I Il’» For YOUR Benefit Help the ILLINOIS VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER M A R Y A N N ’S AS B A M D ALASKAS ¿2 Stationery Typewriters and Hdding Machines Come To BARRETT'S STATIONERY & OFFICE SUPPLIES Grants Pass HAVE YOU SEEN THE NEW ADMIRAL REFRIGERATOR Seven, Nine, Eleven Foot 1951 Deluxe Models ♦ ♦ pint ice cream (any flavor) il baker..' individual M aty Ann shelltf I , gg whites Also a Limited Supply of '» tu p confectioners’ sup,; r l4 teaspoon vanilla e x tra c t Beat egg w hites until stiff, hut not d iy Blend in confectioners’ s u g a r and vanilla ex tra ct. C ontinue b eating until m eringue stan d s in peaks and is well blended. Divide ice cream into t! portions. Place a portion of ice cream in th e c e n te r of each Mary Ann shell. Cover M ary Ann shell and ice cream e n tire ly , w ith m eringue. Place on a cookie sheet and brown quickly h i a hot oven (450° F .) fo r ap p ro x i­ m ately live m inutes. S erv e'im m ed iatcly . SERVEL Gas Refrigerators AM ANA Deep-Freezers NOTE; The A laskas may be made up in advance and kept frozen in your home fre ez er o r th e freezin g com partm ent of your re­ frig e ra to r until ready to brown in the oven and serve. M AYTAG SHOP Yield i'. Poked Alaskas. Phone 2902 Self-Service Laundry Cave Junction '■ »old your m ,he" Pinch it ,0 *' " * cohen ,e n t ® ,\ Only you can PREVENT FOREST FIRES! This A dv. Sponsored As A Public Service By ROUGH and READY LBR. Co. P L U M B IN G SU PPLIES SPECIAL - - T o ile t, Complete (close coupled) A SSEM B LY OF GOD C H U R C H O F C H R IS T Rev. D. B. W antland, pastor C. A. service at 6:30 Sunday evening. Sunday School begins promptly I at 9 :45 a. m. M orning w orship— 11 a. m. Evening evangelistic service — I 7 :30 p. m. Preaching every Sunday morn mg a t 10:30, communion services immediately 'follow ing at our church house ju s t south of J. S. Bedingfield’s residence on the cem­ etery road. Everyone is cordially nvited F IR S T B A P T IS T C H U R C H W ednesday evening p r a y e r of Cave Junction meeting and Bible Study 7 :30 p in. Sunday school, 10 a. in. Choir practice will be held each Monday evening at 7:30. Gilbert | Morning worship, 1 1 a . nt. Place of m eeting is the Seventh- I W antland is director. lay A dventist ehurch. A ttendance at Sunday school The vacation Bible school closed was 130 with 21 young people a l­ lending. A birthday was celebrat­ 'ast Friday with a picnic at ed by Bobby Changler, who is 8 G tayhack park in the afternoon and com m encem ent exercises F ri­ years old. I’ins were received by Barbara day evening. T here were 30 in a t­ tendance with 27 enrolled. Mercer, 1300; Billy Y arbrough, Those assisting in the Bible 1300; Edna Marshall, 5200; and school were Rob Reeder, princi­ Burl Cox, 2600. Jean ie Owens pal; Rev. and Mis. Troy Kelly, read the most Bible chapters foi Mrs. Rigel and JoA nn Taylor. the week, 52. You are invited to hear I)r. B rother W antland chose for his Robert G. I.ee at the Evangelistic text the 4th chapter of E plesions, Rally held in the Benson A u d ito r­ verses 21-32. in Portland on A ugust 1 1 iu m B rother Owens had his steel and 15 at 8 p. nt. I)r. Lee is pas­ guitar at church which he made tor of the Rellevue Baptist church, and added much to the music by Memphis, Tennessee, and past playing a special num ber. Gib uesident of the Southern B aptist i and Mary Lou W antland sang .invention. He is a very dynamic ‘Holy i W hat the Angels Sing.” ireacher o f the gospel. T ry to Visitors were Bi other ami Sis­ o ar his famous serm on, “ Pay Day ter Hopkins, Mary Lou Want- Some Day,” on A ugust 15. Southern B aptist assem bly is land’s m other and father. Bi other Cain started his m eet­ icing held a t Reed college in ings in G iants Pass Tuesday, Portland A ugust 13-18. Classes July 31, for two weeks. His min- will be offered in the various ac­ I istry is similar to B rother Bran- tivities of the church work, such is Sunday school, training union, ant’s. mis ionary and W.M.U. confer- A teacher’s training class is be­ ■nces. Along with the study, there ing started Friday night and will will be recreation and special continue six weeks. S ister Mae features. W antland will be the instructoi Anyone interested in attending for the “ Life and Teachings of his sum m er camp :s requested to C hrist,’’ and everyone is welcome. ontact Rev. Troy Kelly in Cave The foundation for the new ad function, or w rite directly to Mrs. dition to the church is being pour­ Thelma Moore, Box 127, Silver- ed this week. ,on, Oregon. Christian Science Services Lavatories, Complete | »**0 ant^ UP 1 Christian Science services will I he discontinued fo r the month of I August. Services will he resumed Sunday, Septem ber 9, VALLEY C A V E J U N C T IO N C O M M U N IT Y CHURCH FOR ALL YOUR NEEDS IN 425 S. E. Sixth St. I L L IN O IS C A V E J U N C T IO N C H U R C H f S E V E N T H D A Y A D V E N T IS T S P astor— J. Apigian Sabbath Schoo) ................ 9:31. Church service ................... 11 09 P rayer m eeting W ednesday. NEW S THURSDAY. AUGUST 2, 1951 George H. Gray, Pastor 9:50 a.ni. Sunday School. 11:00 a.m. Church service; and 7:45 pm . Evening service and luditorium ; and Ju n io r and In te r­ mediate group. Mrs. Sherier leader Junior church, Mrs. E therton leader. Rev. Gray took for his text Sun lay m orning Isiah 55:1 “ Il everyone that thirsieth, come y< to the w aters, and he th a t hath no m oney; come ye, buy and ea t; yea, come, buy wine and milk without money and without price.” Mrs. John Dow sang “ Have You Counted the C ost?” and a t the .lose of the service Mrs. Marvin Cross sang “ Deni To The Heart of the Shepherd.” T here were a good many visit­ ors, including Mr. and Mrs. John V. S chteiber and family of Bag­ dad, A rizona; Mrs. Gay Smith and son K eith of Cave Junction and her friends Dorothy, Clara and Shirley Phillips of Long Beach; Buddy Ball of W ilmington, Calif- >rnia; Mrs. Keith Owens and het p atents Mr. and Mrs. George R. Houck o f Klamath Falls and Mis. Jessie M. Leonard of G rants Puss, form erly of the Valley. The colored picture which was shown in the evening brought out a large attendence from the dif­ ferent church congregations of the Valley to see the pictures o f Indians of Peru and Mexico as they live in their prim itive stale, and then showed the m arvelous ontrast a fte r they have become C hristians, and have learned to read and live the lives of more norm al, civilized and reform ed reatu res, and the suprem e sacri­ fices of the missionary teachers and doctors who go to them with help and vision and modern con­ veniences. C A T H O L IC CHURCH F a th e r Kelley. Held in the Catholic Chapel lo- ated on the Redwood highway, icroas from the R anger station. Second and fourth Sundays at 12 o'clock. ---------------- o .......... .. JESU S NAME PENTECOSTAL CHURCH Oil Caves Highway Sunday school, 10 a. ni. Preaching service. H u m . Sunday night service, 8 p. m. Tuesday night preaching ser­ vice, 8 p, m. Friday night Young Peoples' service, 8 p. nt. Everyone is invited. Pastor, Rob­ e rt Estes. ---------------- o SELM A B A P T IS T C H U R C H Rev. Douglas Field.pastor. Sunday school classes for all ages, 9 :4ft a. ni. Morning worship service, I l a . m. Young peoples’ m eeting, 7 p. ni. Evening service 8 p. m. Men’s prayer meeting, Monday S p. in. Choir practice, Wednesday 7:30 p. m. Prayer m eeting ansi Bihle stuJy W ednesday 8 p. m. ---------------- o ............ . — B R ID G E V IE W C O M M U N IT Y C H U R C H J. M. Boss, pastor Sunday school, 10 a. m. Morning worship, 11 ». m. Evening service, 8 p. nt. C hristian Science Churchee //riYRUTH" was the subject of 1 the Lesson-Sermon in all Churches of Christ, Scientist, on Sunday. July 29. The Golden Text was, “We have a strong city, salvation will Sunday School News God appoint for walls and bul­ Sunday school attendance was I warks. Open ye the gates, that 129 last Sunday, Services began the righteous nation w hich keep- with Mrs. Cross leading the sing-| eth the tru th ntay enter in” (Isa. ing and Roberta Hilliard and 26:1, 2). Among the citations which G eorgeann Hicks led a special number. No report was given nil comprised the Lesson - Sermon was the following from the Bible: the Holy Land cruise. The Ju n io r class, led by Mrs. “Lead me in thy tru th , and teach N'icholsen and Dwain Cross gave me: for thou art the God of my a broadcast and Bihle quiz from salvation” (Ps. 25:5), together with the following correlative station JS.M, Jerusalem . passage from the C hristian Sci­ Visitors were Mis. Schrieber ence textbook, “Science and and children, Mis. Hicks, Georgo- Health w ith Key to the Scrip­ ann Hicks, Susan Logan, Frank tures" by Mary Baker Eddy: Earle, Jack, Mark and Lola M ur­ “Mortals try to believe w ithout phy, and Loren and Bobby Grey, understanding T ruth; yet God is Everyone is urged to bring a T ruth" (p. 312). visitor next week. Sunday school begins at 9:50 Romie llolzhauser has purchas­ and everyone is welcome. ed th e lovely home of the Boucher's and will soon move in­ it, while the Bouchers are in A New Church For O’Brien to another of their homes on Red­ For about a year and a half wood heights. there has been a Sunday School work and some church services held at the school house in O’Brien under the leadership of A rthur Drews and Leonard Beard of Cave Junction. It has been their desire to build a ehurch th e re ; a build­ ing site has been donated as well as lum ber and other building m aterial-; so since much interest is being shown in the project, the work is going forw ard, with services to he held in a tent until the building can he completed. Recently the Friends church group of Salem and Medford has ENGAGEMENT ANO WIOOIMG RINGS become interested in this work Sh«’» ■ IS«« and a fte r several consultations in knr dree m t... with the folks here and church naw mala her officers and investigations in this draam» casa Huai field. Rev. O rrin Ogier, Friends m inister whose home is now in G ladstone, Oregon, has felt the call to conic here to serve. On July 29 he held services at the school house, preaching to a fair sized and appreciative audience. Rev. Ogier is a very earnest and f U T V f t f 1 0 (1 Priced a» low • <«fl • • • ) » tw ill, personable young man, trained at tilt, skiff • * the Friend» Sem inary in Newburg, CO btr fin y ti Oiegon and with his wife and two young - ms will return the latter part of A ugust to make his home CAVE J U N C T IO N and begin, his m inistry in O 'Brien. Ww G ive and Redeem Until then Sunday School will GOLD AR RO W STAM PS continue as usual. GUY STEM jay«: $125. STEM JEWELER — «5- — Bathtubs, Heavy cast, S | | ]{.•*<> complete with trim ALSO SINKS. LAUNDRY TRAYS, and all plumbing fittings at competitive prices. GAS and ELECTRIC WATER HEATERS CAVES RULIIING SUPPLIES Cave Junction FULL F A S H IO N E D N Y L O N HO SE SMIe PerPa" A N ew Modern Deposit Plan to save your Time Quick • Easy - Safe AT TREHEARNE'S CAVE J U N C T IO N We Give S & H GREEN STAMPS W ut« or call lor com olal» loloioiatiou - G ra n ts P a s s B r a n c h oz the U n it e d S ta te s N a t i o n a l B a n k H eed O ff Je«, P o rtla n d . Oragon