8ACK TO Sunday School News In Good Time! Croton and Hamilton WATCHES $ 1 7 . 5 0 to $ 7 1 - 5 0 PARKER PENS and PENCILS $ 3 .0 0 to $ 1 3 . 5 0 Stem Jeweler Cave Junction Phone 3803 W e G iv e a n d R e d eem C O L D A R R O W STAM PS This Bank Is Here To Serve You Expert financial help and guidance is the very basis upon which this bank was established and has grown. I f you a re not a lre a d y one o f o u r d ep o a ito r» , w e in v ite you to open an a c c o u n t, la rg e o r s m a ll. M ake uae of w hen you need our b a n k in g serv ic e s . It is yours it. Checking and Savings accounts, Collections, Com­ mercial loans, Auto loans, Real Estate loans, Far­ mers’ loans, Safe Deposit Boxes. G o f o r w a r d w ith us a n d th e Illin o is V a lle y . Y o u w ill p r o f it by p a tro n iz in g y o u r hom e b a n k and h om e m e rc h a n ts . B A N K O F IL L IN O IS V A L L E Y M e m b e r F e d e ra l R e ie r v e S y s te m M e m b e r F e d e ra l D e p o .it In .u r a n c e C o rp o r a tio n ^tniiiinuiiiituiiiiiiiHiiiiinumimniiiiniuwiuiiiiwiuffliuuinniuiiiiiUKttiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiniiuniiuHHiniiitiiiiiiiMii 'llltinillllllUlhlUÎlîÎÎÎÎÎînîmHÎÎÏÏÎÜÎÎÎÎÎÎÎRffi^inîîîRtÎHÎnniÛlIIIHIIIiriiilHlllllllllllllllllHlllllllllllillllllHIlllllllllHIMIIIIItlIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII^ ZIPPER RING BINDERS j engraved with name and school monogram Pencils, personalized with name. 60c per dozen. | Sunday school attendance last Sunday was 138. In opening the service Mrs. H illiard led the singing. Mrs. Vivian McDaniel read a nice le tte r from Miss Supple, a missionary w orker in old Mexico. The object lesson was given b> Mrs. Cross a fte r which Roberta Hilliard read a poem called “ Re a Booster,’’ giving advice to church members. Mr. H illiard gave a report on the Holy l-and cruise, stating th a t the A lpha’s are still ahead by two days travel. All those on the Omega side are urged to get busy and secure more points by bringing a visitor as the contest will end next Sunday and the losing side will give a picnic. The time and place will be announced later. Birthdays w ere celebrated last Sunday by Sharon Babcock, Mrs. Champney, Mrs. Hilliard and Roberta Hilliard. There were several visitors last Sunday, am ong those being Rev. and Mrs. Croon from Lostein, Mr. and Mrs. Phenicie a n d , sons Raymond and Edw ard, from Tacoma, W ashington, Mr. and Mrs. Nuccome and family from Peoria. Illinois and Mrs. Robert and family from Missouri. Rev Croon present ed a wonderful sermon in both the morning and evening worship. Last week Lucille Hilliard led prayer m eeting and spoke on "the power of p ray er.” Next Wed nesday A rt Drews will be in charge with everyone invited to attend a- these m eetings are very intei esting and profitable. The church was happy to have Rev. Gray back with them last Sunday. He reports a nice trip and vacation. ------------- o-------------- FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH of Cave Junction Sunday school, 10 a. m. Morning worship, 1 1 a . nt. Plnce of m eeting is the Seventh- lay Adventist church. Rev. Harold Taylor brought an nspiring message to an interested iml attentive audience at the reg­ ular worship hour. Rev. Taylor ■ante to us Ju n e 3 from A rkadel­ phia, Arkansas, where he is a student at O utehita Baptist College. He will preach his final eimon for us next Sunday, Aug ust 19, before retu rn in g to college where he will be a Senior. Those vho have heard him have express­ 'd appreciation for the fine work he is doing. If you have not heard him you have a tre a t in store, to come out and hear him Sunday morning. Sunday School attendence is in ■rea-ing each Sunday. Among those* who have become new members this m onth are Evelyn Wallace, Howard Rigel, Ken Hayes. Ken Rigel, William Peck. Olga Rigel, Delores Booth, N'oreen Deaton, Ruth Peck, A udrey Rigel, ind Diane Wallace. Rev. Troy left Monday for Portland where he is attending the Southern ^Baptist Assembly which is being held August 13-18 it Reed College. Prayer m eeting was held Tuesday it 8 p. m. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry O. Mills. A fter the iroup had admired and enjoyed he typical old fashioned flower rarden, they assembled in the iving room for singing, prayer, neditation and business discussion, kt the d o e of the m eeting Mrs. Mills served refreshm ents of home baked cookies and iced drinks. Christian Science Churches //Q P I R I T ’ was the subject of kt the Lesson-Sermon in all Churches of Christ, Scientist, on Sunday. August 12. The Golden Text was, "Not by might, nor by power, but by niy spirit, saith the Lord of h o sts' (Zech. 4:6). Among the citations which comprised the Lesson - Sermon was the following from the Bible: "Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh” (Gal. 5:16), together w ith the fol­ lowing correlative passage from the Christian Science textbook, “Science and H ealth w ith Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy; "The divine m ust over­ come the hum an at every point (p. 43). CHURCH OF CHRIST Preaching every Sunday morn mg at 10:30, communion services immediately follow ing at oui church house ju st south of J. S Bedingfield’s residence on the cent etery road. Everyone is cordially invited. ------------- o-------------- JOB P R IN T IN G — Call the N EW S PORTABLE TYPEWRITERS, All Makes 9 BARRETT'S STATIONERY & OFFICE SUPPLIES Grants Pass | 425 S. E. Sixth St. BOB and RUTH Shop IIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIilllllhr Myrna Jensen, daughter of and Mrs. Les Jensen spent la tte r p art of last week with cousin, R oberta Hilliard, a t Q— X Ranch. Mr. the her the ILLINOIS CAVE JUNCTION COMMUNITY CHURCH George H. Gray, Pastor 9:50 a m. Sunday School. 11:00 a.m. Church service; and 7:45 p.m. Evening service and auditorium ; and Junior and In te r­ mediate group, Mrs. Sherier leader Ju n io r church, Mrs. E therton Rev. D. B. Wantland, paator C. A. service at 6:30 Sunday evening. Sunday School begins promptly at 9:45 a. ra. Morning worship— 11 a. m. J Evening evangelistic service — It was rath er a banner day for the Community Church people as they had as guests the Rev. and Mrs. Paul Kroon, of Lostine, Oregon, both trained w orkers. Rev. Kroon bringing the messages both m orning and evening, and Mrs. Kroon who is a most accomplish­ ed musician, adding much to the services by her playing, and their singing. In the evening they led in a num ber o f new and inspiring choruses, with a large congrega­ tion present to greet them Rev. Kroon took as his m orning theme, "E ssential Foundations” which was a heart-searching appeal, and in the evening he spoke from the text “ The harvest is past, the summer is »ended anil ye are not saved." The regular audience was enlarg­ ed by the num ber of fine visitors fr 'in fa r and near, which included Mrs. G. H. Phenicie and sons, Raymond and Edward of Tacoma, W ashington; Mr. and Mrs. John L. Newcomb, and daughters Jo Anna, Sandra and Sharon of Peoria, 111.; Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Smith, Carolyn and David of Hannibal, Mo.; George Gorsen of I eague City, Texas; Mis. E. De- Messeman, Carolyn, Danny and Billy of Wellsville, K an.; Mr. and Mrs. D. I„ McGihon, of Long Beach, California, parents of Mrs. Darrell M> Gihon; Mr. M. R I’m liner of Chicago and Mrs. Sybil D ruliner of Madison, Wise, nephew mil sister of Mrs. Lillie Peters; Mr. and Mrs. Byrum Gray and five hildren of U m atilla, son of Rev. ind Mrs. George H. Gray. Announcem ents were made of the Monthly Board m eeting for Tuesday evening; the W omen’s Missionary m eeting in the church parlors on Wed. evening when Mrs. Victor Schrerber will review the fascinating hook, "T he W hite W itch D octor” and Mrs. F. I.. W ilcher will sing; and the monthly “ Singspiration" which will he next Sunday afternoon at 2:30 at the Selma Church. --------------o-------------- JESU S 7:30 p. m. Wednesday evening p r a y e r meeting and Bible Study 7 :30 p.m. Choir practice will he held each Monday evening at 7:30. Gilbert Wantland is director. A ttendance at Sunday school was 124 with tw enty-tw o young people present. Those celebrating birthdays were Rena Sue Robinson. Linda W antland and Delmar W antland. David W antland received his three year bar. The young people are looking forw ard to a w einer hake at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gib W ant- land of Kerby. B rother Young was the leader in the Bible chapter reading contest, having read in the past week, 125 chnpters. Brother W antland chose for his tex t the ninth chapter of Luke, vereses 37-44, “ Let these saying sink down into your e a rs." Everyone enjoyed the solo “I W on't Have to Cross the Jordon A lone," as sung by Rena Sue Robinson Sunday evening. A goodly num ber of the church people attended the Fellowship m eeting a t the Assembly of God ,'hurch in G rants Pass. ------------ o------------- BRIDGEVIEW COMMUNITY CHURCH J. M. Boss, pastor Sunday school, 10 a. m. Morning worship, 11a. m. Evening service, 8 p. m. ------------- o ■■ ---- — CATHOLIC NAME PENTECO STAL CHURCH On Caves Highway Sunday school, 10 a. in. Preaching service, 11 a. nt. Sunday night service, 8 p. nt. Tuesday night preaching ser­ vice, 8 p. nt. Friday night Young Peoples' ervice, 8 p. nt. Everyone is invited. Pastor, Rob­ e rt Estes. B A P T IS T T R A N S M IS S IO M C A V F . J U N C T IO N Second and fourth Sundays at 12 o’clock. H all’s Accounting Service CAVE JUNCTION, OREGON Audit», Bookkeeping, Incom* Tax Service end Quarterly Re­ port». NOTARY PUBUC Member of Oregon Association of Public Accountants IRA S. HALL CHURCH U N IT E D CHURCH of S E V E N T H D A Y A D V E N T IS T S P astor— J. Apigian Sabbath School ...................9:80 Church service .................. 11:00 P rayer m eeting W ednesday. CHEVROLET CHURCH F ather Kelley. Held in the Catholic Chapel lo­ cated on the Redwood highway, across from the Ranger station. Rev. Douglas Field,pastor. Sunday school classes for all ages, 9:45 a. m. Morning worship service, 11 a m. Young peoples’ m eeting, 7 p. nt. Evening service 8 p. m. Men’s prayer m eeting, Monday 8 p. m. Choir practice, W ednesday 7 :30 p. m. Prayer m eeting and Bible study Wednesday 8 p. m. T IM E -P R O V E D PO W ER^% a& NEWS ASSEMBLY OF GOD loader. SELM A A U T O M A T IC VALLEY THURSDAY. AUGUST 16, 1951 ENGINE REBUILDERS Grant* Pa»» 1149 HIGHWAY 1»9 BOOST THE VALLEY Chevrolet alone offers this complete Power Team! z POW ER Save A Life Automatic Transmission* E xtra-P ow erful 1 0 5 -h .p . V a lv e -in -H e a d Engine S ’ EconoMiser Rear A xle Powerglide is first . . . finest . . .a n d only fully proved automatic transmission in the low -price field Gives you simplest, smooth­ est, salest no-shift driving at lowest cost. No clutch pcdal-no gearshifting-not even a hint of gear chaoges in forward driving: A nd-outstanding as it is-Pow erglide is only one member of Chevrolet’s marvelous automatic power team. • Combmanon of P o w tn lU t Automata Trammu- and lu f-h p V a h ttn H ta d l n t m t optional un He Laie modeh al ixtra Colt. KELT 521 S. E. SIXTH ST. GIVE TO THE Just press The a c c e le r a to r to C O . . . press th e b r a k e to S T O P .. . 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