iw w vvw w w w vw w w vw v« R V V V V V V V V V V V V V V « « « « *! CHURCH N O TES : ave j u n c t io n c o m m u n it y CHURCH George H. G ray, Pastor 9:50 a.m. Sunday School. 11:00 a.m. Church service; and Junior church, Mrs. E atherton ««v v vv v cv v vv v vv v vv v w ' leader. SHOP UNTIL 9 P.M. EVERY FRIDAY Gifts For The Entire Family Complete New Line Of Electrical Gifts * Bob and Ruth Shop a « » » » * » » .» » .» * F-Z 4 THE CHORAL CLUB of Illinois Valley High School Will Present Its Annual 7 :45 p.m. Evening service and luditorium ; and Ju n io r and In te r­ mediate group, Mrs. Sherier leadei Reverend G ray's sermon last Sunday was a very helpful one. showing us how Christ is ever i eady to help us bear our burdens. His text was taken from Matthew 11 chapter, 28-29 and 30 verses. He told us how the devil’s yoke is very uneven, for we bear the weight of all of it. C hrist’s yoke is also uneven for He bears most of the weight. ‘‘For my yoke is easy and my burden is light,” Matthew 11-30. ‘‘C hristians have their problems, but sin has its consequences,” was one point he made. The choir sang “ Beyond the Sunset.” Mrs. Freem an is doing a very fine work in directing the young folks’ choir. S U N D A Y SCHOO L N EW S A ttendance at Sunday school was back up again last week to one hundred and seventy-eight. N athan W elsh told a story on the stew ardship of the gospel. Mrs. C arothers and her class of interm ediate hoys gave the lesson on stew ardship of the church and what C hristians should do with their lives. The beginners were the banner class with forty-one present. Christmas Concert on TUESDAY, DECEMBER 19, at 8 P. M. at the Ivy Theater Admission Watch Repairing ADULTS 50c H IG H SCH O O L S T U D E N T S 35c C H IL D R E N 25c See — V ~ J. L. NEILSEN This A dvertiiem ent C ourte.y W atchm aker and Jeweler FRENCH 520 E ast H S treet LAUNDRY G rants Pass, Oregon G R A N TS PASS E PIS C O PA L S U N D A Y SCHOOL Episcopal Sunday school is now being held each Sunday at 10 a.m. it the Legion Hall in Cave Ju n c ­ ión. An adult class is also being ■rganized. All are welcome. - o IL L IN O IS V A L L E Y N EW S Thur.day, December 14, 1950 A S S E M B L Y O P COD Missionary Society Party Kerby, Oregon Rev. D. B. W antland, pastor A nnouncem ents: Sunday school, 10 a.m. S E LM A B A P T IS T C H U R C H C.A., 6:30 p.m. Rev. Douglas Fields, Pastor. Morning worship, 11 a. m. Sunday school, 9:45 a. m. Evening service, 7 :30 p.m. Church service, 11:00 a. m. W ednesday prayer m eeting and Young peoples’ meeting. 6:30 Bible study, 7:30 p.m. p. m. A ttendance at Sunday school is Church, 7 :30 p. m. growing again, though many were P rayer meeting, 7:30 p. m. W ed­ absent due to sickness. nesday at the parsonage. Those who were privileged to The general public is invited attend the Branham meetings at to each of these meetings. G rants Pass report wonderful things as the result of prayer and faith in God. On Sunday, the last FO U RSQ U A RE C H U R C H day of these services, many hun­ Rev. W alter Huss, pastor dreds of people were turned away Rev. Rosalie Huss, co-pastor being unable to get into the ta b ­ Invite you to the following ernacle. services: On T hursday, December 21 at Sunday— 7 :45 p. m. the Sunday school will present its annual Christm as p ro ­ 9:45 a.m. Sunday school. gram . The program will be as 11:00 a.m. Morning worship. follows: recitations by the begin­ 6:15 p.m. C rusader service. 7 :30 p.m. Evangelistic service ners; “ The Real Meaning of C hristm as” , a pageant by pri­ Thursday— m aries and juniors and “ O ut of 7:30 p.m. Bible study. D arkness,” a play by the young Under the direction of the Sun­ folks. T reats will be given to the child­ day school superintendent, Mrs. ren. All are welcome. Mabel Yandell, the church is p re­ senting a Christmas pageant on C A V F J U N C T IO N C H U R C H Monday evening. December 18, of S E V E N T H D A Y A D V E N T IS T ? - 7 :30 p.m. at the Community church P astor— J. Apigian in Cave Junction. The pageant, Sabbath School ................... 9 :3( entitled “ Finding C hristm as,” in­ Church service ................... 11-00 cludes a colorful m anger tableau P ray er m eeting W ednesday. with a background of Christm as music. Everyone is invited to a t­ C A T H O L IC C H U R C H tend this presentation —• there F ather Kelley will be a treat for all the boys and Held in the Catholic Chapel lo girls. cated on the Redwood highway, Choir members of all the across from the Ranger station. churches are reminded th at the Second and fourth Sundays at rehearsal f o r t h e C h r i s t - 11 a.m. mas tree program will be held C H U R C H O F C H R IS T this Sunday afternoon at 1 :30 p.m. at the Community church. We Preaching pvery Sunday morn need every choir member from ing at 10:30, communion services every church in the Valley. immediately following at our I,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,, CENTRAL CAFE Will Be Closed SATURDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 16 TO FEBRUARY 1, 1951 ¡ 11111* 11111111111111 I t 111. . . 11 I t 11111111111111111111 • 1111111 i I I I I t i l MSI MSI I I I I I I t l t l l l t H i l l t i t i l l i l i t i l IIS IIS IH I H I I IIIS S III1 I sleeping wea r •0 The Christm as party fo r the W omen's M issionary society of the Community church was held as planned on W ednesday a f te r ­ noon at the church parlors. Thirty- two ladies were present, all of whom seemed to enjoy everything. Christm as giving was the spirit of the day, through the treasu ry of the society, and then there was a g ift exchange, followed by re fre sh ­ ments. Hostesses for the afternoon were Twyla Salvage, Bertha Boucher, Pauline Hembree and V. McDaniel. Harry Hensley H arry Hensley, 60, of Dryden shot himself fatally at 4:30 p. m. Monday at his home, according to Virgil Hull, county coroner. Mrs. Hensley said th at her husband had been in ill health and despondent for some time. Hensley was born M arch 25, 1890, in N orth Carolina. He had made his home in Dryden for 19 years. The deceased is survived by his widow, Zelma Hensley of D ryden; two sons, Ben A. of Dryden and W. W. Hensley of C entral Point, and a daughter, Barbara Jane Robinson, Salem. The rem ains are at the Hull and Hull m ortuary in G rants Pass. church house ju st south of J. S. Bedingfield’s residence on the cem­ etery road. Everyone is cordially invited. ------------- o - . ■ Christian Science Churchee / / p O D the Only Cause and U Crt eator” was the subject of the L e s s o n - S e r m o n in all Churches of Christ, Scientist, on Sunday, December 3. The Golden Text was, “Lord, thou art God, which hast made heaven and earth, and the sea, and all that in them is” (Acts 4:24). Among the citations which comprised the Lesson - Serm on was the following from the Bible: •‘I am the Lord, and there is none else, there is no God be­ side m e” (Isa. 45:5), together w ith the following correlative passage from the C hristian Sci­ ence textbook, “Science and Health w ith Key to the S crip­ tures" by M ary Baker Eddy: "A belief in other gods, other crea­ tors, and other creations m ust go down before C hristian Sci­ ence” (p. 535). DR FRED W TRAXLO R For the gal who demand» a hit announce. opening of h i. dental practice in association with Dr. Robert P lainer, Room 201 W in , B id ,., Phone 4511, G ra n t. P a .. for her money we recommend thia ”aofl aa a bunny*’ brushed rayon night wear. High style plua comfort at a reasonable price niakea it a good item in anyone'» budget. TO D EC O R ATE YOUR by MUNS1NGWEAR Christmas Table T h e b e a u tifu lly tailo red pajama* are aoftened by the round neckline with aha|»ed yoke tilled in with wool trim. In Aqua Mist, Horicon Blue, Hindi Yellow, ami Nap Pink. Sue« I I 20 Choo.e your place .e t t in , from our fine .election of Silverplate. Community Plate AND púd/e/w Come in today...let us show you the thrilling new WEDGE­ WOOD Pace-Setter features: Concealed Lighting, Recessed Control Panel, Sparkling Grid­ dle with Heat Indicator,Perfect- B aking "Low -T em perature” Oven, Smokeless "Flavor-Seal” Broiler, Spacious Storage Com­ partment, a n d m any mare exclu­ sive WEDGEWOOD advantages! Gas alone has an U N L IM IT E D Range of Cooking Speeds . . . Select any heat you desire. A.oiiabi.forwithoiu,p.»»< (Including L P Got 1 Y e s , yo u ca n also h a v e m o d e rn c o o k in g , r e f r ig e r a t io n , h e a tin g a n d w a te r h e a tin g about our L O W BEYOND THE C IT Y M A IN S . . . In q u ir e R E N T A L P L A N on ta n k gas sy s te m s . UTILITY C a li fo r n i a -P a c i n o SERVICE U t il it ie s C ompany The gown with its full gath­ ered h«>dice and \ -neckline ia a fashion favorite with those who like that aoft feminine tourb. In Horizon Blue, lluah Yellow, Nap Pink, Whisper W hite, and Bed Flamingo. Sizes 11-20................. • I .» 5 J S 17 R o g e rs B ro s . See it Today SERVICE FOR 6-8-12 PEOPIJv AS LOW AS 139.75 T ry OLUEN R Ü II OTM'iHHJ GRANTS PASS, ORE. PHONE 3174 G RANTS PASS Our LAYAW AY PLAN! S T E M ’S JEW ELR Y Cave Junction