JNMU Ul' Hfl i HIM I III ill. nlltlMf H iim lliL iu , m it I. i. ™ • n il 1in n i m n lll IHWl HH 11 11 H In i 1I UI 11 ’ 11 r For Sale C A V E J U N C T IO N C O M M U N IT Y CHURCH B R ID G E V IE W IL L IN O IS George H. Gray. Pastor J. M. Boss, pastor 9:50 a.in. Sunday School. Sunday school, 10 a. m. Modern 5-room House in Cave Junction 1 11:00 a.m. Church service; and Morning worship, 11 a .m . 7:45 p.m. Evening service and Evening service, 8 p. m. Large lot, garage | auditorium ; and Ju n io r and Inter- ------------- o------------- I mediate group, Mrs. Sherier leader Furnished or Unfurnished Ju nior church, Mrs. E therton F IR S T B A P T IS T C H U R C H li; leader. of Cave Junction SEE A ttendance is advancing weekly Sunday school, 10 a. m. now th a t vacations are over and Vern Cady, or inquire C. G. and E. Garage soon we will have Rally day when Morning worship, 1 1 a . nt. ..iiitiiiiiiiiiniiuiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiruHiiiiiiiniiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiitiii Place of m eeting: American members of the various classes will be promoted and the new Legion Hall in Cave Junction. Everyone is welcome. year lessons started. —---------- o------------- Wally Freem an celebrated his Oth birthday on August 29 anil C A T H O L IC C H U R C H this was noted as he put his Father Kelley pennies in the Missionary bank Held in the Catholic Chapel to There were many visitors whom Expert financial help and guidance is the very i we are always glad to welcome; -ated on the Redwood highway, »ome a ie only passing through across from Die Ranger station. basis upon which this bank was established and Second and fourth Sundays a: end stop for church services; has grown. ntheis are newcomers to the vicin­ 12 o'clock. ity and to both we extend a cordial I f you are not already one of our depositors, invitation. Rev. Gray used the 90th we invite you to open an account, la rfe or small. C A V E JU N C T IO N C H U R C H Psalm for his less >n text, the title 4 S E V E N T H DAY A D V E N T IS T S Make use of our banking services. It is yours of the sermon being “ Labour That when you need it. Pastor—J. Apigian Will L ast.” Mrs. Marvin Cross sang Sabbath School ................... 9 :3l Checking and Savings accounts, Collections, Com­ ’ the beautiful song. “ Overshadow- Church service ....................11:0® Prayer meeting Wednesday. mercial loans, Auto loans, Real Estate loans, Far­ j ed.” A nnouncem ent was made of an im portant business m eeting to mers’ loans, Safe Deposit Boxes. 1 be held at the church on Tuesday C hristian S cien ce C hurches night at 8 o’clock. Go forward with us and the Illinois V alley. You //p H R I S T JESU S” was the sub- Mi s. I illie Peters graciously will p ro fit by patronising your home bank and V ject of the Lesson-Sermon loaned her birthday gift, a cycla­ home merchants. in all Churches of Christ, Scien­ men plant for a floral decaration tist, on Sunday, Septem ber 2. in the ehuixh. The Golden Text was, "The Member Federal Reserve System On Tuesday evening, August 28, Son can do nothing of himself, Member Federal Depo.it Insurance Corporation the members of the losing Omega [ but what he seeth the Father do" Team of the Sunday School enter- ! (John 5:19). A z .A A e- e . $55555$5 $ $ 5 $ $ z< tained the winners. The Alphas at Among the citations which a picnic at the ranch home of Mr. comprised the Lesson - Sermon and Mrs. Marvin Cross. In spite of was the following from the Bible: the rain, the large crowd gathered "Behold, the days come, saith HAVE YOU SEEN there had a very good time with the Lord, that I will raise unto games and music and of course David a righteous Branch . , . ir THE NEW the food, and such food! Corn by and this is his name w hereby he the bushel and w aterm elons and shall be called, THE LORD OUR cantaloupes, all of them home­ RIGHTEOUSNESS'’ (Jer. 23:5,8), grown in this wonderful Valley; together witli the following cor­ besides all these the tables were relative passage from the Chris­ loaded with all m anner of other tian Science textbook, "Science ¡{¡good things that go to make up a and Health with Key to the Scrip­ Seven, Nine, Eleven Foot 1951 Deluxe Models successful picnic. Even the losers tures" by Mary Baker Eddy: had to adm it thnt the evening was "Those instructed in Christian well worth the preparation effort. Science have reached the glorious perception that God is the only Last Friday evening it was a author of man" (p. 29). privilege to have th a t fine young missionary, Dick Hillis at a Youth in spite of criticism to the Genralissinio Chiang I for Christ m eeting in the C om m un­ contrary, Kai-Shek is a real Christian leader. AT ity church. Dick has had such Then on Labor Day, a Youth w onderful experiences in China for Christ Rally was held at the and on the island of Form osa and new chapel in Murphy where hun­ it was a blessing to our hearts to dreds of young and older folk i learn how the Chinese and Form o­ gathered anil what a joy it is to Phone 2902 Self-Service Laundry Cave Junction see these C hristians from many sans are tu rn in g to Christ and that d ifferen t churches fellowshipping together in song and around the tallies and in w orshipping the Loixl. Dick was again the pricipal speaker. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hamilton, Mrs. Beulah Hout, Miss Lillian Roeht, Rev. and Mis 9 ■•■ ■■ > D -e George Gray, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Cross, Dwain and Lylabell C rosy and Mrs. Vivian McDaniel all a t­ tended from the Community church. Several others from Bridgeview, Selma and O’Brien also attended. This Bank Is Here To Serve You BANK OF ILLINOIS VALLEY I ADM IRAL REFRIGERATOR ♦ ♦ SERVEL Gas Refrigerators AM ANA Deep-Freezers MAYTAG SHOP ! Your Home Life depends ADEQUATE WIRING PROVIDES: 3 Wires — large- enough to bring in as much elec­ tric ity as your home may need at any time. Enough Branch Cir­ cuits— having large- enough wires to carry electricity at full power take care of all your elec trical needs efficiently economically. ¿ Z .-,;','//,; WIRE NOW And NICE ELGIN WATCHES $33 There are circuits for: lighting, radio and small appliances • kitchen, laundry and din­ ing table appliances • individu al home eq u ip ­ ment • and spare terminals, for future additions to home equipment. 75 And Up Johnson Jeweler 619 East “ H ” Si., Grants Pass Rev. D. B W antland, pastor C. A. service at 6:30 Sunday evening. Sunday School begins promptly at 9 :45 a. ni. M orning worship— 11 a. m. Evening evangelistic service — 7 :30 p. in. W ednesday evening p r a y e r meeting and Bible Study 7 :30 p.m. Choir practice will be held each Monday evening at 7:30. Gilbert W antland is director. -------------- o--------------- Sunday school attendence was 101 and visitors w ere Mrs. Molly McCarley, Mrs. Mary Jo McCarley ind son Michael from Los Angeles, California and Mrs. Ruby Cald­ well and children from California. Pins were awarded to Duane Martin. 2000; Donna W antland. i b ar; Johnnie McDaniel, 100; and Lillian McDaniel, 100. Shirletie Yandell, Clyde and ’laude Fuller and Miss Caldwell all celebrated their birthdays last Sunday. The pastor chose for his text the 2nd Chronicles, 20th chapter, verse 17. The C. A. group was iven nn inspiring talk by Mary to McCarley. Friday, children at schools will be given slips for release time. It x ill be held at church and classes ire going t* lie separated this year. There are teachers for each class >ut helpers are needed. The high chool class will lie in the Conimun ty church in Cave Junction. There will lie a w orkers’ training n e e tin ; next Friday at 8 p. in. The Assembly of God wishes to hank Kessler and son for the use >f their truck for the Labor Day larade und wish to report that they won first prize for the religious loat and third place for the most beautiful float. They also wish o thank everyone who helped make this possible. ---------------o--------------- S E L M A B A P T IS T C H U R C H Rev. Douglas Field,pastor. Sunday school classes for all ages, 9:45 a. in. Morning worship service, 1 1 a . in. Voting ppoples’ meeting, 7 p. nt. Evening service 8 p. m. Men’s prayer meeting, Monday S p. m. Choir practice, W ednesday 7 :30 p. m. P rayer m eeting and Bible study W ednesday 8 p. m. JESUS N A M E PENTECOSTAL CHURCH For Dependable INSURANCE IN S U R A N C E OF SERVICE A LL K IN D S Glen B. Newland Enough Convenience Outlets for comforta­ ble and efficient use of all your electrical equip ment. Grants Pass Insurance Agency 230 S. E. ’ H ’ ST. Enough P erm an en t Lights and Switches, at the proper places, to reduce eyestrain, prevent accidents and add beauty to your home—indoors and out. Phone 2447 C R A N T S PASS TREHE ARNE'S A Complete Run of Sizes in Perma-Lift Bras A SK FOR FULL DETAILS SEE YOUR ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR 1 , N EW S Smoke Jumpers Have Busy Season In Western States Since A ugust 19, 1951, the Siski­ you Sm okejum per Project has taken action on 28 lightning caused fires in the N orthern Cal­ ifornia and C rater Lake areas. A total of 127 individual p a ra ­ chute jum ps were mads1 to fires in these roadless areas. Travel time on foot, in some cases, would have taken over one day to reach the fire. Re-inforcing jum pers were flown in front Region No, I at Missoula, Montana, and a smaller group front W inthrop, W ashington. Sixty men saw duty on fires. Although a large group of 32 men was flown in front Missoula on August 27, they could not be used due to thp smoke conditions at the airport and surrounding areas. All re-infcrcing jum pers have now been flown back to their re ­ spective bases. F. 0 . E. News The Eagles dropped their first playoff game to Glendale Sunday, I t to 11. hut recovered l-abor Day at Glendale to win by u score of 23 to 8. The final play-off game will he at G rants Pass, Sunday Septem ber 9. The Eagles are sponsoring an em ergency clothing hank. Anyone having a surplus of out grown clothes especially childrens are asked to bring them to th«1 Caves B arber shop. They will be laundred, altered, sized and stored for any emergency. This is part o f the Eagle’s Civilian Defence Program . Queen Jonelle Benge and the Eagles extend thanks to all her -upporters, and wish health, happi­ ness and prospariety to all Her Magisties subjects for the coming year. ------------- o , lo b ’s Daughters News The first fall m eeting o f J o b ’s D aughters, Bethel No. 36, will be held Septem ber 1(1, at which time initiation will be held. The Jo b ’s D aughters’ float which was entered in the Ijcbor Day parade won first place in the most beautiful division. The Bethel received a gold cup and a -blue ribbon. Mrs. Sippy Covington designed and built the float, which represen­ ted the Horn of Plenty, as a su r­ prise to the girls. Mrs. Covington did this to show her appreciation and gratitu d e for the w onderful cooperation the D aughters have given her during Bethel activities. There will be a special m eeting, Friday, Septem ber 14. The occa­ sion will he a visitation from the G rand G aurdian and inspection. F. 0 . E. A u x ilia ry News Regular m eeting of the P. O. E. Auxiliary will he called to o rd er at 8:30, Friday Septem ber 7, in the C H U R C H O F C H R IS T O’Briens W omen’s clubhouse. Th« Preaching every Sunday morn Drill Team will .seat the offienrs. ng at 10:30, communion service- The next officer’s m eeting will immediately following at ou1 he on Monday, Septem ber 10th at ■hurch house ju st south of J. S the home of the President, Mary Bedingfield’s residence on the cisti Raines. All officers are urged to itery road. Everyone it cordially attend this m eeting to help plan nvited the events of the year. ■ ......... —-O ' ■■■■ — All members a re urged to a t ­ tend the regular meetings, a t each BLESSED EVENTS m eeting there is a surprise planned MULVFY— Born to Mr. and Mrs. for the Auxiliary. Be sure to a t­ George Fari Mulvey of (’ave J u n c ­ tend the Fun Night meetings. ----------o ---- tion, Monday Septemtier 3, 1951, a girl weighing 5 pounds 8 ounces named W anda Rose. Frances Martin Passes Gifts G A SS E M B LY O F GOD On Caves Highway Sunday school, 10 a. m. Preaching service, 11 a. m. Sunday night service, 8 p. m. Tuesday night preaching ser vice, 8 p. nt. Friday night Young Peoples service, 8 p. m. Everyone is invited. Pastor, Rob­ 5555555555555555$$$$5£ ert Estes. Jewelry your hom e VALLEY SEPTEM BER 6. 1951 C O M M U N IT Y C H U R C H 7f’i the Lift that never lets you dow n !’ We Give S & H GREEN STAMPS Frances Ann M artin, m other of Robert and Fd M artin of the Illi­ nois Valley dairy, died in a P o rt­ land hospital Sunday, Septem ber '2. Funeral services were held to ­ day (T hursday) at Rogue River. Mrs. M artin was born in Alta, Wisconsin, in 1882. She was m a r­ ried to George P. M artin in 1913 at their family home in Rogue River. She is surviyed by her husband and three sons besides Robert and Fd; Jam es, who lives in C incinnati, Ohio; George Jr. of W enatchee, W ashington, and Harold of G rants Pass. She also leaves two brothers and one sister. ------------- o — ■ CAM PERS!— Doiuse your cam p­ fire—-K EEP OREGON GREEN. Radio Repain "The Best for less by Les" BASHAM R adio S crvics 8 /1 0 M il* East 4 Oa Caras Htway