BUTLER- B "rn to Mr. and Mis. A S S E M B LY OF GOD Bill C. Butler, Dryden, Saturday. BLESSED EVENTS Rev. D. B. Wantland. pastor August 4, 1951, at 3:40 a. m., a ST. JO H N — Born to Mr. and Mrs. C. A. service at 6:30 Sunday son weighing six pounds one and evening. Russell D. St. John, Cave Junction, one half ounces. Sunday School begins promptly T hursday, A ugust 2, 1951, at 7:05 at 9:45 a. in. MARTIN— Born to Mr. and Mrs. p m., a dau g h ter weighing seven Morning w orship— 11 a. m. Edward G. M arti!,, Kerby, Sunday, Evening evangelistic service — pounds twelve and one half oun­ July 29, 1951, at 7:43 p. m., a son 7 :30 p. m. * weighing nine pounds one ounce ces. W ednesday evening p r a y e i meeting and Bible Study 7 :30 pm . Choir practice will be held each Monday evening at 7:30. G ilbert W antland is director. Sunday school attendance was 119, with 18 in the young peoples' class. Gaylor Brown read the most Bible verses for the week, 48. Pins aw arded: Sister Plumlee, w reath; W endell Lee, 400 point. Birthdays w ere celebrated by Sister and B rother Owens and K atherine W antland. The Bible train in g class started Also a Limited Supply of last week with a good attendance of 24. Seven young people w ere in attendance. Some of the subjects to be studied are “ the year of be­ ginning,” “ why did John bapitze with w ater," and "w hy did Jesus submit to w ater baptism ?” ♦ P astor chose fo r the m orning service the 18th chapter of Ezek­ iel, verses 4-20. The contents of the text were "Behold, all souls are m ine; the soul th at sinnith shall die.” He also read from Exodus 12, verses 12 and 13. A large group of men met at chuich on Tuesday evening and poured concrete for the new addi­ tion. The ladies served supper to them in the p a sto r’s yard. HAVE YOU SEEN THE NEW ADM IRAL REFRIGERATOR Seven, Nine, Eleven Foot 1951 Deluxe Models ♦ ♦ SERVEL Gas Refrigerators A M A N A Deep-Freezers MAYTAG SHOP Phone 2902 Self-Service Laundry Cave Junction IL L IN O IS VALLEY NEW S T H U R S D A Y . AUGI ST », 1951 C H U R C H OF C H R IS T Preaching every Sunday morn ng at 10:30, communion services immediately following at our church house just south of J. S. dedingfield's residence on the cem .*tery road. Everyone it cordially invited. ------------- o ------- F IR S T B A P T IS T C H U R C H of Cave Junction Sunday school, 10 a. m. Morning worship, 1 1 a . nt. Place of m eeting is the Seventh- day A dventist church. Due to repair work being done on the Seventh Day Adventist Church building. Baptist will hold their regular Sunday worship ser­ vice in the Legion Hall next Sun­ day August 12. Rev. Harold T aylor will have charge of the service and bring the message. Everyone is cordially invited to attend. o-------------- C A V E J U N C T IO N C H U R C H of S E V E N T H D A Y A D V E N T IS T S Pastor— J. Apigian Sabbath School ............... ...9:36 Church service ..................11:00 Prayer meettfig W ednesday. SELM A B A P T IS T C H U R C H Rev. Douglas Field,pastor. Sunday schixtl 'classes for all ages, 9:45 a. nt. Morning worship service, 11 a JESUS N A M E nt. PENTECOSTAL CHURCH Young peoples’ m eeting, 7 p. in. On Caves Highway Evening service 8 p. m. Sunday school, 10 a. nt. Men’s pnayer m eeting, Monday P leaching service, 11 a. nt. S p. m. Sunday night service, 8 p. nt. Choir practice, W ednesday 7 :30 Tuesday night preaching se r­ p. m. vice, 8 p. m. P layer m eeting and Bible study Friday night Young Peoples’ W ednesday 8 p. m. --------------o-------------- service, 8 p. nt. Everyone is invited. Pastor, Rob­ B R ID G E V IE W e rt Estes. C A V E J U N C T IO N C O M M U N IT Y CHURCH George H. Gray, Pastor 9:50 a.in. Sunday School. 11:00 a.m. Church service; and 7 :45 p.m. Evening service and auditorium ; and Ju nior and In te r­ mediate group, Mrs. S heiier leader Ju nior church, Mrs. E therton leader. Rev. Gray spent the week in Portland attending a Camp m eet­ ing where he heard many fine ad ­ dresses and speakers. He returned v i a Roseburg where he preached Sunday m orning fo r a preacher | friend, reaching home in tim e for his evening meeting. in his absence, A rth u r Drews had the morning service taking j to r his theme “ Spiritual G ifts" | and why they are given us. also ; stressing the thought of our ¡ Heavenly Home which has been promised to those who love Him and how we are m aking ready for them by our lives here, and our influence upon others. J. Gatland sang " It Is Well With My Soul" and Mesdames McDaniel and Diews sang a duet, “ Have I Done My Best For Je su s? ” Among other visitors w ere Dr. and Mrs. Custer who drove over from Klam­ ath Falls, and were guests a t the Gray home; Mesdames F. 1.. Wilch- er and Vivian B. D eaton; Mrs. Jack 1,. Owen and Stevie; Mrs. Vern Cady and C arm elita Hussey and baby, and D arrell McGihon, all of Cave Junction. The women’s Missionary society will havV their reg u lar meeting August 15 at one o’clock in the church parlor with ladies of the Town Circle as hostesses. Some new ladies are to he introduced and an interesting progiam and discussion is scheduled. The work day will lie resum ed on the first W ednesday in Sept. Please r e ­ member these dates. .Ml women who are interested will he cordial- Iv welcomed. C O M M U N IT Y C H U R C H Mr. and Mrs. Clyde B roeffle will J. M. Boss, pastor leave early Friday m orning for a Sunday school, 10 a. m. weekend's stay a t Modesto, C alif­ Morning worship, 1 1 a . m. ornia, where they will m eet their Evening service, 8 p. m. son Bill, who is stationed a t the --------------o-------------- Los A lamitos Naval Air station in A movie will be shown a t the California. They will be accom pan­ Bridgeview Community church ied by Joan B urnett. next Saturday, A ugust 11 at 8 p. m. The title of the movie is “ The Power of the Blood,” the amazing story of the blood of Christ from Genesis to Revelation. Local stockmen know this bank, and we know them. We hove confidence in their ability to continue to do well with their livestock. So we're always interested in making loons backed by this marketable security. When a bank loan seems the best solution for your 9 financial problem, come in and see us. BANK at HOME — TRADE at HOME --------------- o--------------- C h ris tia n Science Churchea subject of / / f OVE" was the th 1 , the Lesson-Si -Sermon In all B A N K O F IL L IN O IS V A L L E Y Member Federal Reaerve Syatem Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation BOB and RUTH Shop Churches of Christ, Scientist, on Sunday, August 5. The Golden Text was, "Keep yourselves in the love of God, looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus C hrist unto eternal life” (Jude 1:21). Among the citations which comprised the Lesson - Sermon was the following from the Bible; "Owe no man any thing, but to love one another; for he that lov- eth another hath fulfilled the law " (Rom. 13 8). together with the following correlative passage from the Christian Science te x t­ book, "Science and H ealth with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy: "U niversal I.ove is the divine way in C hristian Sci­ ence” (p. 266). C A T H O L IC CHURCH Father Kelley. Held in the Catholic Chapel Io ,-ated on the Redwood highway, across from the R anger station. Second and fourth Sundays at 12 o’clock. Sunday School News Sunday school attendance last Sunday was 133. The service open­ 'd with singing. A special num ber was led by Norma M artin, Sarah Hoskins and Carol P reston, with Lylabelle Cross playing the piano. B irthdays were celebrated by Nancy Ehlers who is four years old. Next Sunday, A ugust 1, Mrs. Lillie P eters will be 90 years young. H er daughter and son-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Burch, are holding open house from 2 to 8 p. m. for all friends who wish to drop in to wish her u hnppy birth­ day. A rep o rt was given by Mrs. Hilliard on the Holy Land cruise contest. The A lpha’s are leading, having traveled 67 days. The O m ega’s have only 65 days. There ire still a few Sundays left of the contest. Everyone is requested to bring a guest. The congregation all missed Rev. Gray last Sunday, even though they w ere glad that he could have i few days vacation. They are also 'lad to have Don Preston hack in Sunday School a fte r ten days away in the F orest Service. Mrs. C arothers’ class of boys were welcomed hack in the class a fte r two Sundays aw ay ut Scout camp. Next Sunday, A ugust 12, Rev. Paul O. K roon, of L ostine, O regon, will hold services at the Commu­ nity church in the m orning and evening. --------------o------------- Mae Bowerman left Thursday for Sherwood, Oregon to pick beans. She will stay with her aunt, Mrs, George Schroeder. M rs. W illiam Holbrook of Holly- wood is visiting for several weeks at the home of her sister and brother-in-law , Mr. and Mrs. Ray­ mond Proctor o f Cave Junction. H all’s Accounting Service CAVE NOTARY Radio Repairs "The Best for less ' by Les" BASHAM R adio S ervice K 10 Mile F.aat On Cavaa Hiway TO BETTER SERVE YOU BOB and RUTH Shop CETA CROTON ANSWERS, EVERY NEED 4 2 .5 0 (tax loci.) FREE! DISPOSABLE DIAPERS BABY LOTION BABY CREAM BABY FOOD ((& u n i o n c o r p . HARDWARE Service As Well as SavingS CAVE J U N C T IO N *1'# a. 3'’V BABY POWDER There’s a reason for ’’Tuffy” Choker’s big popularity in the timber country — Useful because "Tuffy” is specially stranded and Handbook for Logging. socketed for the extra strength, stamina ‘ WIRE ROPE for LOGGING and flexibility required for logging oper­ ations. ’’Tuffy” Chokers are truly built for the job —a trial will convince you. C e n p lle d In tkia book I, Info*- ppatlon on virtually all J itie m it ■ .p e l of w ir» ropa uaeJ in longing - . - . I m i n i u b ica. U lnatrauon, , OJ lunta on bear » ir e rope log ging prectiiea Send fo r »our C op» Toda»! P U B L IC IR A S. H A L L need- ILLINOIS VALLEY OREGON Member of Oregon Association of Public A ccountants TTP's Recommended and Distributed by: J U N C T IO N . Audits, Bookkeeping, Income Tax Service and Q uarterly Re­ port». I I I e I I I i I ( 1 I I I ( >4 Come in and use our baby scales — Keep a record of your baby’s weight. At The Valley Drug P R E S C R IP T IO N S — Always at a a a rin f! R George Simmon», R. Ph. Phone Cave Junction 3612 Own the fine timepiece you’ve always wanted . . . for a price that’s hard to believe! Our 17 jewel Croton Aquamatic is self-winding; certified water­ proof*; dustproof; shock- resistant, with shatterproof crystal, chrome top, stainless Steel back. See Our Window Display STEM JEW E LE R Cave Junction We Give and Redeem G O LD A R R O W S TA M P S •Creiea . i i . f j i W »eaakae w e n eaaettreef at aa ika arvatai « la u e i Oal» a aeapaaaai H e»br abeaU rapiaae aejetal aa dan an* 1» 'aa'ara aaiarpavel »aall'r. '•M