S e tt Gwf SteoteU C A V E J U N C T IO N C O M M U N IT Y CHURCH C O M M U N IT Y C H U R C H George H. Gray, Pastor of O'Brien F R IE N D S IL L IN O IS VALLEY NEW S SEPTEM BER 13, 1951 x C A T H O L IC C H U R C H 9:50 a.m. Sunday School. Meeting Of Bethel No. 36 O rrin C. Ogier, Pastor v 11:00 a.m. Church service; and t?nin .............................................. . Sunday school. 9:45 a. m. Father Kelley The first fall meeting of Job’* 7:45 p.m. Evening service and Morning worship. 11 a m Held in the t atholic Chapel Io Daughters, Bethel No. 33, was held auditorium; and Junior and Inter­ l'*ted on the R*dwo'*1 highway, in the Masonic Temple Monday mediate group, Mrs. Sherier leader jav Prayer meting. 8 p. m. Wednes- ' across from the Ranger station. evening at Kerby, Oregon. Junior church, Mrs. Etherton Place of meeting: Large tent I Second and fourth Sundays at loader. Honored queen Marilyn Masters Modem 5-room House in Cave Junction 12 o'clock. presided, with Senior Princeases Sunday school attendance was erected on the church property, Rev. Raymond J. Prindiville, C. J very good this week with new fam- about 150 yards east of the S. P., of the Paulist Fathers of Carol Burr and Jonelle Benge in Large lot, garage | ¡lies coming in and vacations over, O'Brien school on Waldo road. Portland, Oregon, has been con­ attendance. Furnished or Unfurnished Services will be held in the ducting a mission in Cave Junc­ so much interest is being shown. In the absence of two o fficers, Those who placed their birthday tent while the church building is tion Catholic church this week. The Past Hu no res) Queens Diane Morey SEE offerings in the missionary bank being erected. Men of the com- i and Phyllis Dick pro temmed. were Starla Floyd, Patsy Rogers, niunity have ben busy working Guardian Carolyn Covington Vern Cady, or inquire C. G. and E. Garage Bonnie J¿an Allen, Nathan Welsh evenings to lay the forms. They and associate Guardian George iinmiiuiH4iuuiuiii«iiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiuiiMiHiitiiiiiinir or.d Jennie Burton. Rev. Lewis Col­ are expecting a group of men Morey were at their respective lins front Cetral Point was a very irom the Medford Friends church stations. welcome visitor and he taught the to come Saturday to assist in be- 1 Corol Bliss and Sharlene Yandell senior adult class. Mrs. C. Rein- sinning the erection. Sunday were welcomed into the order by aehl and children Dolores and -chool has been held for over a nitiationa. Corsages were present­ I Alan, Judy Terrel and two children year in the O'Brien school build­ ed to the new members by Honored ing. | of Victor Larson, the English , Queen Marilyn. teacher in the nigh school were I Everyone is extended a cordial The official visit of Grand welcome newcomers-from Kerby; nvitation to attend this opening Guardian Avon Vert of Portland Expert financial help and guidance is the very | also Mrs. Ruby Murphy and child- will be here Friday evening, Sept­ of Cave Junction, and Patsy basis upon which this bank was established and | i ren ember 14, all officers will be ex­ Rogers of O'Brien. S E L M A B A P T IS T C H U R C H pected to have their parts memor­ has grown. Rev. Gray used the 3rd chapter ized. Rev. Douglas Field,pastor. I of 2 Timothy as the scripture read- I f you are not already one of our depositor«, Discussion of u slumber party Sunday school classes for all ! ¡ng and 1 Thessalonians 5-3 as his we invite you to open an account, large or small. iges, 9:45 a. m. to he held at the Masonic Temple I text. Mrs. Freeman and her daugh- Make use of our banking services. It is yours ifter the meeting Friday night was Morning worship service, 11 ] ter Becky sang "God Leads Us when you need it. approved. The girls will be expect­ I Along.” At the evening service m. mission begins each night at f 'd to furnish their own “sleeping” Young peoples’ meeting, 7 P Rev. Collins brought the message. Checking and Savings accounts, Collections, Com­ and will close Sunday morning at oaraphenalia. m. | which was an earnest plea for all 8. Evening service 8 p. nt. mercial loans, Auto loans, Real Estate loans, Far­ j of us to do more personal work. Guardian Carolyn volunteered to On Wednesday night the visiting prepare the break fiat for the girl* Men’s prayer meeting, Monday | Rev. Orrin Ogier, the minister of mers’ loans, Safe Deposit Boxes. missionary gave an explanation of vith their help. ¡the Friends new work which is 4 p. m. the Mass by wearing the vestments Go forward with u i and the Illinois Valley. You Choir practice, Wednesday 7:30 The Majority Degree will be being started at O’Brien, and his and explaining the historical devel i> . nr. w ill p ro fit by patronising your home bank and iven to Past Honored Queens wife and two little hoys were visi­ home merchant*. Prayer meeting and Rihle study opment of the Catholic liturgy Diane Morey and Margaret Smith tors at this service. Thursday night, Father Prindiville it a date to be decided later. Wednesday 8 p. ni. B A N K O F IL L IN O IS V A L L E Y will discuss the problem of con­ Honored Queen Marilyn received fession and why confess sins. Fri Member Federal Reserve System M IS S IO N A R Y S O C IE T Y NOTES pprovul of her suggestion for a C A V E JU N C T IO N C H U R C H day night he will deal with the Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation The regular meeting of the Wo • f S E V E N T H DAY A D V E N T IS T S problem of Catholic marriage box social to be held in the near uture. men's Missionary society will be Pastor—J. Apigian "How to get a good man and how­ Guardian Carolyn spoke to the held at the church on Wednesday Sabbath School ............... .9:30 to keep him for good,” he ex­ Church service ................. 11:00 plained. Saturday night he will girls of various projects and aettv- September 19 at 1 p. in. This early ties she has planned for this fall Prayer meeting Wednesday. time is set so that the mothers of discuss the Catholic devotion to and winter. HAVE YOU SEEN chool children may be home when Mary, the Mother of Jesus. The Past Honored queen Diane Christian Scienca Churches they return from school. solemn closing will take place Morey, pro tern librarian, read THE NEW Miss Beulah Reitz, who for many / / AN" was the subject of Sunday morning at 8. he beautiful 23rd Psalm. years has been a missionary in the Lesson-Sermon in all T Each night, the missionary an Associate Guardian George Africa and who is well known to Churches of Christ, Scientist, on swers questions that have been Morey complimented the girls for several folks here in the Valley Sunday, September 9. written out and placed in the loing their work .so well. will be the speaker, if she arrives The Golden Text was, "As question box. No names need ht Bethel was closed with a beauti- by that time. many as are led by the Spirit of -igned and nuestions on religious ful ami impressive ceremony and She is an expected guest at the God, they are the sons of God” matters will be courteously an­ efreshnienta were served in the Seven, Nine, Eleven Foot 1951 Deluxe Models home of Mrs. Wm. A. Brown, an (Rom. 8:141. swered. dining room. old-time friend of hers, but the Among the citations which The next meeting will be Friday On Sunday night Father Prindi- date is not certain. However if comprised the Lesson - Sermon she does not arrive, we will have was the following from the Bible: ville will open his mission at Glen- vening. AH parents and members another speaker who will give us "This people have I formed for dak- for a week, to he followed f the Masonic Order and Eastern tar are welcome. some interesting things to think myself; they shall shew forth my by a series of instructions at Grants Pass, where Father Daniel about. praise” (Isa. 43:21), together with the following correlative passage Kelly is pastor of St. Ann’s church. from the Christian Science text­ Father Kelly extends a cordial in­ Storh Shower Held At F IR S T B A P T IS T C H U R C H book, "Science and Health with vitation to both non-f’atholics and TBrien For Mrs. Cooke AT of Cave Junction Key to the Scriptures" by Mary j( atholics to attend the unusual Baker Eddy: "Man is spiritual and I series. Father Prindiville comes Friends surprised Mrs. James Sunday school, 10 a. in. perfect: and because he is spirit­ 1 from a community of priests who ooke with a stork shower on Fri- Morning worship, 11 a. m. ual and perfect, he must be so [ were the first to he formed in New lay afternoon, September 7 at the Place of meeting: American understood in Christian Science” , \ ork < ity in 1858 to explain home of Mrs. Jesse Parsons in Legion Hall in Cave Junction. (p 475). Phone 2902 Self-Service Laundry Cave Junction i ("atholic teaching's and practices. O’Brien. Everyone is welcome. ------------ o----------- . A large stork complete with mall model baby presided. A SS E M B LY O F GOD Some pleasant games were en­ Rev D. B. Wantland, pastor joyed and after the lovely gift* C. A service at 6:30 Sunday were opened refreshments were z evening. w erved to the following: Irene Sunday School begins promptly ooke, Opal Tucker, Pauline Jor- at 9 :45 a. ni. lan, Lena Gohde, Hattie E v itt, Morning worship— n a. m. irginia Lewis, Blanche Yatsun- Evening evangelistic service — ff, Ethel Banta, Emma J. C-ooke, longest in its field ('I974i inches) . . . Heav­ 7 :30 p. ni. » MaybeHe Duncan, Bertha Cumow, iest in its field (3140 pounds in the model Wednesday evening p r a y e r Treva Cumow, Marge Morris, illustrated)* . . . Widest tread in its field (5 8 'i meeting and Bible Study 7:30 p.m, azel Slanaker, Frances Cooke, inches between centers of rear wheels) . . . all of which means extra comfort, extra safety and Choir practice will be held each ora Morris, I.ela Parsons, Blanche extra durability for you and your family. Monday evening at 7:30. Gilbert Lackey, Mrs. Bill Woodbury, Mrs. Wantland is director. iS ty le lin e D r luxe 4-Door Ed McDonald, Mrs. Vester Mc­ Sedan shipping »eigh t ------------o------------ ■ Donald and I-etha Cooke. Mae Hearing und Hollia George C H U R C H OF C H R IS T ent gifts but were unable to Preaching every Sunday morn attend. ng at 10:30, communion services The stork is the property of immediately following at out Champion Gift shop. church house just south of J. S Bedingfield’s residence on the cem etery road. Everyone is cordially High School P.-T. A. Meet invited Thursday, September 20, 8 p. m. the first meeting of the High Th» Stylalina JESUS N A M E school P. T. A. will be held in the 0» Lui» 4-O o m S»4an library. Following the meeting P E N T E C O S T A L C H U R C H nwofio* of tta n d o rd •O vip m o n t trim illv s tro to d it doponJonf on there will be a reception for the sf maf»r > On Caves Highway eachers and then refreshments. Sunday school, 10 a. in. -------------- o-------- - — Preaching service, 11 a m. Sunday night service, 8 p. ni. Illinois Valley Grange Tuesday night pleaching ser­ The next regular meeting of the vice, Rp.m. Illinois Valley Grange will be Friday night Young Peoples' held on September 20 at 8:30 p. ro. service, 8 p. m. I here will he potluck as usual. Everyone is invited Pastor, Rob­ On Saturday September 29, the ert Estes. Pomona Grange trill met at our Grange hall. Nine of ten forest fires are W ith all its finer quality and finer . . . and finest no-shift driving started by man. HE CAREFUL! features. Chevrolet offers the to s w t- at lowest cost with KEEP OREGON GREEN'. B R ID G E V IE W pm ed line in its lield extremely eco­ For Sale This Bank Is Here To Serve You a è» M ADM IRAL REFRIGERATOR ♦ ♦ SERVEL Gas Refrigerators A M A N A Deep-Freezers M AYTAG SHOP in its field! in its field! line in its field! finest styling . . . with extra beautiful, extra sturdy Bodies by Fisher! finest thrills with th rift nomical to operate and maintain. Come in, see and drive America's largest and finest low-priced c a r - naw! , . . only low-priced car with Valve-in Head Engine' finest riding ease thanks to its Knee Action Ride, exclusive in its field! finest vision with big Curved Windshield and Panoramic Visibility! finest safety protection . . . with Safety Sight Instrument Panel and Jumbo- Drum Brakes largest in its field' KELT 521 S. E. SIXTH ST. CHEVROLET r F/ MORE PEOPLE BUY CHEVROLETS TH AN ANY OTHER CAR! POWE R j^ Z ^ Autom atic Transm ission* Chevrolet’s time proved Po»erghJe Automate Transmission. coupled with 105-h p. 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