« ILLINOIS V. MISSIONARY SOCIETY NOTES I. The Town circle served a very nice luncheon on Thursday to about tw enty-five ladies and to Mr. Gray. No business m eeting wa? held. Item s of business will be ta ­ ken care of next m onth at the regular time. The women o f the Missionary- society were invited guests of the O’Brien W omen's club on Friday afternoon. Several members were present to enjoy the speaker, .Mrs. Birdseye, and the social tim e with the members of the club. ------------- o-------------- L ittle Judy Fields, dau g h ter of Rev. and Mrs. Douglas Fields of Selma, is ill with both the mumps and measles. The H arry Floyd home in Hol­ land will be the m eeting place foi the Illinois Valley Garden club o: Friday, May 25. There will bi election of officers. On the aftern o o n ’s program wil be a lectu re on “ dusts," and a d's play of bulb catalogues. V. Garden Club Meeting F. W. Plans Big Fourth Of July Celebration VALLEY "The Best for less by Les" BASHAM R S WATCH REPAIR ★ Re-setting Diamonds Has Silver Tea M arguerite Rebekah Lodge No. 111 opened in regular form May 9, in the Oddfellows hall at Kerby with Noble Grand Carolyn Coving ton presiding. Several members C A V E J U N C T IO N C O M M U N IT Y CHURCH were absent due to illness. George H. Gray, Pastor T here was discussion concerning 9:50 a.nt. Sunday School. the cocked food sale to be held 11:00 a.m. Church service: and May 12 at the Illinois Valley 7:45 p.m. Evening service and Cleaners. tuditorium ; and Ju nior and Inter- Plans for the Rebekah dinner nediate group, Mrs. Sherier leader to he held at a date which will Ju nior church, Mrs. Etherton he given later are well under way. leader. We had a visiting speaker. Rev­ P earl Houch, who had been elected to go as delegate to grand erend F. W. Hopkins of Sunny lodge, will be unable to attend due Valley, who used John 19: 25-27 to other plans. Mabel Ramsey will as his text in which verses Christ shows deep concern for his own go as an alternate. V irginia Steim er was appointed m other at His death, page, and will attend if no more Dwain and Lilahelle Cross sang mumps make their appearance at a lovely duet, “ My M other’s h er house. Bible.” G rand lodge will be held at T here were several visitors both Klamath Falls on May 22 to 21 a? Sunday school and the church inclusive. services. Among them were Mrs. Betty D >ney was given a su r­ Vern Cady, Mrs. Carl Hammer, H. prise stork shower and received W. Jones, Mrs. F. W. Hopkins, many beautiful gifts. Noble Grand Mrs. J. R. McWilliams, Mrs. Sut- Carolyn presented Betty with a phen, who is here from Pasadena, beautiful spray of tulips. and Mrs. George P. M artin of The birthday ja r was emptied Rogue River who viaitinjf hel. w ith the addition of several dollars ins Robert and Edward. which arc to be added to 'h e grow ­ Please do not forget the “ sings- ing carpet fund. piration” which is to be at the Several humorous games were Cave Junction Community church enjoyed. on Sunday, May 27, at 2:30 p. m. Following the adjournm ent of the meeting, refreshm ents were These m e really enjoyable affairs served at tables that had been dec­ where you have the opportunity orated by Hilda Magnuson, Erna to smg and to listen to others do Doney, Polly Hembree and Twyla tl.e same. Everyone is welcome. Salvage. Ilis majesty, the stork, Sunday School Neuis Sunday school attendance was was the center-piece with howls filled with pink and white flowers one hundred and sixty-three last making the setting. Stream ers of i week. pink, blue and white extended A song by the congregation from the ceiling to the table. Nut i petted the service, and Staria cups were cleverly made in the Lloyd recited “ The Heavenly form of the very useful triangle, Mold.” O ther recitations of the while napkins were made in four day w ere: “ I Love My Mother shapes. Very Much,” by Jennie Low; “ A Several secret pals were rem em ­ P rayer," Janice E therton; *‘I Love bered. You.” Carol H ammer; "My Mother Following a very enjoyable time, Does,” Carol Preston; “ A Boy's members departed to their homes. Love," Vern Cady; “ Our M other’s The next m eeting will be on P a y ,” Norma, Roberta and Carol May 23, to which all Rebekahs are M artin; “ But I Love Mom,” welcome. Bucky Cham berlin; “ M other,” ------------- o------------- sung by Carlene W elsh; “ M other’s Mr. and Mrs. Val Southw ard of G arden,” L arry Preston, Ronald Kerby have received word that Spencer, Claude Champney and their son Charles, who has r e ­ Charles Nicholson, and "A Moth­ cently been home since his retu rn e r’s Wish,” given by Mrs. F ree­ to the U. S., is being trained as man. an instructor in a tank division. The oldest m other present was Corporal Southward is a Marine Mrs. Brown and the youngest veteran of the Korean war. m other present was Mi’s. Gill. Both were presented with a bou­ quet of flowers. Birthdays were celebrated by Lee Carothers, G regory Floyd, Mrs. Mayfield, Mrs. Floyd, Mrs. Welch, Mrs. Hussey and Mrs. Seat. The contest is coming along fine. Last week found the Alphn side a few points ahead. President Edna Hoskins opened he m eeting of the O 'Brien Wo- n e n ’s club Friday, May 11 with he group singing "God Bless Am- *rica.” A fter the business m eeting, cor­ age* were presented to the eldest nother, all m others over seventy ind the youngest m other. The m other with the most child- en was Mrs. T hatcher of O 'Brien, who has eleven children. The old­ est m other was Lillie Peters, who Is 89 years old. The president presented cor sages to past presidents Nellie W ilber, Rena Webb, Ellen H alt well, Lois Brink and Bessie K nipple. Two new members, Mrs. Camp- hell and Mrs. Lena Owens joined the club. The date was set for the spring Chinese luncheon, W ednesday May 23. Luncheon will he at 12:30 p m., and cards will he played in the afternoon. Peggy Hubbard, chairm an of th> en tertainm ent committee, pre •ented the following M others’ Day program : two songs, “ That 01.1 Irish Mother of Mine” and “ The Old Spinning W heel,” beautifully sung by Mis. I.ois Spencer acrom panied by A lberta Proctor. The guest speaker, Mrs. Effie Birdseye, was introduced and gave a very interesting talk on pioneei life in Ja c k s.n and Josephine counties in the early days of 1850. Illinois Valley Lions Club Vaudeville Show Kerby Gym 7 P. M. 2 SHOWS 9 P. M. Specialties Dance Songs Ditch Digger Acquired A1 C. Thayer, city w aterm aster. announces th a t he has purchased a Shei man-IIoe digger to dig new ditches and improve the existing I lines of the city w ater system. The digger belongs to Mr. ■ Thayer and will be available fo r , “ custom ’’ work in between city i jobs. “ The Valley’s Most Popular Show” A D U L T S $1.00 GRADE 40c (A t the door) A "UNITED" PRECISION REBUILT MOTOR INSTALLED IN YOUR CAR TODAY WILL SAVE YOU MONEY TOMORROW! • Cheaper than a major overhaul. • New Motor Guarantee. • Loaner car at no cost. Model A V-8 1937 Up . . . . M e r c u r y .................. Chevrolet ............... P ly m o u t h ............... Dodge ...................... DeSoto - Chrysler . . Studebaker Champ . Pontiac and Olds 6 B u i c k ...................... 4 2 9 .5 0 169.50 179.50 179.50 179.50 189.50 219.50 219.50 219.50 289.50 THESE LOW PRICES INCLUDE: Rebuilt Engine, Installation and Tune-up. Get Our Low Prices On Any Car Not Quoted UNITED ENGINE REBUILDERS Opposite New Drive-In Theater Grants Pass Pho"' 51)40 TRUCK OWNERS: Get Our Money Saving Prices On Truck Engines. OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAYS m IIIEWW^r FOR ALL YOUR NEEDS IN H IG H SCHOO L S T U D E N T S 75c SCH O O L S T U D I NTS . A li cuccia. Rebekah Activities JOHNSON JEWELER TUESDAY, M \Y 22, 1951 3 O’Brien Women’s Club Saturday. June 30, the fourth - July celebration will sta rt ofi with a dance at the V eterans ol Foreign W ars pavilion in Cavt Junction. Scheduled for Ju ly 3 are othe, forms of entertainm ent followed by the Liberty dance in the even ing. All kinds of booths and game? are planned to furnish everyone with his choice of entertainm ent. Every organization in the Val­ ley is cordially invited to erect and operate a booth on the V eterans’ grounds. Boy and Girl Scouts are especially welcome to set up any booth free of charge. Beginning in June, the V eterans and A uxiliary will hob! regulai adio ervice meetings on the second and fourth 8 10 Mile East On Caves Hiway Thursdays of each month. A good tu rn o u t of members of this post is expected to attend thi district m eeting Sunday,M ay 20 F A S T , E C O N O M IC A L at C entral Point. Dinner is at 12 p. m. Take a hot dish and table ser­ vice. Meeting convenes at 2 p. m. Fast Service On at the G range hall. M others’ Day was observed Monday night with a kitchen show­ Or repair and alteration er from the Post. Pirate bingo was of setting olayed and a pie social was en­ 9€E joyed by all. D istrict Commandei A tte n tio n was .a ile d to a d isp lai Jack Stew art and district histor­ of antiques brought hv different ian Minna S tew art were present members of the d ub. 619 East " H ” St., Grants Pass from G rants Pass. Tea was served from a beau ' tifully arranged table. The CPiitei- I piece was composed of lovely spring blossoms, a nice gesture 2nd Annual from Mabel Ramsey. I-adies who served at the tea 'able were Nellie W ilbur and A! berta Proctor. Hostesses fo r the day were So­ phia Bunch, A lberta Proctor, Ruth j W endt and Peggy Milburn. Radio Repairs NEWS THURSDAY, MAY 17, 1951 Stationery Typewriters and fídding Machines Come To BARRETT'S STATIONERY & OFFICE SUPPLIES 425 S. E. Sixth St. Grants Pass PRESENTING - - - T h e N e w R e e d -P re n tic e M odel 50 — 5 H o rs e p o w e r Portable Power Chain Saw One or Two Man MODEL 50 ONE MAN SAW Available in 20'*, 24", 30" Capacities T his rugged, power packed u n it, w ith its 360 degree swivel and round nose b u ckin g bor, gives vou top perform ance. eo,e o t h a n d lin g and the a ll-im p o rta n t e xtra c u ttin g speed found o n ly m on R-P Chom S o * Equipped w ith 20 ' c u ttin g atta chm e n t the one m an R P S o * w eigh1 a p p ro xim a te ly 45 pounds At shown, the ' ’ R-P-SO'' — 3 0 “ Guidi Bor and Cham, one man operation, F. O. B. Grants Past, Oregon >330 .00 WE ARE DISTRIBUTORS for: Southern Douglas, Southern Curry and All ot Josephine Counties Parts Stock Carried in Gronts Pass Pacific Logging & Mill Supply Co. PO Bo. 3 2 3 , Grants Pats, Oregon Phones 2 3 0 9 or 4071 Store on Murphy Rood ot Union Avenue Reed-Prentice— The Original M anufacturer of Portoble Power Chein Sows C A V E J U N C T IO N C H U R C H • f S E V E N T H D A Y A D V E N T IS T . ’ Pastor—J. Apigian Sabbath School ................9 :3t ASSEMBLY OF GOD Rev. D. B. W antland, pastor C. A. service at 6 :30 Sunday evening. Sunday School begins promptly at 9:45 a. m. Morning worship— 11 a. m. Evening evangelistic service — 7:30 p. nt. Wednesday evening p r a y e r meeting and Bible Study 7:30 p.m. Choir practice will he held each Monday evening at 7:30. G ilbert W antland is director. Mothers* Day brought out one hundred and ten people to Sunday school. All classes were represented in a Mothers' Day program. The young peoples' quartet -ang “ If I Could Only H ear My M other Pray A gain.” Birthdays were celebrated by Mrs. David Barton and G ilbert W antland. Mothers honored w ere: oldest mother,M rs. Yandell, and youngest mother. Mrs. Price. Reverend W antland chose for his text of the m orning second Timothy, chapter 1. Monday evening, election of church and Sunday school officers. The building program will he dis­ cussed. Branam m eetings will sta rt May 15 and continue through May 23 in G rants Pass. A young man tw enty-one years of age will fol­ low Brother Branam. No prayer m eeting this week, and no Sunday night service so members can attend thp meetings in G rants Pass. Missionary picnic at Grayback postpones! until May 24. The C. A. was led by B uster Martin. The pastor chose his sermon from Luke eleven, verse nine. “ And 1 say unto you, ask and it shall be given you: seek and ye shall find; knock and it shall be opened unto you.” A special song given by Mrs. Wendell Lee and Mrs. M urf en­ titled 'No One Ever Cared For Me Like Jesu s” was enjoyed by all. SELMA BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. Douglas Field,pastor. Sunday school classes for all ages, 9 :45 a. m. Morning worship service, 1 1 a . in. Young peoples’ m eeting, 7 p. m. Evening service 8 p. m. Men’s prayer meeting, Monday 8 p. in. Choir practice, W ednesday 7:30 p. m. Prayer meeting and Bible study W ednesday 8 p. m. CHURCH OF CHRIST Preaching every Sunday morn­ ing at 10:30, communion services immediately following a t our T here will he no services at the church house ju st south of J. S. Cave Junction Seventh-day Ad­ Redingfield'n residence on the cein- ventist churoh Saturday, May IP »tery road. Everyone is cordially t was announced by W alter Chap invited man, elder. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH The members of the church of Cave Junction will attend the services in the new Sunday school, 10». m. ■hutch on Highway 99 North at Evelyn street in G rants Pass, Morning worship, 11 a. m. Evening service, 8 p. ra. (day­ where Elder Joseph II. Apigian ! will preach his farew ell sermon, light saving tim e). Place of meeting is the Seventh- which will also he the first sermon i n the new church. Elder Apigian day Adventist church. o ■■ - ..... has been chosen to campaign for CATHOLIC CHURCH I funds throughout the Oregon con- Father Kelley ; ference for the new academy at Held in the Catholic Chapel lo. Milo, 17 miles east of Canyon ated on the Redwood highway, j ville, which is greatly needed. HONOR THY MOTHER was icross from the Ranger station. Second and fourth Sundays at spelled by the first letters of texts aksn from the Bible which tell 12 o’clock. ------------- o ■ ■ - how God can be honored, quoted ! >y members of the Young Peoples' Christian Science Churches j Missionary V olunteer society in a / / i DAM and Fallen M an” waa j M others’ Day program Inst Satur- /A the subject of the Lesaon- I day. A nother interesting feature Sermon in all Churches of Christ, , was the lighting of six candles, Scientist, on Sunday, May 13. i each one a tribute to the ccmpan- The Golden Text was, “As by ' lon-hm, prayer, Bible, sacrifice, one man's disobedience many I loyalty and love of mothers. were made sinners, so by the In last week's paper it was olx’dience of one shall many be tated that Evangelist A. O. Sage made righteous" (Rom 5:19). would open a series of meetings i in the new church in G ran’s Pass | Among the citations which j Sunday May 1’!. This was a mis-, comprised the Lesson Sermon was the following from the take, for which your rep orter is Bible: “For as in Adam all die. -orry. Evangelist Sage will open i even so in Christ shall all be | next Sunday, May 20. His s u b -; made alive" (I Cor. 15:22) to­ ject will be "Will Russia Absorb! gether with the following cor­ ill Europe and A sia?” "T he March I relative passage from the Chris­ of Russia" will be a motion pic-1 tian Science text book, Science ture beginning a t 7:15 p. m. and Health with Key to the Scrip­ Church service 11 ot P ra y e r m eetin g W ednesday bridgev T ew ” COMMUNITY CHURCH J. M. Boss, pastor Sunday school, 10 a. m. Morning worship, 11 a. m. Evening service, 8 p. m. ------------—o------------- EPISCOPAL SUNDAY SCHOOL Episcopal Sunday school is now ■ being held each Sunday a t 11 a. m it the Legion Hall in Cave June- ' tion. An adult class is also being organized All are welcome, tures” by Mary Baker Eddy: “The history of Jesus shows him to have been more spiritual than all other earthly personalities . . . Explaining and demonstrating the way of divine Science, he be­ came the way of salvation U> all who accepted his word” (p 315). ADVERTISE In The News IT PA YS!