday 8 p. m. It was announced that Rev. CHURCH OF CHRIST Lewi- Collins of C entral Point will Preaching every Sunday morn occupy the pulpit next Sunday ng at 10:30, communion services morning. immediately following a t our ■ ■■ O ■— church house ju st south of J. S This church will help in any Bedingfield's residence on the cem­ way to promote the Christian edu- etery road. Everyone is cordially i cation program which the A m eri­ nvited can Legion is planning for the ben­ --------------o efit of families here in the Valley. CAVE JUNCTION CHURCH | Simniie Hilliard is chairm an of the .f SEVENTH DAY ADVENTISTS Sabbath School '........ 9:30 | CE program committee. On Cave« Highway Sunday school, 10 a. m. Preaching service, 1 1 a . m. Sunday night service, 8 p. nt. Tuesday night preaching ser­ vice, 8 p. nt. Friday night Young Peoples’ service, 8 p. nt. Everyone is invited. Pastor, Rob­ e rt Estes. of families from the Community church gathered at the home Of the pastor for a surprise “ T hanks­ giving'* party, bringing gifts and ¿ood wishes for the beloved Mr. ind Mrs. Gray. Before tbs1 first of the New Year, Rev. Gray is •xpecting to retire from the minis­ try and this party was given to »ttempt to show in a small way he appreciation of his people for he many years of service here in this community. ------------- o------------- M IS S IO N A R Y S O C IE T Y F IR S T B A P T IS T C H U R C H of Cave Junctioa Sunday school, 10 a. m. Morning worship, 11 a. m. Place of meeting, American Le­ gion hall. • ■ -o - Christian Scienca Church«« A SS E M B LY OF GOD Rev. D. B W antland, pastor C. A. service at 6:30 Sunday evening. Sunday School begins promptly i t 9:45 a. m. Morning worship— 11 a. m. Evening evangelistic service — 7 :30 p. m. W ednesday evening p r a y e » m eeting and Bible Study 7 :30 p.m. Choir practice will be held each Monday evening at 7:30. Gilbert W antland is director. Sunday school attendance No­ vember 25 was 106, quite larger than a year ago when there were 66 present. The offering was J $10.95 and a year ago $6.55. Sister Leo Sullivant celebrated her birthday. Last summer a "L ife and Teach­ ings of C hrist” course was taught by Mae W antland. Sunday Mrs. W antland presented certificates to those who hud earned them. They were Joan Y andell, Juel Y an­ C hurch service ....... 11 :0O Monday evening a large group dell, Ruth Y arbrough, Gilbert | P ray er m eeting W ednesday. W antland, Mabel Yandell, Rev. Don W antland, Brother and Sis j ter Taylor, Leslie Martin, Buster Martin, Joan W antland. Louis«- Horner, Rena S ue Robinson and I Mary Lou W antland. Pauline Sherier, G ertrude M ar­ tin, Don Preston and Roberta Hil­ liard from the Community church also finished the course and have certificates. These certificates make those listed above officially eligible to teach Sunday school. GLASS FLY ROD B rother Vernon W hite was in and REEL charge of m orning services and took his text from tile eighth chap RIFLE ’SCOPE ter of Nentiah, verse 10. Brother W hite, his wife and two children BINOCULARS had been visiting the Juel Van- dell’s. HUNTING KNIFE The evening worship hour was interesting, with Ethel Jacobs and Buster M artin reporting on their trip to the C. A. convention at Salem. O thers who attended will report on the trip later, as there was a lack of time for all. B roth­ 3rd door South of Postoffice Cave Junction er White was again in charge of the service, speaking on “ Building for God.” Next Sunday Rev. Atwood Fos­ ter, district superintendent from Salem will have the evening ser- ! vice. ------------- o-------------- Caldwell's Valley Sporting Goods N OTES W ednesday December 5 will be work day for the .Missionary soc- tety at the church, sta rtin g at 10 a. m. Members are requested to bring a sack lunch. O ' . - , //0 O U L and Body" was the sub- 43 ject of the Lesson-Sermon in all Churches of Christ, Scien­ tist, on Sunday, November 25. The Golden Text was, "Know ye not that ye are the tem ple of God, and that the Spirit of God dw elleth in y o u '” (I Cor. 3:16). Among the citations which comprised the Lesson - Sermon was the following from the Bible: "Bless the Lord, O my soul: and all that is w ithin me, bless his holy name" (Ps. 103:1), together with the following correlative passage from the C hristian Sci­ ence textbook, “Science and Health with Key to the S crip­ tures" by Mary Baker Eddy: "God is the Principle of man, and man is the idea of God" (p. 476). Hall’s Accounting Service CAVE J U N C T IO N . OREGO N Audit», Boakkreping, Incom» la x Srrvira and Quarterly Re­ port «, NOTARY PUBLIC Member of Oregon Association of Public A ccountants IR A S. H A L L Timber Cruising Land Surveying L IC E N S E D L O G G IN G E N G IN E E R SISKIYOU TIMBER SERVICE 327 S. W 6th Room 202 Phone 3309 Grant« Pa*« DO YOUR Christmas Shopping AT AL’S RADIO SHOP F R IE N D S C O M M U N IT Y C H U R C H of O’Brien Orrin C. Ogier, Pastor Sunday school, 9:45 a. m. Morning worship, 11 a. m. W ednesday p ra y e r service. 7:30 p. m. C A T H O L IC CHURCH F ather Kelley. Held in the Catholic Chapel Io I - aled on the Redwood highway, j across from the Ranger station. Second and fourth Sundays at 12 o’clock. T Texas Tyler Records in Stock M OM DAD WATCH SILVER BIRTHSTONE RING OCCASIONAL RING COSTUME JEWELRY ELECTRIC RAZOR WATCH LIGHTER OCCASIONAL JEWELRY DAUGHTER WATCH LOCKET WATCH BAND BIRTHSTONE RING SON WATCH ELECTRIC RAZOR PEN and PENCIL SET I. D. BRACELET DON'T FORGET BABY BRACELET RING SILVERPLATE LOCKET Many other line gift selections to choose from. Use our friendly Lay-A way Plan Stem Jeweler CAVE JUNCTION PHONF 3SO3 We Give and Redeem GOLD ARROW STAMPS