Help the ILLINOIS VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER It’s For YOUR Benefit ^'UlliillttllllttUIIHntllUIIUItUIHIHIIIHHIIIIIIIItllllllllllHtlltllllUltilllllllUIIUltlliMIHIIlUiUlUltlUlilinUIttUlllllltillillllHiltllllllllillllllUtltljUlUUtt'^ HEADQUARTERS For | P.-T.A. Instruction Sept. S The Josephine county council PTA school of instruction will bv held Sept. 5 from 10:00 a.m. until 3 p.m. at the L ibrary audi­ torium a t 5th and B stre e ts in G rants Pass. Mrs. Jennelle M ooi- head, state PTA president an 1 Mrs. A nna Le«* Meserve, state treasurer, will be at the meeting. Salad, coffee or iced tea will be served for a fee of 25c. If more lunch is desired, a sack lu n c h .is recommended. --------------o-------------- Capital Parade AH Kinds of ■ *1 from page 1 ) SCHOOL SUPPLIES =3 Champion's G ift and V a rie ty Cave Junction = :TidlllllllllllllllMllllllllllllllhllllMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!IIIIIIIIIHIlllllllllHllllli. 5 3 illlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllli||||||^ W O R T H L E S S C H E C K S C L IM B W orthless checks aggre rating $1(51.(tOO were presented to the state tax commission in payment for income taxes d in in g the first six months of this year, said Ray Smith, sta te commissioner in charge of the income tax d ep ar’- ment. This is approxim ately $100, 000 more than the am ount of the bad checks received during the corresponding period in 1050. ------------- o-------------- Toe depression was bad, but a least we were allowed to endure it in peace. ‘' • i t V/ ■ says Labor Commissioner W E. Kintsey. The child labor law re- quires that each em ployer mu-.t get his own perm it from the bureau of labor before he can put a m inor under IS years of age on a job. Those under 10 years of age have special restrict­ ions on tiie kinds of work they are perm itted to do and are a l­ lowed to wotk only between 7 a.m. and 6 p.m. __ aright D Yes, i t ’s a b r ig h t id e a o b r in g y o u r D o c to r ’s p r e s c r ip t io n s d ir e c t to th is p h a rm a c y . W e m a k e it a p o in t to assu re y o u t ille d service, fre s h an d p o te n t in g re d ie n ts , u n i- ■ r n ily fa ir prices. T r y us! O VALLEY Only you can DRUG P R E S C R IP T IO N S — Always at a saving! R. George Simmons, R. Ph. PREVENT FOREST FIRES’ Phone Cave Junction This Adv. Sponsored as a Public Service by ILLINOIS VALLEY HARDWARE Cave Junction 3612 IL L IN O IS LOCALS Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Schwenk and children of Crescent City were C A V E J U N C T IO N C O M M U N IT Y CHURCH guests at the L. O. Taccott home George H. Gray, Pastor i n Saturday, a fte r spending a day 9:50 a.m. Sunday School. of shopping in G rants Pass. 11:00 a.m. Church service; and 7 :45 p.m. Evening service and Rev. and Mrs. Jacob Boss have auditorium ; and Ju nior and Inter had as guests recently Mr. Boss’ mediate group. Mrs. Sherier leader brother and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ju nior church, Mrs. Etherton A. Boss and son Robert of P o rt­ leader. land, also a nephew, Billy Selby, The theme of Rev. G ray’s mes and later in the week another sage dealt with the purpose of brother came with his family, Mr baptism, the tex t being Roman and Mrs. I.. Verhagen and thret daughters, also from Portland. Oth chapter, verse 11. Phyllis Dick -a ng “ Sunrise.” Mr. and Mrs. Chet Lockhart ot In the afternoon a very beau ti­ Takilma have as guests Mr. and ful baptismal service was held at Mrs. Alvin G aethe and son Jame-- the Gray home on the rive: bank, of Maywood, Calofornia. the following receiving the rites -------------- o if baptism : Alfred Burton, Mary B utton, Jeanie Knight. Charlene Illinois Valley P.-T.A. Kimberly, Donald Sherier and Nisha Moyer. O thers who ha plans Year’s Program planned to receive these rites also, The Illinois Valley high school were obliged to postpone them PTA is planning an extensive pro because of illness but there will gram for the coming year. The he another service in the neai first regular m eeting will be Sept. future and at that time they will 27 at 8 p.m. in the high school take part. library. An interesting progrant Sunday evening the congrega is planned and this will be an tion of the Community church at excellent time to get acquainted tended the evangelistic services at with the new teachers and wel Bridgeview where Rev. and Mis. come back those who were here H. A. Sprague and their son Roy ust year. The parents of fresh have charge of the m eetings for men students are especially in the week. The Sprague family vited to attend. call themselves travelling evan There will be an executive meet gelists, making their home in a ing at the high school Aug. 31 a tia i'e r while holding meetings in 2 p.m., mt which tim e fu ture lit of the way places, many of plans will I e discussed. which would not have a Gospel The county council is holding •ervice otherwise. They are under chool of instructions Sept. 5 and the Fuller Evangelistic Founda­ all officers are urged to attend. tion of Pasadena. California. A t the m orning services there --------------o-------------- were several visitors to whom a Christian Science Churches warm welcome is extended and //O 1 N D " was the subject of :ome of them have decided to emain in the Valiev. 111 the Lesson-Sermon in all Churches of Christ, Scientist, on Sunday, August 26. The Golden Text was, “God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound m ind” (II Tim. 1:7b Among the citations which comprised the Lesson - Sermon was the following from the Bible: "Trust in the Lord with all thine .heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding” (Prov. 3:5), together with the following cor­ relative passage from the C hris­ tian Science textbook, “Science and Health with Key to the Scrip­ tures” by Mary Baker Eddy; “Mutter cannot perform the func­ tions of Mind" (p. 478). ------------- o ■ ■ Forest fire prevention is every body’s business because it's good business for everybody. KEEP OREGON GREEN. il \ s IV R C ltT z : L VALLEY NEW S THURSDAY, AUGUST 30, 1051 — o--- A S S E M B LY O F COD Rev. D. B. Wantland, pastor C. A. service at 6:30 Sunday evening. Sunday School begins prom ptly at 9:45 a. in. Morning worship— 11 a. m. Evening evangelistic service — 7 :80 p. nt. W ednesday evening p r a y e r m eeting and Bible Study 7:30 p.m. Choir practice will be held each Monday evening at 7:30. G ilbert W antland is director. A ttendance at Sunday school was 108, and a visitor was B ar­ bara Ktbb from Los Angeles. B rother Don W antland's brother Berne and fam ily were with the group in the morning. Berne is tales m anager for G reyhound lines in Sacramento. Pastor chose Proverbs 16, the 2 5 th verse for his text. The W ant- land brothers