BLESSED EVEN I COOKE— Born to Mr. and Mrs. Jam es D. Cooke, Kerby, Wednes- Miss Hazel Peterson, girls’ I day, November 7. 1951. at 5:12 ■ p.m., a son weighing rin e pounds , health and physical education teacher at Illinois Valley high two and oriv-half '■:,n;es. ------------ o school, left Thursday afternoon I for Salem to attend the annua! I. V. Grange A ctivities i convention of the Oregon Associa­ At the last regular m eeting, the tion for Health, Physical E duca­ tion and Recreation. The conven­ following officers were elected for tion will close Saturday evening the coming year: W orthy m aster, and Miss Peterson will return Robert D esaulniers; overseer, Sunday. W alter E ngland; lecturer, Minnie Mills, chaplain, Ruth W endt; sec- | retaiy , Isabel Mellow; treasurer, S. D. A. Dorcas Notes Philip Saw yer; stew ard, Chris Ladies of the Dorcas W elfare W endt; assistant stew ard, Ed. M orris; lady assistant stew ard. society met at the home of Mrs. Coral Morris; gatekeeper, Wallace Paul Kaqiberg last Tuesday a f te r ­ Kohler. The three graces are noon to mend and tag clothing Daisy Baldwin, Yvonne Desaul­ for overseas. To help carry on the w elfare niers and Della Bell. Serving on the executive committee are j work in this community a pie sale George Bell, Raymond Baldwin will be held at the Illinois Valley Market Wednesday, November 21, and Freeling Sawyer, leginning at 10 a.m. This being ------------- o-------------- ihe day before Thanksgiving per- oaps you will find the right kind November 15 Deadline ' it pie for Thanksgiving dinner. For Overseas Gifts ------------- o For an Evening of Enjoyment ATTEND IVHS Teacher Attends Physical Ed. Convention THE I ¡Illinois Valley High School "Carnival" FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16 At 7 P. M. A t The I. V. H. S. GYMNASIUM William B. Allen, special assist­ ant to the Postm aster General, has announced that Nov. 15 is the leadline for m ailing overseas pat kages. Early shopping, early mailing, proper w rapping and addressing cannot be stressed enough. All pei sons sending gifts to men over­ seas are urged to mail their pack­ ages well ahead o f the deadline, making sure of correct wrapping and proper addressing of the parcels. -♦sss»» ) 8 American Legion Auxiliary's = Pinochle Party H e r e ’s w h y you should choose i B E R K E LE Y It is o n ly natu ral that B erkeley should have m ore d e p e n d a b le features than all th e others, b ecau se B erkeley en g in ee rs p io n e e r e d th e M odern Jet W ater S y ste m . f = SATURDAY, NOV. 8 P M. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 22 TURKEY DINNER, with all the trimmings At MILDRED'S CAFE ?" z /""> , n ' Z< ZZZZ Z«* Vty/ÿ;-. ‘ x\ % i—. l i f I B S/ze /Yup anaYp/ou//see w d y f • w - V - Chevrolet's LONGEST Tops all others in its field with a sweeping 197% inches over-all. Chevrolet’s HEAVIEST More road-hugging weight . . . 3110 pounds) in the 2-door Sedan The Sfylelina De Lue« 2 Door Sedan (Conbnvafion oF */»•«/ f i r /« x r del* nett. PHONE 4461 GRANTS PASS NEWS Xlivii^cila. m iiiewi W CAVE JUNCTION COMMUNITY CHURCH « George H. Gray, Pastor 9:50 a.m. Sunday School. 11:00 a.m. Church service; and 7:43 p.m. Evening service and m ditorium ; and Ju nior and Inter- nediate group, Mrs. Sherier leader Junior church, Mrs. Etherton leader. No birthdays were celebrated .his week und due to the stormy lay, the attendance was down somewhat but the clouds did not dampen the spirit. We were honored at the church service by- having Miss Beulan Reitz from South Rhodesia. Africa, as the iu e st speaker. Miss Reitz, who has been a missionary in Africa for almost 30 years, used for the ext, Isaiah 00, 1st verse: “ Arise, -hine, for thy light is come, and .he glory o f the Lord is risen tpon th ee;" showing in her mes­ sage how the “ Light of Love” lispels the darkness of supersti- .ion, hate and ignorance when the message of Jesus Christ is lecognized and ‘ accepted. The tigh school choir, composed of Mae Bowerman, Roberta Hilliard, ’hyllis Dick, Marilyn Masters, )oug Hoskins, Don Preston, Larry -unders and Stanley Dick sang ’When the Roll is Called up Yonder.’’ Much interest is being •hown in both the ju nior and enlor choirs under the capable eadership of Mrs. Frances leinaehl. A Christm as musical program s being planned for the Sunday veiling preceding Christmas at his church. — o— The fellowship dinner which vas held at the church on Friday .vas very well attended and was tronounced a most enjoyable eve ting by all those who were there, 'im m le Hilliard as MC kept every- >ne happy either doing something >r w atching o th ers; among the specialties was a q u a rte t by the school teachers and a song in the African dialect by Miss Reitz Space will not allow for telling ill th a t went on but will say that here seemed to be plenty of pie ‘.o satisfy the hungry appetites •ven a fte r the chicken dinner. J. M. Boss, pastor Sunday school, 10 a. nt. Morning worship, 11 a. m. Evening service, 8 p. m. Sunday school attendance drop­ ped this Sunday, but the percent- tge of Bibles was b etter than for some time. Deanna Pullen led in he review questions on the series of lessons on “ The Gospel of Love,” John's gospel. Three cele­ brated birthdays, Mrs. Milton Dunham, Mrs. Ellen Pullen and "G randpa’’ Pullen, who was 70 years old last Thursday. Next Sun lay there will be a special Thanks­ giving lesson, with “ Tom T urkey” as a feature “guest,’’ whom you will w ant to meet, so be sure to be present. The sermon for the morning with Hebrews 10, 22 as a text, showed the necessity foi a renewed spirit, a saved soul and a clean body, in order to come into the presence of a holy God. Roxie hooper sang “ Ivory Palaces.” Pleas<> remember the “ Singspira- tion" to be held here on the afternoon of November 1H, when all the churches of the Valley will participate. Mrs Don Main- waring, from the Jerom e Prairie church, has been asked to lead the congregational singing. Every­ one is invited to this, another of the enjoyable "sings.” ---o— Last Tuesday, Mrs. Ina Yandell and Mis. Doncy Davis appeared at the parsonage with all the "fix in s” for papering the bedroom and so they worked all day doing this very fine service for the m inister and his wife. It is much appreciated. Mis. Boss served them a nice lunch at the noon hour. A nother improvement at the Bridgt-view chut eh is the new roof ■ n the church building. The spirit ->f love and«unity is grow ing day by day as a testim ony to the Lord's spirit working am ong the people. CATHOLIC CHURCH CHEVROLET VALLEY BRIDGEVIEW COMMUNITY CHURCH Kerby JUNCTION t Rev. Douglas Field,pastor. Sunday school classes for all ages, 9 :46 a. m. Morning worship service, 1 1 a m. Young peoples’ meeting, 7 p m. Evening service 8 p. m. Men’s prayer meeting, Monday S p. m. Prayer meeting and Bible study Wednesday 8 p. m. For Thanksgiving SERVICE As Well As $AVING$ z. — ^IIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllllllllllllUIIIIMIIIIIIIIllllllllllllllllllllHlllllllllS ILLINOIS VALLEY HARDWARE 0 1 S Prize«, Refreshment« and a = s F u ll Evening'« E n tertain m ents Ask for our free literatu e and let us give you p articu lars on a jet system to do your job. T here is no ob lig atio n for th is serv ice. yzzzz-z . 17 American Legion Hall B erkeley Jet W ater System s are av ail­ ab le to you in a full ran g e of s iz e s - sin g le an d m u lti-stage — lifts dow n to 2 0 0 feet. T h ere's a co m b in a tio n to fit your e x a c t n eed s! CAVE The Women’s Missionary society will meet at the church on Wed nesday afternoon, November 21 a. one o’clock. Please come on tint« if at all possible so that we may be dismissed in time for th> m others of young children to be home when the children return from school. The nom inating com­ m ittee will be appointed to servi until the elections in January. Ladies of the Redwood circle will ne hostesses for the afternoon. SELMA BAPTIST CHURCH Public Invitation To "11 ■ ' MISSIONARY SOCIETY NOTES ILLINOIS THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 15, 1951 JESU S NAME PENTECOSTAL CHURCH On Caves Highway Sunday school, 10 a.'m. Preaching service, 11 a. m. Sunday night service, 8 p. ra. Tuesday night preaching ser­ vice, 8 p. m. Friday night Young Peoples' service, 8 p. m. Everyone is invited. Pastor, Rob­ ert Estes. --------------o CHURCH OF CHRIST Preaching every Sunday morn- ing at 10:30, communion services immediately following at oar church house just south of J. S. Bedingf¡eld's residence on the cem­ etery road. Everyone la cordially invited ASSEMBLY OF GOO Rev. D. B. W antland. pastor C. A. service at 6:30 Sunday evening. Sunday School begins prom ptly it 9 :45 a. tu. Morning worship— 11 a. m. Evening evangelistic service — 7 -.30 p. m. W ednesday evening p r a y e r m eeting and Bible Study 7 :30 p.av. Choir practice will be held each Monday evening at 7:30. G ilbert W antland is director. Sunday school attendance was 105, which was good considering the w eather and absence o f the pastor and his fam ily. Young peoples’ class fell down with only 5 people in attendance. Ju n io r high class held its own w ith 10 present. Sister Jacobs read the most Bible verses. E rnest Dodd celebrated his seventh birthday. Pins w ere given to Stevie Murf, Marylin Lee, K atherlyn W antland, Sara Jean Weddy, J e rry Yandell, Frank Sullivant. B rother Don W antland and family were away a t Corvallis so Brother G ilbert brought the mes­ sag e. His te x t was taken from John I, verse 36. The them e of his sermon was, T hat I Might See and Know Jesus. E veret Devine, a m issionary, held a m eeting Tuesday night. The work night at the church last Friday was very successful. Ladies furnished supper for workers who come directly from their day’s work. Another will be held this Friday night. We are anxious tp get the work done before cold w eather sets in. a FRIENDS COMMUNITY CHURCH of O'Brien O rrin C. Ogier, Pastor Sunday school, 9:45 a. ni. Morning worship, 11 a. m. Wednesday prayer service. 7 t'JO p. m. The subject fo r the m orning service Sunday will be “ The Rela­ tion of F aith to Salvation.’’ -------------o FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH of Cave Junction Sunday school, 10 a. m. Morning worship, 11 a. m. Place of m eeting, American Le­ gion hall. Christian Sclanca Church«« //A D A M and Fallen Man" was IA the subject of the Lesson- Sermon in all Churches of Christ, Scientist, on Sunday, Novem­ ber 11. The Golden Text was, "Ye wer« sometimes darkness, but now arc ye light in the Lord: Walk as children of light: . . . proving what is acceptable unto the Lord" (Eph. 5:8, 10). Among the citations which comprised the Lesson - Sermon was the following from the Bible: ’The law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath majde me free from the law of sin and death’’ (Rom. 8:2», together with the fol­ lowing correlative passage from the Christian Science textbook, “Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy: "Man is tributary to God, Spirit, and to nothing else ’ (p. 481). Father Kelley CAVE JUNCTION CHURCH Held in the Catholic Chapel Io cated on the Redwood highway, • f SEVENTH DAY ADVENTISTS across from the Ranger station. Sabbath School ...».............9 >3« Second and fourth Sundays at Church servlc« ..... ...... —11 "00 Prayer meeting Wednesday 12 o’clock