Junior ¿ fa g lin e & LsceJet ELECTRIC PLANTS Lightw eight, easv-to- carry O n in 1 lectric Plants ranging in size from .5 50 to J ,500 watts A.C. and D.C. Pow ered by on e or t w o - c y lin d e r , a ir ­ co o led ga so lin e en ­ gines. Complete with c a r r y in g h a n d le s . • • • • • • • • • STANDBY G asoli n e-pow ered p l a n t s — 3 50 to 55,000 watts. Line T ran sfer C o n tro ls available for start­ ing A.C. plants au­ to m a tic a lly w h en com m ercial pow er fails, and stopping th e p la n ts w h e n pow er is restored. • • • • Club IL L IN O IS Dorcus Welfare Society VALLEY NEWS T hursday, Ja n u a ry 11, 1951 The new officers were installed Is Reorganized The Dorcas W elfare Society of by Hazel Henry in an impressive ceremony by candlelight at a din­ the local Seventh-Day Adventist ner m eeting at the Todelope Lafe. met last Tuesday afternoon to r e ­ organize and plan a year of active The table held a centerpiece of work. yellow roses, flanked on eith er Mrs Hazel Falkenhayn was e l­ side by green and yellow tapers. ected leader, with Mrs. M arjorie G ifts were presented to outgoing Chapman her assistant. Mrs. C H U R C H OF C H R IS T president Je rrie Rosenberg and Elaine Hill will be secretary- C A V E J U N C T IO N C O M M U N IT Y installing officer Hazel H enry as tre a su re r fo r the year. Preaching every Sunday morn- CHURCH a token of appreciation. George H. Gray, Pastor ng at 10:30, communion services Among some of the plans dis­ In the absence o f president cussed were sales of various kind* 9:50 a.m. S undry School. immediately following at our E ttie Brafling, Doris Beauvais, for the purpose of raising money 11:00 a.m. Church service; and church house ju s t south of J. 3, vice president, presided over a for their main objective-com m un­ Junior church, Mrs. E atherton Bedingfield's residence on the cem­ short business meeting. The new ity welfare. They also plan to etery road. Everyone is cordially com m ittee chairm en for the year make and distribute bags through- leader. 7:45 p.m. Evening service and invited are as follows: • out the valley for the purpose of 1 collecting discarded clothing and auditorium ; and Ju n io r and In ter­ Playground— Je a n Nichols ' rags The clothing which is not m ediate group. Mrs. Sherier leader W ays and Means— Pat Stem. ASSEMBLY OF GOD too worn will be mended and Rev. Gray chose for his lesson Publicity— M argaret Nowak. Rev. D. B. W antland, pastor given to those in the Illinois V al­ last Sunday, the eighth chapter of W elfare— Mildred Gammel. The attendance a t S u n d a y ley who may not be as fortu n ate Romans and for his text the sixth Social— Marilyn Gill. as most of us. Also for those in verse. He urged us to put away School for the past two Sundays It was reported by Mildred need because of disaster of fire carnal things of this world, and has been 100 and 104 respectively. Petsch th at th irty day delivery or flood. The clothing which is be filled with the Spirit. Another D uring the six years since the can be had on equipm ent ordered not w orth mending will be bund point, was the fact “ that our beginning of the church in K er­ for the Kerby Grade school play­ led and sold for wiping rags oi bodies are the house we dwell other purposes. in, but who dewlls in our heart by, the attendance goal has been ground. They also discussed a few social is what counts, also th a t our body 100 fo r regular attendance. P re ­ The next m eeting will be held activities for the year. vious to this month, this record is the gatew ay to the cross.” at the A m erican Legion Auxiliary The local society is a part of The choir was composed en­ was broken only on E aster Sun­ room on Jan. 9. the world-wide Dorcas W elfare tirely of girls and under Mrs. day. A group picture was taken Federation, a part of the Home F reem an’s direction sang beauti­ of the entire Sunday School on Missionary D epartm ent of t h e fully "In the G arden.” General Conference of Seventh- Rev. Collins will he here every Sunday m orning Jan. 7. We are Day A dventist, with headquarters night this week to give lessons in I sorry so many o f the regular in Tacoma Park, W ashington, D. Bible Instruction. members were absent due to ill­ j C. Their real objective is to SUNDAY SCHOOL NEW S ness. The class for the young help hum anity in the way they Sunday school attendance was m arried folks with G ilbert W ant- need it most. land as teacher, is grow ing rap id ­ Let us rem em ber these ladies 127. Mrs. Freeman read a poem, ly. C ongratulations to the Junior th a t are working for the good of “Tell Me the N am e.” w ritten by Boys, also, for a fine class. The the community. If you have any­ young people a te building up their Miss Beulah Rite. thing they cun use let them know class, and welcome other teen­ A missionary story was told by R a d io S ervice so they can have the supplies Mrs. Hamilton, and G erald Gib agers who do not attend other 8 10 M ile Fast On Cave« Hiway on hand when they are needed. bons and Mr. Mayfield celebrated churches. Mrs. Burl Cox and her prim ary class need a larger class their birthdays. The banner w inners were be room. The choir overcrowds the ginners. They sang “ Good-bye -mall platform . Plans are under way to enlarge the platform and Now To You.” The interm ediate girls won the add more Sunday school rooms. At the m o n t h l y Fellowship honor roll for the last t h r e e ( meeting of th e Asemblies of months. God of Section 6, held at Eagle Point on Monday, the Kerby S un­ From January 1st on Certificates issued up to C A T H O L IC C H U R C H day School was aw arded the a t­ F ath er Kelley January 15. Interest dates July 1st and December Held in the Catholic Chapel lo­ tendance banner for the last q u ar­ cated on the Redwood highway, te r (O ct., Nov., Dec.) This ban­ 31. 1 X 0 ner was presented on the basis across from the Ranger station. Second and fourth Sundays at of percentage gain over the same q u a rte r of the previous year. 11 a.m. $10 TO $10,000 K erby’s percentage gain was 71'" C A V E J U N C T IO N C H U R C H over 1949. At the end of this of S E V E N T H D A Y A D V E N T IS T S q u a rte r (Jan ., Feb., and M ar.), VALLEY FINANCE 5 P astor— J. Apigian the banner will go to the leading Sabbath School ....................9 ;80 Sunday School for th a t period. PREFERRED STOCK CERTIFICATES Church service ................ .11:00 The W omen’s Missionary Coun­ P ray er m eeting W ednesday. — -------- o------- - ■ “ cil m et on W ednesday at the p a r­ E P IS C O P A L S U N D A Y SCHOOL sonage for all day work on cloth­ Episcopal Sunday school is now ing for local needy families, and being held each Sunday at 11 a. m. missionaries. Pot-luck luncheon A Company Owned and Operated i t the Legion Hall in Gave Ju n c ­ was served a t noon. tion. An adult class is also being By Residenti of Josephine County Choir practice will be held each organized. All are welcome. Monday evening at 7 :30. G ilbert 409 So. 6th St. Phone 3650 & 5494 Grants Pass W antland is director. C hristian Science C hurches C. A. service at 6:30 Sunday ///Y O D ” was the s subject of the evening. U Lesson ■ Sen •raon in all D uring the m orning worship Churches of Christ. Scientist, on hour this Sunday, the church will Sunday, January 7 receive into active membership The Golden Text was, “Now thirteen new members. We thank unto the King eternal, immortal, the Lord for this added help in invisible, the only wise God, be God’s work. honour and glory for ever and Sunday School begins prom ptly ev er” (I Tim 1:17) a t 10 a. m. Among the citations which Morning worship— 11 a. m. comprised the Lesson - Serm on Evening evangelistic service — was the following from the Bible: “Thus saith the Lord the King 7:30 p. m. of Israel, and his redeem er the W ednesday evening p r a y e r Lord of hosts; 1 am the first, and m eeting and Bible Study 7:30 p.m, I am the last; and beside me tb eie is no God” (Isa. 44 til, to­ S E L M A B A P T IS T C H U R C H gether with the following co rre­ Rev. Douglas Fields, Pastor. lative passage from the C hristian Sunday school, 9:45 a. m. Science textbook, "Science and Church service, 11:00 a. m. Health with Key to the Sciip- Young peoples’ m eeting, 6:30 turea” by Mary Baker Eddy: “GOD The great I AM, the a ll­ p. m. Church, 7:30 p. m. knowing, all seeing, all-acting, P rayer m eeting, 7 :30 p. ra. W ed­ all-wise, all loving, and eternal; nesday at the parsonage. Principle, Mind; Soul; Spirit; The general public is invited Life, T ru th , Love; all substance; to each of these meetings. intelligence"

0 I 5 ,000 watts, 1 1 5 or 2 30 volts. Battery Chargers. 5 0 0 to 6 ,0 0 0 w a tts ; 6 , 1 2 , 2 4 , 3 2 a n d 11 5 v o lts - , -v m HP 5 cvl O N A N AIR-COOLLD ENG INES— M odel C k : 10 H P . .-c v l inder op posed. M odel BH: 5' 2 H P, .’ «cylinder op p osed . M odel IB: 3'/a H P, vertical single-cylinder. Illinois Valley Haidware SERVICE Women’s As W«ll Cave As $AVING$ Junction 5 % INTEREST V a lle y Finance Co. NEW 1951 CHEVROLET TRUCKS GREAT FEATURES make these /Advance-Design Trucks YOUR GREAT BUY! G re a t Features E v e ry w h e re You Look GREAT ENGINE FEATURE5 • • • . • • . • Two Great Engines Valve-in-Head Efficiency Blue-Flame Combustion Power-Jet Carburetor Perfected Cooling Specialized 4-W ay Lubrication Thermostatic Heat Control Cam-Ground Cast Alloy Iron Pistons GREAT CHASSIS FEATURES . Single-Unit Rear Axle Housings . New Twin-Action Rear Brakes • 4-Speed Synchio-Mesh Transmission <>□ *>»□..•< mod.i.) • Wide Range of Springs (h » o v r d e fy m o d e s t . New Dual-Shoe Parking Brake (h e a v y dwfy m odolst • New Torque-Action Brakes ( b f h f d u ly m o d e lt! . Foot-Operated Parking Brake lm o d « ll w i l l 1 >p««0 I, « •!« » ,I I , • Steering Column Gearshift GREAT CAB AND BODY FEATURES • • • . (ffi« J « ll » 'IS J » □ •« J f.tfn im , • Rugged. Rigid Frames • Hypoid Rear Axles New Ventipanes in Cabs Flexi-Mounted Cat* Improved Full-W idth Seals Adjustable Seat Assures Proper Eye Level • Clearance • One lot of blouses, values to $4.98 at • Unit-Design Bodies • Pick-Up Bodies with Flush Skid 25 Strips • Insulated Panel Bodies • Extra-Strong Stake Bodies . Full-W idth Gravel Shield 25 • One-Piece Fenders • Counterbalanced Alligator-Jaw Hood C H EV R O LE T '«£**** « of Winter Merchandise!! • Large Door Openings . All-Around Cab Visibility . Side Doors Held Open by Over- Center Stop • Sturdy Steel Construction 1»» off on ladies’ and misses’ raincoats and jackets. off on all chenille robes. Many sale values in children s sweaters. One lot misses’ and ladies’ skirts, mostly all wool at ooO (M iveoifts IM UM tMAk AMT 0IH I» IIU C II BARGAINS IN MEN’S WINTER SHIRTS Clothing and shoes for the entire family. MARTIN’S KELT 411 SOUTH SIXTH STREET DRY GOODS & CLOTHING “Where Price and Quality Are Friends. CHEVROLET PHONE 4461 «AMTS CAVE JUNCTION We Give S. A H Green Stamp« PASS