CHURCH Billy” Craham Coming NOTES AUXILIARY NEWS IL L IN O IS V A L L E Y NEWS Thursday, August 24, 1950 Early next month (date to be A special meeting of the new announced next week) there is to officers was held Thursday July be a great rally in the High 27 at 8:00 p.m. The duties and C A VE JUN C TIO N C O M M U N ITY! Foursquare Gospel CHURCH I School Stadium at Medford activities of the individual officers Georg« H. Gray, Pastor when people from all the district- were discusses! and planned for Tabernacle Mrs. J. S. McDonald of Grand Mrs. Llewelynn, mother of Mrs. 9 :50 e.m. Sunday School. around will gather to hear this the coming year. Rapids, Mich., who was a house Hugh Foster is a guest at the Fos­ Rev. Walter Huss, pastor 11:00 a.m. Church service; and magnetic preacher. Many will go The Auxiliary met on August 2 guest of Mrs. Bert Watkins, left Rev. Rosalie Huss, cc-pastor Junior church. Mi's. Cross leader. from Illinois Valley and singers at 8:00 p.m. in the Auxiliary i on Monday for her home. A fare­ ter Court. Her home is in Loa Invite you to the following Angeles. 7 :45 p.m. Evening service and will be wanted for the chorus rooms for their regular meeting, well luncheon was given in he? • « • auditorium; and Junior and Inter­ services: choir. with 22 members present. honor on Monday. Present were Mrs. Barry of I .a s Vegan, is a mediate group, Mrs. Sherier leader Sunday: Extensive preparations a r e The meeting was called to order Mesdames Peters, Wilbur, Hamil­ 10:00 a.m. Sunday School house guest at the Burch home. 7:45 p.m. Wednesday, prayer being made and prayer meeting“ by President Hazel Henry. ton, McDaniel and Brown and the 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship and tearchers’ meeting. are being held. To this end “ Willa- Roll ( all by Secretary Pro Tern | hostess. 8:00 p.m. Evening Evange­ S. S. attendance was 106. Birth­ dora” has been opened for a morn­ Josephine Eleneore. * « • 5EL/W4 NEWS JTEMS day observed /or Carol Preston. listic service ing prayer service for any who Secretary and Treasurers re­ Nathan Welsh of Kerby had the (Mrs. Fritx Krauss) Thursday: Announcements were made of the are able to come, at ten o’clock ports were read and approved. misfortune to crack his collar 8:00 p.m. Crusader Youth Mr. and Mrs. Walker and «*> of oung Folks meeting at the church each day, except Saturday and Plans were discussed and made hone last week. this evening (Thursday) with Mrs. Meeting. Ashland conducted morning Serv­ Sunday. for the Jubilee— More to be puh- • * * ices at the Selma church Sunday. Freeman leading. The Rally Day Saturday: Also Christian people are asked | I i shed about it later. 2:00 p.m. Junior Crusader« Rev. Gray and wife are visiting which will be coming in Sept, for Next Sunday morning, two to observe a moment of prayer a*, After all committe chairmen the S. S. was also stressed, and j Last Saturday was our first that hour in their homes or where- made their reports the meeting :n Seattle with the daughter, Mrs. missionaries from South America Embury and family, and later will will hold services in the morning the “ Billy” Graham rally which Junior Crusader meeting. It was ever they may be. was adjourned. I he witli the son, Byron and family and in the afternoon Frank Steu- comes early in Sept, at Medford greatly enjoyed by those attend­ In the article about the Joint i at Untatillo. nenberg will show pictures on stadium, date soon to be published ing. We are looking forward to | Installation Ceremonies, your pub- « « • “The Martyr of Idaho.” These and a goodly number planning to these Saturday afternoon meetings Missionary Society Notes llcity chairman made an error— go from all the Valley churches. and are planning the services with The Missionary Society of the The article stated, Guy P. Me-' Rev. and Mrs. Collins and son pictures will be historical as Mr. In the absence of the pastor much inspirational activity for the Community Church had a very Donald of Grants Pass was Install­ Arthur were guests at “Willa- Steunenberg’s father was governor Rev, Louis Collins of Central junior boys and girls up to the nice picnic at beautiful Grayback ing Officer for the l-egion Post. dora” Sunday noon, also Mr. Bob of Idaho at the time of the sbory. Point had charge of the two serv­ age of 15. Park on the 16th of August with | it should have read—Art Kellert Edwards of Ashland and Mrs. ( harlotte McKenna of Josephine Mrs. Jack Prentice has gone ices of the day. He took for his Parents encourage your juniors j an attendance of fifty-five which ' as Installing Officer. Hospital. • • • morning text from the Book of to attend these meetings. Come included children and three men. hack to her girlhood kerne in * * • t rystal lake, Iowa for a visit, the Ruth, and gave a most helpful and and see how they enjoy these Our own pastor, Rev. Gray and The American Legion Auxiliary practical discourse. II i^ fine son. character building Bible lessons his wife were absent as they are j met on Wednesday August 16th Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Drews are first time she has been back in Don sang a solo “ I Am Amazed.” with good musical numbers and on a vacation trip to Seattle, but 'a t 8:00 p.m. Meeting was called in Portland on a pleasure and 37 years. Her daughter M lid red Mrs. Collins was at the piano. As band practice. Juniors interested Don Wantland of the Assembly of , to order by President Hazel business trip and will return this went with her to San Jose, where she will stay with tier sister and a prelude to the sermon Donald in music have the opportunity to God in Kerby was a guest which Henry—Roll call by Secretary Ida week. attend school. gave a personal testimony which learn to play an instrument in the made it very nice. Then we had Blue. was an inspiration to all who heard band. The pastors are in charge also as men’ guests Glen Champ- The Jubilee project was dis­ it. of the services. ney and Wilson Welch. Out of cussed anil volunteer workers THE MARTYR OF IDAHO Keep Oregon Green ! Next Sunday, if Rev. Gray is Our bus will pick up from 1 to town guests were Mrs. Adelia Mc­ noted. This is the true thrilling story still away, the pulpit will be oc­ 2 p.m., on the Rockydale Road Donald of Grand Rapids, Michi­ The Legion Post and the Eagles cupied by Rev. Collins. through Bridgeview and Holland, gan; Mrs. Mary Seat of Elsinore, had presented a projection mach­ I of the pioneer life conversion and An Ice-Milk Product -o down the Holland Road to Caves California and Mrs. Lester Boling ine and screen to the James Boys tragic murder of Frank Steunen- S E L M A B A P T IS T C H U R C H berg ex-governor of Idaho. The hiway, through Cave Junction anil of Grants Pass. The day was Home. The Auxiliary bought and Rev. S. H. M. Stainea. back to the church. spent in visiting, splashing in made green drapes for the living narrative illustrated by colored Sunday School, 9:45 a. m. The Teachers' training course the creek and mostly “eating” and room at the Boys home to enable lides is told by the son of the Church Services, 11:00 a. m. will continue at Kerby Assembly j was enjoyed by all those present. the boys to have movies in the tnurdeiM'd man and climaxed by the stirring story of the conver­ Young Peoples’ Meeting, 7 p. m. of God at 8 p.m., this Friday. All I day time. sion of the killer. Prayer Meeting Wednesday, are urged to attend. Chairman Mario White of Cards SINGSPIRATION ------------ o------------ This story is o j interest to 8 p. m. and h lowers noted the sick ones, every student for its historical The monthly "Singspiration" to be sent cards of cheer. B R ID G E V IE W C O M M U N IT Y CHURCH was held at the Selma Church with There being no further busi­ background, and to older people C A TH O LIC CHURCH For over thirty years the Com­ ; Rev. Jim Frost of Wonder in ness. the meeting was adjourned— who will possibly remember read­ Father Kelley. 1 charge. There were visitors from Pot Luck was served by the ladies ing and hearing of it. HeJd in the Catholic Chapel lo­ munity Chapel of Bridgeview. Tlie story will be presented Sun­ : Sundaes, Cones, Pints, Quarts, : cated on the Redwood highway, Where love reigns and God is real. outlying towns and representa- of the Auxiliary. Wm. D. Peay, Pastor I lives from all £he churches in day August 27 at 2:30 p.m. at the • Shakes and Malta. across from the Ranger station. Illinois Valley who came to enjoy Selma Church. Second and fourth Sundays at F .0 , E. NEWS i the music. Rev. Huss of the Gos­ C A V E J U N C T IO N C H U R C H Do not miss this story you will 11 a.m. The regular district meeting of of S E V E N T H D A Y A D V E N T IS T S pel Tabernacle who has recently Eagles will be held in Grants Pass never forget it. Pastor—J. Apigian come here from Los Angeles, sang Sunday August 27 from 10:00 C H U R C H O F C H R IS T Be there yourself, don't be one Sabbath School ...............9:30 a beautiful song, accompanied by Preaching every Sunday morn­ Church service .................lliOO his wife on the Vibra-harp, and a.m. to 3:00 p.m. All officers and to have others tell you what you : 620 East ‘E’ St. Grants Paas j ing at 10:30, communion services committees are requested to at­ have missed. Prayer meeting Wednesday. Pin all the churches provided some­ tend and bring your wife or sweet­ immediately following at our church house just south of J. S E P IS C O P A L S U N D A Y S C H O O L thing in the way of solos, duets, heart. The ladies need not be a quartets, etc. Although t h e member but they should bring a Bedingfield's residence on the cem­ Episcopal Sunday school is now WE NEED LISTINGS ON ILLINOIS VALLEY etery road. Everyone is cordially being held each Sunday at 10 a.m. weather was hot, all who were dish of food for the Pot Luck there felt the time was well spent. dinner. invited. at the Legion Hall in Cave Junc­ FARMS. HAVE BUYERS. Marian Wallace the Eagles tion. An adult class is also being Rev. Louis Collins, who was a former pastor at Wonder delivered candidate/or Queen of the Jubilee ASSEMBLY OF COD organized. All are welcome. a short message. Kerby, Oregon is busy these days scurrying about Rev. D. B, Wantland, pastor ------------ o------------ IV G A R D E N C L U B S A L E selling tickets that are worth Sunday School, 10 a.m. Mr. and Mrs. Russell I). Holmes three times their price in enter­ The Garden Surplus Product Morning Worship, 11 a.m. of St. Helens, Oregon announce 62 South Highway 199 Time— all evening services— sale of the Illinois Valley Garden the birth of a seven pound boy tainment value. So why not tell club is held every Saturday at 1 your friends about our little (Next to Farmers’ Market) 7-45 D.S.T. born August 10th. Mr. Russell Wednesday evening, Bible study p.m., near the Information booth Holmes is the brother of Harry Queen to be and vote by purchas­ of the Oregon Caves on the Caves ing your ticket from Malian Wal­ GRANTS PASS and prayer meeting. lace. highway. The proceeds of the sale Holmes o f Cave Junction. ’will be placed in their building j fund. Club ~NeivA ^ o c ia là a n d BRINY QUEEN Pioneer Realty Co. OREGON’S GREAT Christian Science Churches //YM1ND’ was the subject of 111 the Lesson-Sermon in all I Churches of Christ, Scientist, on I Sunday, August 20. The Golden Text was “Blessed be the name of God for ever and | ever: for wisdom and might are SEPTEMBER 4 - 1 0 his: . . . he giveth wirdom unto the wise, and knowledge to them Starts Labor Day that know understanding" (Dan. 2:20,21). • Prize livestock on exhibi­ tion, Among the citations w h ic h comprised t h e Lesson-Sermon • 4-H and FFA State Cham­ was the following from the Bi­ pionship«. ble: “Let this mind be in you, • Rodeo and Horse Show which was also in Christ Jesus” every night. (Phil. 2:5), together with the fol­ • Horse racing daily. lowing correlative passage from the Christian Science textbook, • Water Follies of 1950 — “Science and Health with Key Gigantic Aquacade and to the Scriptures” by Mary Bak­ Stage Extravaganza. er Eddy: "With one Fa’her, even • Free Midway Attractions. God, the whole family of man would be brethren; and with one ADMISSION 50c Mind and that God, or good, the (Fed. Tax Inc.) brotherhood of man would con­ C H ILD R E N 12 and Under sist of Love and Truth, and have FREE. unity of Principle and spiritual power which constitute divine Salem, Oregon Science” (p. 469). f STATS FAIR tetter sure Buy Chevrolet trucks with loodmoiter engine otter more net horsepower — proved by certified ratings on engines used as standord equip­ ment In conventional models of the five most popular makes, 13,000 to 16,000 lbs. G .V.W . CHEVROLET TRUCKS < - , i 'Setter ^Operation Chevrolet offers Valve-In-Head en­ g in e — ru g g e d d e p e n d a b ility , economy, quality. Chevrolet Cut* maintenance costs— makes real reductions in operating expenses. ie ffe r 'Resv/e. Chevrolet trucks hove led In sole» for eight consecutive production years— proof of owner satisfaction wfiich makes Chevrolet's resale value traditionally higher. BANK OF ILLINOIS VALLEY i I “O ur B ank” * t Member of the Federal Reserve System Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. Locally Owned and Managed, serving Valley far all hanking requirements. the and C6ewo/et y4ctowce - De&gn , Illinois CHEVROLET All types of bank Ioans available. * TWO * VALVE-IN-HEAD ENGINES • TH I NEW • SYNCHRO-MESH TRANSMISSIONS • HYPOIO M AR AXLES • DOUBLE-ARTICULATED BRAKES e ADVANCE* 1 Escrows end Collections handled. Money Orders sold, Safekeeping. UISION STYLING • BALL-TYPE STEERING Safe Deposit boxes for rent. I H GREAT POWER-JET CARBURETOR • DIAPHRAGM SPRING CLUTCH Percent interest paid on Savings Accounts. iee»MM s t s sts st M eeeeeeeteesttststsstteetM KELT 411 South Sixth Street f w CH EVROLET PHONE 4461 Grants Pass, Oregon