ILLINOIS VALLEY NEWS Thursday, December 21, 1950 3 CH U RCH EPISCOPAL SUNDAY SCHOOL Episcopal Sunday school is now being held each Sunday a t 10 a.m. at the Legion Hall in Cave Ju n c ­ tion. An adult class is also being , organized. All are welcome. --------------o — SELMA BAPTIST CHURCH CAVE JUNCTION COMMUNITY Rev. Douglas Fields, Pastor. I CHURCH Sunday school, 9:45 a. m. George H. Gray, Pastor Church service, 11:00 a. in. 9:50 a.m. Sunday School. Young peoples’ meeting, 6:30 11:00 a.m. Church service; and, Ju n io r church, Mrs. E atherton ■ p. m- Church, 7 :30 p. m. leader. P ray er meeting, 7:30 p. m. W ed­ 7:45 p.m. Evening service and auditorium ; and Ju n io r and In te r­ nesday at the parsonage. The general public is invited m ediate group, Mrs. Sherier leader The congregation was surprised to each of these meetings. ------------- o and happy to have Reverend Col­ CAVE JUNCTION CHURCH lins of C entral Point in the pul­ of SEVENTH DAY ADVENTISTS pit last Sunday. Pastor—J. Apigian Mr. and Mrs. Collins sang Sabbath School .................9:80 | “ W onderful Jesu s.” It was a Church service ...................11:00 P rayer m eeting W ednesday. beautiful song. The topic of Reverend Collins CATHOLIC CHURCH sermon was “ Window Shopping. F ather Kelley In p art he said, “ So many things Held in the Catholic Chapel lo­ [ we look for and at are false, p re t­ cated on the Redwood highway, ty, oh yes, but they have no sub­ across from the Ranger station. stance. L et’s shop for the true Second and fourth Sundays at i values in life. I t’s tru e that they 11 a m . i cost something, window shopping does not, but neither do you have CHURCH OF CHRIST I anything to bring home. L et’s Preaching every Sunday morn shop fo r the things that Jesus tells mg at 10:30, communion services us will make life w orth living.’ immediately following at our His text was Titus 2-13-14, Second church house ju st south of J. S P eter 12-13-14 and Hebrews 12-2. Bedingfield's residence on the cem­ The Town Circle met last week etery road. Everyone is cordially with a large group present. The invited traveling apron was opened and we found over twelve dollars in one hundred and eighty-four last | it. Ruth Hill and Thelma Champ- Sunday. Charlene Welsh gave the object ney gave readings. Goldie Sowell and Gladys Cham berlain sang a lesson and Mrs. Freem an’s in ter­ m ediate girls sang a song from duet. R efreshm ents in Christmas col­ the Christmas cantata. Judy Roe celebrated her elev ors were served by Bertha Bouch- enth birthday. rr, Grace Causey and Dot Ham­ The Juniors with thirty-tw o ilton. The secret pak for the year present were the banner class. Next Sunday the beginners will was disclosed with many surprises. present a Christmas play and sing­ SUNDAY SCHOOL NEWS Sunday school attendance was ing. NOTES bright and beautiful Christmas F re e m a n 's A u to P a rts & S e rv ic e Cave Junction Let carols proclaim our t Christmas wish./ IS50